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Modern Fairy Tale

Page 55

by Proby, Kristen

  “Oh,” I exhale. “Oh God.”

  “There you go,” Embry croons. “That’s not so bad now, is it?”

  “No.” I shake my head a bunch of times and both men laugh. “Not so bad at all.”

  “I’m adding my last finger now,” Ash warns me. “Keep breathing into your stomach and try to hold still.”

  It’s to the point where I can’t discern what flesh is finger and what flesh is cock, there’s only the pressure and the pain and the orgasm lurking out of sight, feeding off of both. But I keep breathing and I hold still, and as Embry nuzzles the nape of my neck and Ash keeps his forehead against mine, the sharp pain fades away, leaving behind the pleasure, now stronger than ever.

  Embry drops a kiss on my shoulder. “Greer, it’s going to be tighter when he puts his cock inside of you, but not that much tighter. It will be just like this, where the pain is followed by pleasure, but it’s easiest if you hold still. Do you think you can do that?”

  I feel drunk. Or drugged. Or maybe this is just what joy feels like, a thick cock and an extra four fingers. “I don’t know,” I reply shakily.

  “Okay,” Embry says soothingly. “That’s okay. We can help you hold still. Would you like that?”

  “I—I think so.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. We’re right here with you, okay? You just keep talking to us, and tell us if you need to pause for a moment. We’re right here with you and—” His voice gets thicker, rougher. “—And we love you. We’re going to take care of you.”

  I give a dazed nod, and both of them move to wrap their arms around me, Embry’s arms tight around my waist and Ash’s wrapped around Embry’s shoulders, pinning me fast between them. My face is in Ash’s neck and Embry’s face is in the back of mine, and there’s nowhere to move, nowhere to go. I dredge up my safe word from the depths of my mind, but I won’t use it. No matter the pain, I won’t use it, because I want this pain.

  I’ll die without it.

  “Breathe, Greer,” Ash reminds me as he takes himself in hand and guides himself to my pussy. “There you go. Just like that. Good girl.”

  “The first part is the hardest part,” Embry promises, his mouth moving against my skin. “Once his crown is inside, the rest gets easier.”

  Embry is right. Ash presses his cock against Embry’s cock and my entrance, and I have this sudden moment of cold fear when I realize this won’t be the gentle pushing and sliding of normal sex; Ash is going to have to wedge himself in, Ash is going to have to shove and thrust and punish.

  I don’t breathe.

  And then he stabs inside of me with a merciless grunt.

  I think I scream. I know I buck and thrash against them, my body trying to drag itself away from the brutal invasion, but their huge arms are clamped tight around me and my body is held still for their cocks to fuck.

  “Greer, Greer,” Embry soothes, and Ash does the same, his handsome face in front of mine crooning meaningless words to me, like I’m a skittish horse—stay and good girl, there’s a good girl and it will be over in just a minute, just another minute, baby.

  It’s impossible. It’s unlivable. I’m being split apart like an atom and my pain will burn down the world.

  “You’re forgetting to breathe,” Ash says gently.

  I’m still trying to move away from the pain, still straining against their iron arms, and all of us are sweaty with the effort of it.

  “Hurts,” I manage to get out. “It hurts.”

  “I know, baby,” Embry says lovingly from behind me. “I know. But it won’t in a minute, I promise.”

  “Breathe,” Ash repeats sternly, and his President voice reaches me where his gentle voice can’t. I suck in a sudden deep breath, and the rush of oxygen clears my head.

  I burst into tears.

  The men kiss me and murmur to me, their teeth and lips and words making up for all the pain their bodies are causing, and I don’t know how long the minutes pass like this, with me sobbing and sweaty between them, and them hard and brutal inside of me, repeating over and over again how much they love me, how beautiful I am, how good they’ll make me feel.

  I surrender. Completely. I lose myself to the pain, sobbing against Ash’s throat. I stop struggling against it, stop fighting it, and let it become me. Not for them, not even for my Sir, my President—not this time.

  This time, the surrender is mine and my own. My choice, my need. My destiny.

  “Breathe,” Ash reminds me over and over again, and over and over again I do, each breath a gift, a chemical, astonishing gift. Each breath anchors me to myself, to this moment, to the two men I love, to the matching metal on Ash’s and my fingers, to the rain outside. Each breath anchors me to the pain, and the moment I allow that fusion to happen, the pain disappears. Bit by bit, as if dissolved by my surrender, the pain is swallowed up by the swell of building pleasure, mere raindrops swallowed by a vast and endless sea.

  “There she is,” Embry says wonderingly. “There she is.”

  At some point their grip on me has loosened, freeing their hands to rub soothing paths along my thighs and my waist, and I realize that I’m staying there completely on my own, opening myself to their bodies not because they are forcing me but because I want it. Because it’s starting to feel like more than pain, more than the sharp pressure of being so viciously stretched. It’s starting to feel good, good like earlier.

  Good like a different way to be cherished.

  “Oh, angel,” Ash says roughly, pulling back enough to see my tear-lined face. “You are too fucking beautiful like this.” He kisses my hair, my cheeks, my lips. “You are amazing,” he murmurs in an awed voice. “My amazing princess.”

  I can’t speak. I can only nod.

  “I want to fuck you now,” my husband says with a yearning look down at my body. “But I need to know you’re ready.”

  I nod again and he smiles. “Words, princess. I need to hear you say you’re ready.”

  It’s so hard to find the right words, like catching fireflies in the velvet dark that’s become my mind. “Yes,” I finally manage. “I’m ready.”

  They begin.

  Ash goes first, pumping his hips experimentally, sliding the length of his cock against the length of Embry’s, and I feel Embry shudder behind me and mumble something unintelligible.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” Ash grunts, thrusting in again. “It’s like I’m fucking you and her at the same time.”

  I feel Embry nod against my neck, as if he’s as lost in the sensation as I am.

  Because I am.


  And then both men begin moving, going slow to find the rhythm that suits us all best, because of course it’s not about finding the best way for two people, but for three, and then they find it, that perfect tempo, their two cocks rubbing together inside my pussy the same way they rubbed together inside Ash’s fist earlier tonight. Underneath me, I feel the way their sacks press and rub against each other’s, the tangle of my legs with theirs, the slippery wet way our skin moves against each other’s—so wet I know we might have to call housekeeping for new sheets after this is all done.

  I’m shaking now, shaking from fullness, shaking from endorphins and adrenaline, and I feel feverish—hot and cold and sweaty and covered in goose bumps, and the men are the same way, just long, lean expanses of sweaty, shivering muscles, and when Ash finds my hand and drags it to his mouth to kiss my wedding ring, I know it’s almost all over for me. I know that the feverish pleasure is about to surge past every lingering ache and doubt and drown me as I lie.

  “Ash,” Embry groans. “God, Ash, your cock. And she’s so tight, Jesus fuck, so fucking tight…”

  “I know,” Ash grunts, shoving into me, sweat dripping from his face. “Believe me, I know.”

  “I’m—” I can’t find my breath or my words or my thoughts, all there is inside me is the wave, the shuddering, tangy, metallic threat of an orgasm too strong to withstand.

  “I know, princess,” Ash sa
ys. “We’ll follow you. Be brave and go first, and we’ll follow you.”

  I want to respond, I should respond, but I can’t because I don’t exist any longer. I’m nothing but electricity and chemicals and fuel, I’m nothing but a barely held together collection of molecules about to fly apart. Embry is sweating and desperate behind me, Ash all forceful grace and strength in front, and then both of them shove up at the same time, both perfect, flared tips kissing against my womb at the same time, and once again I’m being split apart like an atom, once again I burn down the world, but this time when I cry out, it’s from pure, helpless joy, it’s from pleasure and love and perfection and eternity and marriage, this very real marriage happening between the three of us.

  They keep their word and they follow me, Embry first with a series of grunts that send my bones vibrating with an aftershock orgasm, and Ash with a pant and a moan that hits me square in the chest, cracking my ribs and puncturing my heart with the heavenly music of it. They keep fucking through their orgasms, masculine grunts and curse words as their semen spills inside of me, as everything inside of me is slippery and warm and intimate.

  Minutes pass, minutes where it’s just the rain and the pounding of our pulses, and everything is wet and sticky but we just can’t bear to unspool this moment, to pull apart what we’ve just shared, to separate what we’ve just joined together.

  I stare up into Ash’s eyes, which are clearer and happier than I’ve ever seen them, and then I start laughing, not because there’s anything funny, but because I’m so happy that I’ll cry if I don’t laugh, except I’ve already started to cry again too.

  My laughing forces both softening cocks to slip out and Embry groans, but he’s laughing too, and Ash joins in as warmth spills out of me.

  “We need a shower,” I say in between laughs.

  “We need a nap,” Embry says, rolling onto his back and yawning boyishly.

  “Shower first,” Ash insists. “Our poor princess needs a little aftercare.”

  Except that once we get into the shower, the aftercare somehow turns into more sex, Ash and Embry together, and then me and Embry, and then the three of us again, and Ash makes me swallow double the recommended dose of Advil for my poor cunt before we strip the bed of the ruined sheets and curl up together on the bare mattress, my prince on one side of me, and my king on the other.

  Embry falls asleep immediately, and I turn to face Ash, who’s blinking slowly and worshipfully at me. “Happy getting married day,” I tell him.

  “Happy getting married day,” he says back.

  “What happens next?” I ask, knowing he has to be sick of that question from me, but he just smiles.

  “I was wondering when you were going to ask that,” he grins.

  “I don’t know why I ask…you always say you don’t know.”

  “Except I do know this time.” Ash wraps his arms around both me and the sleeping Embry, gathering us close to him. I press my face against his neck and hear the gentle rumble of his throat as he speaks. “What happens next is we all live happily ever after.”

  Chapter Thirty

  I wake up sore, sweaty, and happy.

  Embry has flopped over onto his stomach, one leg bent, snoring loudly, and Ash is still wrapped around me, although his arms are slack and he’s hooked a leg around the cover to cool off. His breathing is even and steady, and I know if I could see his face in the dark, it would be that rare expression of vulnerability that squeezes my chest every time I see it.

  I blink in the dark for a few minutes, content and safe and transformed. I feel like a different person. A realer person. Like a fairy tale princess awakened from slumber. But this fairy tale also comes with an aching pussy and a powerful thirst, so I carefully wriggle out of bed to go find some more Advil and a glass of water.

  It’s only been a couple of hours since we collapsed onto the bed, and it’s a deep dark outside the windows, even with the city glowing around us. Plenty of time to snuggle back in, I think as I use the restroom and swallow the pills. A perfect way to end a perfect night.

  My phone buzzes on the nightstand, and since I’m up, I go check it.

  Abilene: I know it’s the middle of the nite but I need to talk. can u come down to the lobby? It’s important.

  I’m already grabbing my robe and putting it on, searching for hotel slippers to go with it.

  Me: omg, are you okay? I’m coming down now.

  Abilene: I’m okay, I just need to see u.

  With my hand on the door, I think about waking up one of the men and telling them I’m going downstairs, but they both look so perfect and boyish stretched out on the bed that I hate to wake them. I’ll tell Luc or one of the other agents waiting in the hallway, I decide. And if Ash wakes up, then he’ll be able to find me right away.

  But when I open the door and step out into the hallway, I don’t see Luc. Or any of the other agents. I slip my phone into my robe pocket and walk further down the hallway, puzzled. Even while we sleep, there’s usually perimeters of agents guarding the room. We’re never really alone.

  I turn the corner to the see the elevator, and again—no one. Even though I know for sure there’s always an agent at the elevator.

  Something’s wrong, I think, and the moment I think that, I know I need to get back to the room, back to Ash. It was stupid of me to come this far down the hallway in the first place, but the best thing to do now would be to—

  Oh shit.

  There’s a man standing in front of me wearing a hotel employee uniform and blue latex gloves, a cleaning cart at rest behind him. His uniform says Daryl, but I know he’s not a hotel employee. Because I’ve seen him before.

  At the Carpathian diplomatic dinner.

  I take a deep breath, preparing to run. And he steps towards me with a cold smile.

  * * *

  Thank you for reading AMERICAN QUEEN!

  Ready for Embry’s Story?

  I’ve been many things.

  I’ve been a son and a stepbrother. An Army captain and a Vice President.

  But only with him am I a prince. His little prince.

  Only with Maxen and Greer does my world make sense, only between them can I find peace from the demons that haunt me. But men like me aren’t made to be happy. We don’t deserve it. And I should have known a love as sharp as ours could cut both ways.

  My name is Embry Moore and I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States…for now.

  This is the story of an American Prince.


  Once upon a time a mafia princess fell in love with a foot solider. Turn the page for a dark and dangerous modern-day fairy tale in Skye Warren’s HOLD YOU AGAINST ME.

  Or if you’ve read that one, skip ahead to the sexy romance with a royal undercover and the sassy neighbor he can’t stop fantasizing about in CHEEKY ROYAL by Nana Malone.


  Skye Warren

  Once upon a time the daughter of a mafia king fell in love with a foot soldier.

  This fairy tale didn’t have a happy ending.

  My sister and I barely managed to escape alive, and we’ve lived in relative hiding ever since. I’m safe now, but I can never forget the boy who gave his life to save mine.

  Except there’s a chance that he’s still alive. And he’s fighting a war.

  Even knowing the risks, I have to find him. I have to find some way to protect him, the way he protected me. But he isn’t the boy I left behind. He’s a violent man. A criminal. And he’s been waiting for me—the final pawn in a dark game of survival and love.

  “Hold You Against Me quite literally grabs a hold and refuses to let go until the end. Truly one of the first Mafia books I’ve read that sucked me in with a completely original and brilliant storyline that had me guessing the entire time!” – #1 New York Times bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken

  Part One

  Tough Love

  Chapter One

sp; The moon sits high above the tree line. Somewhere beyond those woods is an electric fence. And beyond that is an entire city of people living and working and loving each other. I may as well be on the moon for how close I am to them.

  A guard walks by my window at 10:05 p.m. Right on time.

  I wait a few minutes until he’s out of earshot; then I flip the latch. From there it’s quick work to push up the pane with its bulletproof glass. I broke the lock a year ago. And almost every night since then I’ve sneaked down the ornate metal trellis—like a thief, stealing a moment to myself.

  The grass is still damp from the rain, the ground beneath like a sponge, sucking me in. I cross the lawn, heart beating against my chest. I know exactly where the guards are on their rounds. I know exactly where the trip wires are that will set off the alarms. My father is too busy in his office to even glance outside.

  The office I broke into this morning.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when I reach the pool. I’m still out in the open, but the bright underwater lights make it hard to see anything on the patio. They make it hard to see me as I curve around the edge and reach the pool house.

  The door opens before I touch the handle. “Clara,” comes the whisper.

  I can’t help but smile as I slip into the dark. Giovanni always opens the door for me. It’s like some old-world chivalry thing, even though we’re just two kids sneaking around. At least, that’s how everyone treats me. Like a kid. But when I’m with him, I feel less like a girl, more like a woman.

  He looks out the door for a beat before shutting and locking it. “Are you sure no one saw you?”

  “You’re such a worrywart, Gio.” I let myself fall onto the couch, facing up.

  “If your father ever found out…”

  We’d be in so much trouble. My father is a member of the mob. Giovanni’s father is a foot soldier who works security on the grounds. Both our dads are seriously dangerous, not to mention a little unhinged. I can’t even think about how bad it would be if they caught us sneaking around after dark.


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