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Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance

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by Georgia Le Carre

  Beauty & The Beast

  Georgia Le Carre



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55


  Coming Soon…


  About the Author

  Also by Georgia Le Carre


  Much love and many thanks to:

  Elizabeth Burns

  Nichola Rhead

  Brittany Urbaniak

  Kirstine Moran

  Tracy Gray

  Beauty & The Beast

  Copyright © 2020 by Georgia Le Carre

  The right of Georgia Le Carre to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the copyright, designs and patent act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding.

  ISBN: 978-1-910575-76-5

  Chapter 1



  It was a beautiful winter night, but I hardly noticed it. I had no time for things like that anymore.

  Lately, I’d even lost interest in women. Sure, I slept with them, but I kept it as anonymous as possible. They were bodies I pumped into and discarded in hotel rooms after I’d satisfied my needs. Every one of them was picked for her beauty and nothing more. Sometimes when they began to talk I had to bite back the desire to tell them to shut the fuck up.

  Sometimes I looked in the mirror and I couldn’t recognize the cold, heartless monster I saw. His eyes were like morgues filled with the frozen bodies of all the men he’d put to death.

  I had become my father.

  He was a great dad to my brother and I, but you couldn’t run a business like ours and be anything else. It was a ruthless business. You had to be prepared at all times to kill or be killed.

  From where I was sitting in the summerhouse, I could hear the sounds of the party floating from the big house. It was a boring gathering of low-lives and their broads. I didn’t even know why I came. This had stopped being my scene a long time ago. After this cigarette, I planned on leaving through a garden gate I’d noticed on my way out here.

  I put out the cigarette under my heel, and as I lifted my head I saw a woman in a white, short dress heading towards the summerhouse. It was a crisp cold night and she wore no coat. Something about the way she moved made me watch her. Even in the near darkness I could tell she was very young. Early twenties, perhaps. Her hair was blonde and she had incredible legs. Long and shapely. As she opened the door of the summerhouse I caught a glimpse of her mouth. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  My cock stirred. It wanted to be in that mouth.

  She closed the door and leaned against it. Quickly, she pulled a phone out of her purse.

  “Mariam,” she said urgently. “Is Dad okay?”

  She listened to the reply and almost sagged with relief.

  “Thank God. It was just a false alarm, then.”

  From the light of her phone I could make out her head nodding to whatever was being said to her.

  “Me? I’m fine. Of course, I’m fine. Is it okay if I come around to see him tomorrow?”

  There was quiet as she listened, then she said, “Yes, five o’clock is fine. Please tell him I love him very much.”

  She ended the call suddenly, just as a small, choking sob escaped out of her. She pressed her hand to her mouth as if to stop more from coming out. With great interest I watched her take deep breaths to calm herself down.

  “It’s going to be okay,” she whispered to herself. “Everything is going to be just fine.”

  From far away a man’s voice called out and she froze. Her whole body went still. The man’s voice came closer. From my position by the window I could see him coming towards us. It was too dark to make him out properly, but I thought I recognized his voice.

  “Skye,” he called.

  She opened the door and went out. “I’m here.”

  “What are you doing there?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Just wanted to take a break from the noise.”

  “Come back to the party, baby. I’m missing you.”

  She didn’t answer.

  They started walking towards the house together. He had his arm around her waist. Her hands hung limply at her sides. As I watched he let his hand drop down to her ass, caress it, then grabbed it roughly, greedily. She did nothing.

  Inside me something came alive. Like a reptile that had been slumbering for many, many years. It opened its eyes, scented prey nearby, and began to move its cold-blooded body towards the warm, breathing thing. It remembered it had not eaten for a long time. And it was hungry. Very, very hungry.

  I uncoiled myself from the rattan chair I was sitting on and sauntered towards the party.

  I was in no hurry.

  I knew exactly who the man was and exactly how to handle a man like him.

  Chapter 2


  -Red Right Hand-

  I could feel his dirty hand grabbing my butt, kneading it as if it was dough. God, how I hated him.

  A long night lay ahead of me. Judging from the way his top lip kept sticking to his teeth he had obviously snorted a lot of coke in the toilets, and whenever he did that he wanted to go all night.

  A shudder went through me when I thought about his sweaty body on top of me. I was so desperate to invent an excuse, and for an insane second I even contemplated breaking my ankle on the steps leading up to the house. The pain would be worth it. But knowing him he would callously ask in that grating way of his, ‘your pussy is not broken, is it baby?’

  “Come on,” he urged as he pulled me up the steps of the house. “I want you to blow me off in the toilet.”

  I forced myself not to jerk away from him in revulsion. I pushed down the blind rage I felt inside and
answered him as calmly as I could. “Can we wait until we get back to your house, Salvatore? I have a headache. I need to take a couple of tablets now, but I’ll be good to go in an hour.”

  He stopped and looked at me, a sly expression on his face. “You seem to be getting a lot of headaches these days.”

  I took a step away from him and his hand fell off my body. “I guess I worry about my father too much. I think he might need more tests done again.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Are you asking for more money?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m just telling you why I’m worried.”

  “Good. Because I have no intention of giving more when I haven’t even been paid back for what I gave the last time.”

  That made my dam of fury burst. “Actually, you have. Our agreement was for one month and you’ve dragged it out to more than two now. When is this arrangement going to be over, Salvatore?”

  “I never said the arrangement was for one month. I said, it usually takes a month for me to get bored of a woman. You assumed it would take a month for me to get bored with you. I’m not bored with you yet.”

  I swallowed the bile that rose up my throat at his words.

  He had tricked me into becoming his sexual slave indefinitely, and I knew it was my fault. I should have got a contract drawn up, put something down on paper, but I was so desperate to get the $120,000 for my father’s treatment.

  When the owner of the Italian restaurant where I worked said he didn’t have the kind of money I was asking to loan from him, I had asked him to help me locate a loan shark. He told me a loan shark would be sheer madness since I would never be able to pay back the loan in time. He suggested asking his friend Salvatore who sometimes gave out loans and was kinder about the repayment time frame.

  Salvatore, it turned out, had a different payback method in mind. He wanted me to be his mistress for one month. In fact, he reckoned, most probably he would need me for even less time than that, since he was easily bored and liked to change women more often than he changed his shirts.

  I didn’t even have to think about it. I agreed immediately. My father’s life hung on the balance and nothing was more important than saving him. And because my boss had said Salvatore was a friend it never crossed my mind that Salvatore would cheat me.

  I could almost bear it during the first month, when I could count the days when it would be over, but now that the end was no longer in sight, I actually felt physically ill at the thought of going to bed with him. Especially, as I had begun to notice recently that his sexual demands were slowly but surely taking a nasty twist. The other day he shocked me by talking about branding me with a hot iron, or getting his name tattooed on both my breasts.

  The freezing cold night air was making goosebumps rise on my arms and I folded them around my waist and tried to keep my voice level. “When do you expect to get bored, Salvatore?”

  He smiled that sly smile again and let his hand sweep down in front of my body. “I don’t know. I mean what man can be bored with all this beauty? Because you are one smoking hot beauty, Skye baby.”

  My hands clenched. “You have to give me a date, Salvatore. I can’t go on like this forever.”

  He chuckled. “You know what’s wrong with you? You’re too uptight. You need a drink.”

  “Please, Salvatore,” I begged, my voice breaking. “I just can’t go on like this-”

  “Hey… what’s all this about? I’m good to you, no? I bring you to nice parties. I don’t beat you up. I buy you expensive dresses. Hell, I treat you like a queen.”

  I gritted my teeth. “I know you’re a good man, and I know you treat me well, really well, but our arrangement was for one month, and it’s two months and five days now. I need it to end.”

  He shrugged. “Why?”

  “Because I want to be free again,” I cried passionately.

  He threw his hands in the air in a gesture of incomprehension. “You are free.”

  “But I’m not, am I? I have to come to your house whenever you call me, which is almost every night.”

  “How is that a bad thing? You enjoy the sex. I make you come.” His voice was slippery.

  I felt like I was hitting my head on a brick wall. My head was already a bloody pulp and there he was so confident and sure of his right to use me until the day he got bored. I had tried everything. Flattery, anger (which had backfired spectacularly), reluctance (which he enjoyed tremendously), coldness (also a turn-on for him). The only thing I hadn’t tried yet was brutal honestly.

  I looked him in the eye. “I don’t enjoy sex with you. I’ve never come with you.”

  His eyes changed. Became black with fury. For the first time, I saw that I’d got him where it hurt, but he recovered quickly.

  “You know what I thought when I first saw you. I thought that’s a mouth that’s been made to suck cock. You’re a whore, Skye baby. Just a whore. I didn’t go looking for you. You came to me and offered yourself for money. And now that you’ve had the money you’re trying to worm your way out of it. Well, we have a deal. I get to use you until I’m bored. I’m not bored. So what do you want to do? But before you reply, think carefully, because I already told you once what happens to people who renege on their promises to me. The people they love most get hurt.”

  I dropped my head in defeat. I felt cold inside. No matter what I said or did, we always ended up at this impasse. I wanted to run away. I wanted to stick a knife in his miserable heart. I didn’t know what to do. A little voice inside me said, ‘Just stick it out, Skye. He will get bored. The more passion you show him the more he will want to keep you. Be cold. Be passionless.’

  “I helped you when no one else would. A bit of gratitude would be nice.”

  I knew it was going to be a very long night. I was going to be punished for my honesty. This time I had wounded him and he was not going to let me get away with it. I needed to numb the pain that was coming. I raised my head.

  “Yes, I will have that drink,” I said slowly. My voice sounded hollow, as empty as I felt inside.

  “Good. Have a few. It might cure that headache of yours because tonight I am going to make you enjoy sex with me. I am not going to stop until you come.”

  He slid open the French doors and I stepped into the warmth of the house. As he closed the doors I began to walk quickly towards the main living room where the party was in full swing. The sounds of their laughter washed over me and I felt like a caged animal. I arrived at the entrance to the large room and my gaze moved desperately around in search of a drink. A big, stiff drink that would make me feel numb and prepare me for the ordeal that stretched before me.

  I didn’t find that drink I was looking for.

  Instead, my gaze collided with that of a tall man with raven hair. His eyes were so light they shocked me. For a few seconds, I couldn’t move. Frozen, I stared into those icy gray depths. It was like looking into the eyes of a predator. No pity. No sense of right or wrong. No emotion. Nothing but razor sharp focus.

  I recognized him. I’d read and heard about him. Who hadn’t? But I’d never seen him in person before. Inside me something was happening. The only way I could describe it would be like watching one of those time-lapse videos of a seed rooting, then growing into a plant that opens into a gorgeous flower.

  I knew what Salvatore was by looking into his eyes. He was a slimy, small-minded, dime-a-dozen crook, pretending to be a big-time mobster. When I looked into this man’s eyes I knew exactly what he was.

  A beast with a heart of stone.

  Chapter 3


  -Give Me Everything Tonight-

  Under the bright lights of the chandelier her blonde hair shimmered. She was far more beautiful than I had imagined. An angel made for sin.

  I stared at her until our eyes met. I knew the effect I had on women when I looked at them the way I was looking at her, and like a little deer in headlights she froze with sho

  I felt it then. The strong urge to open those long, long legs and fuck her until she screamed. Yes, once would not be enough with this one.

  Satisfied with my decision to have her, I let my gaze slide away from her and to the man coming up behind her. Ah yes, I remembered him clearly now. As he arrived next to her, he said something to her which she didn’t respond to. I started walking towards the happy couple. When I stood in front of them he looked up, saw me, and nearly jumped out of his skin.

  “Don Messana!” he blurted out, his eyes bulging with surprise.

  “Salvatore,” I acknowledged quietly.

  His astonishment was almost comical. “You know who I am?”

  “I never forget a face or a name. You were pointed out to me at Garibaldi’s funeral five years ago. You used to do some work for him, didn’t you?”

  His whole face lit up. “Yes, yes, that is completely correct. But this is totally amazing. I never knew you were even aware of my existence. It makes me very happy. Very happy indeed to know that Don Messana knows me. If there is anyway at all I can be of service to you, please, please, let me know and I will be more than happy to do it.”


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