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Whispering Pines

Page 28

by Mavis Applewater

  “And we couldn’t be happier. Now Shawn, she’s a special girl. What’s the problem? Did you step out?”

  “I left the country without consulting her,” Faith said.

  “So?” Connor shook his head, clearly not understanding.

  “Okay.” Faith laughed, still sipping her ale. “You’re a scientist, let me try to explain it to you in terms you’ll understand. You know how when you have two magnets, and if you face them in the right direction, they lock together so tightly you can’t separate them? And if you face them in the wrong direction, they repel one another?”


  “That’s how Shawn and I are,” she said with a shrug. “Sometimes we face the right way, and sometimes we don’t.”

  “And today how are you facing?” He waved for another round.

  “Somewhere in between.” Faith pushed the fresh pint towards him. “I have an early shoot, and she’s not feeling well. No pouting. I’m just trying to keep my magnets aligned.”

  “Carry on then, and I’ll see you in the morning,” Connor told her with a pat on the back.

  * * *

  Shawn was nestled comfortably in bed, happy that the voices seemed to be quiet, at least for the night. She sighed heavily, wondering if Faith was with Connor and stirring up trouble. She smiled, thinking about how the two of them were almost kicked out of London one year. The door creaked, and Faith stepped inside.

  “Hey, I thought you’d be playing with Connor,” she whispered, watching Faith move carefully into the room.

  “Not tonight.” Faith smiled, sending a warm current through Shawn’s body. “Are we alone?” She began to disrobe.

  “I think so.” Shawn smiled in return. Faith turned so she could finish undressing in the washroom.

  “You don’t have to,” Shawn blurted out a little too quickly. “I mean, the bathroom is very small, and it isn’t as if I haven’t seen you naked before.”

  “Well, not in a long time,” Faith said shyly. Something about Faith’s sudden shyness made Shawn blush.

  “Just a few peeks here and there,” Shawn said. She pulled back the comforter, making room for Faith to join her.

  “Pervert.” Faith laughed, the shyness still echoing in her tone.

  “I wasn’t the only one.” Shawn smirked confidently. “And before you deny it, remember who you’re talking to.”

  “Right, because you’d have to be a psychic to know I peeped at you while you were in the shower.” Faith laughed heartily.

  “Come to bed?”

  Chapter 47

  New York City


  “I feel sick.” Carey blanched, barely noticing Rishi, her friend and colleague, resting on the edge of her desk.

  “Most people say hello,” Rishi teased her.

  “It’s just this case,” Carey said. “The ghost hunt from Massachusetts. Anna Stratton was sixteen when she married Horatio Stratton, who, at the time, was fifty-nine. She would have been twenty-four when she died.”

  “Speaking of ghost stories,” Rishi said, “you’ve kept me busy in the lab.” He handed her a folder. “Case closed, the DNA is a match. Brian has already arrested and gotten a confession from your suspect. Good job.”

  “I heard.” Carey smiled, happy that at least one spirit could finally rest easy. “It wasn’t me. Believe it or not, the case was solved by a psychic.”

  “Dr. Williams,” he said. “I heard. I read her book about Whispering Pines. I’m interested in the case.”

  “You CSI geeks.” She laughed. “What, don’t we have enough fresh bodies to keep you busy?”

  “Have you ever heard about the East India Companies?” Rishi asked in an odd tone. “Silk, spices, all part of the trade routes that forced my ancestors into servitude. Horatio Stratton is a name I’ve heard before, from my grandmother. She called him the devil. If the rumors are true, he was her father.”

  “The more I learn about the great Horatio Stratton, the more I wish he hadn’t died peacefully in his sleep,” Carey said, feeling the pangs of her own lineage gnawing at her. “Did he acknowledge your grandmother? Or do anything for your family?”

  “No,” Rishi said. “He denied he fathered any of the children. That didn’t stop him from calling upon my great grandmother every time his ship docked. One day, he sailed off and never came back. My great grandmother was shamed, leaving my grandmother and her brothers and sisters to work as slaves until they left the country. So you see, my interest runs much deeper than just seeing an old crime scene. I’m actually related to the bastard, and I would love to shame his name as he has mine.”

  “I’ll talk to the producer. Having a CSI tech on board might be something that interests her,” Carey said.


  * * *

  Edinburgh, Scotland


  “Would you mind repeating that?” Faith asked, clearly nervous about the unexpected invitation.

  “I said, come to bed.” Shawn smiled, amused by Faith’s antics.

  “I don’t know,” Faith hedged.

  “I’m not yanking your chain, I promise,” Shawn said, patting the bed. “No more come here, go away, or distrusting you because of one mistake. I’m sorry for putting you through all of that just because I was scared. Last week, spending time together, just the two of us, reminded me why I fell for you in the first place. I mean, solving murders and long-lost siblings aside, it was good to get to know one another again.”

  “It was,” Faith said, climbing into bed. “You weren’t the only one who didn’t want to rush things by jumping back into bed together. Neither of us wanted that. I mean, I wanted it, I really wanted it, but it might have confused things. I really liked spending last week with you. The only thing I need to know is, how do you feel about me?”

  “I’m still in love with you,” Shawn said. “And I know that the past couple of years might have been a lot different if I had told you that I loved you instead of waiting to hear you say it.”

  “News flash, I love you, too.” Faith smiled, clasping Shawn’s wrist and tracing the bracelet slowly. “I tried to tell you with this, because I’m not so good with words. I want to start over.” She wrapped her arms around Shawn’s waist and drew her closer. “I want to do it right this time. No ghosts pushing us into bed, which is ironic, since first thing in the morning we’re off on a ghost hunt. No drunken fumbling, no other women barging in, just us dating and acting like a normal couple, or as normal as either of us can be. I foresee this as long-term, so if you don’t, tell me now.”

  “This is it,” Shawn promised. “Before we were together and after we split up, I couldn’t get you out of my thoughts, and considering how wild my thoughts are, that’s amazing. I love you, Faith, and I promise to put you and us first.”

  “Good. Now shut up and kiss me, woman,” Faith said with a wry chuckle.

  “I love it when you take charge.” Shawn wrapped her fingers in Faith’s long, dark hair, drawing her closer and capturing her in a searing kiss. Shawn’s senses reeled as she explored the warmth of Faith’s mouth, and Faith’s body covered her own. She moaned deeply, and her hands wandered along Faith’s supple curves.

  Shawn felt alive. She made her living out of exploring the past, and now, for the first time in her life, she was eager to let the past go. They had both made mistakes; now she looked forward to the future, which was beginning by making love to the only woman who had ever held her heart. She gasped as Faith’s long, dark tresses tickled her face, and Faith’s kisses drifted down her neck.

  Faith tugged on the hem of Shawn’s nightshirt “You’re wearing far too many clothes,” she whispered against her skin. Shawn smiled and leaned back, allowing Faith to take control and slowly undress her.

  She quivered now, lying completely naked beneath her lover. Faith’s eyes were glazed over with desire as she drank in Shawn’s body. Shawn licked her lips, her excitement growing from Faith’s intense gaze. Faith straddled her, still not tou
ching her, but simply raking her eyes up and down Shawn’s body. But Shawn could feel Faith’s desire caressing her. My God, she hasn’t even touched me yet. Shawn shuddered, unable to resist touching Faith’s lean body.

  She brushed the swell of Faith’s breasts with the back of her fingers, feeling pleased when Faith released a soft moan.

  “Why do I feel like this is the first time?” Faith asked in wonder, dragging her blunt nails down along Shawn’s body. Shawn was unable to answer, her body giving in to Faith’s touch.

  Faith purred softly as she kissed her way down Shawn’s body, like a jungle animal stalking its prey. The sound was one that Shawn was more than familiar with, and one she hadn’t heard in a very long time.

  Shawn released a tense breath, knowing by the sensual sound that Faith was planning on taking things very slowly. She gasped when Faith’s tongue slowly traced the curve of her breasts. She ran her fingers through Faith’s tresses, encouraging her to explore every inch of her body.

  She wrapped one leg around Faith’s lean body, tickling her lover with her foot, her body reeling from Faith’s tender caresses. All sights, sounds, and outside intrusions vanished, and all Shawn could feel and sense was Faith’s tongue flicking against her nipple, coaxing the bud to harden.

  A small part of her wanted to take control and flip Faith over, to ravish her. The rest of her was basking in the sensation of Faith’s hands gliding along her body while she suckled her nipple. Shawn’s body swayed, matching Faith’s slow rhythm, their bodies moving in unison as their passion mingled. Shawn caressed Faith’s shoulders and surrendered to the pure pleasure of Faith worshipping her breasts.

  The bed creaked beneath them as their bodies became one. Shawn fought against the tide, her wetness overflowing as her desire threatened to consume her. I’ll never let you go again, she vowed silently. Her skin quivered from the moist kisses Faith was bestowing upon her breasts. Her nipples ached while her lower anatomy pulsated in a demanding rhythm. Her eyes narrowed with desire, and she ground her clit against Faith’s throbbing nub. She was certain that their hearts were beating in unison as she clung tightly to her lover.

  Shawn whimpered with disappointment when Faith’s mouth abandoned her breasts and drifted lower. She released a tiny yelp at the feel of Faith’s lips and teeth teasing her flesh.

  “Soon,” Faith said quietly against Shawn’s taut stomach.

  “Faith,” Shawn pleaded, unable to stop from arching and grinding her wetness against Faith’s body. Faith seemed determined to explore every inch of Shawn before granting Shawn’s wish.

  Shawn could smell her own arousal filling the room, her body thrusting harder as she begged her lover for release. Faith’s sultry purr echoed in the darkness. Her tongue dipped playfully into Shawn’s navel before tracing her hips. Shawn cried out as Faith’s warm breath teased the glistening curls near her center. Her cries grew louder as Faith nestled between her thighs and cupped her backside. Faith’s tongue tormented the inside of Shawn’s thighs as she drew her closer. Shawn fought to keep her eyes open. Faith’s hands caressed her bottom and her warm breath bathed Shawn’s sex. Shawn almost passed out when Faith parted her and dipped her tongue inside of her wetness.

  Faith’s tongue glided slowly along Shawn’s slick folds while her hands caressed Shawn’s body. Shawn’s breathing became ragged as she fought against the tidal wave that threatened to send her over the edge. A guttural moan escaped her when Faith’s lips captured her throbbing clit.

  Shawn rocked her hips, pressing her wetness harder against her lover’s face while Faith slowly teased the engorged nub. Not yet, she silently pleaded, fighting against the storm brewing inside of her. She bit down on her bottom lip as Faith’s fingers slipped inside of her. Shawn’s screams echoed loudly, her body riding against Faith’s fingers and mouth.

  “Faith!” she cried out, her body thrusting wildly as Faith pleasured her. Shawn’s ears were ringing, her body convulsing, and each time she reached the crest, her lover’s touch withdrew.

  The sweet torture lasted for what seemed like hours. Shawn’s throat was raw from begging. Finally, Faith gave in to Shawn’s frantic pleas, her hand and mouth devouring Shawn until her body exploded. Shawn’s lungs seized; her body flushed with pleasure as Faith took her higher, forcing her to thrash wildly, climaxing again and again.

  Shawn ignored the soreness of her muscles as her focus returned and she captured Faith in her arms. She straddled Faith’s body, and unable to calm her desires, she plunged her fingers deep inside Faith’s warm, wet center. She could feel Faith’s body tightening against her touch. She kissed Faith deeply, all the while plunging in and out of her. She trembled as she felt Faith climaxing, and she smiled down at Faith’s writhing form, slowing her touch.

  Their eyes were locked in a smoldering gaze as Shawn slowly made love to Faith, tenderly guiding both of them over the edge. Cradled in one another’s arms, they knew that sleep would not be coming that night as they kissed and touched, determined to drive each other insane.

  * * *

  New York City


  “Oh, for the love of heaven.” Carey was still searching for her other shoe. Her ex-husband sighed dramatically. “I get it, Brian. No talking to the television people about the case until everyone’s certain that Maynard’s locked up for good. What am I, a rookie? Just help me find my other shoe before we miss the ballet.”

  “I don’t think you get it, Jay.” Brian got on his hands and knees, searching for the errant shoe. “The brass is less than pleased about the call from that television producer. Frankly, they don’t want it advertised that a psychic solved this case.”

  “I get it,” she repeated. “At last!” She emerged from her closet with the missing shoe. “I bet you thought you’d get out of going,” she taunted him as he groaned and climbed to his feet. She studied him for a moment, sensing that there was something else bothering him.

  She loved Brian dearly. When she first met him, it was magical, or at least Carey had thought so at the time. He had come to Boston working on a case, and the duo hit it off immediately. After he returned to New York, they kept in touch. It didn’t take Brian very long to convince her to relocate. She truly cared for Brian, and to this day, the two of them remained close friends. But it didn’t take a genius to figure out that Carey’s initial attraction to the older cop had more to do with needing a father figure in her life than a husband. When Carey finally realized her mistake, the two parted as friends.

  “What is it?” she asked him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that Dr. Williams is Faith Charles’s girlfriend?”

  “What does my sister have to do with any of this? You of all people know that Faith and I aren’t close.”

  “Faith Charles doesn’t have a lot of friends on the force,” Brian said tentatively. “Three good cops will never rise in ranks because of that story she did five years ago. One of those cops is your CO. It could hurt you, if people found out that you’re related to her.”

  “Good cops? I seem to recall that when she broke that story, you said they got what they deserved for crossing the line. As for Faith, have you ever heard me say anything nice about her?”

  “Not until just now, when you referred to her as your sister. Is she involved in the Marshal case?”

  “No.” Carey dragged him out of her bedroom. “She just happens to be dating Shawn, and she’s working on the Whispering Pines case. I did talk to her last week.”

  “And?” Brian asked as they made their way downstairs.

  Carey was silent as they hailed a taxi, her emotions still confused by the chat she had shared with Faith.

  “Well? Are you going to tell me what happened when you talked to Faith?” Brian asked when they had climbed into the taxi.

  “She isn’t the ogre I had assumed she was,” Carey said. “Actually, she’s nice. Well, a little edgy, like me. You know?”

  “Sadly, I do.” He laughed. “As your friend and someone
who cares about you, I think it’s great that you and your sister are finally speaking. As a fellow cop, I feel I should warn you that she’s a reporter.”

  “Hey, these days all she does is chase after ghosts and, apparently, Dr. Williams,” Carey said. “Strange, all these years seeing her on television, hating her, and I didn’t even know she was gay. We’re here.” The cab pulled up in front of the theatre. “Growing up, I thought my parents were divorced. But my Dad was always there for the special events, until I found out the truth and told him to go to hell. I was convinced that he and Faith were evil, and now I don’t know what to think. But then again, she could be evil, and she did say I could shoot her.”

  “Well, there you go.” Brian laughed as he picked up the tickets at the box office. “Let me know if you need help hiding the body.”

  “I will.” Carey linked her arm in his. “Oh, brother, my life just gets more and more complicated, and all because I said sure, I’ll work with those pesky television people. How hard can it be?”

  Chapter 48

  Edinburgh, Scotland


  Faith felt content as she sat in Althea’s hotel room and sipped a cup of coffee. She watched Althea pace about the room, yammering into her cell phone. All was right with the world, even if Faith’s body ached and she hadn’t slept since the short nap she had the day before. She grinned wickedly, recalling the previous night’s passion, which had lasted until she and Shawn were forced to climb out of bed. They made love in the shower, or tried to, until the specter that lurked about their room decided to shut off the water and start wailing.

  Curious looks had greeted them when they arrived late to the early-morning staff meeting. Now, Shawn and Connor were off shooting various spots around town, and Faith was waiting for Althea to get off the phone so they could have their meeting to prepare for the main shoot scheduled for that evening.


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