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The Ruined Temple: A LitRPG Adventure (Eternal Online Book 2)

Page 2

by TJ Reynolds

  God Bone Bullets

  Quality: Legendary: +100% max damage of gun, +100% Accuracy.

  Additional effect unlocked if requirements are met. Single use item.

  “Thank you, Corinth,” said Alysand. “These will serve me well.” He shook each man’s hand again and bowed his head slightly as he did so. He seemed much less surprised by the events, and I figured that a man like Alysand might simply be used to gaining the favor of those he helped.

  Corinth turned to me and said with finality, “And for you, young lady.” To my discomfort, he was looking right at me. Micah handed him something I could not see, as his back was turned. A flutter of nerves filled my gut. Receiving gratitude, presents, or even a casual compliment had never been easy for me. “Hana, this is for you. I hope it is a fitting weapon for your journeys.”

  In my upheld hands, the armorer laid a short sword. It had a bone sheath and bone handle, but when I pulled the weapon free, I saw it was black as night and shone as if oiled. I gaped at its superb craftsmanship. It was made from one of Marduk’s talons!

  I inspected the curved blade before me, and as I read the stats, my jaw dropped.

  Finger of God Wakizashi

  Quality: Epic

  Durability 200/200 (35-200)

  +5 Dexterity, +5 Stamina, +50% Armor Penetration, +5% XP gained.

  Special Ability: Katana Companion.

  Katana Companion: Passive. When dual-wielded, increases base damage of companion katana by 10% and grants Armor Penetration buff to both weapons.

  “I don’t know what to say, Corinth,” I told him. “This is… it’s amazing. I will try to bear it well.” Though it felt a bit silly, I bowed at the waist to both of the craftsmen. Poor Micah blushed like a cherry tree, and his father grinned, enjoying his son’s discomfort.

  They left us with our gifts. Alysand replaced some of the rounds in one of his bandoliers with his new bullets, saving half of them and putting them inside a large box he withdrew from his satchel.

  “Hey, what’s the deal with that anyway?” Madi asked. “What else you got hiding in that bag, and how do I get one like it?” Within shone row after row of ammunition. Casings of several different metals glinted, and the tips of the bullets within all varied dramatically. Some had hollow points, others were long and pointed to penetrate armor.

  He placed it back within the satchel and tipped his hat at Madi. “This is an abyss bag, as I am sure you know already. You would need to do much to earn one. I wish you good luck, sister.” He said it with the smug grace of someone who has something coveted. He left us then, ducking back into the noise and clamor of the town hall.

  We followed after, discussing the weapons we’d just received. “So, what do you think my hidden special ability is, anyway?” Madi asked. “And what conditions need to be met? I’m going nuts in my head thinking about it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll unlock it, Madi. Some berserker last stand situation, maybe, or cutting the heads off of a hundred enemies. Then you’ll get your ability unlocked. Apparently I need to learn to dual-wield my swords. I’m good with one but thinking of swinging two around is frightening.”

  “Yeah, better watch that,” Madi teased. “I don’t want to be just another body at your feet.”

  We walked back into the party to further servings of bear meat and a whole array of sweets. I was asked to dance by a dozen young men, but I turned them all down. To my endless satisfaction, Madi gave in and did a faux Irish jig in front of Alysand, as if calling the old gunman out. Then, rather than back down, the man removed his hat—a more sober gesture than I’d ever seen him make before—and finally his gun belts.

  In front of the hundred or so remaining villagers, and our party, Alysand broke into a fevered jig. It was not a joke, not light and breezy and jaunty like the ones I’d seen online, but a foot-pounding display that brought sweat to his brow. Partway through, he began dipping to the ground, followed by more devastating stomps, and then whirling as he did so. The people of Benham fell into a rhythmic clap that pulled him along move by move.

  When he finished, the gentleman bowed and flashed a bright smile at Madi’s shocked expression.

  After the night began to die down, we headed back with Garren and found places before his hearth. A few of the kids bounced around in their fatigue, vying for his attention. He gave them everything he had, and as he tossed one of his girls up in the air, sending her arms and legs shooting outward like a plane, I thought of my father. He’d been this kind of a dad. He’d been there with us, at least until my mother passed.

  The memories didn’t send me toppling like they once would have, but instead just brought me back to earth. I had a debt to pay, a rental fee to renew, and hopefully enough money to get it all done with. I had no family to speak of, but when I looked around at those that surrounded me, I sighed deeply, letting go of some of the pain. My new family was right here. Only one was a fleshy human in the real world, but Pachi, and even Alysand, had become dear to me.

  As if reminding me of another significant connection in this world, someone knocked on the door. Garren answered, allowing Tumsley to saunter in. The man was carrying a large sack over one shoulder and he was panting. “Thanks for your hospitality. I need to speak with the adventurers and with Alysand, too.”

  “What is it, Tumsley?” Alysand said, a look of concern on his features.

  Tumsley set down the sack and held up his hands. “Nothing foul. I promise. But I have something for the three of you. For everyone here in fact, if all are willing.” Opening the sack, Tumsley revealed a massive lump of smoked flesh. It was the dark brown of seared steak and looked sinewy.

  “What the hell is that?” Madi asked, her face clearly showing disgust.

  Tumsley gestured to the meat with a lopsided grin. “That is Marduk’s heart. Properly prepared, the heart of a god, or a world boss as some adventurers call them, provides as much experience as the actual kill. Y’all need to eat as much of this as you can stomach, regardless of how much you ate tonight.”

  Even though none of us felt exactly thrilled to be doing so, we all accompanied Tumsley and Garren to the kitchen, where the heart was cut into smaller pieces. Then we ate. Not only the three of us, but Garren and his children, too. The small ones couldn’t manage as much, but they grinned, noting they had gained levels from the meal. The tingle of not one, but three level-ups passed through my body as I ate.

  “Holy crap! I just gained my third level!” Madi exclaimed.

  “Me too—that might explain why killing Marduk only gained us a few levels to begin with,” I answered, chewing the last piece of heart I could stomach.

  Alysand touched a hand to Madi’s arm as she reached for more. “That’s enough. Give some to Pachi as well, and any that’s left over, give to those young fools that want to sign up to become guards or soldiers. Can you do that, Tumsley?”

  The little man nodded sagely and, after giving a portion to Pachi, left as quickly as he’d come. We had to listen to Madi complain a while that her pet hadn’t grown from the experience, but she was also unwilling to try to feed the bear with its mother’s flesh. It just seemed wrong. Pachi, however, was already grown, and by all means was nearly too large to be inside Garren’s home.

  As we prepared for sleep, Madi and I made a plan to separate the loot from Marduk, making the task of auctioning the materials that much easier. The fact that the people of Benham, along with Tumsley, had taken their pay in materials, made the task easier. Tumsley had requested the eye that hadn’t been poisoned. Even though it had been run through by my katana, the eye was still apparently valuable. He said he planned on taking it out to his spider kin in the mountains to give to the Great Matriarch as a gift. He also got two of the talons and a patch of the hide. We had been promised great cloaks made from the bear’s hide, and I was excited to have the extra warmth, as the weather had already begun to turn towards winter.

  “You take the bones, claws, and remaining pelt,” Madi said as sh
e curled up under her blanket. “I will take the gooey bits, the organs and such. Those will bring most of the money, and I am more experienced than you are with the exchange. Sound like a plan?”

  “Sounds fair. Then, when we get all of the gold, we can do the math and split it three ways.” The fact that I trusted Madi so much felt good. I’d never had a friend so dear to just know that she had my best interest in mind.

  Alysand seemed to go to sleep at once, laying still under the furs he was given, and tipping his hat over his face.

  Madi and Tejón lay down and pawed at one another for a time before going still. It was plain that everyone was exhausted.

  For some reason, my mind kept racing. So much had happened in the last two days. No better time to check my notifications, I figured, and selected the first.

  Level 20 Skill unlocked: Choose between one of three skills:

  Wounding Strike (Active): Attack wounds creature, causing 75% of normal damage, but applies the Wounded debuff. Wounded reduces creature’s movement speed by 75%. Duration: 2 minutes.

  Edge Dancer (Active): A flurry of strikes that can cut down a swath of enemies. Attack speed increased by 300%. Duration: 10 seconds. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

  Sword Wall (Active): Your weapon strikes increase to an inhuman speed, causing 100% of all incoming damage to be deflected. Duration: 1 minute. Cooldown: 1 hour.

  It seemed that Wounding Strike was up for grabs again, this time with a twenty-five percent boost to both the base damage as well as the reduction of movement speed. It could be valuable, but again, I rejected the notion of using it to retreat. So far, we had encountered no fights that would have benefited from such a tactic. Besides, soon enough, Pachi would be large enough for me to ride her. If that were the case, then I’d prefer to just hop on and retreat that way.

  The Sword Wall skill was very tempting. The idea of blocking all attacks for a minute straight would be awesome. I could stop a number of foes by myself. But I did have the bone armor from Blessing of the Bear to count on.

  Edge Dancer looked to be an explosion of offense. With the added armor penetration and damage bonus my duel-wielding offered me, I could become a cloud of devastation.

  I told Pachi about the options and she agreed with me. Edge Dancer became my newest skill in an ever-growing arsenal.

  The enfield shifted about uncomfortably a moment, then broached what was on her mind. I have grown much since felling the bear, and there are choices that need to be made. Would you like to help me as well?

  What do you mean, choices? I prodded, my interest sparking.

  Like you, I must also choose a skill. There are three choices, and I want them all, but like my den mother used to say, you can only swallow one fish at a time.

  I laughed and nudged her. And you think I have strange sayings. Well, what are they?

  Pachi looked me in the eye, and I felt something contact my mind in a more physical way. Then a notification prompt filled my vision.

  Pachi Level 20 Skill unlocked: Choose between one of three skills:

  Wing Storm (Active): A barrage of wind buffets the enemy, stunning them for 2 seconds. The Dazed debuff is applied and reduces movement speed and reaction time by 25%. Interrupts spell casting. Duration: 2 minutes. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

  Cry of Courage (Active): The piercing call of a gryphon reverberates through all party members, lending them the Cry of Courage buff. +50% Stamina regeneration, +50% Health Regeneration, +10% damage. Duration: 5 minutes. Cooldown: 1 hour.

  Talon Strike (Active): Attack enemy with a flurry of talons causing an increase of damage by 50% for one strike. The Bleed debuff is applied, which causes the enemy to bleed out 1% of total health every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. Consumes 10% of total Stamina. No cooldown.

  Wow, those all look pretty awesome. What are you thinking, buddy? I wanted to keep this decision her own.

  Well, the Cry of Courage would be helpful, but we travel with the warrior and she gives us her strength, Pachi reasoned, and I thought she was referring to the party buff that Madi had. And the Talon Strike sounds fierce. I love to rend my enemies, you know.

  Yes, Pachi, I have noticed.

  She continued, ignoring my sarcasm. But the Wing Storm would be the best choice for now. I can use it to stun our enemies, soften their skin so we can slay them easier. Do you agree?

  I do, Pachi, none of us has a stun ability yet. It could turn the tables for us in future battles.

  First beans and now tables. Who taught you to speak, girl? Pachi had always been sassy, verging on smug at times, but downright humor was an interesting development. There is another choice that must be made, Pachi said. This time, the voice that filled my mind was serious, almost reverent.

  What is it? Is everything okay?

  I will just show you.

  The same mental pressure touched my mind and another prompt ran before my eyes.

  Companion Elemental Affinity: By helping your companion’s power grow, the gods themselves have noticed. Choosing one of the three vardeen gods is allowed. Choice of deity is permanent. If your companion does not wish to choose a deity now, other affinities can be unlocked by seeking out powerful deities and completing quests on their behalf. All actions performed that honor the chosen deity will contribute towards increasing Faith Rank.


  Light: By choosing the Light affinity, the vardeen warrior swears to worship and follow the Goddess Citlali. All attacks are enhanced by starlight. Paradox, Charm, and Solarburn debuffs can be learned as Affinity Level is increased. The Holy Light skill tree is unlocked.

  Ice: By choosing the Ice affinity, the vardeen warrior promises to worship and follow the Goddess Khione. All attacks are enhanced by Ice Damage. Freeze, Slow, and Frostburn debuffs can be learned as Affinity Level is increased. The North Wind skill tree is unlocked.

  Fire: By choosing to the Fire affinity, the vardeen warrior promises to worship and follow the God Ogun. All attacks are enhanced by Fire Damage. Scorch, Blindness, and Fatigue debuffs can be learned as Affinity Level is increased. The Warrior’s Forge skill tree is unlocked.

  No way—that is awesome! I shouted to her mentally. I want you to do them all.

  Yes, my thought as well. I will not choose fire. Though it is a powerful path, many vardeen have been led astray from honor following Ogun. He is vengeful and violent. My… my father died trying to fulfill his requests.

  I watched Pachi’s reaction as she dropped her head, her golden eyes tinged with a distant pain. I stroked the fur under her chin and tried to soothe her. I know a lot about fathers disappearing. I’m sorry. Maybe you can tell me about him some time.

  Yes, sister, and you can tell me about your father. I am sure he was a brave warrior like mine was.

  I smiled despite the pain in my chest. It was funny thinking of my dad as a warrior. In a way he was. So… Ice or Light, girl? Ice sounds good with the Freeze and Slow debuffs. The Frostburn and the Solarburn seem to be similar. But Paradox sounds weird. I wonder what it is. And Charm. Do you know about these abilities?

  Yes, my den mother was of the Light. Following Citlali is a noble path, though I have much respect for Khione as well. Paradox can make an enemy think you have longer wings than you do, or that you are not a threat.

  It confuses them? I guessed at her vague wording.

  Yes. And Charm is more powerful still. My den mother could make an enemy serve her if it was even a little bit less powerful than she was.

  I rolled on my back imagining the implications of being able to control an enemy. Having the surprise of turning one of their ranks on each other was intriguing.

  Well that sounds more useful in the long run. What about the Holy Light skill tree and the North Wind skill tree? What do those mean?

  The North Wind is a path that grants many powerful attacks. There is a tale of a vardeen princess slaying an entire clan of nezumi with a single blast of her icy powers. The Holy Light uses the power of Citlali, the goddess of the stars
. She gives the power to heal and also to destroy beings that have allowed darkness to overtake their hearts.

  Thinking of the Rat King, I felt I knew which branch would help us the most. But I could not choose who Pachi would worship and follow. What is your choice, friend? Thank you for including me, but you need to make this choice on your own.

  I want to follow Citlali, like my den mother.

  A good decision. Our enemies all seem to have darkness in their hearts. They will come to fear you, Pachi.

  She growled quietly and rested her head on her paws. I am sure they already do. Of the three skills, I want to have Solarburn. What do you say?

  I looked at the skill description she sent me and grinned.

  Solarburn (Active): By invoking the wrath of Citlali, a ring of celestial fire is cast to scorch your foes. Area of Effect: A circle 5 yards in diameter. Damage output: 5 points of damage every second (effect increases by 50% each Affinity Level). Duration: 1 minute. Cooldown: 24 hours.

  It looks amazing. I’m sure all the skills are good, but we don’t have anything that effects a large area at once. I agree. Snatch it up!

  Pachi purred at my praise and approval of her choice, and I felt her body settle down, the decisions having been taken care of, and only the task of mutual rest at hand.

  I closed my eyes and imagined how Pachi might continue to grow and change in the countless battles to come, trying to picture the skills she had acquired, and all the while feeling my mind slowly descending into sleep.

  2: “Like water to a wick, adventure comes to those who have chosen to stand against evil.”


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