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Man’s Higher Consciousness

Page 12

by Hilton Hotema

  The vegetarian goes through life in that weakened condition, with his vitality much below par, but he knows it not because he never knew anything else. He has no reason to believe his vitality and health are not what they should be. He cannot miss what he never had. He is dying by inches all the days of his life, while believing that he is following a high standard of living.


  In the press of March 8th 1938, headlines appeared reading, ‘Man’s diet fatal to mice in test by pathologist.” The account said:

  “Washington, D. C., March 8th (AP)—Wanted, a strain of mice that can stand up under a human diet of cocktails, highly seasoned foods, hot foods and drinks.

  “Dr. Maud Slye, Chicago pathologist, said today that she has been looking for years for such a strain. She added: ‘The diet of man containing these three properties kills any mouse that I have ever tried on it’.”

  This is the conventional diet of the man of today, and people are constantly urged to eat freely of it to build up their “resistance to disease.”

  The body-adjustment-powers of a mouse are less efficient than those of man; so man is able to eat, and not drop dead on the spot, what the mouse cannot take. On that diet man dies by inches, and the basic cause of his demise is never suspected.

  In the July 1951 issue of “American Magazine,” appeared an article by U. S. Congressman James J. Delaney, “Chairman of the nonpartisan House Select Committee to investigate the Use of Chemicals in Food Products,” in which he relates some findings of the committee that are startling in showing how food products are chemicalized with various poisons. We quote:

  “Not long ago a frozen-food packer was told that his new shipment of peaches would stay bright and fresh-looking if he added a touch of thiourea. He tried it. The chemical worked a miracle of freshness and coloring. The shipment went out.

  “Another frozen-peach firm did the same thing. Before shipping out its product, it invited the local Food and Drug Administration inspectors to test the food. Samples were fed to experimental rats. Within a few hours they all died.

  “Several years ago a salt substitute was put on the market for use by people on a low-salt diet. It contained lithium chloride, a chemical whose effect had been only superficially tested. Three persons died before the ‘salt’ could be withdrawn from the market.

  “These instances point out a blunt fact: Our food supply is being doctored by hundreds of new chemicals whose safety has not yet been established.”—P. 19.

  There is no use covering more space with quotations from the article. It may all be summed up by saying that people are being poisoned daily not only by what they eat, but by the poisonous chemicals added to foods to improve their appearance, their flavor and their keeping qualities.

  Under the Law of Adaptation, the body is able to adjust its physiological processes to a surprising degree in favor of any substance, no matter how poisonous; and it appears paradoxical that the more poisonous the substance, the more the body craves it and the greater the shock when the body is deprived of it.

  By degrees the body will adjust itself to tolerate increasing doses of a poison until the amount taken at one time may be so large that it had killed the man quickly had he taken that amount at first.

  In the matter of food the same rule applies. It seems that the substances are most harmful which the body craves most, due to the greater adjustment the body must make in favor of these poisons. The more deadly the poison, the greater the degree of the body’s adaptation; and the greater the adaptation, the greater the shock when that particular poison is withheld.

  The substances that are the hardest for man to give up are those that cause the body to make the greatest adjustment to endure them. These as a rule are the substances that contain the most or deadliest poisons.

  As we ascend from vegetables to fruits, we find that the fruitarian takes into his body less poison than does the vegetarian, assuming in both cases that the substances have not been sprayed with insecticides.

  Man does not entirely free his body from the ingestion of poisons until he becomes a liquidarian and drinks only pure snow or rain water in regions where the air is not polluted by civilization. If the air is polluted, the snow and rain falling through that air is polluted to a certain extent.

  Poisons still enter the body of the Breatharian when they are in the air. The only air free of poisons and fit to inhale is that found miles from the centers of civilization.


  Some ask why man has teeth and alimentary canal if he was originally constituted to subsist on air and cosmic rays only.

  The body contains many dormant, rudimentary organs which once were developed and useful, as God makes nothing in vain. The teeth complete the mouth and aid man in talking. Certain developed organs in the body of the Eater will shrink and become dormant when man again becomes a Breather.

  There is a prevision and a provision within the living organism, by which it may anticipate future conditions, and may rise superior even to heredity as well as environment, until it meets and masters the conditions of a progressive or an established achievement.

  The prevision is the power to realize the ultimate effect of the unnatural use of any substance or thing, and guard against this effect by vigorous reaction, yielding to the inimical influence through the Law of Vital Adjustment only when the primary reaction is disregarded. We must never forget that such adaptation can occur only at the expense of a depression of all the vital functions, which must be injurious if long-continued or often repeated.

  On account of its theory of Evolution, physical science must see in man only an object that has existed always in his present shape and form not only, but has actually improved beyond the ape-stage where he once was. Consequently, his habits have made only minor changes in order to keep pace with his improved organism and his higher plane of existence. It is this theory which physical science must protect by opposing everything that tends to explode it.

  Contrary to the scientific theory of Evolution, there is not a scrap of evidence to show that any creature has ever improved when left to its own resources. On the other hand the rule is, that all things degenerate unless given proper aid directed by proper intelligence.

  The human body was perfectly constituted and designed in the beginning to meet and master all conditions to which it would be subjected in physical existence on earth.

  When man was a Breatharian, his body was equipped, in a rudimentary degree, with all the parts that would later be needed, in a functional degree, to prevent him from becoming extinct as a species, regardless of what habits he might adopt or the condition of the environment by which he might be surrounded.

  Evidence of this fact appears in the case of modern woman, whose clitoris is nothing more nor less than a rudimentary penis, as Dr. G. R. Clements showed in his work, Science of Regeneration. Why has she that rudimentary organ when it is of no use to her?

  Man asked himself the same question when he was a Breatharian. He wanted to know why he had the rudimentary parts and organs which were of no use to him until he descended to Gluttarianism. When his gradual change of habits made it necessary for his continued existence, that the rudimentary parts and organs develop and become functional to save the race from extinction, they developed to a functional degree, and now we think man was always as he is at present.

  Much light on this appears in Darwin’s works. He refers to the law of variation and says,

  “All organisms exposed to new and changed conditions, vary. Accordingly, there is no case on record of a variable organism ceasing to vary, when subjected to the Law of Variation. The oldest living forms known are still capable of further modification.” Variation of Species. P. 5.

  Kirby and Spence describe in their work under the Law of Variation how bees will change in constitution in one generation. They write:

  “If bees are deprived of their Queen and are supplied with comb containing young worke
r-brood only, by having a royal cell erected for their habitation, and being fed with royal jelly for not more than two days, when they emerge from the pupa state they will come forth complete queens, with their forms, instincts, and powers of generation entirely different. But had they remained in the cells that they originally inhabited, they would have come forth as workers.”—Science of Regeneration, Lesson 48, Chapter 148.


  Man’s body contains the vestigial remains of organs that once served a purpose. As he descended to lower stages, the organs that functioned on the higher plane were no longer needed, and withered and grew rudimentary. Modern science considers them left-over appendages of the ape stage. Some doctors say we know not whether they are coining or going. They are doing both—”coming” when needed and “going” when not.

  Dormant organs develop and become functional when needed. If the body contains dormant organs that were developed and functional in the Breatharian Age, they will revive and return to their former state when the demand for their use is supplied.

  We know little about man now and less of what he was in the beginning. We know nothing about a normal man if the term means original man. Variations from the original pattern are conditions of Devolution and not Evolution.

  Physical Science says man is ascending. The facts show the reverse. Nothing left to its own resources ever improves in structure and function. The course is always downward. Otherwise the lowest man, without effort, would become the highest by reason of evolution.

  We never rise by drifting with the stream. If we did, there would be no incentive for intelligent and diligent labor. Man follows the line of least resistance. Ascension requires work while descension is to drift with the tide.


  “We eat to live, and we eat to die.”—Charles W. De Lacy Evans, M.R.C.S.E., late surgeon to St. Saviour’s Hospital, London, in his work “How To Prolong Life,” P. 28.

  A puzzling paradox. If we eat to live, how can we eat to die? If we eat to die, how can we eat to live? That mystery we are now engaged in considering in this work.

  The Vegetarian thinks his diet puts him a big step ahead of the flesh eater; but the records show that the average health and the average life-span of the average Vegetarian are not above that of the average Carnivorian.

  In his reference to Vegetarians, Dr. Evans wrote:

  “Cereals and farinaceous foods form the basis of the diet of the so-called ‘vegetarians,’ who are guided by no direct principle, except that they believe it is wrong to eat animal food. For this reason vegetarians have no better health and live no longer than those around them” (Densmore, P. 303).

  We shall be guided by a direct principle in this discussion, and learn the reason why vegetarianism is bad, and why many continue to consume flesh in spite of the long campaign waged against the practice.

  It is well to remember that the less vital the body is, the more poison it will endure without uncomfortable reactions. When danger threatens and the body is too weak to defend itself, that man is in a serious state. Poison will not affect a dead man, and it affects a half dead man less than it does a more vital man.

  An example: As the killing cold dormantizes the peripheral nerves of the body, they become unable to convey danger signals to the brain, and the freezing man no longer notices the cold. In fact, he begins to feel warm, and then he becomes unconscious, feels nothing, and freezes to death.

  Most adults know that tobacco and liquor are bad for the body. They are nerve and brain poisons. The use of these lowers the vitality, and the body, due to a reduction of its powers, adjusts itself physiologically to their use.


  The same principle applies to eating. When the Breatharian ate his first food, its affected his nerves adversely, just as the first smoke adversely affects the youth. But the youth persists until the poisonous tobacco dulls his nerves and lowers his vitality; and thus his body adjusts itself to the use of tobacco not only, but in time comes to crave the poisonous weed.

  So the Breatharian continues to eat in spite of the ill effect of it, with the result that the body’s vitality was reduced because the brain and nerves were dulled. His body, thus weakened, adjusted itself to the unnatural, enervating practice of eating, and he began to crave food.

  And it came to pass that as the substances the Breatharian ate weakened his body, man actually eats to die just as he smokes to die.

  We must not miss the fact that he who eats has never had the amount of vitality that man’s body originally possessed as a Breatharian. We refer not to physical strength, but to that physiological vitality which carries man on through the years and keeps him as nimble at ninety as he was at thirty. For the turning of the earth on its axis has no effect on the body.

  We must understand that the process of vital adjustment necessary for the body to tolerate a substance it is not made to receive internally, is actually one of vital reduction.

  The enervated body will endure without protest a dangerous enemy which the vital body wars against and strives to subdue and eliminate. The symptoms of that struggle are termed disease by the doctors.

  It took time to modify and weaken the body so that it would not only tolerate, but crave the poisonous plants and herbs, termed vegetables, which constitute the diet of the vegetarian.


  Most of the vegetables man eats are not found growing wild in Nature. The fields in which they grow are man-made.

  God made no mistake when he covered the earth with trees. The science of forestry shows that deforestation lays the land open and naked to the fury of the wind, the scorching rays of the sun, and to erosion and destructive floods.

  Authorities on the subject assert that many waste regions and deserts were once teeming with fertility and foliage; and the existing sterility of these places is the work of man in the destruction of forests.

  Man’s burdens rise from his foolish efforts to modernize the Primitive and artificialize the Natural. Striking examples of the catastrophe that results from this work are the deserted Dust Bowls of the earth.

  Fields are artificial; annual crops are artificial; their cultivation is artificial.

  Fields are the work of man in his effort to “improve” on Nature. The cultivation of these fields is as artificial as the fields themselves. The annual crops grown in these fields are as artificial as their cultivation.

  All forms if artificialization disturb the equilibrium of Nature, and the results are always disastrous, says Professor John C. Gifford, University of Miami, Florida, who wrote:

  “Fields are sun-baked in dry weather, and muddy and eroded in the rainy season, where cultivation is entirely artificial, and where the equilibrium of Nature has been completely upset by the work of man. All these cultivated things would die and disappear without the pampering hand of man” (Tropical Subsistence Homstead, P. 95).

  The Vegetarian has grown vain in his conceit. He has discarded animal products and feels that he has found dietetic perfection in vegetables, grains, cereals, legumes and tubers. Scientific investigation and his own deficient physical and mental condition prove that he is no better off than his flesh-eating friends.

  Unbiased investigation shows that the modern Vegetarian is travelling the wrong trail. The things he eats are not natural products, nor the natural food of man. They are definitely artificial.

  1. Grains and cereals have been developed from insignificant grass seeds. By long ages of seed selection, careful breeding, intensive cultivation and constant fertilization, small grass seeds were developed by this artificial process into the modern grains and cereals.

  2. Beans, peas, lentils, cabbage, lettuce, celery, etc., were developed in the same way from the grass family.

  3. Tubers, which include potatoes, onions, carrots, turnips, beets, radishes, etc., are nothing more than wild weed roots, developed by the artificial process above descr

  Years ago Knight, in his “Vegetable Food of Man, asserted that grains and cereals have been developed from insignificant grass seeds now unknown to botany. Dr. Emmet Densmore, in his “Natural Food of Man,” wrote:

  “Grains are the product of the temperate zone, not of those regions where there is no winter; and it was therefore a necessity of man’s sustenance when he was without agriculture, without tools, and without fire, and had to depend upon foods spontaneously produced by Nature, that he live in a region where foods were produced at all seasons of the year. This narrows or confines the inquiry of natural food to two articles—fruits and nuts” (P. 224).

  Vegetarians hate to hear their diet criticized, and most of them refuse to read or believe anything that is not favorable to vegetarianism.

  C. C. Hibbs, D.D.S., wrote an excellent article on Dental Decay, in which he said:

  “Grains are responsible for nearly all of man’s disease, for wheat, barley, oats and rye are no more a part of his food than oranges the food of the cow, or grains the food of dogs and cats.

  “Man’s food consists of the fruits and nuts of the tree. They are beautifully wrapped and hung on trees where the common herd cannot get to them. Man is given hands with which to remove this food and its wrappings, and eat to his content and perfect health.”

  “Eliminate grains from man’s food and the decay in children’s teeth will cease. Tarter and pyorrhoea will disappear. The hospitals will fold up, and medicine will be a dream. All the doctors on earth and their ‘vast’ medical experience cannot disprove this statement.

  “The medical profession dare not take a group of children and feed them according to Nature’s law for a period of six months, and then truly publish the results” (You Can’t Eat That).


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