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Mechanic Next Door

Page 6

by Lauren Milson

  “I’m thinking it’s you that I can’t handle,” Thomas groans in response. “You’re too sweet. Liable to make any man get addicted to you, myself included.”

  “If you don’t want to fuck me, then just get me off and leave,” I cry. “I can’t take this anymore. It feels too good. Your words are too good, your fingers, your tongue, fuck, please Thomas. Please.”

  A groan rips through him.

  “If you want me to get this pussy off, then that’s what I’m going to have to do. Can’t say no to you, Peach.”

  My fierce protector, my best defender, a man far too old and far too dirty for me, slides a finger into my ass and another inside my pussy, making everything inside me twist and turn. Every ridge, every bump, every inch, I feel it all. He reaches around my neck and pulls my lips to his, sliding his cock up between us as he pulls me to the edge of the table. For a moment panic hits me and I think he’ll actually give me what I want and slide that big dick inside my pussy, but he instead wedges it between us and slides his hips up to make my close pulse up and down the hot length while he does me hard with his hand.

  I look down between us and my eyes roll back in my head when I see his forearm working like my own personal fuck machine.

  “Come for your man, girl,” he rasps against my lips. I feel my world topple onto its side as I squeeze up and come for him, my juices rushing out of me as he grunts and unloads. He nips my lower lip and sucks it into his mouth, making me taste myself on him. “I need to feel you, Peach. I need it. I need you, baby, I need you.”

  My head is spinning, everything collapsing and folding in on us. He fucks me hard and deep, unrelenting, as I feel thick, warm ropes of come splash over my belly, my clit, his hand. His lips seal over mine and he wraps his arms around me as the last rays of sun from the window rise over the horizon.



  When I wake up a few hours later and find myself sleeping the floor of Peach’s living room, I know everything has changed. I run a hand through my hair and scrub both up and down my cheeks as I glance over at Peach, sleeping peacefully on her sofa with a big, fluffy blanket over her.

  Goddamnit. I fucked up. I should never have done what I did. I should have told her in very clear terms that even a kiss, a touch, a glance more intimate than the ones we’ve shared before would result in my ass being locked down and devoted to her forever.

  I chuckle to myself as I rise to my feet and tuck Peach’s blanket closer under her chin. She smiles at me in her sleep and rolls over, throwing her arm across her forehead to shield the mid-morning sun.

  I take a deep breath and let it out. Every curve and contour of her body is showing even through that blanket, and images of what we did earlier this morning flash through my mind. Her lips on mine. The look in her eyes when she came. The noises she made as I unloaded against her. The shower we took together after what happened, and the fact that instead of talking we just smiled at each other and kissed as the warm shower water spilled over our bodies.

  I’ll do anything and everything I can to make her understand that I made a mistake. I think I might have to do some groveling. She doesn’t like it when people divert from their word. I told her she was too good for me. That she couldn’t be mine and I couldn’t be hers. But in the light of day everything clicks into place. She’s mine. She knows it, I know it. It’s a fact as plain as day and clear as crystal. And even though she insisted we would be able to go back to how it was…hell, I know that’s not what she wants. I know how happy I make her. I know how she looks at me.

  I know I’ll have to do something to apologize for only claiming her half-way.

  Damn. This might go down as my biggest mistake, my biggest regret. I give her another quick glance as I start to head next door to get myself ready for work, but I decide to carry her up to her room. I scoop her into my arms and put a soft kiss on her forehead as I climb the stairs. When she’s in bed I open her window and pull the thin curtains closed. I know how much she likes to watch the curtains move in the breeze.

  Once I’m at work, I lock myself in my office for the rest of the morning after apologizing to my guys for coming in late. Ray told me it’s not like me and started to give me a little ribbing, saying that I must have been with a girl. But once he started on that path I must have scared him with the expression on my face because he quit that line of comments real quick.

  During lunch, I research what kind of flowers would work best without a lot of direct sunlight. I don’t know if the flowers she picked out would really work great in the flower boxes on her porch because they’ll be in the shade. When it’s almost time to close up, Ray knocks and pops his head into my office.

  “Hey man,” I say, rolling my desk chair out a little as I shut down my computer for the evening. “What’s happening? You guys all going out for a drink?”

  “Yeah,” he says. “Wanted to see if you’d like to come.”

  “You know what?” I say with a smile, putting my palms flat on my desk. “You keep asking me, and I’ve always said no, but I think today I might just tag along.”

  Ray gives me a thumbs-up and a smile as I shrug my hoodie onto my shoulders. I grab my phone from my desk and type out a quick text to Peach.

  Hey, I’m going to the bar with the guys. Want me to pick you up? We need to talk.

  She texts me back before I’m even able to grab the keys from my pocket to lock up my office.

  I’ll meet you there. See you soon.

  It’s only a short drive over to the bar, and my heart is pounding in my chest on the drive there. It’s already pretty full when I arrive, and I see Peach sitting alone at a booth in the corner with a beer in front of her.

  At least I thought she was alone. When the crowd thins out for me to approach her table, I see that there’s a guy sitting with her. My breath catches in my chest. I don’t know him. Maybe he’s one of her classmates, or maybe he just isn’t a regular here - which is odd, because everyone in this town is a regular here. Ain’t many other places to go, so I’m surprised to see a new face.

  “Hey,” I say when I get to the table. Peach slides out and gives me a little hug, and when she slides back into her side of the booth the guy doesn’t look at me. Instead, his eyes are on her. On her gaze, on her breasts, on her hand as it wraps around the glass in front of her.

  Is she going to introduce me to her friend here? No. It’s becoming more clear by the moment that she is not.

  “Can we talk?” I say to her. She peers up at me and gives me a little nod, sliding out of the booth.

  “I’ll be back in a little bit,” she says to this other guy.

  “Hey,” I say, putting my hand on the small of her back as I lead her over to the bar. It’s the exact moment when the bar’s lights dim and the music turns from classic rock at a reasonable volume to party music with a lot of bass. We get to the bar and find a little spot to hitch ourselves to.

  “What do you want to talk about?” She puts her elbows on the bar and gets the attention of the bartender, ordering two beers.

  “Hey, hey. What is going on? Who is the guy?”

  She turns her face away and I can see the hurt in her eyes. I brush her hair away from her shoulders and glide my hands down to take hers in mine.

  “He’s just a guy from one of my classes. I invited him here tonight. He’s just a friend, don’t worry.”

  Confusion burrows its way into my pores. She’s saying he’s just a friend, but I saw how he looked at her. Maybe she thinks he’s just a friend, but the look in his eye told me he thinks there could be something more.

  “What?” I ask, a scowl forming on my lips. “No, Peach, you’re mine. You don’t invite other guys out like that. Not if they’re going to look at you the way he was looking at you.”

  “I’m not yours,” she says, pulling away from me. She takes a small sip of her beer. “I’m not yours. You said I didn’t want to get involved with you. And since you said it, it must be true, right?”
br />   “Leave your beer here,” I tell her, taking the glass from her hand. “We’re going outside to talk right now.”

  She lets out a small huff and I follow her to the door, threading through the thickening groups of people. I feel hollow inside. Gutted. When we get outside, she starts down the sidewalk and I follow closely behind.

  “Okay, I am now at the end of my rope, Thomas. I’m at the end of my fucking rope!”

  “Hey,” I say, “don’t talk like that.”

  “Why not? What’s the matter? Am I too frail to curse? It doesn’t matter anyway. You aren’t the boss of me and I don’t have to listen to you.”

  “Don’t you walk away from me,” I say after her.

  “What?” she throws over her shoulder. “What do you want from me? What do you want? You don’t want me, but no one else is allowed to have me, either? I can’t take this anymore. This living in limbo. I can’t take it.”

  “Where the hell is this coming from?” I ask her, spinning her around slowly. I crouch a little so I’m closer to her. “What are you talking about?”

  “Last night,” she says, her voice falling to a whisper. “Or this morning. Whatever it was. You wouldn’t…you wouldn’t fuck me. You said we couldn’t be together. I understand it, okay? I get it. I threw myself at you. You’re…you’re just a man, and I understand that maybe what I did was…I don’t know, unfair? Unfair to both of us. Unfair to me because my feelings run much deeper for you than simply wanting to sleep with you. And unfair to you because I probably made you confused and conflicted. I’m sorry. But I don’t think I can be your friend anymore if this is how it’s going to be. James is not some other guy. Because that would imply that there’s a different guy, a guy who I’m supposed to be with. And that isn’t you. We can’t be together. It’s wrong.”

  “No,” I say, taking her hand and checking behind me. “No, Peach. Listen.”

  I guide her around the corner so we can have some privacy. There’s a guy at the loading dock smoking a cigarette and when he sees us he does us the courtesy of flicking it away and making his way back inside.

  “What?” she asks me.

  “Goddamnit, Peach. Your eyes are breaking my fucking heart right now.”

  I take her face in mine and lower my lips to hers, salty tears running down her cheeks as I kiss her, taste her, mark her.

  “I made a mistake. I never should have…”

  “I know,” she says, trying to push me away. “I know you never should have done what you did to me. So why are you trying to kiss me right now? Why?”

  “Because my mistake wasn’t doing what I did. It was not doing what I really wanted. It was not telling you that you’re mine and no one can take you away from me. Ever.”

  I push her against the wall and bruise her lips with mine, claiming her with the first kiss of obsession, possession, need. I pour more of myself into this kiss than I’ve poured myself into anything before. I put my hands on her hips, pulling her body against me as I pin her to the wall. I put a hand behind her head to catch her. I grab her ass and make her legs wrap around me. I push the hardness in my jeans up against her hot core and I give her my breath with my lungs, I give her my lips with my kiss.

  “I’m so fucking in love with you that I think I could die if I have to wait one more minute to have you, Peach.” I press my hips against her and she moans into my mouth, her hands coming to the sides of my face to pull me closer, closer. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I never should have tried to convince myself we could go back. There’s no going back, Peach.”

  Her lips open up and I feel her breath shudder through her, through me, through us. I glide my hands down to her waist, her hips, hitching her up higher.

  “You love me?” she whispers between the kisses I plant on her lips. “Did I hear you right?”

  “I don’t just love you,” I say. “I’m in love with you. I’m all in here. I’m all in on us.”

  “I’m in love with you too,” she mutters against my mouth, pulling her lips away from me. “I’ve been in love with you forever.”

  A fierce growl breaks through my chest.

  “Are you going to fuck me right here?” she says, her eyes flashing blue and gold, a small smile playing on her lips. “Are you really going to make me lose my virginity up against a wall outside a bar?”

  “Fuck no, baby. I am going to make you lose your virginity somewhere you can fall asleep in my arms after we’re done. But we are never going to be done, Peach. Never. Never.”



  Thomas takes my hand and pulls me around the corner to the parking lot, clicking his key fob wildly. He’s pretty much dragging me. I’ve never seen him so out of control. He’s still very much in control, but I’ve never seen him lose even one ounce of his cool. His stride is always so certain. His eyes are always so sharp, so clear.

  But now he’s got my hand and he’s dragging me through the parking lot like he’s trying to get a puppy to come back inside the house after a nice autumn walk.

  “Thomas!” I hiss after him. When we get to his truck he swings his door open and throws me into the passenger seat, clicking my seatbelt into place.

  “You in? Watch your toes and fingers.” He slams the door shut and races around to his side, throwing the gear into drive before he’s even got the door closed.

  “Are you crazy?” I hiss at him, shooting a look behind us. “My bag is in there, my phone.”

  He grabs his phone from his pocket and calls up one of the girls working the bar tonight.

  “Ronnie? Listen, please do me a favor. Peach has her shit at a booth in the back. Yeah. Yeah. I’ll come back for it tomorrow. Thanks a million.”

  He punches the screen with his thumb to end the call and tosses his phone on the dash.

  “Problem solved,” he says, tires squealing as he makes a sharp turn.

  “I should have told James I won’t be back! This is very rude of me!”

  “Tell him there was an emergency.”

  I bite my lip and look over at Thomas.

  “This is very much an emergency,” I say, my fingers reaching over to his lap, the adrenaline inside my bones making me do stuff that I wish I could have all along. Thomas shoots me a look with an eyebrow up and I lick my lips, giving him a little nod. He pulls over to the parking lot behind the library and drives to the back where we will be far away from any eyes. It’s Sunday evening. No one would be coming to the library even if it were open.

  I unbuckle myself and reach over to undo Thomas’ pants, my heart racing inside my chest.

  “This is fucking crazy,” I say to him as I lean over. He shifts his hips up as he pulls his thick cock out, stroking it from base to tip and groaning, his head falling against the headrest.

  “Suck it,” he rasps out darkly, his hips grinding up and his jaw jutting out slightly.

  “I can’t believe you have this side to you,” I say, my panties pooling even more than they were before.

  “You’ll see there are many sides of me you didn’t know were there,” he says, tucking my hair behind my ear. “It’s for you, Pea. I’m going to give you everything. I’m in love with you. We’re in this together.”

  “I’m so in love with you too,” I say, a blistering tear falling from my eye. He brushes it away and kisses my lips softly. “Since I already know the sweet side of you, and I already know the kind side of you, and I already know the soft side, give me something I’ve never seen before.”

  “Oh, you want to see the dirty side, you bad little girl?” he says against my lips, a smile spreading for both of us.

  “Yeah,” I breathe. I wrap my fist around his cock and stroke up and down with a fiercely tight grip. The fat pearls of precome dripping down make it wet and sticky.

  “Put your mouth on it, girl,” he groans, pushing my head down. His possessive, dominant touch makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in the face of him. I roll my tongue around the head, licking up all the sticky-sweet
and salty liquid that’s dribbling out. I open my mouth and drag my lips up and down his cock, using my hand to stroke him right behind it.

  “Mmmmn,” I moan around him.

  “That’s it, you suck it with that pretty little mouth of yours,” he groans, shifting his hips up. “Pretend that mouth is your little wet virgin pussy and I’m sliding my thick dick right up inside you.”

  “Thomas,” I breath, coming up to take a gasp of air. He laces his fingers through my hair and pushes my mouth back down, guiding my lips up and down his length.

  “Your cherry got my name on it for me to bust, girl,” he grunts through his teeth, his cock twitching wildly inside my mouth. “You kept it all nice and tight for your man, didn’t you. Yes you did. You know I’m going to own your ass. That means I have to take care of it, treat it good, don’t it?”

  “Mmmmnhm,” I whine, his hand guiding my lips faster now. I wiggle my ass and try to ride the seam of my shorts, the pressure inside me too much to take. He catches on, reaches over to spank my ass, and slides one finger inside my shorts to put the pads of his fingers on my clit. He keeps them there, steady, pressing hard as the heat inside me blooms and spreads.

  “I’m going to make this pussy come when I shoot my load in your throat,” he whispers, “so you get to decide when that happens. You want to be a little prick tease and spend all night licking me and playing with my balls, or you wanna suck it nice and hard and get this pussy off fast? I’m just here to give you what you want, baby. You tell me when you want it to bust and I’m here for it.”

  He slides his fingers up through my slippery folds and slides one thick finger inside me, my walls spreading out around him. His finger is so thick and big. It’s probably the size of an average dick. I hollow out my cheeks and suck him down hard, forcing the tip of his dick deep inside my throat and swallow to make the pressure so strong that he can’t help but erupt.

  “Keep working that pretty mouth and I’m going to be shooting come down your throat any minute and working this clit over so you come all over my hand, baby.”


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