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Lilith: Screenplay

Page 9

by Maximus Romulus

Lucifer’s debacle?


  AZAZEL So, you met Lilith, in person. And she presented you with this golden opportunity, and you refused.

  SAMYAZA Indeed.

  AZAZEL (sarcastically) Samyaza the warrior of righteousness. You ought to be elevated to the angel of virtues, instead of being a Watcher.

  SAMYAZA You've heard the rumors about Lilith, there's always a catch with her. She promises to do one thing, but in the end, she does something completely opposite. Besides, I didn't want to upset Metatron, and end up in hell.

  AZAZEL Come on, what’s the worst that could have happened? Consider this, Lucifer sinned, and he ended up having his own dominion. The earth is now filled with sinners, and as you can see, apart from being mortal, their existence has turned out to be far more appealing than ours. As far as Metatron is concerned, I’m certain that he will not risk reopening the gates of hell, for the fear that the rebels might escape. You would have been fine.

  SAMYAZA You may be right.

  AZAZEL I am. Take me for example, I fondled a woman once, and nothing happened to me.

  SAMYAZA But, she was unconscious.

  AZAZEL Nonetheless, here I am, in heaven, with wings, and all. Imagine us, in a human form, living in the mortal realm with all of our knowledge.

  SAMYAZA What’s gotten into you? You would be willing to give up your immortality for a swift lifetime as a human just to be with a mortal. Have you taken leave of your senses? Have you truly thought over this?

  AZAZEL I have. And, she’s not just any mortal. To me, she’s the most beautiful woman on earth.

  Samyaza mulled over the matter for a moment.

  SAMYAZA Azazel, Azazel, my closest and most trusted comrade. You and I have fought side by side, during the battle in heaven. Your knowledge in the art of warfare is unquestionable, but this venture that you are intending to partake in is uncommon to any of our kinds. Therefore, as a fellow Grigori, I’m compelled to accompany you on your adventure, as dangerous as it may be. I cannot allow you go through with it alone. May you find the answers that you seek?

  AZAZEL I’m forever in your debt. Now, let us go seek out Lilith. Perchance, she may reconsider her offer.

  SAMYAZA But, I fear that you will not be able go through with this Azazel, and I alone will have to pay the penalty of this great transgression, and be cast out of heaven.

  AZAZEL Oh! I swear to you. I will be by your side, every step of the way.

  SAMYAZA You better be Azazel, you better be.

  Samyaza and Azazel abandon their posts to seek out Lilith.


  Azazel and Samyaza appear on earth, on top of a mountain, far from any human settlement. Samyaza is surprised to find Lilith already standing there, waiting for them.

  LILITH Welcome to earth. I’ve been looking forward to your coming, Sam. Oh! Don’t look so surprised, I already know why you are here.

  AZAZEL (enthusiastically) We want to be humans. We want to be humans.

  Samyaza takes his time to careful choose his words.

  SAMYAZA We'll pledge our fealty to you, if you make us human. We want to have wives, and beget children. However, we don’t want to lose our immortality, nor our divine knowledge. And we most certainly don‘t want to end up in hell.

  LILITH Ah! I see. Given that you are already angels, I cannot transform you into genuine human beings. Unless, you want to be reincarnated at birth.

  Lilith waits for their reaction, but none is forthcoming.

  LILITH (continuing) But, you don't want to experience the tedious process of childhood. You want to have fun now. Yes? What I could do is, I can grant you interim bodies, so that you could immediately enjoy all the pleasures, humanity have to offer. How does that sound?

  AZAZEL Fair enough.

  Lilith blows a handful of dust into Samyaza's face. Then, a vortex of dust lifts up the two angels’ mid-air. Suddenly, their halos dissolve while their wing feathers get blown away by the wind. After the phenomenon, Samyaza and Azazel become fully corporeal; they shrink in sizes to resemble that of an average human male. They stare blankly at each other in astonishment.


  Azazel examines his new form. Everything seems to be in perfect order. He is satisfied.

  LILITH Enjoy! When these carcasses can no longer sustain life, I'll give you another one.

  Lilith disappears, leaving Samyaza and Azazel admiring their human bodies.

  AZAZEL This is awesome, isn’t it Samyaza?

  SAMYAZA Indeed. What’s the first thing are you going to do as a human?

  AZAZEL Find her.

  SAMYAZA Well, besides that.

  AZAZEL I don’t know. I never really gave anything else much thought. You?


  AZAZEL (chuckling) You gave up immortality, for food.

  SAMYAZA (jokingly) Oh! Shut up. I hope your woman, find me more attractive.

  AZAZEL (jokingly) With a figure such as yours, only your maker would consider you handsome.

  SAMYAZA (jokingly) Look who’s talking. I can hardly tell if you come from heaven, or from hell.

  AZAZEL (jokingly) You look like hell.

  Samyaza and Azazel happily walk down the valley talking about nothing, but buffoonery from beginning to end.


  Samyaza and Azazel come near a small settlement that is set on the foothill of the mountain. Suddenly, they notice the residents are fleeing in terror, so they went to investigate. As Samyaza and Azazel are approaching near the village, they see everyone else are running away from it.

  VILLAGER (running, and screaming) Run, men, run for your lives.

  SAMYAZA (stutteringly) What... What is happening?

  The villagers keep running away as quickly as they can. Moments later, Samyaza and Azazel find themselves directly facing a ferocious forty-three feet long, twenty-five feet tall bipedal carnivore, wielding a massive skull, with rows of lengthy curving teeth, and an extensive lethal tail. The tyrannosaurus has developed a voracious appetite for human flesh. As the villagers are scattering, Samyaza and Azazel confront the maleficent beast, who lets out a thunderous roar.

  AZAZEL How did these animals get like this?

  SAMYAZA Look out!

  The beast lunges forward, powerful jaw open wide. Samyaza scrambles into one direction, but Azazel can't go anywhere. His foot is stuck between two dead branches. He dexterously manages to free himself just in time as the beast approaches. He dives down between two fallen trees. Lying flat on his back, Azazel lets out a terrified gasp, as the enormous foot of the beast lands across the two trunks, mere inches from his face.

  AZAZEL Phew! That was close.

  After an intense battle, they manage to kill the beast. The people are now gathering around them, and the dead animal. Azazel and Samyaza become instant heroes of the village. A much older Enoch approaches them.

  ENOCH No man has ever killed a tyrannosaurus before. Where did you come from? How can we repay you? My friends come, come.

  AZAZEL We come from the north.

  SAMYAZA We, in fact, need to get going.

  ENOCH Stay, please. Let some water be brought, wash your feet, and rest yourselves a bit.

  Samyaza and Azazel are considering Enoch’s offer.

  ENOCH (calling) Ishtar, Atta, come out here.

  Then, two of the most beautiful women Azazel and Samyaza have ever seen, comes walking out of a tent next to them.

  ENOCH These are my daughters Ishtar and Atta.

  Azazel cannot believe his eyes that the very woman he has given up eternity for, is actually standing in front of him, and staring right at him.

  ENOCH Go, ready the house to accommodate our guests. And, tell your mother to prepare a delicious feast, and bring us wine.


  Samyaza and Azazel follow Enoch inside the tent.

  ENOCH Come, have a seat.

sp; The men sit in a circle inside the tent. Momentarily, Ishtar and Atta come walking into the tent, with mugs, and a jug of wine.

  ENOCH Ah! Here, we go, wine, the finest in all the land.

  When the women start serving the wine, Azazel and Samyaza blankly stare at them in admiration. The women also find the two men attractive. Enoch notices the mutual attraction between them.

  ENOCH You two, seems to be respectable men, and undoubtedly braver than all the other men in the land. Ishtar and Atta are my daughters. We ought to unite our relations in matrimony.

  AZAZEL I would be honored, if she would have me.

  SAMYAZA Likewise.

  Ishtar and Atta overhear the conversation in the backroom, starts giggling in excitement.

  ENOCH Well, that settles, that then.

  Enoch pours himself another mug of wine.


  Samyaza and Atta are strolling around the settlement. She is showing him around the town. They walk by several children of the village that are playing hide, and seek. One little girl has her hands covering her face, while counting. Meanwhile, the other children are looking for hiding places.

  NAAMAH Ready, or not. Here I come.

  The little girl uncovers her face, and opens her eyes, but no one was there. She starts to look around

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