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Man’s Higher Consciousness

Page 14

by Hilton Hotema

  While the articles of diet such as milk, butter and cheese are less harmful than many other things men eat, they are not suitable for the body. Science finds that one cause of hardened blood vessels and tissues is the cholesterin contained in milk, eggs, butter and cheese.

  One scientist says,

  “Hardening of the arteries, which has been experimentally produced by other agents such as a high protein diet of whole wheat, is undoubtedly due chiefly to the deposit of cholesterin along their interior walls.

  “Also, it is an interesting fact that just as the excess of cholesterin in the senile organism causes the characteristic symptoms of arteriosclerosis, so it causes the increased incidence of cancers, tumors and carcinomas at the stage of life.

  “Every other animal except man is weaned in infancy, but man continues drinking milk or using it in foods all his life. Very few animals eat eggs, and then only during the three or four weeks egg-laying season, but man eats them all year round all his life.

  “Cholesterin is an animal fat found in meats, fish, fowl, eggs, lard, butter, milk, cream and cheese. Hence the first offensive in the attack on all disorders of old age must be a diet that excludes the animal products just mentioned.”

  The paradox that man eats to live and eats to die explains itself as we proceed. A child can understand that if a man live 200 years on a diet of camel’s milk, or dates and water, and only 50 on a diet of flesh, cereals and vegetables, the difference in the life-span depends chiefly on the difference in the diet and the other factors enumerated, such as climate, air, labor.

  We should not make the mistake of giving diet all the credit, as most writers do. Under the same circumstances, it is possible for man to live 200 years along with these Arabs, eating the foods of civilization, provided he keep down to a minimum the amount consumed so the body is able to handle it.

  In due course we shall cite cases of men who have lived up to 256 years, and their great ages did not depend entirely on the food they ate.


  Now for some facts concealed by the authors who favor Carnivorism and believe that a diet of fish, flesh and milk is responsible for the remarkable longevity of those who subsist on these substances.

  Animal food possesses a greater proportion of stimulating power to its quantity of nutriment matter than vegetables and cereals. For that reason it accelerates all the functions of the system, rendering vital changes quicker and less complete, and the general result of the vital economy less perfect.

  Moore demonstrated at the Harvard Laboratories of Physiology that a diet of flesh produces acceleration of heart action that is surprising in its magnitude and duration.

  After a meal of meat, the increase in heart rate regularly amounts to 25 to 50 per cent rise above the fasting level, and persists, in experimental subjects, for 15 to 20 hours, to reach a total of many thousands of extra heart beats.

  As the heart beats in harmony with the blood flow, this shows how much faster a stimulating flesh diet makes the blood move and the body organs work, as their work keeps pace with the blood stream.

  The findings of Moore were confirmed by Dr. Arthur Hunter, actuary of the New York Life Insurance Company. His investigation showed that flesh eating quickens body function, heart action, and raises blood pressure.

  It requires the presence of internal poisons to cause the body functions to quicken in this manner.

  The stimulating effect that appears to result from flesh, rises from the rapid decay of the flesh. The flesh decaying in the digestive tract forms some of the most deadly poisons known to chemists. The body intelligence senses the danger and knows the poisons must be eliminated quickly to minimize the damage to the tissues and organs. So the speed of all functions is increased to cast out the dangerous enemy as soon as possible.

  We now meet another paradox. The quickened functions make the man feel stronger, and he gives credit for it to the flesh he ate. He is right, but how ignorant he is of the price he pays for that temporary increase of vitality.

  There is no law of organic life, extending over the whole animal and vegetal kingdom, more general and more certain than this: The slower the growth of organic bodies, consistently with the healthy and vigorous condition and action of the vital powers, the more perfect and symmetrical is the general development.

  In the vital economy of the human body, all the changes concerned in the development and maintenance of the system are the most healthfully slow and complete when the food consists of fruits.

  It follows from every known physiological principle in the human constitution, that—all other things being equal—a diet of fruit is most conducive to the completeness of bodily development and perfectness of symmetry and beauty.


  The rapid transformation of the tissues in the carnivora is a condition of their existence. It is only as the result of the change of matter in the body that its vital organs are the better protected from the damage resulting from the poisons generated by decaying flesh in the bowels and blood.

  Another fact is worthy of observation in connection with our subject. So far as chemical tests are concerned, the chyle of all animals is the same, from whatever kind of food it may be formed. But as to its physiological qualities and its relations to the vital economy, its character varies with the foods consumed.

  Physiologists unite in stating that chyle formed from flesh food will putrefy in three or four days at the longest, while chyle formed vegetable food, because of its greater purity, may be kept for many days without becoming putrid.

  They find that human blood formed of flesh food will putrefy, when taken from the living blood-vessel, in a much shorter time than that formed of vegetal aliment; and that, other things being equal, there is always a greater febrile and putrescent tendency in the living body of those who subsist largely on flesh, than in those who subsist wholly on vegetables.

  If two healthy, robust men of the same age, the one subsisting mostly on flesh and the other exclusively on vegetables and water, be suddenly shot and killed in warm weather, and both bodies be laid out in the usual manner, and left to the action of the elements, the body of the vegetarian will remain two or three times as long as the body of the flesh-eater, without becoming intolerably offensive from the process of putrefaction. This fact was fully confirmed by Majendie.

  It may here be noticed that the excretions from the lungs, skin, kidneys and alimentary canal of the Herbivora are far less offensive than those of the Carnivora. We know from this that the breath, perspiration, body odor, etc., of the vegetarian are not so unpleasant as those of him who eats flesh food.

  From the foregoing facts it may be concluded that the more rapidly the changes in the chyle of the Carnivora, the more rapid is the state of ossification, hardening, stiffening of the body. All processes of bodily decay are accelerated and the approach of Old Age is hastened.

  Hence, a diet of flesh is less favorable to health and longevity than one of fruits and nuts, which form chyle and blood less subject to chemical decomposition, and require less rapid changes.

  Hufeland said,

  “The more slowly man grows, the later he attains maturity; and the longer all his powers are in expanding, the longer will be the duration of his life. It is natural law that the life of a creature is lengthened in proportion to the time required for growth and development.”


  Most of the stimulating effect of flesh food rises from its rapid decay in the stomach, bowels and blood. The body strives to protect itself by an increase of its functions in order to eliminate the poisonous products as quickly as possible. As this is continued year after year, the victim is hurried to the grave.

  Haig said,

  “Seventy-five per cent of the most terrible disorders from which men suffer, rise from poisonings of unnatural food. In a way that there is no misunderstanding, Nature says that man is a frugivorian and not a carnivoria

  Another authority states that flesh as food is more dangerous for man than nicotine, because nicotine is a single poison while flesh contains eight dangerous poisons. He adds:

  “According to the universal statistics on mortality made by Westgaards, in England, where flesh is the people’s staple article of food, only one in every 100,000 lives to the age of 107. Of 100,000 new-born children, 30,000 die in their first year and 11,000 in their second.”

  “This extraordinary high rate of infant mortality has only one cause: The complete intoxication of the mother’s organism by the poisons in the flesh food, and by her inferior liquids which poison the child while still in embryo.”—Cosmotherapy, P. 284.

  The flesh-eating man is in a constant state of mild irritation, intoxication, rising from the excessive stimulation caused by the poisons of the decaying flesh food in his stomach, bowels and blood.

  This man has been a flesh-eater from childhood, and the condition is deep-seated and chronic. His body and organs are adjusted to it. As his nerves and brain begin to be comparatively free of the intoxicating effects, of course he does not feel right. The brain and nerves begin to call for their regular stimulant; they are used to it, adapted to it, and crave it. If the flesh and coffee and toast come not at the accustomed time, they protest.

  Alcoholic intoxication is that state in which the poison dulls the brain and nerves. Polluted air produces the same deadly effect. So does any poison if it is powerful enough, or enough of it is taken.

  The flesh-eater, coffee and coke drinker, the smoker—they are all In a state of chronic autointoxication. When deprived of their indulgences, the effects begin to wear off, and the nerves wake up. Then trouble starts.

  If the condition of autointoxication is mild, the symptoms are mild. If advanced, the symptoms are stronger, and give the victim more trouble.

  The sensations of hunger, uneasiness, nervousness, weakness, are the symptoms of the protesting nerves as they begin to revive from their chronically poisoned state.

  The trouble frightens the victim and he sees his doctor, who administers another poison to dull and weaken the protesting nerves. That stops the symptoms and “cures” the patient.

  When the body becomes adjusted to this chronic condition, it cries out for the stimulating poisons which keep it in that state. It craves them; it must have them. The nerves protest when the stimulating poisons are not forthcoming. Then a substitute is given in the shape of drug and serum poisons.

  We build the world in which we live. To change our world we must change ourselves. Our mode of living builds our cravings, aches and pains. We should know our bad habits and conquer them. We should know what to eat and drink, how to live in harmony with cosmic law—and live accordingly. There is no substitute.


  We have heard of trichinosis. Trichinella Spiralis is a parasite that imbeds itself in the muscular tissues of animals in the form of encysted worms. They infest dogs, cats, rats, hogs and other animals, live on garbage and decaying animal and vegetal matter. The worms get into the bodies of people who eat pork not cooked sufficiently to kill them.

  A recent article in the Therapeutic Digest stated that, through a special technique that shows up trichinosis, post-mortems have shown that in Cleveland 35% of the inhabitants had trichinosis when they died; 24% in Washington; 31% in Minneapolis and Rochester; 43% in San Francisco; 49% in Boston; and that 48 million people in the nation have trichinosis.

  If you must eat flesh and do not want worms working in your body, have your flesh well-cooked to kill the worms. It is better to have the worms dead in your body than alive.

  We do not recommend flesh eating. But as one moves back to a diet of fresh fruit, one may use unpasteurized milk, cheese and butter, without salt, until these may be discarded entirely. These substances are products of the vital processes, and do the body less damage than vegetables and cereals. No salt should ever be used on anything.

  Henry S. Graves, U. S. Forest Service, wrote:

  “To primitive man the forest furnished both food and shelter. Later, when he became a meat-eater, he left the forest for the treeless plains, where he found in abundance the animals upon which he preyed” (Mentor, June, 1918).

  One writer says,

  “During the Moon Period man was fed upon the milk of Nature. Cosmic food was absorbed by him, and the use of the milk of animals has a tendency to put him in contact with the cosmic forces.”

  The real Milk of Nature is that contained in fresh fruits, berries and coconuts. Man should change to this diet as soon as practicable, and then move on to Breatharianism by gradually reducing the amount of food and liquid ingested, and getting into the good air of the hills and forests.


  Common table salt is a compound of sodium and chloride, a mineral in inorganic form that cannot be used by the animal body. It enters the body as salt and leaves it as salt.

  Salt is a deadly irritant to all the tissues of the body. Put some salt in your eye and feel the distressing effect.

  Salt in food irritates the membrane of the stomach, and for protection, mucus is excreted by the cells. The salt passes to the bowels, the membrane of which pours out more mucus for protection, in time a catarrhal condition results.

  Any substance that irritates the body cells, causes the mucus membrane to excrete mucus for protection, and creates a catarrhal condition in time, no matter whether it be salt, polluted air, pepper, vinegar, spices or any other irritating substance.

  Salt irritates the cells and they call for water to allay the irritation. This creates abnormal thirst and results in a water-logged body.

  As the salt irritates the cells year after year, the cells and tissues harden, the blood vessels harden, the blood pressure rises, with its train of troubles.

  Some of the salt is filtered from the blood by the kidneys, and in time the irritation of the salt creates a condition in the kidneys termed Bright’s disease.

  Haig proved that salt impedes the elimination of uric acid, which thus paves the way for gout, sciatica, rheumatism, lumbago—all symptoms arising from the use of salt and treated as “diseases.”

  As you get older the flavor of food changes because the use of salt, spices and condiments has dulled the delicate taste buds of the tongue and weakened your sense of taste. Salt eaters say unsalted food tastes “flat.” It depends on what one is used to.

  No carnivorous animal in its native state uses salt, except as an acquired habit. Animals form bad habits as man does.


  The North American Indians used no salt when discovered by the Europeans. Chinese in the interior of their country use no salt. Most of the human race that subsists chiefly on vegetable food uses no salt.

  Dr. J. E. Cummins wrote:

  “I knew of a case of a little girl who had a craving for salt She would take a teaspoonful of it at a time when not watched. She was a pinched-faced little thing, and had hardening of the arteries, was wrinkled and appeared old at the age of four years.”

  Commenting on how salt dehydrates animal flesh, Professor Liebig said:

  “Fresh flesh, over which salt is strewn, is found swimming in brine after 24 hours, yet not a drop of water has been added. The water has been yielded by the flesh itself.”

  Dr. Bouchon observed:

  “Salt is one of the worst of social poisons. Because of its use, surgeons are constantly operating for appendicitis, gastric ulcers, and liver and kidney calculus. It atrophies, dries up or hardens the tissues, and causes persons with tendencies to arthritism to become stout, and those of lymphatic temperaments to become thin.”—Nouville Review.

  Dr. Hal Bieler stated:

  “Haig showed that in animals, such as dogs, and in fowls, such as chickens, where a good deal of nitrogen is eliminated as uric acid as the result of feeding salt, even in very small quantities, the creatures soon die. Autopsy showed the liver and kidneys studded with uric acid

  “Our forefathers used a salt solution as an embalming fluid. The ancient Egyptians used oils, spices and salt in their mummy wrappings. Today we mummify the living with salad dressings made of mineral oils, spices and salt. You see these mummies walking the streets. The dry skin; shrunken bodies and faded hair bespeak the hardened livers and sclerotic kidneys. It is hardly necessary to embalm such bodies after they are dead, for they are already pickled to the gills.

  “The action of salt on hogs, rabbits, etc., is to paralyze the muscles of the hind quarters and the animal sinks to the ground. Later the muscles of the lungs are paralyzed and the victim dies of asphyxia. If this is the result of the consumption of salt by animals, it is reasonable to suppose that salt has a similar effect on Man.”—Philosophy of Health.

  Dr. A. Birchard said:

  “Man is the only animal that deliberately commits suicide by self-poisoning. He is the only animal that spoils his food before he eats it. The average individual suffers constantly from chronic poisoning of some kind, due to the food he eats, either in wrong combination or in excessive amounts, or by adding to it injurious substances to stimulate a jaded appetite.

  “Instead of fasting until he has no appetite for the simplest of foods, he tries to whip up an appetite by the use of irritating and injurious condiments, or he doses himself with poisons of various sorts.

  “He begins the day perhaps with a poison dose, in the form of coffee, to wake him up, or maybe a drink of whisky or bitters to get an appetite. Probably he finds an afternoon cup of tea necessary to relieve after-dinner stupor. At night he needs a narcotic to put him to sleep, and in the morning a cathartic to move his bowels.

  “With all his other poisonings, he spoils his food by putting into it toxic substances which, by means of acrid, biting and burning flavors, belong to the poison class and are not fit to eat. These poisonous substances, used for their flavoring properties and having no food value, are known as condiments.”—Philosophy of Health.


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