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Until Tia

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by K. L. Humphreys

  An Until World Series Novel

  K.L. Humphreys


  Other books by this Author:


  1. Tia

  2. Christopher

  3. Tia

  4. Christopher

  5. Tia

  6. Christopher

  7. Tia

  8. Christopher

  9. Tia

  10. Christopher

  11. Tia

  12. Christopher

  13. Tia

  14. Christopher

  15. Tia

  16. Christopher

  17. Tia

  18. Tia

  19. Christopher

  20. Tia

  21. Christopher



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  About the Author

  Until Tia

  Copyright © 2021 by K.L. Humphreys


  Published by Boom Factory Publishing, LLC.

  Edited by Edits by Erin

  Proofread by Author Bunnies and Evermore Edits

  K.L. Humphreys CONTRIBUTOR to the Original Works was granted permission by Aurora Rose Reynolds, ORIGINAL AUTHOR, to use the copyrighted characters and/ or worlds created by Aurora Rose Reynolds in the Original Work; all copyright protection to the characters and/ or worlds of Aurora Rose Reynolds in the Original Works are and shall continue to be retained by Aurora Rose Reynolds. You can find all of Aurora Rose Reynolds Original Works on most major retailers. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, distributed, stored in or introduced into any information storage or retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic, photocopying, mechanical or otherwise, without express permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, story lines and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales or any events or occurrences are purely coincidental.

  Other books by this Author:

  The Deadly Series

  Deadly Hunt

  Deadly Obsession

  Deadly Past

  Deadly Encounter

  Deadly Mistake

  The Working Girls Series:

  The Secrets of Life

  The Scandals of Life

  The Scars of Life

  The Surprises of Life

  The Heartache of Life

  The Troubles of Life

  Office Romance Series:

  Resisting the Boss


  Finding Home

  Egotistical Executive

  Killers in Paradise

  Bad Boy

  In Sickness & In health

  Back with Me

  Thank you for reading Tia and Chris’ story.



  Beep, beep, beep.

  The sound of my alarm rouses me, my dream lingering in the back of my mind but I’m unable to grasp just exactly what it was. I shift slightly and instantly regret it as I whimper in pain. God, why does it feel as though I’ve been hit by a freight train?

  “Tia?” The shaky worried voice has my eyes instantly opening. November. What’s she doing here? “You’re okay,” she whispers, her hand clutching mine.

  I flinch at the harsh light and my eyes once again close. “Wh…” My voice is hoarse and slurred.

  What the hell is going on? I’m not in my bedroom. Where the hell am I?

  Beep, beep, beep.

  I realize that it’s not my alarm that I’m hearing at all, but a constant beeping noise.

  “Tia, can you hear me?” November questions, and I can’t believe that she’s actually here. She’s supposed to be in Tennessee.

  “I can hear you,” I rasp. “What’s going on?”

  “You’re in the hospital,” she tells me and my heart starts to race; the machine starts to beep like crazy.

  There’s only one reason as to why I’d be here in hospital. Jamie Pope. My boyfriend. I’ve always wondered when this would happen.

  “How bad?” The words this time hang in the air.

  “Bad.” Her word tinged with anger. “How long has this been going on?”

  I don’t answer her, the shame and the fear are coursing through me. I never wanted anyone to know, to find out how weak and useless I am. The machine continues to beep and I feel her hand on mine, trying to soothe me. “Nov,” I whisper.

  “Calm down, T,” her hands clasp mine, “you’re safe. I promise you.”

  “Jamie?” Shivers run through my body as I think about what could happen once I get out of here.

  I hear the low growl and my body tenses.

  He’s here.

  “Fuck.” The word is harsh, angry, and clipped. “Tia, I ain’t going to hurt you.”

  The fear starts to ebb away as I recognize Asher’s voice.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper as the shame washes over me.

  “Don’t apologize. You’ve nothing to be sorry about.” His voice gets closer to me. “I promise you, T, this is never going to happen again. You’re coming home with us.” The conviction in his voice has me opening my eyes, he’s looking down on me with such a fierce look that I have to glance away, unable to bear him seeing the shame and vulnerability in my eyes.

  “T, girl. Don’t,” November warns me and I forget just how well she knows me. Even with all the distance between us these past few months, she’s still my best friend, the one person who sees through the facade I usually have up. The only person who has ever managed to knock down my walls. “You have nothing to be ashamed of, this is on that asshole, not you.”

  I nod slowly, pain radiating through my head as tears spring to my eyes. “Where is he?”

  “He’s disappeared, your neighbor heard the screams and she called the police. By the time they arrived you were unconscious and he’d already gone,” Asher explains. “You’re coming home with us.”

  I lick my lips, my mouth dry as I try to swallow. “No.” My voice isn’t as strong as I’d like.

  “T, he’s still out there,” November says and I see the tears falling down her face. “Please, I’m begging you, come with us.”

  “I can’t,” I tell her, hating that I’m making my best friend cry.

  “Why?” Asher demands, “Why won’t you come? There’s a good chance that he could come back and find you?”

  I nod, “I know that.”

  November gasps. “What? Why on earth would you stay?”

  I squeeze her hand. “He said that I was his.” My voice is getting weaker, my eyes getting heavy but I need to say this. “That if he couldn’t have me, no one could.”

  I hear Asher scoff, “So why the fuck are you staying?”

  “He could come and find me, Asher. I’ll not lead him to your door,” I tell him as I stare him in the eye. “I won’t risk November’s or my goddaughter’s life,” I tell him as I reach out for November’s ever-growing stomach. She’s almost seven months pregnant with their first child.

  I see the war going on in Asher’s eyes, he understands what I’m saying. If Jamie does come to find me, it’ll expose November to the firing line and neither of us are willing to do that. She’s his wife, the love of his life. She’s my person. The one that understands me. I can’t and won’t put her in danger. “I’m staying here.”

  “She’ll stay with me.” The velvety voice has me turning from Asher toward the door and I’m stunned to see Gabby standing there.

  My sister, the wo
man who’s always beautiful, pristine, and put together, is wearing sweats. Her hair’s tied up on top of her head, with loose tendrils hanging down her face, and she’s not got an ounce of makeup on. I glance at November to see that she’s staring at Gabby as though she’s never seen her before. I guess, she’s never seen her like this. “Gab, are you okay?”

  She steps into the room, “Am I okay?” Her voice vibrating with emotion, “My sister gets the shit beat out of her from her useless asshole of a boyfriend, she has two broken ribs, a broken arm, and a shattered kneecap. Not to mention the broken nose, busted lip along with the bruises around her neck where the asshole strangled her and she asks me if I’m okay? No, Tia, I’m far from fucking okay.” The tears start to fall down her face as I gape at her, “I’m pissed that you were going through this and never called me. I’m angry that I didn’t see that you were being hurt and I’m infuriated that that asshole has disappeared.”

  My throat constricts as I look at my big sister, in the past seven months, Gabby and I have grown close. She doesn’t realize it, but she was the only reason I stayed sane while I was with Jamie, having her in my life was the only thing I had to keep me going. “Gabs,” I whisper.

  She shakes her head, the tears falling freely. “You’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you back on your feet and then we’re going to rebuild your life,” she vows, her eyes filled with determination. “He will not touch you. Fuck him, he doesn’t get to hurt you anymore. No more.”

  “She’s right, he’s done enough,” November says through her sobs, Asher moves over to her and pulls her into his arms.

  That’s all I wanted, someone to adore and love me as Asher does November. But I knew not long after Jamie and I started dating that he was far from what I wanted. Soon, I became trapped and couldn’t find a way out.

  “I’m going to make sure the apartment’s secure,” Gabby tells me. “I’ll have it ready for when you’re released.”

  “I’ll help, I’ll have Kenton on it,” Asher tells us, talking about his cousin. “I’ll call him today and see when he can get it done.”

  Gabby’s shoulders drop, the bravado she had is gone and sadness seeps out of every pore. “Thank you.” She weeps, “I’ll never be able to repay you.”

  November shakes her head, “She’s my sister too, Gab; has been since we were six years old. I’ll do what it takes to keep her safe.”

  I’m unable to keep my eyes open any longer, the need for sleep is taking over. “Love you,” I whisper, “all of you.” I swallow past the lump in my throat. “From the bottom of my heart.” Tears leak from my closed eyes.

  “Same,” Gabby replies on a gasp.

  “Always,” November sobs.

  “Never doubt it,” Asher growls and I smile, the man’s a big softy underneath the gruff exterior.

  I fall asleep as they talk among themselves, I feel at ease knowing that they’re here and love me.

  I made a terrible mistake with Jamie. I forgot about those who loved me, if I had trusted my worth, I wouldn’t be lying here right now. Jamie damaged me, but he sure as hell hasn’t broken me. He never will, he never had the power.



  Three years later

  “Any luck?” Gabby asks as she kicks off her heels and lowers herself onto the sofa.

  This has been our ritual for the past three weeks, since I lost my job due to the company going under. A place I had worked for the past five years. Whenever Gabby comes home, she’ll ask me if I’ve found a job. It’s been hell, I hate not being able to work. Working as Mr. Eccles’ personal assistant was hard but also very rewarding. He was so generous when all the crap happened with Jamie, he checked in with me daily and made sure that if Jamie was seen in the building he was to be escorted to the security room and held until the cops came. Being able to return to work when I was able to, after the ordeal, helped me recover quicker. I was able to focus on work and that pulled my head from my ass and not think about what I did wrong to have a man treat me the way Jamie treated me.

  I said it once to Gabby and she lost her damn mind. She yelled and cried and told me that I did nothing wrong, that to even think that hurts her. I could only just stare at her as my strong sister broke in front of me. That night we both cried ourselves to sleep.

  "Not yet, I'm not giving up, somethings going to turn up." It's what I keep telling myself.

  She nods, "Of course it will. Until then, you have some savings and as I told you before, there's no need to pay rent. I was capable of doing so before you moved in with me, I can cover it until you find a job."

  I reach for her hand and squeeze it. Grateful that I have her in my life. "I know, Gabs, but it's not right."

  She scoffs, "Not right my ass. You'd do the same for me. I won't take money from you until you've found a job." Her tone brokers no arguments. "What do you want for dinner?" she asks, changing the subject. "I'm not in the mood to cook."

  I laugh, Gabby isn't the best cook, her food is barely edible. "I've already made dinner, it just needs to be reheated. Why don't you go and have a shower, get into your sweats, and I'll get dinner ready?"

  She sighs dramatically, "What would I do without you?"

  God, I think the same thing on a daily basis. Without Gabby in my life, I'm not sure where I'd be right now. Would I be this strong? Would I have been able to pick up the pieces to my shattered world and put them back together piece by piece?

  "You'll never have to find out," I tell her as I push to my feet. "November, called today," I toss over my shoulder as I pad toward the kitchen.

  "Don't tell me she's pregnant again?" November had her daughter July, not long after I got out of the hospital.

  "She is," I reply with a smile on her face. So incredibly happy for my best friend. I know that she's never been this truly happy. She's had so much crap to deal with in her life and then she found Asher. I couldn't have picked a better man for her. He loves her in a way I never thought anyone could, but I see now that it's what happens when you find your one. I'm holding out hope that someone, someday will love me like that.

  "What do you think it'll be this time? August? September?”

  I laugh, it's what everyone will be saying. "I'm going to say either June or August." I open the fridge door and reach for the lasagna I had cooked earlier in the day. I've made enough food to last both Gabs and I a few months in the past week. I get bored easily and I hate sitting around doing nothing.

  "I'm happy for her, when is the baby shower?" I roll my eyes at Gabby's words. Any excuse for a party around the Maysons and my sister’s all over it. Those Mayson men are gorgeous. Not one of them even in the slightest bit ugly. The genes they have are ridiculous.

  "I'm not sure, but no doubt November will tell us." She knows I’ll kill her if she even thinks about having a shower without me. Again. Although it really wasn’t her fault while she was pregnant with July, I was still in hospital when hers was organized.

  I hear her moving, "Are all Asher's brothers taken now?"

  I bite my lip, she never changes. If she could, she'd have shacked up with any of them. "I think so."

  "Damn," she grouses. "Why are all the good ones gone?"

  That's a statement I fully agree with. I've not dated anyone since Jamie and I'm not sure if I would be able to trust a man again, but I'm hoping that I'll find love someday. Right now, I'm focusing on me and regaining the confidence I once had.

  "When you find them, send one my way?" I ask as I put the lasagna into the oven. I had it already turned on before Gabs got home, knowing that when she comes home from work she's hungry like a bear. "Go shower, you've got thirty minutes and then dinner will be ready."

  The shower turns on and I start to make a salad to go with the lasagna and garlic toast that I'll be making. Gabby's the type of person that forgets to eat most of the time, if she's busy, she has no concept of time and will skip her lunch. So when dinner time rolls around she's hungry and will eat anything and everyt
hing in sight.

  Thirty minutes later, we're sitting down in front of the TV watching reruns of Criminal Minds.

  "If I end up dead, we'll know that it was that bitch, Fiona," Gabby tells me. "She'll go on a rampage because there's no toner left."

  I giggle, "Well we all know who'll kill me."

  Gabby's face loses its color, and I realize that even though it's been three years, we're still not over it. I'm not sure if we ever will be. But one thing is for sure, we've both learned from it.

  "Is he still calling?" she asks, the anger in her voice is nothing new. She hates Jamie as do I.

  "Yep," I reply, defeated.

  I've changed my cell number three times in the past three years and each time I do, he somehow manages to get a hold of the new number and call me. Every time I block the number he calls from, he'll call back with a new one. It's come to the point where I don't even bother to block anymore, I just try to ignore it. But it's getting harder lately, as I'm searching for a job and have to give them my cell number. Meaning whenever I answer the phone to a number I don't know, I'm unsure if it's for a job or if it's Jamie.

  "What's the fucking ass saying now?" She knows the struggles I've had trying to stop the calls and how pointless it truly is.

  "Same as always. He wants me back, he's sorry for hurting me. He loves me." It's the same shit, none of which I believe anymore. It took a while for me to realize that an abuser will do whatever it takes to get back their victim. He may believe that he loves me just as I believed that I loved him, but the truth of the matter is, neither of us loved the other. You wouldn't hurt the person you love. I'm strong now that I'm away from him, I'm able to see clearly and he isn't the good man he claims to be.


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