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His Scandalous Viscountess (Lustful Lords Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Sorcha Mowbray

  She sighed and offered a sad smile. “It would no doubt end Wallthorpe’s incessant attempts to garner my hand in marriage, yes. But if I have learned nothing else in the last ten years, it’s that I wouldn’t be happy in a marriage of convenience—even to someone as handsome as you.”

  Latching on to her compliment, he deliberately shifted the direction of their conversation. “Ah-ha! At least I know now that you aren’t refusing me because you think I’m an ogre.”

  She laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Wolf.” She hesitated, but then stepped closer to him. “You know I have always found you attractive. I remember the first time I spotted you across a ballroom, after you returned home from school.”

  “The Blakelys’ ball.”

  His memory easily called up an all-too-familiar image of a red-haired goddess aglow in the candlelight. He’d been stunned to realize that the beauty who had instantly stolen his heart was his former playmate and best friend.

  A small gasp escaped her—if he’d been further away from her, he might have missed it altogether, it was so soft. “You remember that?”

  “Of course I do, Jules. You took my breath away back then. Allow me to return the favor.”

  Not remember the Blakelys’ ball? It wasn’t possible. He repressed a snort. Ready to end the conversation, he swept her into his arms and captured her parted lips.

  The faint sweetness of the red wine they’d had with dinner teased his senses as he plundered and explored her mouth. Never one to surrender control, she met him stroke for stroke, their tongues sliding sensuously together. She melted into him, her corseted breasts pressed against him, teasing him with their proximity.

  Determined to suck on the tight buds of her nipples, he began working her dress open at the back. All the while, he continued to sip of her lips and savor the taste that was all her own. Once he finally had her gown loosened and gaping in front, he reached down and lifted one breast free of its confinement. There were too many more layers of clothing to get through to wait for the pleasure of sucking the tip of her breast. So as he continued loosening her clothing, he took her pebbled nipple into his mouth and drew on her succulent flesh.

  She laced her fingers through his hair and moaned as he tugged on the sensitive point. When he finally had her corset loosened as well, she pulled his mouth from her breast and turned around.

  “Finish undressing me. I want to feel your chest hair chafing my nipples as you kiss me, your skin hot against mine.”

  She cast a sly smile over her shoulder as she waited for him to do as requested.

  His already-hard cock seemed to grow even harder at her expression, as lust blew past all his restraints. With an efficiency he could only credit to his driving need to bury himself inside her, he quickly divested her of her clothes and all her underthings. Naked and unabashed by her natural state, she turned around, grabbed his jacket, and pulled it down his arms. As soon as he had one hand free of the garment, he was tugging at his necktie, while she finished removing his jacket. Then she was pushing his shirt up over his chest, until his skin was bared to her.

  Her green eyes flared with heat as they shoved his shirt over his head together. By the time he had freed his hands once again, she had pressed her torso against his, and proceeded to rub against him like a cat. Any moment he expected her to start purring.

  “Mmmm… I do love a man with chest hair.”

  She even nuzzled his pecs with her nose.

  After a few moments of simply holding her as she chafed her breasts against him, he groaned when she reached down and opened his trousers. He toed off his shoes, while his remaining clothes fell away from his body under her busy hands. Trembling with need, he stepped free from his pants and was about to scoop her up for another kiss when she immediately dropped to her knees and caressed his groin.

  “Did you know Arab men remove their pubic hair?” she asked, as she tangled her fingers in the coarse hairs nestled at the base of his shaft.

  His reply was strangled in his throat for a moment as she caressed his sac. “I did not.”

  She took his length in a firm grip and stroked from base to tip. “They do. The practice has its merits, and its weaknesses.”

  She flashed a smile at him and then took the tip in her mouth.

  As the warm, wet heat of her mouth engulfed him, shivers chased over his body. Wolf was no stranger to all forms of pleasure, but when Jules sank down his shaft until he lodged in her throat and then swallowed, he nearly came. Taking control over the interlude, he shoved his fingers into her hair, causing pins to fall out as her coiffeur was dismantled from his rough handling. And then he withdrew until just the tip of his erection sat between her lips.

  “Jules, look at me.”

  Her bright green gaze shot straight to his face.

  “Good girl. Tap my leg three times if you need me to stop. Do you understand?”

  His voice came out harsh, as the need to plunder her mouth rode him hard.

  She nodded, and then he pushed back into her mouth, sinking all the way to the root. She choked a bit on the first stroke, but once he pulled back and slid in again, she accommodated him with ease. Pleasure skimmed across his flesh as he lost himself in the warmth of her mouth, the tight clasp of her throat, and the sweet song of her moans.

  Lost in the moment, she took him by surprise when she slipped her hand between his legs to fondle his sac. Then she shifted further back. With her finger coated by saliva, he supposed, she wiggled between the cheeks of his arse until she found his tight pucker.

  Wolf groaned as she penetrated his hole, sinking deep inside him. Then she touched something within him that almost caused him to explode. Despite the fact that he was working his cock in and out of her mouth, fucking her thoroughly, she had once again stolen control.

  Again, she rubbed that spot deep inside him, and his body seized. With his balls drawn tight against him, he cursed and then sank deep into the tight grip of her throat. With each pulse of his orgasm, she stroked that sensitive spot in his arse and swallowed around his cock. By the time she had finished drawing out his climax and removed her finger from his backside, his legs shook with the effort to stand. Withdrawing from her mouth, he stumbled to the bed and sank down before he collapsed.

  As he calmed his racing heart and regained his composure, he glanced over to find Jules kneeling where he’d left her. With her hair disheveled and a pleased smile gracing her swollen lips, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  “Come to me.”

  Chapter 10

  Julia shifted forward onto her hands and knees. Power and desire pulsed thickly through her veins as Wolf’s heavy-lidded gaze rested on her with a gravity that made her feel strong, yet feminine. Determined to retain the control she had wrested from him, she crawled across the rug to where he sat on the bed. Thinking of how she’d once seen a tiger stalk its prey, she stayed low and long, working to affect a sensual quality to each slow move forward. Her breasts swayed, drawing his focus for a moment before his eyes retrained on her face.

  Need slithered along her spine to coil low in her belly and between her thighs. She licked her lips, savoring the remnants of his musky taste, as well as the slight tenderness from his rough fucking of her mouth. Nearing his legs, she couldn’t help but draw a comparison between this man and Tariq, the desert sheik she had taken as a lover. One light, the other dark. Both commanding lovers, but one’s command stemmed from his force of personality, the other his birthright as the leader of his people. Both were fit men, but she could not deny that Wolf’s broader frame and thickly roped muscles appealed to her in a way that Tariq’s more sleekly muscled body never did.

  Stopping before the man she’d known forever, she waited as her body yearned for his touch. It was a bit disconcerting to realize just how strong a pull he still had over her.

  His clear blue gaze had grown darker, almost a stormy gray. “Stand.”

  Doing as he directed, she tucked her toes and rolled back t
o her feet to rise. He spread his legs and reached out, laying one hand on her hip to draw her closer. After adding his other hand to the opposite hip, he smoothed them up over the curve of her waist, stopping to span the distance. Then he leaned into her stomach and pressed his face to her softly rounded belly. For a moment, he seemed to be lost in the moment, absorbed in the crackling intensity that arced between them every time they touched. Then he pressed his lips to her skin and slowly peppered kisses over her stomach until he moved up over her ribs. With his hands trailing up her sides, his kisses gave way to nips and licks that had her body flashing hot and then cold, as lust swelled up from the tips of her toes.

  Her breathing grew labored as he caught the underside of her breast with his teeth, only to switch to the other one and drag his tongue over the sensitized flesh. Her knees weakened with each touch, yet he refrained from lavishing her nipples with the same attention. As he teased and tantalized her, desire overrode her patience. She fisted her hands in his hair and tugged his head back so she could see his face.

  “Suck on my nipples. I need to feel your mouth on them.”

  A sensual but determined gleam came into his eyes as he stared up at her. “No.”

  She inhaled sharply, desire warring with her self-control.

  He jerked forward, ignoring the hard pull of his hair as her fist remained tight, and nipped the side of her breast one last time. Then he stood, forcing her to release her grip, and shifted around her until his chest was pressed to her back.

  What was he going to do?

  Uncertainty caused her excitement to soar as she waited. And waited.

  “Bend over.”

  His brusque command came out low and raspy.

  Determined to retain some control, she leaned forward, pressing her hands to the mattress and wiggled her backside against his groin.

  “All the way, sweetheart. I’m the only one in control here.” Then he pressed his hand against her back between her shoulder blades and forced her down until she had to turn her cheek. “Don’t move unless I give you direction.”

  In that moment, with her soaked pussy rubbing against his hardening cock and her face pressed to the bed, she had never been so turned on. Because if Julia was honest with herself, as much as she liked her independence, it was exhausting always having to fight for her power, and her freedom.

  “Jules, you need to understand something about me. I am a dominant man, and in the bedroom, I am the one in control. My only desire is to please you, but I shall go about that in my own way.”

  He stroked her backside, first one cheek, and then the other.

  “I’ve had demanding lovers before, and have a full understanding of the rules.”

  She tried to lick her lips, but her mouth had gone dry with wanting. Wanting him pressed against her. Wanting him inside her. Wanting… She pushed aside the yet unformed desire, because she knew in her heart of hearts it was not something she could afford to acknowledge.

  He grunted at her answer. “Perhaps, but the first rule you’ll need to learn is that if you attempt to wrest control from me, there will be consequences. This time, it will be ten swats to your arse to remind you who holds the reins in here.”

  And then he smacked her right cheek. Heat bloomed over her flesh, but it was a relatively light blow. If he’d asked her, she could have told him she’d had worse, much worse punishment in her life. Though certainly not with the promise of explosive pleasure at the end, and there was no mistaking his intent.

  Then he landed a smack on her left cheek.

  This was no brutal punishment of the sort that Wallthorpe had doled out early in their marriage. Or even of the caliber Tariq had handed down to her when he felt she had exceeded the bounds his masculinity could accept within his culture. While he had been an enlightened man, a Cambridge man even, some of her transgressions could not be overlooked in order to save face with his people. Having a white infidel as a lover was already asking too much.

  Two more slaps landed, one on each side. And then two more.

  Heat spread through her, and with it came the desire, the need that always flooded her when she was treated to that erotic bite of pain. She bit her lip to keep her moan in check. She didn’t trust him enough yet to fully disclose her less-than-proper preferences. But if he kept up this pace, he would soon figure it out, whether she wanted to reveal the truth or not. Her quim was soaking wet, and her legs trembled with desire.

  He rubbed his palm over her warm backside and moaned a little behind her. “Your bottom has turned a delectable rose color, but we’re not done yet. Four more to go.”

  Was he reminding her or himself?

  Not that it mattered, because she was so ready to feel him inside her.

  Two more spanks landed. Then he dragged his shaft between the globes of her backside and pumped between them like he was fucking her for a moment. When the last two blows landed, it was all she could do to keep from coming as she rubbed her mound against the edge of the bed. Just a little more pressure would do it.

  Then one hard and very unexpected spank landed across both cheeks. “Cease trying to bring yourself off. You’ll come when I take you there.”

  His gruff demand sent shivers up her spine, and cranked her want a little higher. She whimpered with the pulsating need to release, like a steam kettle about to blow. “Please, I ache.”

  Wolf nudged her feet wider apart, spreading her open to him as she lay bent over the bed. “What was our lesson this evening?”

  Her head spun until she could barely form a coherent thought. Every word he spoke felt like someone had plucked a violin string, except the string was buried deep inside her and drawn taut between her nipples and her clit.

  He’d asked a question…

  “What was the lesson, Jules? I need an answer before we move on.”

  He put his hands on her bottom and squeezed, sending sparks of pain mixed with desire shooting through her body. Desperate for the answer, she knew she knew it. She raked her scattered thoughts together, until a single word clicked. “Control.” She licked her lips, wetting them once more. “You’re in control in the bedroom.”

  Oh, God, please let that be the answer he wanted.

  “Mmm…very good. Now, a reward for a lesson well learned.”

  He shifted around behind her, possibly even lowered himself to his knees, she thought.

  The first swipe of his tongue over her drenched slit caused her legs to shift from trembling to full-on quaking. Her hands fisted in the sheets as he stroked over her clit and drew his tongue back to her entrance. Then he plunged inside her and twirled it around. The next swipe over her sensitive nub had her exploding. “Wolf!” she cried out as pleasure burst through her.

  Relentlessly, he dragged his tongue over her plumping folds, lapping at her desire as the promise of release danced just out of reach. Then he ran his tongue from her clit back to the entrance of her sex. She waited eagerly for the sensation of his tongue sliding within, swirling around once more…but he slicked right past her entrance and moved a bit higher. As he gripped the still-tender globes of her bottom and spread them wide, she gasped with the pleasure-pain as her need crept another notch higher.

  Then he swirled his tongue over her tight whorl. Her whole body shook with need as she relaxed and then clenched around nothing. A keening cry of emptiness careened out of her. “Please!”

  “You may not come yet, Jules. Hold back for me.”

  His gruff command settled the wildness that had grown in her until she wasn’t sure she could contain it any longer.

  He continued to lap at her tight entrance, even as he slid two fingers inside her pussy. The pressure returned to building, and she knew she couldn’t last forever. But then he pulled his fingers out of her quim and pushed them past the tingling, tight ring of muscle.

  He plunged inside her and then retreated. Over and over. And then from underneath her, she heard the words she’d hung on for, the signal of her freedom.

; “Come for me. Come now.”

  His demand, followed immediately by the sucking force of his mouth on her clit, tossed her over the edge, and she exploded.

  He licked and lapped as he continued to drive his fingers inside her, until her knees gave out and she sagged onto his face. She whimpered at the added pressure to her sensitive tissues while sparks of ecstasy shot through her. As long moments stretched out she reeled from his sensual assault. Finally, with his support, she found her legs as she reveled in the deep pleasure of the climax he’d wrung from her.

  He stood up and eased her onto the bed. All the while he stroked and petted her, until she had fully returned to the moment.

  He nibbled on her ear as he spooned her, and then whispered, “I need you. I need to fuck you hard. And I don’t think I can be gentle.”

  She tilted her head back toward him, catching his expression from the corner of her eye. “I do not recall asking you to be.”

  With a growl, he rolled her back onto her stomach and urged her onto her hands and knees. Moving with an economy of motion she could not credit, he donned a French Letter. Then he lined his cock up with her cunny and drove into her in a hard and fast move that had stars dancing before her eyes. Her swollen sex felt stretched, and so full of him. Then he drew out, dragging his shaft along all that sensitive flesh, and shivers broke out over her body.

  “Do it again.”

  And he did. He slammed into her hard, and then drew back in the most sensuous slide, that sent her desire spiking once more. He started fucking her, pounding into her from behind, with a pace that made her head spin and her heart beat like a moth’s wings. His balls slapped against her thighs as he shuttled in and out. His need was escalating quickly with each pump of his hips, as was hers. She could feel the frantic quality of his thrusting, and yet he’d not exploded.

  “Reach between your thighs and rub your clit. Make yourself come for me.”

  His command answered the question that had popped into her head only a moment before. And so, she did as he instructed. She reached down and stroked over the extended nub. As he continued to fill her over and over, she worked her clit until her orgasm slammed into her like a runaway train. She screamed his name as she pushed backward into his thrusts. Two strokes later, while she swiftly dropped from her high, he stiffened up behind her.


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