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Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance

Page 14

by Georgia Le Carre

  I kept my eyes on her as she stirred in her sleep. Dawn had hardly broken so I thought she would sleep for a few more hours, but she stretched, and a corner of the blanket fell off her, revealing the delicate curves of her naked body.

  She got up then, and I couldn’t pull my gaze away.

  Only half-listening to Mateo, I watched her shyly and hurriedly, wrap the blanket around herself. It was such a sharp contrast from the wanton woman of last night that it made my lips curl with amusement. Without looking in my direction she began to gather her discarded clothes. She jumped when there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I called.

  The door pushed open and Luigi came in with an envelope in his hand. If he was surprised to see me naked with a woman down here, he didn’t show it, and he was smart enough to keep his eyes well away from Skye too.

  “I’m off to the greenhouse. See you later,” Skye called out as she sailed past him towards the door.

  Her shoulders were exposed, her hair tousled, and she was clutching a big blanket around her naked body, but she could have been a queen for the regality with which she exited the room.

  Luigi put the envelope on the desk and withdrew silently. Once the door was shut behind him an eerie silence settled over the room. Or perhaps it had always been there, but I just had never truly noticed or been bothered by it. Until now.

  I pushed away the thought impatiently. I’d always loved it here on my own. My solitude was not a burden, on the contrary it was something I cherished and nurtured.

  I opened the envelope. The receipt of messages about the things that could not be sent electronically was a necessity in my business, but I felt no interest in the contents. It fluttered from my hands.


  I could not believe I was running around that massive house naked under a blanket. Whatever had possessed me to run out of his room like that?


  I kicked myself mentally, as the lift opened. The wide corridor was empty, thank God. I hurried down it, the blanket trailing. Maybe, it would be okay. I would get to my room without anyone seeing me. After all, it was still dark outside, and surely no one would be up at this time.

  I was wrong.

  As I was halfway down the corridor, Madam Mitterand appeared at the end of it. It was clear she saw me, but she pretended as if she hadn’t and quickly disappeared into the first door she came to. I breathed a sigh of relief. It would have been embarrassing for both of us if she had carried on down the corridor and had to pass me.

  I reached my room without meeting anyone else. I wanted to keep Luca’s scent on my body so I didn’t shower. I quickly changed into a thick hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans. Then I pulled on my coat and shoes and ran down the stairs. I went into the kitchen and Madam Mitterand was now sitting in the same chair I found her in yesterday morning. She was drinking from the same cup and looking down on her notebook.

  On the edge of the table closest to me were two small boxes tied up with a red ribbon.

  “Oh, are those for John?” I asked, surprised.

  She looked up, her face calm and expressionless. “Mini oatmeal muffins and an almond croissant,” she informed.

  “Thank you, Madam. Thank you so much,” I whispered gratefully.

  She nodded, and returned her attention to her notebook.

  Clutching my boxes I ran to the foyer and opened the great big door. Outside it was now light, snowing softly and incredibly quiet and peaceful. With a song in my heart I began to walk to the greenhouse.

  Today I was going to plant something. Something beautiful.

  Chapter 30


  I went into the adjoining bathroom and showered. Then I walked through into the dressing room, pulled on a pair of jeans and turtleneck sweater, and went to sit at my desk. I tried to work, but I kept glancing at the empty rug.

  After a while I leaned back in my chair and stared at the fire. It was beginning to die. The embers glowed red among the ashes.

  The greenhouse.

  It had never even crossed my mind to go see it since I bought this house and yet it held such a fascination for her. As I stared at the dying fire, a seed of curiosity sprouted within me. I realized I’d never ever walked across the grounds of the house. When I had first bought it the estate agent had flown me over it to show me the exact boundaries, but since then I had never bothered about it. It was extremely rare for me to take things at a slower pace even while I was on vacation, but maybe this morning I could explore the grounds of my own house.

  I rose to my feet, and after pulling on a warm jacket and walking shoes, I strolled out of my den.

  Outside it was snowing steadily. The dark silhouettes of the trees beyond were covered in the soft white tufts. I breathed in the cold air. Strange, how different everything felt. Mateo and two of my other bodyguards suddenly appeared behind me shocked to see what I was doing. They knew I only ever went from the house to the car so guarding me was easy. This time because of the size of the estate they had no plan for me just strolling away from the house.

  I told them to relax and remain at the house and started to walk in the direction of the greenhouse. It was as if I was a blind man seeing for the first time. I saw things I normally would not have noticed. There was beauty everywhere I looked.

  It was actually breathtaking.

  I told myself I should do this more often. Soon the greenhouse came into view. The moment I arrived in the glass encased space, I heard the sound of shuffling and ceramic clanking exertion. It smelt of moist earth in here. And it was warm. I strolled through the rows of plants and soon she came into view.

  The sight she made was quite interesting.

  She had just emerged from the storage room holding a tray of pots. The moment she spotted me however she dropped the tray and all the pots crashed onto the ground. While some survived the fall, a few didn’t make it. There were broken shards, whole pots, and dark soil all around her.

  Ignoring the mess, she stared in shock at me. “What are you doing here?”

  I shrugged. “Just came to see what you were doing.”


  Small teeth sank into her bottom lip. It was not a sexual gesture, but one of uncertainty, but as my cock hardened, I turned away quickly and focused my attention on my surroundings.

  She crouched down and started to put the unbroken pots back on the tray. Standing, she put the tray on a wooden platform nearby and ran the palms of her hands down the sides of her jeans. My eyes were immediately drawn to the curve of her hips.

  I took a step towards her. “What are you planting?” I asked. My voice sounded strange, foreign almost.


  I took another step towards her. “Why?”

  “Because I love flowers,” she said, taking a step towards me.

  “Why not just buy them?” I asked as I stepped closer.

  “Because I like the idea of putting a seed into the soil and watching it grow.”

  We were only a couple of feet apart now. Daylight had filtered in through the glass now and she looked incomparably beautiful.

  She was wearing a bulky, dark blue hoodie that stopped at her waist. The rest of her lower body was then encased in skin-tight dark jeans that molded to her flesh, revealing to the eye every dip and curve of her body. My libido was already thrumming at the sight especially when she had turned around to pick up a shard earlier. At the jut of her ass, I felt a painful ache in my balls. I needed to slip my cock between those cheeks and plunge into her depths.

  However, I knew better than to give in to the crazed urge. I was not an animal. I could control myself. As I watched her however, I wondered if that ship hadn’t already sailed, and of what consequence that would be to me to sail along with it.

  I had long cultivated the habit of deliberately denying myself of something I wanted in order to strengthen my will. It served to expose any vulnerability inside me and for me to take steps to kill whatever it was. How
ever, she was exposing a vulnerability inside me that was startling and there was not a thing I could do about it.

  I was like an addict. I knew it would destroy me, but I couldn’t help myself. With my fists clenched I said, “Well, have a nice day.”

  I turned around to leave but she stopped me.

  “John’s not here, and I need some help with a bag of soil in there. Could you help me, please?”

  For a second I didn’t do anything. No one had ever asked me to do something so menial. Ever. In my whole life. Those things were done by servants. Slowly, I turned around.

  “Could you help me, please?” she asked. Her eyes were enormous.

  I should tell her to wait for John. Dirt and soil were not my thing, but to my surprise I found myself saying. “Where is it?”

  Chapter 31


  What the hell was I doing?

  There was no freaking bag of soil in there! I had already taken most of it out the previous day and spread them across the available pots and trays that I had in preparation for the seeds. However, from the moment he had walked into that greenhouse, I had lost the ability to think with my brain. My sex was pulsing, wet with arousal, as though it recognized the person that had lavished it with attention the previous night.

  And then there was the attire that he had on. Thus far, I had only seen him in the corporate looking suits and jackets, but today he was dressed luxuriously but casually in a leather jacket and a black cashmere sweater. But it was the hip hugging black jeans that made me want to peel everything off him and lick every inch of his body.

  I was nervous about the lie I’d blurted out and thought of what to do to cancel it. With my heart in my throat I finally blurted it out. “Luca, actually, there’s no need. I… I just remembered that I’ve already used it up yesterday. I’m sorry for the trouble.”

  He frowned.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized again.

  He cocked his head “Are you playing with me?”

  “No, no,” I quickly protested. “I just...” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  But he stood there waiting and didn’t let it go.

  I turned around to escape but he caught me by the arm and pulled me roughly towards his body. I slammed into the hardness of his chest tearing a gasp from me.

  “Luca,” I breathed as one hand came around my waist but there was nothing delicate about this.

  “What are you doing, Skye?” He whispered in my ear.

  I shook my head, my body trembling. “No I just... I wanted to be in a somewhat smaller space with you.”

  He stilled. “Why?”

  I felt heat rise up my throat. “I… I wanted you to… to… kiss me.”

  “Kiss?” he asked, something dark flaring in his eyes.

  I pressed my trembling lips together and nodded.

  “Where’s John?” he murmured.

  “He had to leave to pick something up from the hardware store that he had ordered. He left about ten minutes ago.” My voice was breathless.

  His answer was to undo the button of my jeans, unzip it, slip his hand in and grab my mound. I fell against him like a limp noodle.

  I was soaking wet so his fingers immediately sunk into my slickness. Tremors of ecstasy began to broil in the pit of my stomach.

  All I needed and could think about now was the delicious release that only he could give to me, but I couldn’t help but panic that he was going to tease me and then let me go without taking things to the end. After all this was morning and it was only a few hours ago since we’d been in each other’s arms.

  “Is this what you wanted?” he asked as he roughly stroked the engorged bud between my thighs.

  I nodded, my eyes fluttering shut, but I also wanted to kiss him, to have my legs wrapped around him and him pounding into me. I had started to feel empty without his thick cock stretching me, filling me, and soothing the almost maddening ache that his absence created. It was becoming so that being filled with him was normal and not having him inside me was unfamiliar and strange.

  He slid two fingers into me, but there were too many barriers in his way. I peeled the skin-tight material down my thighs, exposing my ass to the cold. I couldn’t believe how shameless I was being, but my desire for him had completely taken over my mind and I fully gave myself to it.

  His arm tightened around me, his back curving with mine as he began to drive his fingers deeper and faster into me. I cried out at the rapid onslaught as I was finger fucked into a delicious release. I nearly crumbled to the floor as a mind-blowing orgasm shot through me, but he caught me and instead led me towards one of the wooden platforms.

  The moment my ass connected with it, he pulled off my left shoe and yanked the jean leg from my foot. Then he got onto his heels and jerked my thighs even further apart. He moved his head forward and with his lips covered my sex and drew my sensitive, engorged clit into his mouth.

  The delicious suction tore a long moan from me and with my fingers clawed into his shoulder it became too much quickly and I fought to be loosened from his hold, but he didn’t let go till he had tortured me to his satisfaction and I was whimpering and begging for release.

  It was only then that he rose to his feet and for a few seconds he did nothing, just looked at me sitting there with my legs wide open and my body trembling. Then he slanted his head and captured my lips with his. The kiss was decadent and filthy and I savored it with a desperation that had my head spinning. His tongue sunk into my mouth to take my fill of my own taste. Then he nibbled and sucked at my lips and my tongue.

  By the time he pulled away, my lips were bruised and swollen.

  “Have you got what you wanted yet?” he rasped.

  Only one request came to mind and it repeated itself over and over in my head. “No, I want you to fuck me,” I gasped as I jumped off the bench. I fumbled at the button of his jeans. I yanked the zip down hurriedly and reached into his briefs and pulled out his cock. It was as hard as a piece of rock. In moments the whole head was sheathed with my lips. I lapped him up from the base to the root and then took as much of him into my mouth as I could. I felt so greedy. So greedy for his taste.

  For a while he let me suck him. And suck him I did. I sucked him as I had never sucked anyone before. Hungrily, as if I was devouring him. As if I couldn’t get enough. As if my life depended on it.

  I was thoroughly enjoying myself when he wrenched away from my mouth and pulled me to my feet. “I want to come inside of you,” he growled. In seconds I was flipped around, my hands flattened against the platform and my legs spread apart.

  He was going to take me from behind and my chest nearly collapsed with excitement.

  Somewhere in the back of my head it registered that the room had a chill breeze blowing from somewhere, but in that moment I was surrounded by the waves of heat and urgency radiating from both our bodies. Desire was boiling through my bloodstream and my ears thrumming with the maddened pace of my heartbeat. He didn’t waste any time.

  The head of his cock stroked through my cleft as he positioned it where it was always meant to be. From the first moment my eyes met his, my body already knew that. He slid in and my jaw clenched at the excruciatingly tight intrusion. Then grabbing my hips with both hands and bending his knees he plunged into me so hard that my whole body jerked forward.

  I cried out.

  He began to thrust. There was nothing slow or controlled about his pace as he drove his cock in and out of me, and my moans rang across the space. All I could do was clench my fist and slam it into the wooden table.

  “Luca,” I cried out his name, sweating and quivering.

  But he didn’t let up. He drove harder, his grunts urging me on to the force of his fucking. I worked my hips to meet the slam of his and the sound of his flesh smacking against my flesh was a song I knew would forever be etched into my mind.

  At this pace, neither of us had any hope of lasting long
and soon enough our hips were bucking. He gripped me, his hands wrapping around my waist to hold me in place as he sent a rapid burst of hard plunges into me. My entire pelvis went numb and the orgasm burst through me in a wet, heavy rush. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my brain shut down. I felt as if I was floating above my body. All that registered in the surreal moment of pleasure was his hot release flooding my pussy.

  I reveled in every moment of it.

  He buried his face in my neck to muffle his own groan and I would never know how long we remained in that position, tightly glued to each other and joined together as one, but he was the first one to move and with it came an overwhelming disappointment that he was once again about to be separated from me. He pulled out and a flow of cum dripped onto the floor. I stared down at the drops as I tried to catch my breath, unable to face him.

  I stood there naked from the waist down, with one jean leg and my panties still attached to my foot while the other foot was shoeless. I couldn’t move so I just stood there like a dummy as he readjusted his clothes. I hoped with all my heart that he wouldn’t leave without saying anything further to me. He didn’t.

  He went and picked up my shoe. Then he knelt down in front of me. As if I was a child he lifted my foot so he could pull my panties and jeans over it, before he put my shoe on. Then he stood and pulled my jeans up, zipped it, and even buttoned it up for me.

  For some bizarre, totally inexplicable reason, I felt like crying.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  I don’t know what I expected him to do, but I definitely didn’t expect him to freeze the way he did. Startled, I lifted my head and looked him in the eye. I knew my eyes were wet. He stared at me as if in shock. Then he took a step backwards, as if I was dangerous to him, or I had some communicable disease. I could only stare at him in confusion. What was going on? What had I done?


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