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Until Tia

Page 9

by K. L. Humphreys

  I reach out my hand and she immediately takes it, I run my thumb over her skin, loving how soft and dainty her hand feels against my own. She grips my hand tightly as though it's her lifeline. "You're going to be okay, they're not going to hurt you, I won't let anyone hurt you," I promise her, the mere thought of that asshole getting his hands on her again makes me want to kill him.

  Those images are something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. Yet more nightmares to have at night. The two most important people in my life have been hurt and abused. Never again. I'll not let it happen to them again.

  I keep a hold of her hand until we're in my office. Sully, Jameson, and Clive are settled in the seating area by the window and I pull Tia into my lap once we're at my desk.

  "Ms. Monroe, I know this must be hard, but thank you for joining us," Clive says with a smile.

  "Please call me Tia," she responds softly. "What do you want to know?"

  The respect is clear to see in Clive's eyes. "Tia, the last time you reported to the police that Jamie was in contact with you was five months ago. Is that the last time you saw or spoke to him?"

  She shakes her head, "No, up until three weeks ago, Jamie continued to text me. I never responded, I just got sick of going to the police and them not doing anything about it. I've kept a detailed record of the texts and when I see him. The last time was three weeks ago when he accosted me in the street."

  My anger starts to burn again. That fucker has been harassing her.

  "Accosted you how?" I demand, trying and failing to keep the bite out of my tone.

  She turns on my lap so that she's facing me, she presses her lips together as she searches my face for something. "I came out of the coffee shop and he was there, he grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into an alleyway."

  What the fuck? She never said a word.

  "I pulled my arm from him and told him I'd call the cops, but he just laughed and said that it wasn't going to happen. He told me that I'd never get rid of him, that he's watching me. He's always watching." Her last words are whispered but I hear them.

  "Watching how?" Clive asks and until then I didn't think they had heard her.

  "I can't see him, so I have no proof, but I feel his eyes on me whenever I'm outside, I know he's there, lurking somewhere."

  My blood runs cold at her words. That motherfucker is following her. Stalking her.

  "He thinks I'm his. He always says it. 'You're mine, Tia’." She shivers and I move my hand to her hip, my grip tight and she gives me a soft smile. "He thinks he'll get me to go back to him."

  "Not fucking happening," I vow, she belongs with me and Marcus.

  "I'd rather die than go through that again." The venom and conviction in her voice has every single one of us paying attention.

  "Tia, if you see him again. Call one of us, we'll be there right away and we'll find him," Clive promises her.

  "I'll program your numbers into her cell." I'll make sure that Derek's is too, I want her to have all of us on speed dial. "Go on, baby, you go on back to work," I say gently, hoping that she's okay, her body is still wrung tight. "I should be finished up soon."

  She nods and climbs off my lap. "Do you want me to get some breakfast for you all?"

  "No," I say quickly, a little too harshly according to her flinch. "Shit, blue eyes, no, don't go outside. We'll grab something once they’re gone."

  Her shoulders slump forward ever so slightly and I fucking hate that I didn't even notice she was afraid to go outside. "Okay, Chris."

  She hasn't noticed, but I sure as fuck have, she's shortened my name to Chris. Only those closest to me do that and I fucking love it. "Go on, T." I give her a smile, one that she returns easily.

  "That fucker is close, I know it," Clive says once she leaves my office.

  "I agree, as much as it fucking pains me to say, that asshole isn't finished with her yet."

  Sully nods, "Then we just have to ensure she's never alone. Whenever you can't be with her, one of us will be."

  "I suggest hiring someone who can blend into the background and keep tabs on Tia while also watching who's around her."

  Fuck, that's a good idea. "Set it up," I urge him.

  He nods, "I'm on it. If you can't be around, call me. I'll happily offer my services."

  Both Sully and Jameson nod in agreement.

  My chest burns with gratitude. Damn, I'm fucking lucky to have such good friends.

  "Appreciate it," I mutter.

  Tonight, Tia's staying with me. I need her close.



  "Tia?" Marcus calls from his room, his voice hesitant.

  "Yeah?" I call out as I move toward his bedroom, "You okay?" I push open the door and see him sitting on the floor, a pencil in his hand and his eyes on the picture he drew. I step in closer to him and swallow past the lump in my throat when I realize that he’s drawn a picture of me.

  "Do you think Gabby will like it?" The uncertainty in his voice makes me want to pull him into my arms and hold him tight, but I can’t. Marcus is the most affectionate little boy—when he makes the first move. He doesn't like it if I initiate it. I learned that in the very first week we met.

  My heart swells at his words. Damn, he's the sweetest kid I've ever known. "I know she will." and she really will, she'd love it because he made it for her and that's it.

  He grins at me showing off his teeth as he does. "Do you think Daddy will be home before we have to leave?"

  It's been four days since Christopher told me that he had Clive look into me and Jamie. I should be mad, but I'm not. He didn't do it maliciously, he wanted to know if there was any threat to me—which there is. I'm nervous because since Christopher and I have been together, Jamie's been quiet and that's not like him. He's planning something, I can feel it in my bones.

  These past four days, Christopher hasn't let me out of his sight. I'm either at the office with him or I'm at his house. I've spent every night here, each night in the spare room and yet when I crawl into bed all I want to do is be with Chris, for him to hold me in his arms. I feel safe with him. It's not something I ever thought could be possible, yet, here we are. I couldn't imagine my life without either of the Harlan boys. Both of them mean the world to me and I love them so very much.

  "Your dad will be home soon, don't worry."

  He shrugs, "Has he found Mom yet?"

  My heart stutters at his words, "I'm not sure yet, baby, but when he does, he'll tell you."

  Layla is still missing, no one has seen or heard from her in weeks and Christopher is worried that she's biding her time, trying to get him under a false sense of security so she can take Marcus.

  "She hates me," he whispers and my heart shatters at his words. "She never wanted me."

  "Oh, baby, I doubt that's true, who wouldn't love you?" I say as I sit down beside him. I hate that she's made him feel so unwanted.

  He's silent for a beat and I leave him be. "Do you love me?" His voice is small and so full of uncertainty.

  "Absolutely," I reply, without hesitation. I do love him. "It's an absolute honor to have you be a part of my life."

  A movement sounds from behind me and I turn to see Christopher standing there, his eyes soft and a gentle smile on his face. I wonder how long he’s been there? "Hey, bud, you ready?"

  Marcus leans his body into me ever so slightly before getting to his feet. "Yeah, I made Gabby something." He waves the drawing in his hand in front of Christopher's face. "Tia said she's going to love it."

  "I heard, bud. Make sure that you go to the bathroom before we leave," Christopher instructs him, his voice hoarse, he's not once taken his eyes off of me.

  Marcus rushes out of the room and then Chris is in front of me, his hand outstretched as he helps me to my feet. "Tia..." His tone gravelly as he pulls me into his arms. "Fuck," he growls, "I want to kiss you."

  I smile, "So do it!"

  He presses his lips gently against the tip of my nose. "The way I wa
nt to kiss you, blue eyes, means that we're going to be late. When I kiss you I have no plans of stopping until you're breathless and your knees are weak."

  I bite my lip. Doesn't he know that every kiss does that to me?

  "I've been going slow, letting you get used to us but, Tia, I'm not holding back anymore. I fucking love you. I don't give a shit if it's too soon."

  My heart batters against my chest as I stare at him. He loves me? "Why?" I whisper, unable to keep the question at bay.

  His hand runs through my hair, "Why what, baby?"

  Hope rises inside of me, but so does despair. "Why do you love me? I'm broken, Chris."

  His hands span my face and he tilts my head so that our faces our inches apart. "You're not broken, blue eyes. Far fucking from it. That asshole thought he could tear you down, when in fact he made you stronger. I love you because you're an amazing woman who has the biggest heart in this world. I love you because even though you haven't said it, I know you love me." His hands tighten around my face, "But more importantly, I love you for loving my son."

  My throat lodges with emotion as tears spring to my eyes. "How could I not?" I'm still whispering. "He's easy to love."

  "He loves you too."

  I close my eyes. God he has to stop. This is too much.

  "Blue eyes, fuck. Please stop crying," he pleads with me as the pads of his thumbs wipe away the tears.

  "They're happy tears," I promise him. "I've never been this happy." And yet I feel as though I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. That something bad is going to happen.

  "Good," he says and I open my eyes, his lips inches from mine as he rests his forehead against mine. "I feel the same. I know that you're it for me, Tia. The way I feel for you can't be described. I'm going to love you until my dying breath."


  "I want you here with us, baby. As a family. Move in with us."

  I shake my head instantly yet my body yearns for it. Having him and Marcus is everything I could ever want. Living with them, being a family, is the ultimate goal, something I thought was unattainable. "We can't do that," I tell him as my hands rest against his chest. "I love you both so very much that I'm not willing to damage what we have, what we're working for. Marcus needs time, Chris, and I'm going to give it to him."

  His lips crash against mine—hard, demanding, and filled with passion. I cling to him as I get lost in the bliss of having him touch me. The kiss seems to go on for ages, but in reality it's mere seconds. When he pulls back, I'm breathless. "I want you in my bed, Tia..." I tense at his words, I love him but I don't think I'm ready for sex. "Just sleep, blue eyes. I want you to get used to me sleeping beside you."

  I'm unsure what to say, I want to try. I want to be able to be intimate with him and for us to make love but, the fear and pain that Jamie inflicted on me is at the forefront of my mind. The anxiety of having a flashback while with Chris is something that keeps me from moving forward. I know that if he saw me freak out like Gabby and November have that he'll demand answers. Answers that I can't give him because I can't open up the wounds and let them bleed. I can't face the scrutiny that'll come from telling him what happened to me.

  "One day at a time, baby, you climb into my bed, and if it gets too much, then I'll leave."

  I take a steadying breath. "I'll try," I promise him.

  "No pressure, blue eyes."

  "Daddy, come on, we're going to be late," Marcus calls out as he rushes into his room. I glance at him and see that he's fighting a smile as he takes in his dad and I.

  "Yeah, we'd better go, knowing Gabby she's probably already at the restaurant." I shake my head and smile. When I called her earlier she was so excited and couldn't wait. I step out of Christopher's arms and move toward Marcus. "You ready?"

  He nods his head as he gives me his biggest smile. "Where are we going?"

  "You'll see, I'm driving," I announce and hear Chris' chuckle. "Your dad doesn't even know."

  When we step out of the house my heart warms as not one but both of the Harlan boys take each of my hands. I give them both a squeeze, letting them know just how much I appreciate it.

  "You said a restaurant," Chris whispers in my ear as we walk into the diner.

  I glance around and smile, this place hasn't changed at all. Growing up, Gabby, November, and I would always come here. We all practically lived off the food here, whenever we were together we'd grab dinner here and hang out until we had to go home. Whenever Gabby and I needed to escape our mom's bitchiness we came here. It's been a while since I've been back and the happy memories are flooding back.

  I spot Gabby in what used to be our usual spot and make a beeline for her. She's dressed up to the nines as always, her face made up and there's not a hair out of place. God, she's so beautiful and she looks happy. Marcus' hand is once again in mine and I'm so proud to have him here beside me. I love him just as if he were my own and I know that if Chris and I don't last that I'd be heartbroken to lose the both of them.

  "T, you're here!" Gabby cries as she gets to her feet. It's then that I finally lay eyes on her new man, Zeke. He's gorgeous. Not as hot as Chris, but he's fine. He stands up with Gabby and keeps his hand at the base of her back. He looks at her the way that Chris looks at me and for that alone, I like him.

  She pulls me into her arms and we hug tightly. We've not seen each other since we spoke in the kitchen, I've been staying at Chris' and she's been working late so whenever I'm in the apartment she's still working. We've been leaving notes for one another as well as playing phone tag.

  "I’ve missed you," she says loudly before lowering her voice. "But you look happy."

  I squeeze her tightly, "I'm not the only one."

  She grins at me. "Tia, this is Zeke. Zeke, this is my sister, Tia."

  He reaches out his hand with a smile, I don't hesitate to take it. But when our hands touch panic starts to build, that is until Chris' body brushes up against my back and his hand rests on my hip. I quickly release Zeke's hand but offer him a small smile instead.

  Chris kisses the side of my head and I close my eyes in relief. Glad that he was here with me. It's weird, I never thought I'd rely on a man, or that I'd ever fully trust one. But with Christopher, I do. Implicitly. What he said today in Marcus' room resonates with me so much. He's it for me too. I know that for sure, and while he doesn't see me as broken, he also doesn't know what's happened. But being broken doesn't mean I can't be fixed and being with Chris, it makes me feel as though it could happen. That he could fit back together every single piece of me and we'd be happy.

  Gabby, being Gabby doesn't miss it and her smile widens. "You must be Christopher," she says and I know that she already approves. They shake hands before she turns to Marcus. "And you're Marcus. T, talks about you all the time."

  Marcus glances up at me, his mouth slack and his eyes wide. "She does?"

  Gabby nods, "Yeah, she loves you so much. She told me that she couldn't wait for us to meet."

  The hand at my hip tightens but I don't look at Chris, whenever someone is sweet to Marcus he finds it hard to take, especially when it's from me. The sheer emotion on his face when I told Marcus that I loved him was enough to make me cry, I don't want to do that here.

  "I made this for you...." Marcus says hesitantly as he hands her his drawing.

  Christopher's body is tight behind me, he's worried about what my sister’s reaction is going to be, but he shouldn't be. Gabby is the softest, kindest woman ever and she'd never hurt anyone's feelings.

  "This is the most beautiful picture, ever," she tells him with tears in her eyes and I have to look away, otherwise I'm going to start bawling. "You don't know this, but Tia is my favorite person in this world. Always has been and always will be."

  "Shut it," I hiss, as the tears slowly start to fall. "Gabs..." I breathe through the tears hoping that they'll dry up.

  Gabby waves me off and crouches down in front of Marcus and holds her arms out. It's my turn to tense as I wait to se
e what Marcus will do. He glances at me and then his father before walking into Gabby's open arms and letting her hold him. "Thank you," she tells him, "I love it so much. It's the best gift I've ever gotten."

  I cough, trying to get my emotions under control. "How about we sit and order, I'm starving."

  "Bud, into the booth," Chris instructs Marcus, who doesn't hesitate in jumping up onto the vinyl seat. "In you go, blue eyes," he says and I feel bereft when he removes his hand from my waist. I grin when I see Gabby sitting on Marcus' other side.

  "So how did you two meet?" Zeke asks us once we've ordered.

  I glance at Gabby and see that she's nibbling on her bottom lip, that's something we have in common when we're nervous. She hasn't told Zeke much about me. Hmm. "He's my boss."

  Zeke's eyes widen before he smiles. "What's it like working together?"

  Chris relaxes back into the booth and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Good, we keep things private. Work stays at work and our personal life is exactly that."

  I snuggle against him, loving how normal all this is.

  "Are you close to your parents?" he asks me and I see Gabby narrow her eyes, "Gabs told me that she isn't. I was just curious."

  Chris' arm pulls me closer to him and places a chaste kiss against my forehead and I see the questions in his eyes. Yeah, we'll be talking this evening.

  Gabby narrows her eyes at Zeke. "Tia hasn't spoken to our parents longer than I haven't." She keeps her tone even and I know that's for Marcus' benefit. There's two things she hates talking about and that's what happened to me and our parents. Both are things we'd both rather forget.

  "You okay, blue eyes?"

  I turn so that I'm looking at him properly. "Yeah, I'm okay." I truly mean that. I realized that with him by my side, I'm good. That he gives me hope for something I long thought was dead. He gives me the courage to be true to myself, and by standing by my side he helps me tap into my inner strength. Being with Chris I know that I'm safe and that's a heady feeling.


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