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Hit and Run: A Thrilling Novel of Romantic Suspense (Callahan Security series Book 3)

Page 10

by Lori Matthews

  “A lot of things just mysteriously end up in the inboxes of journalists all the time.” She sucked in a breath. “Just because we don’t stand up and say ‘Yoo-hoo, over here. Hey look at me! Look at all the wonderful things I did’ doesn’t mean all of us are out there poking around in your business and stealing from you.

  “Some of us are trying to create positive change in this digital age where most of the governments have the means to shut down anything they don’t want out there.” Dani had started pacing back and forth in the hallway as she spoke. She liked to move when she was angry. It made her feel more in control.

  “So, you don’t steal people’s info or hold companies’ information hostage or steal from banks?” Logan’s voice floated down the hallway.

  She turned around and moved closer to the phone. “No, I don’t. Most of us don’t do that stuff.” She heard a grunt and looked up at Gage, who was watching her. The heat crept up her neck into her cheeks again. Damn. She’d told him she stole the money for Jeremy from a bank. She was busted.

  “Look, all that stuff doesn’t matter. What matters is I used the base code from the Chinese and wrote the software program off of it. They clearly seem to want it back.” She moved down the hallway a little bit. She needed space and even a foot or two would help. She didn’t want to look at Gage just now. He’d give her that look. The one that made her feel like he could see her soul.

  “Right,” Mitch said. “So, what do we do about this? How do we handle it?”

  Gage cleared his throat. “I think we have to lay low until we hit Vancouver, and the rest is the same. We have to get back to NYC so Dani can finish the software. Maybe talk to Drake one-on-one so the mole doesn’t know we know what’s going on. He might have some contacts he can connect with and maybe come to some sort of deal. Any news on the mole?”

  “Maybe,” Logan said. “We’re running through all of Drake’s closest employees. Anyone who might have had access to the information about the software, his whereabouts at certain times, and your location. There are about five altogether, but there’s one that stands out. We’re checking to see if he had access to all the right information. It will take time to do a deep dive on this guy and on everyone else.”

  “Who is it?” Gage asked.

  “Devon Michaels. Do you know the name?”

  “I don’t. What about you?” he asked Dani.

  She shrugged. “Wait, isn’t he the head of IT? I know there were some issues with him. Janet let it slip one time when we were talking about her dead son. Devon’s an addict. His vice is gambling.”

  “What’s that got to do with Janet’s dead son?” Gage asked.

  Mitch spoke up. “Janet’s son died not too long ago. He was a drug addict. Janet put him in rehab a few times, but he just couldn’t kick it. Ended up OD’ing.”

  “Janet said Micah, her son, was almost clean when something happened. She didn’t elaborate, but I got the impression it had something to do with Drake,” Dani said. “It was when they were in Macao.”

  Logan’s voice came down the phone line. “Sounds like we should poke around a bit about their time spent in Macao and see about Devon. He could be the key.”

  “Sounds good,” Gage said.

  “How are you doing on your end?” Mitch asked. “No real vacation time, huh?”

  Gage grinned. “No, not really. Trying to lay low and stay outta site. I thought it would be easier to do on a cruise ship, but I gotta say, they have these things pretty much locked down these days. We’re managing. I’ll feel better when I see your ugly mug on the dock and we can head back to NYC. We’ll be in the day after tomorrow.”

  Gage heard Mitch laugh. “We’ll be there, and my mug is better lookin’ than yours, big brother.”

  “And I’ll feel better when you’re here, Gage, but at least now we know what we’re up against. Mitch and I will put our heads together and see what kind of game plan we can come up with for meeting you and getting you here. I know once you’re further from port, cell service will be sketchy. Call when you can.” Logan’s voice sounded worried to Dani, and she didn’t even know him.

  They were freaking her out about the Chinese thing. It sounded crazy, but it never had occurred to her they would want to kill her.

  Yes, they would track her down and probably take the software, but why kill her? Wasn’t she more valuable alive? She couldn’t count the number of clients she’d acquired this way. They all threatened to prosecute her, but then they hired her to fix their security issues or adapt their software. She vaguely heard Gage sign off with his brothers. He seemed calmer at least.

  Just then, there was a knock on the door right beside Dani’s head. “Ahhhh,” Dani yelled and then quickly covered her mouth with both hands. Gage put his finger to his lips to tell her to be quiet.

  Well, duh. It wasn’t like she’d planned on screaming. She just hadn’t been expecting a knock. Gage was in front of her now, gesturing for her to go into the bathroom and close the door. She moved down to the bathroom and pushed the door closed until there was just one small crack she could see through. Gage approach the door from the side as quietly as possible and took a quick glance through the peep hole. She saw his shoulders relax, and he opened the door.

  Jeremy entered with his huge smile. Dani opened the bathroom door. “Jeremy, man, you can ditch the fake smile. It weirds me out.” She shuddered.

  Jeremy blinked and then frowned. “Sorry. My smile gets me lots of tips. It becomes a habit.”

  Dani nodded. “I bet the old dolls just love you with those dimples of yours and your muscles.”

  Grinning, Jeremy nodded. “Not to be immodest, but it does help.” He winked at Dani, and she had to smile back.

  “I’m Dani, by the way, and this is Gage.”

  Jeremy nodded.

  “Why are you here, Jeremy?” Gage growled.

  What’s his problem? Maybe he gets hangry, too? Dani’s stomach rumbled loudly.

  Jeremy looked at Dani and grinned. “Ah, I…um, brought food. It’s outside around the corner.” He looked back at Gage, who was practically leaning over him, glowering. “I didn’t want to attract too much attention or anything…” Jeremy swallowed hard.

  “That’s great, Jeremy. I’m starving.” Dani tried to smile to encourage Jeremy, but he was still staring at Gage. “Um, maybe you can get it?” she asked.

  Jeremy’s gaze finally swung over to her. “Right.” He turned quickly and pulled the door open before Gage could check to see if it was safe to do so.

  Gage’s teeth were clamped together so tightly Dani could see the pulse in his jaw. Whatever his problem was at the moment, he’d just have to wait because she was starving and hadn’t eaten a proper meal in so long she couldn’t remember. Jeremy had better’ve brought something good, or she was going to lose it.

  Dani heard the room service cart, so she didn’t bother to wait for the knock. She reached over to open the door, but Gage grabbed her hand and held on to it. He shook his head and motioned for her to back up again.

  “We have to be safe. We can’t take any chances.”

  Dani rolled her eyes but said nothing.

  Gage opened the door and let Jeremy in with the cart. “Take it over to the dining room table.”

  Jeremy pushed the cart around the corner and through the living room area, or at least Dani assumed he did. She stopped at the end of the wall. It was getting darker now. The storm was getting stronger as well. She could hear the rain and the wind. That was good. It would mean she wouldn’t be able to see out the windows to the water.

  She grabbed the edge of the wall and took a deep breath, but in the end, she just couldn’t propel herself around the corner. Instead, she turned around and went down the hall into the bathroom. She threw some water on her face and washed her hands. She was walking toward the door when she heard Jeremy and Gage coming back.

  “So, if you need anything, um, well…” Jeremy frowned. “There’s no real way for you to reach me. Ce
ll phones don’t work. You can’t call from here because the suite number will show up on the screen with no name, and people will know you’re here and start asking questions.”

  Gage leaned against the wall. “How about you just come back and check on us if you get the chance? If not, just bring us breakfast tomorrow morning.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Okay, I can do that. See you later then.” He gave Dani a half wave and then started to open the door. Gage quickly put a hand on the door to stop him and checked the peep hole. Then he nodded and let Jeremy open the door and push the cart outside again. Gage closed the door.

  “So, how about dinner? I’m starving.” With that, he walked around the corner and disappeared.

  Dani gritted her teeth. She needed food. She needed to be able to move around in the suite. She needed to get over her irrational fear of the water. But knowing all that didn’t make it happen. She walked to the edge of the wall and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. Sweat immediately broke out on her forehead and upper lip. Her breaths rushed in and out.

  Stop it! She’d already walked across this room twice. She could do this. She wiped her palms down the front of her jeans and tried again to make her feet move. Her stomach tied up in knots. Her toes curled up in her sneakers. She wiped her palms again. But she just couldn’t do it.

  “Fuck!” she said as she hit the wall next to her with her fist.

  “Hey. Go easy there.”

  Her eyes flew open to see Gage standing right in front of her. “I—I was just…”

  “I know. It’s hard to overcome fear, and it usually doesn’t happen when we try and force ourselves. You have to take it slowly.”

  “But I’ve already walked across this room. Twice!”

  Gage nodded. “And you were upset and thinking about other things both times. The only thing driving you at the moment is your hunger, and no matter how hangry you get, it’s not enough to distract you from thinking about what’s on the other side of that wall of glass.”

  “It’s so damn frustrating.” Dani tried to blink as tears pricked her eyes. “You’re not helping!” A single tear trickled down her cheek. She brushed it away violently with the back of her hand. She never cried. Never.

  “I’m going to eat, sitting at a table like a normal human,” she said through clenched teeth. She saw a hint of a smile on Gage’s lips, and her eyes narrowed. “Are you laughing at me?”

  “No. Not at all. I’m admiring your spirit.” The smile was bigger now and genuine. “I’m going to help you.”

  She tilted her head. “How?” Her stomach twisted. What the hell did he have up his sleeve?

  “You’re going to give me both of your hands, and I’m going to lead you across the room. I’ll walk backwards. You just look at me and don’t worry about anything else.”

  “I’m not sure—”

  “I know. Just trust me. You’ll be fine.” He offered his hands.

  She looked down at them. They were big, strong man hands. They’d brought her food when she was hungry. They’d rubbed her back when she was upset. They were hands that did not hit her. But, she didn’t like being touched. She hated having someone hold her hand. It made her feel trapped. The only person she’d ever let hold her hand was Carly, and that was because she’d been frightened watching a scary movie on Halloween.

  If she didn’t do this, she wasn’t going to eat. She needed to prove to herself she was strong enough. Maybe she even wanted to prove it to Gage. Great. Now she was starting to care what he thought. She swore again and then dropped her hands on top of his.

  “Look at me,” he said, and she did. This is stupid. He moved slowly backwards, tugging her along. She started to withdraw her hands, but he held onto them gently but with a firm grip. She looked down at their hands. “No. Look at my face. You’re doing fine.”

  She looked back up into his eyes. She could see they had passed by the wall and were now in the living area. Her breath was starting to come quicker. “I don’t think—”

  “Exactly. Don’t think. Just trust me.”

  She focused on his eyes. They were so intense. Even in the growing darkness, they sparkled. His eyes expressed what he was feeling. She’d noticed it before. They also seemed to be able to see right through her. It made her nervous on a whole different level.

  Her gaze dropped to his lips, and she remembered how they’d felt pressed to hers. Was it getting hot, or was it just her? She was sweating now but not out of fear. His lips were curving into a smile. She looked back at his eyes, and they were sparkling. He was laughing at her. Not at her phobia but at what she was thinking. How did he know? Damn him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “We’ve made it,” Gage announced.

  Dani glanced around, and her shoulders dropped. She let out a big breath she must have been holding. They were at the dining room table. She promptly let go of his hands and made her way to the seat that had her back to the windows.

  Gage had already laid out a plate at her spot and the food all around it, so everything was in easy reach. He wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. He wanted her to relax. They had lots to discuss. This China thing was big, and he wasn’t sure she’d really grasped what it all meant. He needed her as calm as possible.

  “So, Jeremy did a great job. There’s all kinds of stuff to choose from. Chicken, fish, meat and veggies just in case. I think there’s even pasta.”

  “I see that. Good thing. I gotta say, I’m starving.”

  Gage grinned. “I know. I’ve been listening to your stomach rumble all afternoon.”

  “Hey! That’s not fair,” Dani complained, but she was smiling, too. “I’ve only had one real meal recently. I’m not one of you exercise freaks who eats a piece of lettuce and feels full. I need food, real food to keep my brain going.”

  “Well, help yourself and dig in.” Gage moved to the other side of the table and sat down. He reached out and lit a small candle in the middle. “I think this isn’t enough light to attract any attention. Besides, I’m not sure anyone is on deck in this monsoon.”

  The rain lashed the windows, and the wind howled. Dani shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Gage asked.

  “Not really. We can turn up the heat though, right? That shouldn’t trigger any systems to let someone know we’re in the room.”

  “That should be fine,” Gage agreed. He reached over and pulled a beer out of an ice bucket. “Jeremy also brought beer and wine. Would you like something?”

  She shook her head. “Not much of a drinker, but you go ahead.”

  “Don’t mind if I do. I’m only going to have one. It won’t affect my ability to protect you.” He opened his beer. “I just need some normalcy at the moment. This is a first for me. I don’t ever remember being in such a tough spot and being surrounded by so much luxury. It’s kind of weird.”

  Dani had just put a huge forkful of food in her mouth so she couldn’t talk. She nodded her head rapidly, though.

  Gage took a swig of his beer and then set it down. He picked up his plate and started helping himself to dinner.

  Dani grabbed some more French fries. “It’s kind of creepy, hiding out in this cabin. It feels so cut off from everything else, which is also good in a way. I used to dream about being cut off from everyone and everything. I always thought it would be a relief. Now, I’m not so sure.” The worry lines on Dani’s forehead deepened, and her full lips had turned into a frown.

  “It’s fine. We’re okay. My brothers will be there to help us when we dock, and we’ll be fine in this cabin. Just enjoy the solitude.”

  Dani ate a French fry. “Tell me about your brothers.”

  Gage shrugged. “What do you want to know?”

  “Start with what they look like,” she said, then popped another fry in her mouth.

  “Well, Logan looks quite a bit like me, or I guess I look like him since he’s the oldest. We have the same dark hair and we’re about the same height. He’s a bit leaner than I am. He’s
also a control freak. He’s a lawyer by trade and the CEO of Callahan Security. He likes to boss me and Mitch around.”

  Dani snorted. “I’m sure you love that.”

  Gage grinned. “I’m used to it after all these years. I ignore him mostly.”

  “What about Mitch?”

  “Mitch,” Gage laughed. “Mitch is a pain in the ass. He’s a ‘shoot first and ask questions later’ kind of guy. Loyal as hell, though, and excellent at every sport. He’s slightly shorter than me with lighter hair. He’s sturdier. Wider shoulders. I have to say I miss talking to them. We’ve only recently been in constant contact. It’s been great. I was just happy I could get them on the call earlier. Now I know we’ll have backup for sure when we hit Vancouver.”

  “I wish I could contact someone,” Dani mumbled as a shadow crossed her face.

  Gage wasn’t sure she realized she’d spoken aloud. He debated asking her about it, but decided against it for the moment. There were other things to get to. He ate slowly, keeping an eye on Dani. When she started slowing down, he decided it was time. He cleared the last few bites of food off his plate, chewed quickly, and swallowed.

  “Would you like tea or coffee? I think I can make either.” He gestured toward the kitchen area.

  “Tea would be great. Thanks.”

  Gage got up and made his way over to the kitchenette. He filled up the kettle and plugged it in. He told her the tea choices and, once she made her selection, he put the tea bag in a mug for her. “Is there anything else you need?”

  “You mean besides a hot shower and some clean clothes? Oh, and something to sleep in?” She smiled. “Nope. Doing just fine now. Think I will start working on the code again. Now that my stomach is full, maybe my brain will work better.”

  “I might be able to get Jeremy to track down some clothing if he comes back, or I can go out and get some. I—”

  “I’d rather you didn’t,” Dani said quickly. Her hands went to her hair and then back to the napkin in her lap. She was biting her bottom lip.


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