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Man’s Higher Consciousness

Page 20

by Hilton Hotema

  Another Indian at Panao, without rising from his couch, stated the number of men on foot and the number of mounted men traveling on a distant road, and even told the order in which they moved and the direction in which they were going.

  In 1896, while between Cayumba and Monson, Durand’s Indian carriers deserted. Other Indians, without faltering or hesitating, gave the exact route the deserters had taken and followed them for eight days across deserts, mountains and rivers where there was no sign of a trail or spoor, often cutting across country, and found the deserters exactly where they had foretold.

  According to historians and to Dr. Durand, the Peruvian tribes were able to receive such information of distant events by their ability to “read” the barking and howling of their dogs, and that this knowledge of the dogs’ language thus enabled them to receive information and full details of matters of which they would otherwise know nothing. In all probability this was merely an explanation to satisfy the curiosity of the white man.

  An amazing demonstration of the miraculous powers once active in the body, but apparently dormant in civilized man, occurred in Czechoslovakia and was recently reported in the Magazine Digest.

  It appears two young men discovered that after certain vigorous breathing exercises in good, fresh air, they could make themselves into human radio receiving sets. With nothing but a loud speaker, on which they put their hands, they could at will tune in any station within several hundred miles and bring in the music clearly through the loud speaker. They were investigated by reporters and professors, but no explanation could be offered except the breathing exercises appeared to be essential in conducting the feat.

  There are inexplicable mysteries in the air we breathe and in the various organs of the body, about which Modern science knows nothing. We have learned a little about these air mysteries by the invention of the radio-radar-television mechanism. Previous to these inventions, no one had believed in the air mysteries that we have discovered. We will recover more of these lost and miraculous powers of the body as we resurrect its dormant and deranged organs by living more in harmony with cosmic law.

  Carrel says that man is not confined to his body, but diffuses through space. In telepathic phenomena, he instantaneously sends out a part of himself, a sort of emanation, which joins a far-away relative or friend. He thus expands to great distances. He may cross oceans and continents in a time too short to be estimated.

  The hypnotist and his subject are sometimes observed to be linked together by an invisible bond, which seems to emanate from the subject. When the communication is established between the hypnotist and his subject the former can, by suggestion from a distance, command the latter to perform certain acts. At this moment, a telepathic relation is established between them. In such an instance, two distant individuals are in contact with each other, yet both appear to be confined within their respective anatomical limits.

  Thought seems to be transmitted, like electro-magnetic waves, from one region of space to another. We do not know its velocity. Neither biologists, physicists nor astronomers have taken into account the existence of metaphysical phenomena. Telepathy is a primary datum of observation.

  We know that Mind is not entirely described within the four dimensions of the physical continuum. It is situated simultaneously within the material Universe and elsewhere. It may insert itself into the cerebral cells and stretch outside space and time, like an alga, which fastens to a rock and lets its tendrils drift out into the mystery of the ocean.

  We are totally ignorant of the realities that lie outside space and time. We may suppose that a telepathic communication is an encounter, beyond the four dimensions of our universe, between the immaterial parts of two minds. But it is more convenient to consider these phenomena as being produced by the expansion of the individual into space.

  In rare instances in the polluted realm of civilization, it still occurs that strange intelligence is shown by a child of perhaps five or six years of age, and the child is regarded as a prodigy. Modern science is unable to offer any sensible explanation of this peculiar phenomenon.

  It may be a case where polluted air has not yet had time to dull and dormantize the spiritual centers in the child’s head, and it is able to contact and receive certain phases of Higher Intelligence direct from the Cosmic Source, as the Ancient Masters did ages ago.

  In a few years, polluted air has done its destructive work, and the child who was once a prodigy, sinks in the realm of intelligence to the level of the social pattern of the masses. Thus do we become what our environment makes us, while we in turn make the world in which we live.


  “We possess no technique capable of penetrating the mysteries of the brain....Our intelligence can no more realize the immensity of the brain than the extent of the sidereal universe....The cerebral substance contains more than twelve thousand millions of cells” (Carrel, in Man The Unknown. Pp. 9, 95).

  That overt admission of the greatest medico-scientist since Darwin and Huxley clearly exposes the falsity of medical claims about solving the secrets of the chemical, physiological, psychological and biological operations of the body, so fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14).

  In a lecture delivered at Dornach, Switzerland, April 1st, 1922, Rudolf Steiner said:

  “In his head, in the wonderful convolutions of his brain, man is the image of the entire cosmos. In the body of the mother the human being is formed as an image and likeness of the Universe. Man is first brain, the image of the cosmos. We can study the cosmos by studying the human embryo in its early stages.”

  When Cosmic Radiation starts the formation of a new person, the process begins with the brain, and next with the nerves.

  A 26-day old foetus consists almost entirely of brain substance. The body then looks like an elongated brain.

  The head of a normal, new-born babe is more fully developed than is any other part of the body, and develops less after birth than any other part. This fact indicates the relative importance of the brain.

  The brain, spinal cord and nerves are by far the most important parts of the body. These organs are found to be normal in persons who are said to have died of starvation. They are sustained by the oxygen and nitrogen gases in the air and the oxygen and hydrogen gases in the vapor in the air man inhales (Lesson 19).

  It is computed that civilized man rarely develops more than ten per cent of his potential mental capacity because most of his thinking and brain work are done for him in order to bind him into the social pattern.

  Every part of the body and every organ and gland are under the direction and control of the brain, through the agency of the nerve system.

  Without the five physical sense organs and the brain and nerves, man could have no knowledge of the physical world, nor of anything in it. He would not be conscious of his own existence. He could not be aroused from his slumber any more than a tree can become conscious of the animal plane.


  Modern science knows not that the correct interpretation of the first six chapters of Genesis and the Book of Revelation of the Bible, and the Ancient Science of Man, are concealed in his own body, and there preserved forever in the rudimentary organs, the embryological and homologous structures remaining dormant in his organism.

  People have been so completely blinded by the theory of Evolution; that they do not try to understand these strange signs of the Creative Principle, nor to discover their hidden meaning.

  The rudimentary structures in man’s body are not dead. They are only dormant, and are capable of rebirth, resurrection, regeneration and rehabilitation. When “born again” they will present that Physical Perfection in Man known to the Masters more than a million years ago.

  The Spirit of the Universe is in the air man breathes. Deposited in his blood and nerves, with each inhalation, is the power that animates his organism and produces that intelligence which directs not only the mysterious phenomenon of
Life itself, and the conduct of birds and beasts, but the course of the planets through the misty reaches of space.


  Spiritual Intelligence is a phenomenon so far beyond the comprehension of modern man, that the very term means nothing to him.

  One author says that “Radar is the new scientific name applied to a most ancient occult practice.”

  Birds live in the higher, purer currents of air. Their spiritual intelligence organs have not been crippled by the poison air of civilization, and much of their conduct is inexplicable. They fly in large groups, go in the same direction, perform in various ways, and wheel in the air as if controlled by one Great Mind. That is an example of the work of the Cosmic Mind in cases of animals whose spiritual chambers have not been crippled by poisoned air.

  The same delicate powers of electro-magnetism enable the birds to fly on a curve. These curves are derived from aerial magnetism, of which, so far, man is able to use only the north pointing vibratory rays.

  It would be preposterous to suggest that man can make what God cannot. Man’s skull contains the ruined remains of the most perfect radio-radar-television mechanism that one can imagine, with five tubes termed Sinuses, all of them dual purpose, with built-in radionet antenna, automatic power rectifier and automatic control.

  This mechanism in man’s skull is the original pattern that has been imitated by the work of art. The imitation cannot begin to compare with the original. It is only an artificial replica of what man once had and lost,—his miraculous unused powers.

  Man’s brain and nerves are the physical mechanism that releases him from his physical tomb of silence and darkness, and gives him all the knowledge he has of his physical being and physical environment.

  Before his perfect radio-radar-television mechanism was ruined by poisonous gases, it released him from his physical senses and physical environment, nullified the illusion of space and time, and revealed his dual personality, to the effect that he is temporal in the physical and eternal in the spiritual.

  Then the Spiritual Light of the Cosmos illuminated the Field of Infinitude in man’s physical consciousness, and his Spiritual Consciousness, becoming active, made him omniscient for that period. The past and the future, space and time, vanished and became for him the Eternal Present.

  In the realm of Spiritual Intelligence, the first new psychic sensation is that of a strange duality in oneself. As this change comes, man finds himself in a world entirely new and unknown to him. It has nothing in common with the physical world. It has no sides nor limits; all is visible at once at every point. Everything is unified, linked together. Everything is explained by something else, which in its turn explains another thing. To describe the first impressions or sensations, it is necessary to describe all at once.

  Should one attempt to describe the realm of Spiritual Intelligence, one has no words for that purpose. Language that describes the physical world cannot describe the Spiritual.

  That is the reason why one who has had mystical experiences uses, for expressing them, those forms of images and words of the physical world. But these describe the physical world and not the Spiritual.

  Therefore, one who returns from the realm of Spiritual Intelligence, the mystical states of consciousness, cannot describe one’s experiences because it cannot be done in the language of the physical world, and one knows no other.


  Man’s body is composed of trillions of cells. Each cell is composed of millions of atoms, each of which is a miniature solar system, with “planets” in the form of electrons whirling at tremendous speed round a common center of attraction.

  The cells of man’s body are intelligentized by Cosmic Consciousness, and animatized by Cosmic Force.

  Man’s intelligence comes through his cells, direct from the Cosmic Source. Cosmic Intelligence is limited in man due to his limited capacity to receive and express it. This capacity arranges men into many classes; and those of each class express intelligence according to the condition of the body. The more perfect the body, the greater the intelligence it will express.

  Man is a creature of vibratory impressions received from Cosmic Rays. This makes modern man’s capacity of consciousness very small in his present degenerate state. He is dependent upon his five degenerate physical senses to contact the radiations of the Cosmos and these senses are more or less deficient, while his Five Spiritual Senses have been dormantized and rendered useless by the poisoned air of his environment.


  Naturalists tell us that there are perhaps five hundred other senses used by bugs, birds and beasts. Poisoned air has not damaged their sense organs.

  Ants, bees and caterpillars navigate by the sun or the moon. Their eyes can detect sun-rays even through clouds.

  Gymnarchius Niloticus, a fresh water fish, sends out electric impulses at a rate of several hundred a second, which create an electric field—something that degenerate man has difficulty in detecting. This fish feels things at long distances in this manner.

  Birds of prey that see miles away, do the trick neatly with devices in their eyes that enable them to keep their sight fixed, once they have seen something they want.

  Man can do this in reverse by watching an air-plane vanish. He can see it much farther if he keeps his eyes fixed on it.

  Flashes of light by fire-flies are code signals by which the males attract the females.

  Bats make super-sounds to guide them by echoes which few but they can hear. More surprising is the fact that some insects, which bats eat, have the ability to detect the super-sounds and thus escape the bats.

  Water beetles that skate on ponds move fast but never collide. Their sensitive legs feel the force of the invisible waves caused by the other skating bugs and that feeling tells them the direction to go to avoid a collision.

  The dragon-fly’s neck is its compass. Its head is large, and any object that changes its course bends its neck. Then receptors in the neck send vibrations to put the bug back on its correct course.

  Locusts have sensitive spots on their heads that detect any change in the direction of flight.

  Following mysterious highways in the sky, migratory birds travel north and south annually. From nesting grounds in the far north, to the south they go for the winter.

  Birds have done this in North America since the Ice Age, yet science is still uncertain as to how they follow their precise schedules and paths of flight, returning year after year to the same places in the north and the south.

  Many birds fly tremendous distances, sometimes non-stop, over thousands of miles of open ocean, returning in the spring by entirely different routes. No one yet knows how they navigate.

  Small Asiatic birds, migrating between Siberia and India, cross the 20,000-foot peaks of the Himalaya Mountains. The Pacific Golden Plover flies each fall 2,400 miles across an islandless course from Alaska to Hawaii, finding its destination unerringly.

  Long-distance champion of the bird world is the Artie Tern. Nesting as far north as there is land, on the islands rimming the Arctic Sea, these birds fly in early September across the ocean to Europe, thence down the west coast of Africa, and eventually to the fringes of the Antarctic Ocean, the south polar region. Returning in the spring via South America, the globe-trotting Tern covers a distance of some 22,000 miles in one year.

  In the field of television, Deslandres said that the homing-sense of birds appears to rise as to the effect of a mysterious electric perception. He wrote:

  “Birds can home over territory that offers no visible landmarks. I have seen a pigeon released from a balloon at a height of 5,000 feet. The bird was carried in a closed box. As soon as released, it rapidly described two circles round the balloon and then, without hesitation, darted off in the direction of its dove-cot 250 miles away.”

  The press of May 9th, 1952, told of a cat that travelled 450 miles to get home. The item says that A. S. Snyman took his two year old cat from
Groenfontein, South Africa, to Brandfort, in the Orange Free State, and left it there, returning home by car. The cat, very thin and about exhausted, showed up twenty-six days later at Snyman’s farm in the Cape Province, about 450 miles from Brandfort.

  In our course of study titled “IMMORTALISM,” we go more fully into the subject of the strange powers possessed by the lower animals and formerly by man, but lost by him because of degeneration. In instances of degeneration the higher powers always fade out first.


  Paracelsus said:

  “Man, as microcosm, is formed of the same elements as the Universe, as Macrocosm.”

  In the Sankhys doctrine concerning the twenty-five elements of Being, we are told that man’s five physical senses are only the exteriorized products of the five corresponding latent specializations of the primary ego-forming Conscious Essence or Soul Substance—the Department of Eternal Knowledge.

  So the Ancient Masters taught that as man is Microcosm, a miniature Universe, all things contained in the Macrocosm are also contained in the Microcosm in character if not in degree.

  The special sense organs in the perfect bodies of the Ancient Masters were normal and in sympathetic vibration with Cosmic Radiation, hence they could travel in a direct line, as birds now do, toward a distant goal that would be invisible and unknown to modern man. They were able to detect vibrations that our dulled, dormant, degenerated Spiritual Chambers cannot perceive.


  Consider man in a faint, or unconscious from drugs or anesthetic or injury. His body otherwise functions with normal activity to maintain physical life. Nothing is absent but his physical consciousness. The subconscious power, the inner, spiritual man, is intact, uninjured, unchanged, and active. It is only the physical aspect of the conscious mind that is inactive, functionless, as a result of which the open eyes can see nothing, the ears can hear nothing, and the physical powers of smelling, tasting and feeling are absent.


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