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Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 64

by Mary B. Moore

  She laughed and got up to straighten the blanket and to move some of the candles closer as I turned towards the car. I’d just gotten past the first tree when she called my name.

  “I’m sorry I doubted you,” she looked so vulnerable as she whispered it. Looking up at me with determination, though, she gave me something huge, and I would never forget this moment. “I love you.”

  Grinning like a jackass, I said the words that she needed to hear to heal from what had happened to us today.

  “Until forever, baby,” I said back, watching the last bit of the tension leave her body. “Now, let me go and save my fucking car. I’ll be smelling that fucking food for weeks as it is.”

  I walked back to the car hearing her laughter behind me the whole way. It would take time, but the best relationships always do because they’re built on top of solid foundations. Day by day we’d get stronger.


  I was embarrassed about how dramatic I’d been, and how quickly I’d doubted Cole. I know that I had trust issues, God did I know that, but we’d come so far, and I’d let them take over at the first hurdle. I was adamant that it wouldn’t happen again, though.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered into his chest. We were lying out on the blanket with the candles still burning around us, looking out over the lake. I truly loved this spot, our spot.

  Sighing, Cole started playing with my hair. “I won’t say that it doesn’t hurt that you doubted me, but I understand it.” He was such a good guy. I wasn’t sure that I deserved him, but I didn’t ever want to lose him. “If I’d seen what you saw, I’d like to think that I’d be secure enough to know that it wasn’t what it maybe looked like, but I can’t promise that that’s how it would actually end up.” He rolled us so that he was back to lying on top of me. “We’ve come so far, baby,” he whispered, his eyes scanning my face. “But we both have our reasons not to trust. In a way, I’m glad this happened.”

  My head jerked at that. What the fuck? “Why?”

  “The best relationships are built on solid foundations, and what we’d achieved so far wasn’t solid. Now that this has happened, those foundations are more concrete, and we’ve come a billion steps further than where we were.”

  The way he explained it shouldn’t make sense, but it did at the same time. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I think the same thing,” he said shrugging, and my heart started to beat faster in my chest. And then he ruined it in true Cole fashion. “Every morning I wake up and think ‘damn she’s a lucky bitch!’.” The cheeky grin on his face had me belting out a laugh.

  “You’re nuttier than squirrel shit!” This was my standard insult to Cole now.

  “Ah baby,” he said as he lowered his face towards mine. “You’re so good at the dirty talk!”

  I looked up at him grinning above me, an it hit me then that I truly did trust him. I was insecure, I admitted that, but whenever I’d trusted someone or allowed myself to love them, I’d ended up hurt. It was a hard psychological circle to break, but with Cole, I actually think I had.

  “I trust you,” I whispered, and his eyes widened slightly as the words registered. He knew what it meant to me to say them and how difficult it was.

  “Fuck me,” he rasped. “I fucking love you, Eb.”

  Pulling his head down to mine, I kissed him hard, licking across his lips just trying to get the ‘Cole taste’. His tongue came out to meet mine, and the kiss turned from hard into a lazy but erotic and wet one.

  Lifting his head away from me, Cole broke the kiss and lay breathing heavily. I wasn’t faring much better, and it had nothing to do with his weight. At some point, I’d shifted so that his hard on was against my pussy and I’d wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “I don’t know if we should do this here,” he said, taking my attention away from the rock hard erection that I’d been rubbing against.

  “Why not?” I glanced around, seeing that the place was deserted. At this time of night, it was unlikely that people would come to the lake anyway.

  “Because of the bugs,” he looked around in an almost paranoid way, and if I wasn’t so turned on I might have laughed.

  “What about the car?”

  His head snapped around to face me with a look of horror on his face. “That’s not funny, baby.”

  “I’m not trying to be funny baby. I’m horny, and if you don’t do something about it, I swear to God Cole, I will hurt you. You realize that I have medical qualifications and that I’m not afraid to use them, yes?”

  Chewing on his lip, he looked down at me clearly undecided. Did we get the blood drained from us and risk Cole’s balls? Do we go to the car that he’s paranoid about and have hot sweaty sex? Or, lucky option number three, do we do nothing and Cole ends up with his dick hanging from his ass cheek and his balls on his forehead?

  “What about the security guys?”

  Thankfully, and luckily for his balls, though, even as he asked this, Cole jumped up and started packing the stuff away. “Cole, we’ll come back for it. Car now.” I really couldn’t hold on anymore.

  Seeing that I was serious, Cole walked over to me and lifted me up so that my legs were around his waist and his erection was back in the delicious place that I needed it to be. It took hardly any time to get to the ‘Stang. Getting into the front passenger seat, he locked the doors afterward and put the back of the seat down with me still straddling him.

  I pounced and started undoing his belt and then the fly of his jeans. He’d already unbuttoned my top, and thankfully I was wearing a skirt. Normally, I’d have still been in my scrubs, but I’d taken to getting changed before I left work because we usually ended up having dinner with family. I lifted up onto my knees as he pulled my skirt up to my waist. I’d finally worked his cock out of his pants by pulling them and his jockey shorts down slightly, and I was enjoying the feel of the rock hard and silky hard on in my hands.

  I felt his hands going to either side of my panties, and then a ripping sound filled the car. Looking down, I saw that he’d ripped them off me and that they were now in his hand.

  “I loved those ones!” And I had. I’d bought them from Scarlett’s a couple of weeks ago, and they were my favorite set.

  “I don’t care,” he muttered as he ran his finger up and down my core, teasing me by not pressing hard enough.


  He looked me straight in the eyes as he finally increased the pressure, skimming around my clit in circles, and then across it as I moved my hips. I don’t know what I’d expected next, I never knew what Cole was going to do anyway, but I definitely hadn’t expected the spank to my ass that I got.

  “What the fu…”

  Another spank, this time on the other side. “No, baby. You’ll stay still. When I want you to move, then you’ll move,” Cole said in a firm tone that I rarely heard from him.

  Looking at him, I saw how serious he was and, honestly, I’d do anything if he’d just finish what he started. He must have seen the submission on my face because his finger started moving again. Suddenly he plunged two fingers inside me, and I screamed as I came.

  I hadn’t even started to come down when he replaced his fingers with his cock and pulled me down on it hard and fast taking my breath away. Once he was fully inside me, he paused and pulled my face towards his. This was one of my favorite moments in life; this first kiss with him inside me. Slowly, I pulled up and then pushed back down making him moan into my mouth, not once breaking the kiss. I continued to do this a couple of times when he spanked me again.

  “I’m in control of this,” he grumbled as he lifted me almost off of him and then slammed me down hard. I couldn’t help the scream of pleasure that came out of me. It didn’t take long for us to both come. There had been a lot of foreplay through the night, whether we’d intended it to be or not, and neither of us could have held back if we tried.

  I’d just stopped pulsing around him when I fell down onto him, trying to catch my breath.r />
  “You’re going to kill me,” he panted. I giggled which unfortunately made me tighten around him and both of us groan. “My poor car!”

  “It’s fine.”

  “No it’s not, and it’ll never be the same again. Poor thing has seen and been a part of things that no Mustang should ever see.”

  I leaned back so that I could look around the ‘poor abused car’ and saw no sign of what he was talking about. When he started talking to it and stroking the seat, I sighed and lifted off of him, pulling my skirt back down.

  As he got his pants back on something occurred to me. “Hey, does this mean that we saved a cowboy?”

  “What?” The irony of the fact that he was looking at me like I was the crazy one of the two of us wasn’t lost on me.

  “Well, we rode a horse, so we saved a cowboy!”

  He scowled at me as I got out of the car and headed towards our special spot to pick up all of the crap that we’d left behind in a hurry. I could hear him still talking to the car as I did it and rolled my eyes. What was it with men and their cars?

  Chapter 12


  I took one last look at Eb as I was dragged out of my parents’ home by the assholes. I really didn’t want to leave her. Last night, after we’d had our talk, we’d ended up doing the dirty in my car. Admittedly, I’d been a little worried that I was going to end up being bitten and stung to death by ants and mosquitoes again, so we’d had to ruin my poor car, but being inside Ebru was worth it. Initially, I’d been worried about the ever present security, but I knew that they’d make themselves scarce whilst being vigilant of what was around us at the same time. After all, it was their job to remain discreet. I totally needed to take my poor car for a deep clean now, though. The things that the poor baby had seen…

  As much as it had hurt to see how shaky Ebru’s trust in me was, I wasn’t lying when I said it had strengthened us. I refused to thank Adele for anything in life, though. This was why I didn’t want to leave her tonight; the last twenty-four hours had been some of the best of my life. It wasn’t what we did, it was the strong bond that was now in place between us, and she seemed to be happy now which was all I could ever ask for.

  Getting into the car begrudgingly, I sat back as Coleman got behind the wheel and we pulled away from my parents’. Security was still as tight as ever around us and, because we were all going out, the girls and babies were staying with my mom so that a closer eye could be kept on them. As Coleman kept telling us - we still didn’t know who was responsible for what had happened, and even though they were quiet, it didn’t mean that they were done. I’d much rather be safe than sorry, and the other guys agreed with me.

  “Hey, Maya told me what happened to Eb’s sister and her parents’ man,” Ren said from beside me, and I saw Coleman’s eyes move to look at me in the rearview mirror. “That’s…fuck me. I don’t even know how she survived it all.”

  I sighed as I looked out of the window at the trees going past us. I hated talking about her private business, but I’d opened the floodgates on that one when I told the girls. “Yeah. Seeing her break down at her parents’ house was fucking hard as shit. And then the photos…” I trailed off.

  “Did she get her heart tested after it?” Coleman asked from the front, snagging my attention immediately.

  “What for?” Why would she need to do that? I mean, I’d heard of people dying of broken hearts, fuck even dogs did it, but looking at Ebru she didn’t seem to be dying. Wouldn’t it have happened already?

  “To make sure that she doesn’t have the same heart condition,” he explained.

  “Wait, she could have the heart thingy too?”

  “Maybe! It isn’t necessarily the case, but it has happened.”

  Pulling out my phone, I typed out a text to Ebru. Why hadn’t I thought of this? I’d been intending on looking up the condition but hadn’t gotten around to it yet.

  Me: Did you ever have tests done on your heart? xxx

  It felt like forever waiting for her to reply. I was about to ask Coleman to turn the car around and just say fuck it to the night when my phone buzzed in my hand.

  My forever: No. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. x

  “That would be a no on the tests,” I told the other occupants of the car.

  “You’re gonna want her to get them done, man,” Ren said, and Coleman nodded in agreement as he drove.

  “No fucking shit Sherlock!” Did they think that I didn’t know that?

  Me: We’re getting it done ASAfuckinP

  My forever: Go get drunk

  After all of this, I fucking needed to, but I wanted to be sober when I got home so that I could tell Eb that she was having those tests done regardless. What if she got stressed? Jesus shit, I’d been rough with her when we’d made love. What if it had done damage to her heart?

  Deciding I needed input on this, I told my worries to the car and felt my eye ticking when they all burst out laughing.

  “Dude,” Ren got out through his chuckles. “I know you think you’re hot shit in bed, but no way are you good enough to stop someone’s heart!” he said, making Coleman laugh even harder.

  “You don’t know that,” I argued. “You hear about those guys dying while they’re fucking a chick all the time.”

  “Unless you’re telling us that Ebru’s a chick with a dick, I think you’re fine,” Coleman replied from the front.

  Fuck these guys. I needed to look up the symptoms of the condition and find out all about it. I wasn’t going to lose Ebru ever.

  We’d been at Jilly’s for three hours already, and the alcohol that I’d been forced to drink was helping numb the worry about…wait, what was I worried about?

  “Another!” Luke shouted, getting up unsteadily and waving his arm at the chick behind the bar. Some asshole had decided that we needed Jagerbombs to chase the beers that we’d been drinking, and I had a horrible feeling that I was that asshole.

  “Here’s to babieshhh,” I raised my glass in a toast and went to down whatever was in it, only to find it empty. “Shtop dinking my drunks.”

  Ren was leaning back in his chair with a glassy look in his eyes, while Adam watched us all with a grin on his face. He’d only turned up half an hour ago and Brett, Ren, Luke and me had been drinking since the second we got through the door. The dude needed to catch up. Even Parker, Ethan and Mace were close to being as drunk as we were and those guys could drink their weight in alcohol and still walk in a straight line.

  I couldn’t remember the new chick from the bars name, but she placed a round of drinks in front of us and walked away without saying anything.

  After some slurred talk about babies and baby shit charts, whatever they were, Tony walked up tp us sounding out of breath. I saw Luke, Brett, and Ren look at him and him nod back, but my attention was snagged by the biggest pain in my ass since Parker abused it, sitting surrounded by guys, drunk out of her mind. So long as she stayed the fuck away from me, I didn’t care if she fucked the world.

  “Letsh play a game. Every time shomeone shaysh baby we drink!” Some asshole suggested, and the table erupted in cheers. Again, unfortunately, I think that I was the asshole that suggested it.


  Maya, Isla and I stood staring at the sight in front of us in a mixture of horror, amusement, and confusion. When we’d woken up this morning, the guys still weren’t back, so we called Coleman in a panic about it. He assured us that they were okay and that he had his men watching them. Then he told us where we could find them, which brought us to now.

  Looking over the line of assholes propped up against the wall still out cold, I took in the decorations on their faces.

  “What do you think Luke is meant to be?” Isla asked, and I looked at him more closely.

  “Either the victim of a failed boxing match or a panda?” I guessed. He had big black circles that had been colored in around his eyes, and across his forehead was something that looked a lot dodgy, a little like bamboo, but a
lot like a dick.

  “I think Ren is meant to be a tiger,” Maya guessed.

  Looking at the blue lightning bolt type stripes all over his face, I added another option. “Or David Bowie?”

  Mace I was guessing was a fox because he had the tip of his nose colored in with whiskers on either side of it, upside down V’s on his forehead and something that looked like What Did the Fox Say written across his forehead. Either that or it was Arabic. We continued to look over the group and guessing what animals they’d decided to decorate themselves as, but it was the lint licker above them that we all kept looking back at.

  I don’t know how they’d done it, but Cole was Duct Taped horizontally to the wall in a Superman pose. It looked like they’d used around twenty rolls of the tape. That wasn’t the most eye-catching thing about it, though.

  “Where do you think they got the rainbow glitter unicorn horn from?” Isla asked.

  “Tony brought it,” Baz said gruffly from behind us. He had been laughing since we pulled up, and not chuckles, full blown belly belts.

  I looked at the man in question, who was out cold with the rest of them on the floor, and rolled my eyes. “I should have guessed.”

  “I wonder what they stuck it to his forehead with?” Maya asked, pointing out a really good question and making me wince at the thought of what they’d found to do the job while they were drunk.

  “I believe it’s attached by a bit of elastic,” one of Baz’s men who was standing beside us staring at the sight in front of us said.

  Looking at each other, we all took a couple of steps backward and started taking photos with our phones. At that moment, Brett fell forward and landed with his face down straight on Parker’s crotch.

  “I’m getting these framed,” I snorted, flicking through all of the photos on my phone.

  “Are we going to wake them up and get Cole down from the wall?” Isla asked, sounding as hesitant to do it as I was feeling at that moment.

  Looking up at the line of filthy animals and Cole taped to the wall with a unicorn horn on his head and “I’m a unicorn” written on the tape, with an unfortunately and again badly drawn unicorn horn on his crotch, I came to a decision.


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