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Man’s Higher Consciousness

Page 23

by Hilton Hotema

  Animals know by instinct the value of exhalation. “The horse blows its nostrils, as does the dog, monkey or any other animal,” writes Professor Godfrey Rodriguez in his “Key to Life.” He said:

  “What animal has more strength for its size than a bull? When he blows his nostrils, it reacts like a fountain of force.”

  “The bull knows that the more he exhales, the stronger he gets. He will not take a chance with his nose alone. He is continually blowing, and the more he blows, the larger his chest grows, the smaller his waist-line, and the more poisonous waste he eliminates from his inner body through his lungs” (P. 9).

  In the function of breathing, exhalation casts out the foul fumes and creates a vacuum in the lungs. That process is aided by and increased by coughing and sneezing.

  How to help Nature: Cough hard, from the bottom of your lungs, then hold your breath, and the vacuum thus produced in the lungs will exert a pulling power that draws more poison from the blood into the lungs for elimination.

  Do this: Exhale to the utmost limit, blowing your breath out as long as possible. Increase the exhalation by hard coughing. Then hold your breath as long as you can. This creates a suction in the lungs that draws still more poison out of the blood.

  Ernest T. Seaton, in his story of the Coyote, says that old trappers know it is true, that when a coyote eats poisoned bait, it is wiser than man, for it knows there is but one way it can overcome the poison, and that is by vigorous exhalation. It knows by instinct what you cannot even teach some people.

  If the poison does not get in its deadly work before the coyote can take a long run, and if it can run long enough and breathe fast enough, its lungs will eliminate the poison and save the animal’s life.

  The poison has passed beyond the coyote’s power to vomit it up. It cannot be eliminated thru bowels or kidneys, and the coyote has no skin pores to sweat it out. So the lungs are the only channel of elimination. In most cases, the coyote beats the poison by exhaling it, just by eliminating it through the lungs.

  When the suffering body strives to cough out the poisonous air of civilization the usual practice is to take something to stop the cough.

  The body’s functions are such a mystery to many, they do not know that coughing is a natural process of emergency elimination, the purpose of which is to expel anything that should not enter the lungs, whether it be a physical object or invisible gases and acids.

  A cough is a sudden expulsion of air from the lungs, and the velocity of the air of the human cough as it leaves the throat has been measured at more than 245 miles an hour. It may well be called a super-hurricane, and results from the tremendous pressure built up when the inhaled air becomes compressed in the lungs before released.

  Coughing and sneezing are two emergency but natural processes of violent exhalation, of violent elimination, by which the body performs the important function of expelling poisonous gases and acids from the lungs by convulsive motions that send these gases rushing outward from the lungs with much force.

  Stupid is that person who attempts to hinder these beneficial processes. Remove the cause, polluted air, and the effect, coughing and sneezing, will subside.

  Man would avoid much misery if he was taught that coughing and sneezing are beneficial, emergency, eliminative processes. Then one would know how to cooperate with these processes of purification and not obstruct them.

  On the contrary, he is taught to use poisonous remedies to stop a cough. While he continues to inhale the polluted air which the lungs are trying to drive out by coughing.

  As the remedy “cures” the cough, he remains in the polluted air. He inhales it, it passes into the blood and poisons the whole body. If influenza, pneumonia, and death then result, he knows not that it was the work of the poisonous remedies.

  While in a certain room, you suddenly sneeze or cough without any apparent reason. As Nature’s signal of danger are unknown to you, they go unheeded. Could you read these signals, you would know the cause and immediately seek better air.

  If you sneeze several times in succession, or continue to sneeze for some time, you are told it is “hay fever,” contracted where there is no hay.

  In the Pathometic Journal Dr. J. A. Little wrote:

  “I have not contacted any one teaching the importance of exhaling. The doctors have been following the old precepts of breathing that have been taught down through the ages, that is, to get more air into the lungs, force it in if necessary.

  “The proper thing to do is to get the old, stale air out of the body by forced exhalations, to make room for fresh air.

  “When we get the air out of the lungs, we need to make no effort to get fresh air in. It will rush in to fill the vacuum. We cannot prevent it from doing so, for the air outside of our bodies has a pressure of fifteen pounds to the square inch, and when we make space for it inside the body, the air will rush in to fill it.

  “It is my contention, proven through many experiments, that the stale, foul air in the body has much to do in influencing our findings on the Kathoclast. Foul air lowers vitality; fresh air raises it. A clean body vibrates at a much higher potential than does a body that is filthy on the inside.”


  Atmospheric pressure at sea-level is calculated at 14½ pounds per square inch. An average sized man supports with his body a pressure of 38,570 pounds, equal to a solid cube of lead four feet high.

  Under such pressure the air rushes into every vacuum, and man does not need to worry about deep breathing with such external power to push air into his lungs. He should worry more about exhalation. When he coughs and sneezes, he should do so with much vigor, to push the poisonous air out of his lungs against atmospheric pressure. When it remains in his lungs it passes into the blood and is carried to all parts of the body.


  The press account stated that escaping chlorine gas felled more than 500 persons at a busy intersection in Brooklyn. Most of those overcome were quickly removed to hospitals, some in a serious condition. But no fatalities were reported.

  The gas, leaking from a tank being moved by truck to a Brooklyn pier, spread about two blocks in every direction. People on the streets began to cough, sneeze, vomit, stagger, then fall flat, creating a scene resembling war pictures.

  The gas, heavier than air, sank thru ventilators into the subway, forcing people to flee to the street, where they also toppled over.

  A man who was an eye witness, said he was walking along the street when people around him suddenly began falling like flies Like some others who did not immediately feel the effect of the gas, he was shocked by the sight, and said the fallen victims looked like dead soldiers.

  Not knowing the cause of the trouble, this man tried to help those nearest him, when he suddenly grew sick. He began to cough and sneeze, his eyes to water; he began to choke, got dizzy, and fell unconscious. But for quick help, that would have been the end.

  Women grew hysterical. All were coughing, sneezing, choking. They had pains in the chest, were dizzy and staggery like a man drunk. More than 20 hospital ambulances soon converged on the gas swept area, and provided inhalator treatment for the victims where they fell.

  A detachment of 100 gas-masked soldiers aided the rescue. Police, firemen and others aided in the work. Some 300 victims were taken to hospitals.

  Note the symptoms of coughing and sneezing—Nature’s emergency processes of eliminating the fumes from the lungs. The usual method of treatment is to stop the cough and this is called “aiding nature.” Stopping the cough, poisoning the sick is not “aiding nature.”

  This Brooklyn incident further shows that the air of the cities is so saturated with poisonous gases and acids at all times, that just a little more added is all that is needed to send city dwellers to the grave.

  As it is, city air contains enough poisonous gases and acids to keep city dwellers coughing and sneezing much of the time, and in the sickbed a number of days each year. The ultimate result
is early decay and early death.


  Mrs. R. M. J. of New York recently wrote us as follows:

  “What causes me to feel like I’m suffocating just as soon as I am about to go to sleep? I have to jump out of bed, shake my head and press on my throat, with a feeling that I cannot swallow nor breathe. Then my heart beats wildly. Is it a nerve condition? My doctor does not understand it. Eating fruits and vegetables and fasting does not help. Please answer and explain if you can.”

  These things are easy when one understands the underlying principle. The sensation of suffocation, gasping for breath, shortness of breath, labored breathing, mean three things:

  1. Lung degeneration,

  2. polluted air, and

  3. insufficient oxygen.

  The only remedy on earth is God’s pure, outside air.


  In January, 1940, the press reported that at Amsterdam, Netherlands, ten children were cured of bad cases of whooping cough by an airplane flight of 90 minutes at an altitude of 10,000 feet, in the pure, ozonated air.

  Following that remarkable experience, hundreds of parents sent appeals to airline authorities to take their suffering children for flights, to cure them of whooping cough. These appeals were ignored.

  The press of December 10th, 1938, reported Dr. H. Carlson as asserting that an airplane ride was foreseen as a cure for the common cold, and added:

  “Pilots, stewardesses and other persons who have much to do with airplanes, believe that a high flight would cure a cold. We made investigations among passengers, and found some 50 of them, who left Chicago with colds in various stages from the sniffles on, arrived in Newark, New Jersey airport with their colds entirely gone.”

  It was reported in the press of 1943 that some 26 persons, on a plane from New York to Los Angeles, had bad colds when the flight started, and all the colds were cured by the time Los Angeles was reached.

  Whooping cough is a big mystery to medical art. The medical dictionary describes the symptoms and says it is “very contagious.”

  Why is whooping cough confined largely to children? The better the lungs, the deeper the cough.

  In very early childhood lung degeneration is slight as a rule. So the cough motion, to eliminate polluted air, begins deep down in the very outer regions of the lungs. That gives the cough the peculiar, deep “whoop” sound.

  The shallow cough is the cough of adulthood. By the time adulthood is reached, the outer-fringes of the lungs have decayed and lost their function because of the damage done by polluted air. Then one has the weak, shallow cough. The weaker the lungs the weaker the cough.

  Whooping cough in adults would indicate good lungs. That condition is seldom found in civilization, where poisoned air does its deadly work early in life.


  “Without the meeting of the air and the blood, the life of the Temple of God would end at once. Hence it has been so arranged by Infinite Intelligence that the air and the blood cannot fail to meet. When the River of Life, dark with poisons, flows from the right ventricle of the heart through the pulmonary artery into the lungs, it always finds the air waiting in the tiny breathing rooms.”—F. M. Rossiter, B.S., M.D., Story of the Human Body, P. 124.

  What kind of air does the blood find waiting for it in the tiny breathing rooms of the lungs?

  Man knows that he must breathe to live, but he thinks the KIND of air he inhales is not important.

  We saw in Lesson No. 21 how little is known about the Breath of Life (Gen. 2:7). Less is known about the Breath of Death.

  It appears it is not known the function of Respiration is a dual process of Life and Death.

  Inspire, to live, carries Life into the Body; and Expire, to die, carries Death out of the body.

  Like all cosmic processes, this one produces results corresponding to the conditions supplied.

  Under the same conditions the same result is obtained. Under a change of conditions, it is evident there must be a corresponding change in results.

  Man has vigorous health as he supplies the conditions to produce it. He declines in health and dies suddenly or by slow degrees as he supplies the conditions that produce these results. It is all as certain as the rising of the Sun. No speculation; no guess-work. It is Cosmic Science.

  Man breathes to live and he breathes to die. Inspiration may carry into this body either Life or Death. Which will it be? He is the master of his destiny. It depends upon the KIND of air one breathes.

  Inspiration carries Life into the body when the air inhaled is fresh and pure. It carries Death into the body when it is vitiated. If the inhaled air contains enough poison, death comes quickly; and it comes by degrees, by installments, when the air contains less poison.

  A thousand persons died in less than two minutes when they inhaled the poisoned air in Hitler’s gas chambers in World War II. Twenty million people died in the influenza epidemic of 1918-19 from the poisonous gases of World War I which the winds carried around the earth. Millions all over the world are constantly dying by slow degrees from the effects of the vitiated air they breathe.

  The Breath of Life is the fresh, clean, outside air, charged with Cosmic Force, in which the birds and beasts live in health and vigor.

  The Breath of Death is the foul, stagnant, polluted air of civilization, in which civilized man lives in sickness and misery, aches and pains, and grows feeble and decrepit when he should be in his prime.


  Every person in a room needs 3,000 cubic feet of fresh air an hour. An adult poisons nearly a barrelful of air at each exhalation. The poisonous gases are brought by the blood to the lungs and eliminated. They consist of carbonic, lactic, hydrochloric, phosphoric and other acids.

  You have heard of arterial blood and venous blood, but probably never knew the difference between them.

  Arterial Blood is bright scarlet blood that flows from the lungs back to the heart and then out over the body. This blood goes from the heart to the lungs as a dark, purple stream of venous blood that has returned to the heart from all parts of the body and was loaded with filth and poison.

  This polluted stream becomes bright scarlet arterial blood as it passes through the lungs and is purged of its cargo of pollution.

  Cell function in the body liberates into the fluid medium large quantities of these poisonous acids. Each cell must receive a volume of fluid equal to 2,000 times its own volume, and a volume of gaseous substance at least 20,000 times its own volume, in order not to be seriously poisoned within a few days by the poisonous acids in the blood.

  This explains why air and water are so important in the body’s vital economy, and why man dies by degrees from inhaling polluted air that fills his body with ailments, the symptoms of which are given names and termed “diseases.”

  It is the marvelous perfection of the Blood Vascular System that enables the body to live with a volume of fluid hardly equal to one-tenth of its own weight. The speed of the circulation is sufficiently swift to prevent the composition of the blood, under normal conditions, from being modified by the products of cell function. But that composition is seriously modified by polluted air, the bad liquids that man drinks and the bad foods that he eats.


  During its passage through the lungs, the blood disposes of carbonic acid chiefly. This is the most common of deadly gases in the air of homes and hospitals, and is seldom seriously considered.

  This gas has the distinction of killing quicker than any other poison. Quicker than the venom of a rattler.

  That is the deadly character of the gas exhaled as the Breath of Death. It saturates the air of homes in winter when cold weather makes adequate ventilation impracticable. It is breathed over and over again, poisoning the body through and through, causing the members of the home to suffer from many ailments, including coughs, colds, sore throat, diphtheria, whooping cough, mumps, measles, scarlet fever, hay fever, smallp
ox, influenza, pneumonia, etc.

  It is claimed these conditions are contagious. That is erroneous. Many people have them at practically the same time because they breathe the same kind of air.

  Carbon dioxide is more dangerous because its presence cannot be detected by the five senses. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Combined with hydrogen gas, it forms the common fire-damp that sends many a brave miner to his death, and is the most feared of all under-ground enemies.

  Carbon dioxide is composed of one part carbon and two of oxygen in bulk; but by weight the gas holds 12 parts of carbon and 32 parts of oxygen. Both these gases are necessary to sustain the living organism, but in the wrong combination they are deadly enemies.

  The atmosphere contains about one part of carbon dioxide to 2500 parts of air—a very small proportion. But this gas has a tendency to sink to the ground in low places.

  When there are three parts of carbon dioxide in 100 parts of air, a drowsy feeling appears. This can be relieved only by fresh air. The average person knows nothing about that. He falls asleep in this polluted air, and if he fails to wake up, it is called a “heart attack.”

  When there are four parts of carbon dioxide in 100 parts of air, it is a fatal poison. When present in larger proportion, it is quick in its deadly effect and leaves no hope for aid or recovery.

  This gas sinks to the ground, and is sometimes found in large quantities in wells sunk in marshes and low lands. One author says:

  “A man went into a well in sight of his family. He failed to respond to a call, and they found him dead. His demise had been instantaneous. Thousands of such cases have occurred and are occurring.”

  The gas in sewers is also due to the presence of this poison. A man went through a manhole into a sewer only a few feet below ground level. Not returning in due time, a companion went after him. As the second failed to return, a third started to enter, but was stopped by the fourth. The first two were found dead, having died instantly by inhaling carbon dioxide.


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