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Trouble Brewing (In Ashwood Book 2)

Page 16

by Kinney Scott

  She smiled and rolled to the floor on her knees as he pulled up an upholstered chair. He placed himself in position to enhance the stunning vision of Ravenna on her knees swallowing his cock deep into her throat. He slid forward and fisted her hair in one hand while grasping the root of his jutting arousal, guiding her mouth slowly down his length.

  A satisfied moan travelled from her lips to his shaft as she slid her wet mouth over the dark tip. Gliding her tongue along the contoured veins, taking him as deeply as her throat would allow, she cupped his tightening balls in her hand, as Steven stroked his length in cadence with the movements of her stretched lips.

  “Fuck, that’s intense Ravenna. Swallow baby, I need to go a little deeper.” He commanded and firmed his hand across the back of her neck. “Right there, that’s it.”

  The speed of his pace picked up. Her mind released as he stole the last remaining thread of control. Heat hit the back of her throat as Steven exploded in a blinding orgasm. Her name left his lips in a satisfied growl that had Ravenna squeezing her thighs seeking a small measure of satisfaction.

  Scooping her up, thanking her for her sweet pleasure, he carried her to bed. Steven only left her alone for a moment to find the champagne, pouring her a tall glass to wash his taste from her lips.

  Ravenna woke late the next morning, sore, spent, and thoroughly satisfied. It took a moment to remember exactly where she was. The sound of the shower, the view of tall evergreens and the Egyptian cotton sheets helped reorient her memory.

  Steven came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and a few seconds later answered a knock on the door. He had ordered her favorite breakfast, eggs benedict. Steven sipped black coffee and checked headlines in the paper that arrived with breakfast, and glanced up to watch her eat. She envied how powerful he looked in the morning, self-assured, and arrogant. As if he knew the day would proceed according to plan, because he willed it so.


  Another mile ticked by on the winding highway leading into Ashwood. Steven grumbled about Wade’s foolish decision. “This location will cut deep into our profits with the added transportation costs alone. What was he thinking?”

  “I wondered the same thing myself when I first arrived.” Ravenna nodded, and dug for information. “Do you have any idea why Coalition agreed to this location?”

  With his steely eyes locked on the horizon, his words slipped. “Our agreement with Wade has a different focus. He was able to come up with capitol for the taproom from other sources. Unfortunately, Coalition now has less leverage.” As he mumbled, he immediately regretted sharing this information too openly.

  Rounding another tight turn, he hissed in disgust. “On the map this location didn’t appear so remote. Who bothers to drive up here? Certainly the taproom he plans will suffer from a lack of customers.”

  She felt a need to stand up for Wade. “The area draws hikers and mountain climbers nearly year round. Soon we’ll pass a white water rafting outfit that pulls in all levels of rafters each summer.”

  “Any hotels or resorts?”

  “Just a couple of different places with rustic cabins. That’s the reason I’m staying in a tiny house.”

  “Well, I look forward to see where my girl has been spending her nights.” He smiled. The heat in his eyes stirred Ravenna again. Even though she was more than satisfied after their evening at the resort, her body heated, anticipating his attention.

  Until then he would focus on Mosquito Creek Brewing. Steven had an uncanny ability to switch from business to pleasure as easily as he clicked off a light when leaving a room. During his trip, he also planned to scout the area for other assets. Steven never stopped searching for new additions to the Craft Coalitions stable of brewers.

  Looking down the narrow winding road that pointed straight toward the flanks of Mount Adams, he was beginning to regret the freedom he had given Mosquito Creek Brewing. No matter, Double Deet IPA would make CCC a fortune, and at the end of the day, the beer was not the real gold they were attempting to mine from Wade Michaels.


  Wade arrived early to Mosquito. Even though the taproom was not open, the brewery was already running at full capacity. The lofty goals set by Coalition left little room for error, especially since he used the facility at Old Mosquito to produce Sweet Venom. His summer wheat was already selling faster than he could meet the demand.

  Linnea arrived late with Amanda. She had a slight sunburn from another hike with Rick, but looked ready to face the week ahead. After talking to his sister, Wade ducked his head into the Whitewater office. “Hey, Amanda, have you seen Ravenna this morning?” He had looked all over the brewery, with no sign of her.

  “No, but she mentioned picking up her boyfriend Steven at the airport. Maybe they are still in the tiny house. If they are, you may not want to disturb them.” She added with a smile that grated Wade’s nerves.

  The thought of Ravenna hold up in her house with Steven dug a pit in Wade, but he tamped down the jealousy. He had no claim on her, and he reminded himself of that fact several times a day. “Thanks, Amanda. I guess I’ll just head back to the brewery. She’s bound to show up sometime.”

  He tried to get away before Amanda added, “Maybe, but if the pictures I’ve seen of Steven are accurate, she might choose to stay tucked away in the house all day.” Amanda laughed aloud, and Wade turned away to hide his grimace.

  Wade growled low, as he stepped out of the office, and decided to take the long way round to center himself. Guilt filled his gut as he thought of Ravenna. Her image should not be invading his mind, especially after the incredible weekend he spent with Iris at his home on the mountain. Every day Iris revealed more of herself. He enjoyed everything about her - she was smart, sexy, and brave. Yet, he wondered if there would always be something missing.

  By the time Wade made it around the building, Ravenna stood in the office introducing Steven to Linnea. Wade watched from across the brewery. Something about this guy - with his slick, polished attitude always pissed him off.

  He longed to see what this guy was really made of. Growing up with sisters, Wade was not the kind of man that got in fights. But Steven’s face, his clean shaven jaw, and his perfect white teeth just asked to be messed up.

  Ravenna felt Wade’s presence first. She always knew when that man entered a room. Their eyes locked, and she blushed a bit when the power in Wade’s gaze heated her body. He tipped his head back in a casual hello. Together they mirrored each other’s smile. Strong strides brought him into the office. Now that both men competed for space, the room suddenly seemed in short supply of oxygen.

  Steven attempted to seize control. “Wade, good to see you again. Tell me how the brewery is coming along. I’ve been looking forward to your personal update.” He demanded, as Wades jaw clenched slightly.

  “Ah Steven, you just got here. I’ll give you some time to settle before showing you Mosquito.”

  He turned his back to the man. “I have some things to take care of. Linn, Ravenna, I’ll be back later. Text me if anything important comes up.” He walked out, determined not to be pushed around by this executive, who was nothing more than a glorified shopper. Wade refused to answer to this pretentious prick.

  “No problem, Wade.” Linnea answered with an overly sunny tone. “See you later.” She seldom saw her brother blow up in anger, but on those occasions when his wrath erupted, she preferred not to be close to his target.

  Lacking good judgement, and probably to send a message, Steven followed Wade out of the office. His expensive leather shoes clicked on the hardwood flooring. “I’ll just take a look around now, Wade. I don’t need a roadmap to figure out if this brewery is ready to run.”

  “Be my guest.” Wade said still moving, then added loudly for all to hear. “Ravenna, will you keep an eye on him? I’m guessing you can handle Steven.”

  His anger stung. Ravenna didn’t deserve Wade’s hostility, and she chose to ignore the pain.

  She answered as e
venly as she could. “I know my way around the brewery. Steven if you have any questions I’m pretty sure I can handle it.”

  She snaked her hand through Steven’s arm, his muscles were tight with controlled fury, but she hung on as the cords loosened, his stress dissipating slightly as she led him through this new operation.

  Steven fumed, thinking - I couldn’t give a shit if he succeeds. Even better if he fails.


  With half of his experienced crew in place at the Old Mosquito location, Wade worked in Ashwood to complete the tasks of two men. Tonight he had outlasted Linnea, as she went home for the evening. As he directed his truck toward Northside Grill he was more than ready to spend the evening in Iris’ arms.

  Parking his car next to hers, he entered through the kitchen. Most of the after dinner crowd had gone home, but a few younger guys remained late shooting pool. He found her behind the bar - she approached him with a welcoming smile, stood on tiptoe and planted a quick kiss on his lips. “Long day?” she asked warmly.

  “Very, and festival season is about to begin. My time will be stretched to new limits.” He begged her patience, and apologized for neglect that was coming.

  “Hey, I get it. Summer’s busy for me too with more tourists, and the locals will itch to get out …thank God.”

  “Have you still been slower than usual?”

  “Yes, but I think I figured out the problem.” She said.

  “Do you want to sit down, and take a break? I’d like to help, or just listen. Whatever you need.” He said, knowing this problem had been eating at her for several weeks.

  “Yeah, that would be great. Let me wrap up this guy’s tab and I’ll join you. Just pick a table away from the customers.”

  “No problem.” He poured a Sweet Venom for himself and made the hot tea she preferred.

  She slid into the seat across from him, “Thank you, Wade. Ah tea, you read my mind.” He could see her stress ease away as she sipped.

  Her fingers toyed with the rim of the saucer, as she leaned inward to talk. “Last week I was running low on produce, and the delivery was still a few days off. So, I decided to run down by the river and go to the outlet to pick up a few supplies.”

  “Okay, and…”

  “Well, while I was there I stopped in at the Rolling Columbia Grill.”

  He nodded, “Yup, check in on the competition. I do that too.”

  “Several of my regulars were there. I sat at the bar so I wouldn’t run into them in the dining area.”

  “Strange. That seems too far to go for a meal similar to Northside.”

  She agreed, “My thoughts exactly. After I left I took a look around town. Those same customers had gone across the street.”


  “The pot shop.” She waited, while he shared a little smile. “Now, I don’t have any problem with that. Hey, it’s the new economy. But, if Ashwood’s city council insists on keeping the marijuana industry out of town, we will all feel it. You, me, the grocery store. Everyone.”

  He nodded, “Your right, if the locals drive out of town to get their quarter-ounce, they finish up their other shopping away from here.”

  “Exactly,” she went on. “Once they finish with errands, they go straight home to chill out.”

  Wade leaned back in his chair, and nodded. It made perfect sense. Then added, “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, it made me feel a little sneaky, but I hung out for a while, and saw more than a few people from Ashwood visit the shop. If our locals want to buy pot, we should have that business here. Not send them to the next town to get it.”

  “I wish I could jump right in and help you with this. I’m not on the business council. They don’t bring in new members until January.”

  “That’s okay - I’m not ready to bring this up…yet. But soon, I may need your help, if you are willing.”

  “Absolutely. I will run this by Seth, too. However, he may have a different take on it. With the saws and equipment they run, he has a no drug policy.” The more Wade thought about this the more sense it made. His taproom could potentially suffer as well. Just another layer of complication.


  Ravenna saw Wade the moment he walked into Northside Grill and met Iris with a kiss. She was thankful he had not spotted her sitting in a dark corner booth with Steven. She hoped Steven would keep his focus on his emails. The last thing she needed was for these two men to have another pissing contest. Her boyfriend, dangerous when challenged, used money as a weapon. If pushed, Steven could make Wade’s life miserable.

  Steven glanced up. “I’ve found another festival that would benefit Mosquito Brewing, and get you in a position to learn something about our irritating brewer.”

  She bristled, but asked for more information, “Where is that?”


  “Are you sure that is the best use of his resources? Mosquito already has that market dominated. Home town guy and all.”

  “Yes, but it would give you an opportunity to meet the extended family.” His insistent stare sent a clear message…don’t fight me on this. “Maybe you can persuade Wade to show off his family’s hop farm. We both know you can be persuasive when you set your mind to it. Wouldn’t you like to know a bit more about that part of the business?”

  She furrowed her brows in question, “Steven, my grandparents grew hops. They may not have been as successful as the Michaels, but I’m pretty comfortable with my knowledge of the industry.”

  “All the more reason to encourage the visit. You speak their language.” She saw it again, that steely gaze that meant Steven would not relent.

  An agreeable smile pressed across her lips, agreeable but insincere. “When is this event?”

  He scowled in disappointment. “I wish it was sooner. Not until August, at the beginning of hop harvest.”

  “If I recall correctly, Wade already has that event on his yearly calendar.” Steven’s eyes gave him away, as she inched closer to Coalition’s true interest in Wade Michaels.

  She pushed carefully. “What do you think Steven? I’m sure most of the family steps up to help during harvest. His family does own one of the largest hop yards in Washington.”

  “Actually in the world.” Steven muttered, correcting her apparent oversight.

  “His sister Linnea also plans to help in Yakima during harvest. We have talked about hiring extra staff to cover the taproom in August. I had not planned to be here. My job with Mosquito will have concluded by that point.”

  Steven shook his head. “Ravenna, I think you should plan on staying in Ashwood through October.”

  Her eyes raised in question, “Are you sure? Won’t I be more useful elsewhere? Linn and Wade are handling the expansion beautifully.” She asked, carefully attempting to tease more information out of Steven.

  As his stern expression darkened further, Steven narrowed his eyes and studied her carefully. Finally, he put the matter to rest. “If Coalition needs you here to insure a smooth transition that’s where you will be.”

  His lips formed a tight line, and she knew the conversation was over. “Come on, we’ve spent more than enough time in this small town bar.” Steven stood, pulled a stack of cash from his pocket, extracted more than enough to cover the tab from his money clip and waited for Ravenna.

  By taking hold of his hand, Ravenna was able to get him out the door without Wade or Steven making contact. From across the bar, sitting at a table with Wade, Iris watched Steven and Ravenna leave. Her eyes had already glanced more than once at this striking couple. She sensed tension between them, as Ravenna attempted to guide the dark brooding man from her bar.

  Iris slid her gaze back to the rugged man sitting across from her. She enjoyed having Wade in her life, and in her bed, but if this petite beauty stayed in town long, she doubted she would have the power to keep him there.


  Mosquito Creek was surprisingly quiet, with Ravenna and Steven on the coast for a quick trip to celebrate
her birthday. Wade ran ragged between both locations prepping for the first festival. Linnea tried to ease Rick out of her office. She felt shaky, but couldn’t discern if the cause was lack of food or his intoxicating touch. After their third hike, he seemed more determined than ever to distract her at work.

  “Your lips are my favorite addiction.” He whispered as he slipped his mouth over hers, teasing another kiss from her moist lips.

  “Rick,” she panted, “This is not how I planned on spending our lunch hour.” Her moan didn’t mask the rumble in her tummy.

  He locked his stern, but caring gaze on her wide silver blue eyes, “You’re starving…did you skip breakfast again?”

  She gave him a sexy small apologetic grin. “Coffee, I had coffee,” she mumbled. Linnea knew Rick loved her curves, but she still attempted to keep her figure under control. Her distain for working out left her one alternative, to skip meals. Fortunately, their hikes deep into the dense forest surrounding Ashwood were beginning to add a little more tone to her legs and butt. A butt that she impatiently hoped Rick would grasp in his strong calloused hands someday soon.

  “Food, you need food. I don’t want you passing out on me later.” He said pulling away from her. She whimpered a bit at the loss of his warmth.

  “Pass out! What do you have planned?” she laughed with steamy hope.

  “It’s staying light out later, so I’ve got a hike close to town planned for us after work. It’s one of my favorite spots, a meadow, where we can take in the sunset.”

  On the way out, they ran into Amanda, asking, “Do you want to join us for lunch? We are headed to grab a slice of pizza at the mini-mart.”

  “Sure, I guess I’ve got to eat somewhere.” Amanda said, looking around for Kent, but he had already snuck away. She was growing tired of his hot and cold treatment. Now that early season rafting was well underway, Amanda spent more and more time alone. He seemed drawn to her one day and distant the next, the swings in his affection were giving her whiplash. Maybe it was time to find a man who knew what he wanted, and took action.


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