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Cursed or Blessed

Page 15

by A. L. Martin

  Kurt was right, but it didn’t change the fact I was scared out of my mind. I took Braedon’s hand and slid out of the passenger seat, my feet landing in front of his. He pulled me closer to him, and Kurt closed the door behind me. Sophie stepped closer to me and wrapped her arm around mine as we made our way to the front of the station. I could see Mom, Dad, and Emerson waiting in the lobby through the glass doors, and the minute Kurt opened the door, my knees buckled underneath me. Kurt caught me before I hit the floor. He lifted me up and kept me close to his side. Braedon moved to the other side of me and kept whispering in my ear that he wasn’t going anywhere and that he would be with me no matter what happened. Mom and Dad walked up to us, and I could see Mom’s hands trembling. How could I put my family through this again?

  Sophie went with me through the metal detector up to the thick glass window to talk to the officer that was sitting at the high desk, looking at the computer screen. He looked to be older than my parents, maybe in his mid to late ‘40s, heavyset, with a receding hairline. “Can I help you, young ladies?” His voice was deep and raspy.

  “Um, I’m Sophie Grey and this is my friend Karsyn Alexander. We would like to talk to Detective Alvarez if he’s here.”

  “May I ask what this is about?” the officer asked.

  “Could you tell him Sophie Grey is here to talk to him about Alexina Mayer?”

  I watched the officer slide off his stool and disappear behind a wall. I turned to look at my parents, Braedon, and Kurt, then past them at the double glass doors. All I could think about was running out the doors, and never looking back. The longer I stood there waiting with Sophie to talk to the detective, the louder my heart pounded, making it hard to hear everyone around me. About ten minutes later, the officer appeared from behind the wall and sat on his stool again.

  “Detective Alvarez will be with you in a few minutes. He’s on the phone at the moment.”

  “Karsyn, are you okay? You look pale, except your cheeks are red,” Sophie asked.

  No. I wasn’t okay. I was about to unleash my worst nightmare on myself. I stood there, looking around the room at everyone. My breathing had become faster and my stomach was in knots. I turned to make a mad dash out the doors, but I ran into Kurt and Braedon.

  “Karsyn, if you really want to leave, we will, but I know you would never forgive yourself if you were able to help and you chose not to,” Kurt said, looking down at me. “Do you still want to leave?”

  I stared up at him, then glanced over at Braedon. Kurt knew me better than anyone, and he was right about the fact I would never be able to forgive myself. I turned back around to walk back to Sophie when another police officer walked up to the window. I assumed it was Detective Alvarez by the way he was asking Sophie how things were going at home. He wasn’t dressed in a police uniform, but black dress slacks, a blue button-down shirt, and a blue and black tie. He had coal black hair, with a few stray white hairs.

  “Detective Alvarez, this is my friend Karsyn Alexander. We wanted to talk to you about Alexina if you have a few minutes.”

  “Sure. I can let you both in.”

  “Can her family come in with her?” Sophie asked, pointing over to them. “She’s going to need them close to her.”

  He looked at me, then over my shoulder at them standing by the door. “I’m not allowed to let everyone come back, but she can bring one extra person with her.”

  I looked back at my parents standing next to one another, my dad’s arm around my mom.

  I couldn’t choose just one of them to go back with me. I needed everyone to be with me back there. I walked over to my parents, gave them each a hug, and told them that I wanted Kurt to go back with me. Not that I didn’t want either of them to be with me, but I could tell they needed each other right now. They were scared for me. Scared that I was going to have to face another trial for something I didn’t do and listen to the things people would say to me when I was out in public. I gave Braedon a quick kiss before walking back over to Sophie.

  Detective Alvarez opened the door for us. Sophie went in first, followed by Kurt. I paused in the doorway and turned around to look back at my parents. My mom was leaning into my dad’s chest, her body shaking, tears streaming down her face. I smiled at them in hopes it might calm their fears a little bit, even though I was terrified of what the next few hours held.

  The door closed behind me, and I took a few steps before turning around again to look at my parents through the small rectangle window.

  We walked down the hall a few more feet and turned left into a huge room full of desks strategically placed throughout. Most of the desks were empty, while others were occupied with either police uniforms or suits.

  We zig-zagged through the desks across the room to a glassed-in office. Detective Alvarez opened the door and told us to have a seat while he went and got an extra chair for Kurt. He was back within a few minutes with another black chair.

  “Sophie, I thought you said Alexina messaged you the other day saying she was at a friend’s house,” Detective Alvarez said, sitting down in his chair behind the desk.

  She scooted closer to the edge of her chair, so she was up against his desk. “She did message me the other night. She showed up to school today even, and then I got this message from her an hour ago.” She handed over her phone to him. He looked down at her phone, then back up at us, then handed her phone back to her.

  “Do you have any evidence that she is in trouble besides the text from her, Sophie?”

  “Yes and no. That is why my friend Karsyn is with me. I think she will be able to help you find Alexina before it is too late.” Sophie turned and smiled at me.

  “What kind of information?”

  “She has these visions. They are visions of people’s deaths.”

  “What? He got up and walked around to the corner of his desk and sat on the edge of it, crossing his arms. “You mean to tell me you came all the way down here to tell me your friend had a vision of someone’s death?”

  “Not just anyone. She thinks it’s Alexina in the vision. I know you don’t believe me, but I’m telling you the truth.”

  “Sophie, I am too busy to sit here and listen to you ramble on about your friend’s visions.”

  Chapter 16

  Sophie sat there with her mouth open in disbelief. He didn’t even want to hear anything she had to say or to talk to me. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved that he didn’t want to talk to me. Then again, I knew I was the only one that could help Alexina. Sophie and Kurt got up and started to walk out of his office. They turned around to wait for me. I was still in my seat starting at the back of his computer, not able to move away from it.

  “Karsyn, are you coming?” Sophie asked from the doorway.

  I looked up at Detective Alvarez. “You don’t believe us, do you?”

  “Why should I believe a bunch of teenagers? She’s probably playing a trick on all of you.”

  I got up from the chair, standing next to the detective. “What if I could give you proof that what Sophie told you about me is true, and that you are wasting time when you could be out there looking for Alexina? How do you think her parents would feel if something happened to her and you refused to listen to us?”

  “What kind of proof can you give me?”

  “Karsyn, come on. He obviously doesn’t want to hear anything you have to say,” Kurt snapped. “You are wasting your time with him.”

  I moved closer to the detective and told him to look up my name after we left the station. I told him once he looked up my name, to click on the link about the murder trial. I could tell what I just told him didn’t register with him by his tight-lipped frown.

  Kurt took my hand and led me out of the office and through the maze of desks to get to the main hallway. I was rather shocked that the detective wasn’t curious at all and just blew us off. Mom and Dad couldn’t believe we were leaving so soon. I told them what happened about the detective not wanting to listen to Sophi
e or having any interest in the fact I have visions of death. Mom walked with me and Braedon to his truck, while Kurt and Sophie trailed a few steps behind us. I made sure Dad was out of listening range when I told her about telling the detective to look up my name on the internet. Mom stopped in the middle of the entrance to the police station parking lot and turned to look at me, her eyes wide. “Why in the hell did you tell him to look up your name?”

  “Mom, I told him because he didn’t believe a word Sophie said. He wanted proof that we were telling the truth. Alexina is out there and I could be her only chance.” I turned to catch up with Braedon who was a few steps away from the truck. I had to help Alexina, even if my parents didn’t agree with my decision. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to be like every other 18-year-old girl out there. Then again, being normal had its perks too. People will always talk about other people, but it wouldn’t be out of fear. I was tired of people being afraid of me after they found out that I had visions.

  “So, he didn’t want to hear anything Sophie had to say?” Braedon asked, opening the truck door for me.

  “No. He told us that she was probably playing a trick on us.”

  Instead of going home, we all went to Downtown mall to get something to eat. I was rather glad to be going out as a group, especially with Braedon and Sophie joining us. We all decided on a local burger place for dinner and prayed we wouldn’t run into anyone that could create problems for me. It was a popular place for kids from school to get a great burger. We walked in and I immediately spotted Blair’s friend Olivia, but I didn’t see Blair anywhere around. Braedon looked over in the direction I was staring and saw her a few seconds later. “Karsyn, we can go eat somewhere else if you want.”

  “No. I’m not going to let people run me off.”

  “You know the minute she sees you, she’s going to message Blair and let her know you are here,” Sophie said after she saw who we were looking at.

  “Let her text Blair. I’m not afraid of her.”

  Braedon reached for my hand right as we walked past Olivia and a few of her friends. I glanced back over my shoulder and saw her fingers clicking the screen on her phone. I knew she was texting Blair that I was there with Braedon. I knew without a doubt she would confront us tomorrow at school. I wasn’t worried about her anymore.


  “Karsyn, are you awake?” Mom asked through my closed door.

  “Yeah, I’m up,” I said, pulling back my comforter.

  Mom cracked open the door enough to stick her head through. “Do you want me to make you something for breakfast, or just some fruit?”

  “Fruit is fine. Mom, can I ask you something?” I stared down at my phone.


  “Last night really happened, didn’t it?”

  “What do you mean? I’m not understanding what you are asking.” She stepped into my room. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Braedon was really here last night, right?”

  “Yes, and so was Sophie. Your friends aren’t going anywhere, Karsyn. Get ready. I’m going to the kitchen to get your fruit in a bowl for you.”

  “Thanks. Hey, Mom!”


  “Is Kurt going to be here when I get home from school?”

  “Yes. He told me last night he wants to stay for a while, to make sure everything is okay before he heads home. Get ready.” She smiled.


  I walked out of class, taking a deep breath as I made my way down the hall and around the corner to the cafeteria. I knew what the text read at home, but I was still scared that he wouldn’t be by the door waiting for me. Right as I was about to turn the corner, I heard my name being yelled from behind me. I turned around and saw Sophie walking as fast as she could without running, trying to catch up with me. She was pushing her way through the hall, then proceeded to yell at a girl who tried to start something with her. “Karsyn! Wait up!” she yelled a few feet away from me.

  “Hey, Sophie. I thought you were mad at me.”

  “Why would I be mad at you? I told you, I’m going to stay your friend. Besides, you helped me with my stepmom. I am glad to say Dad is supposed to be filing for divorce before the end of the week.”

  “Good. What she did to you was not right at all. I figured you would be mad because Detective Alvarez didn’t want to hear what you had to say about me, and I wasn’t able to help Alexina.”

  “That isn’t your fault, Karsyn. He didn’t want to listen to us. I was thinking last night when I got home. I will tell you more about it once we get to the cafeteria,” she said, wrapping her arm around mine.

  It was beginning to feel normal again, but I knew it wasn’t going to last for long. Normal was forbidden in my life. All my worries vanished for a few minutes when we turned the corner and I saw Braedon leaning against the wall by the doors, waiting for me. He looked so good in his khakis, tight burgundy polo. He was looking at his phone, not paying attention to the people walking past him. He knew when I was close because he glanced up and smiled. His smile made me melt, and for a brief minute, I was able to forget all that had happened the past few days.

  He reached for my hand and led me through the doors. We were a few feet away from the lunch line, and kids were staring and whispering. He squeezed my hand gently and pulled me closer to him. I felt safe next to him, and I knew he wouldn’t let Blair say anything to me. I tried to let go of his hand to head over to the salad bar, but he kept the firm, gentle grasp on my hand.

  “Braedon, I’m going to the salad bar to get something to eat.”

  “Well, I know Blair is waiting for you to walk away from me. I’m not going to give her that opportunity. She’s going to have to face me as well.” He looked around, then gave me a quick kiss before any of the teachers saw it. We walked through the lunch line together, then went over to the salad bar. Sophie was already over at a table waiting for us, out of hearing range. “Have you talked to Tyler since the argument between him and Sophie?”

  “I talked to him yesterday, but not since then. Now, that you mention it, I haven’t seen him at school,” he said, scanning the cafeteria. “I will send him a text once we sit down at the table.”

  He took my plate of salad and carried it over to the table. I sat in between Sophie and Braedon. Just as Braedon predicted earlier, Blair was standing in front of me on the other side of the table within ten minutes of sitting down. She had on a tight, cream-colored sweater, ripped jeans. I slowly looked up to find her staring at Braedon. She tossed part of her hair behind her shoulder, following his every move. When she saw that I noticed she was staring at Braedon, she glanced over, giving me the stink eye. I tilted my head about to say something when Braedon jumped in.

  “You seriously can’t get it through your fuckin head? I don’t want anything to do with you, Blair! Stop bothering us! Take your trampy ass back over to your group of friends. They look lost without you.

  “I didn’t get a chance to tell you everything last week, Braedon. I thought you would want to know that your little girlfriend is a murderer.”

  “The trial was dropped, Blair. There wasn’t any evidence against Karsyn, so they had to drop the charges. Is there anything else you want to add?” He leaned closer to me.

  “You know?”

  “Yes. Are you shocked?” Braedon said, with a smile across his face.

  I couldn’t take it anymore and had to look up at Blair to find her standing there with her mouth wide open. She glanced down at me, pressing her lips together. “Don’t tell me you believe her? They never found the killer. She got away with murder and you are defending her!”

  “Yes! I do believe her. She doesn’t try to tear people down to make herself feel better. She told me everything, and her cousin backed up her story. If you are wondering, yes, I looked up her name too. I’m going to tell you one more time. Blair, leave us the hell alone! I’m with Karsyn, and nothing you say is going to change that fact. Go find another guy to torture and make miserable.” Braedon glare
d up at her.

  She stood there for a few minutes, glaring at me before she finally turned around and went back over to her troll friends. I sat there smiling at Braedon, while he took a drink of water. For the first time, I wasn’t scared of losing him because of what someone told him about me. Maybe Kurt had been right this whole time about being honest with people. How can they like me for who I am if I am always trying to hide who I truly am? Braedon took my hand in his, kissing the back of it.

  I was about to start talking to Braedon when I remembered that Sophie wanted to talk to me about something. “Sophie, I’m sorry. You wanted to talk to me?”

  “Huh?” She looked up from her phone. “Oh yeah! I got so wrapped up in Braedon telling off Blair that I almost forgot. By the way, nice work! I couldn’t have said it better.” She smiled at Braedon. “Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something, but we are running out of time because of Stupid Bitch. Do you have anything after school?”

  “I was going to go home and see Kurt for a little bit before my parents get home. Why?”

  “Bring him too. Pick him up after school, then meet me at the Starbucks down the road. We can sit and talk. Braedon you come too. I have an idea since the police don’t want to help us.”

  “Sophie, what do you have in mind?” I asked, glancing back and forth between both of them. I could see Braedon was confused too. Sophie’s phone buzzed in her hand, which meant she would be distracted for a few minutes. I whispered to Braedon if he had any idea what Sophie was up too, and all he could do was shrug his shoulders at me. I wasn’t in the mood for Sophie’s wild, crazy ideas. Sophie continued to mess with her phone, while Braedon and I picked at our lunches and talked about this weekend. I was still scared to make any plans with him in fear he would go home and wake up tomorrow, realizing he didn’t want to deal with me and my crazy life.


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