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Angelo: A Second Chance Navy SEAL Romance

Page 8

by Carlisle, Lisa

  Probably not.

  “I know, Angelo. I’ve wanted you for so long,” she admitted.

  Why was she saying this? This was just a fling. A glorious, delicious, mind-blowing encounter. Angelo wasn’t available to her, physically or emotionally. He’d told her that, and she knew the terms.

  Angelo’s thrusts grew more intense, blissfully distracting her from her thoughts. She gripped his buttocks and raised her hips against his to pull him inside her deeper still. He pumped harder, driving into her with wild thrusts that made her cry out. The sublime friction increased the wild intensity. It was too much sensation. Phenomenal but overwhelming. Unfamiliar sounds escaped her, echoing her conflicting response. She both wanted more but couldn’t take it.

  Maybe if she controlled the pace. She whispered, “Can I be on top?”

  Had she actually said those words? She’d never volunteered for that position. And for good reason. It put her in charge of a situation she wasn’t confident enough to control.

  “Absolutely,” Angelo said. His eyes flashed with dark decadence.

  Yes, she could do this. Seeing him respond to her with that look—she’d take on any sexual challenge.

  He rolled off her and onto his back. The sudden absence of him made her ache, and she almost whimpered. She straddled his hips, and he guided himself back inside her.

  Catherine exhaled when they were connected once again and moved on top of him in a slow circle. He murmured his approval and cupped her breasts. As he rubbed his thumbs over her sensitive nipples, she dropped her head back and let out a soft sigh. It was impossible to think of how awkward she might be with the way he dominated all her senses. Instead, she focused on what her body wanted. Angelo.

  “So fuckin good,” he murmured in a low, delicious tone.

  She slid over him, varying her pace and movements until she discovered what she liked. Circling her hips, she discovered a delicious friction that made them both moan in pleasure. He grasped her hips and thrust against her from below, and the intensity rocketed. Her panting turned into soft cries. She was desperate to reach that edge yet terrified of losing herself.

  Then she gave in. She soared to that precipice and fell over, relinquishing all control. Her body exploded like it was combustible. Oh, what exquisite pleasure. She floated back to the earth in a dreamlike state as light as confetti. Each piece of her body seemed to be branded by Angelo’s touch.

  And why not? He’d been branded on her heart for a long time.

  Chapter Eight


  Catherine woke the next morning when the sunlight filtered through her shades and warmed her face. An arm draped over her from behind, bringing back images of the night before.

  Wow. That meant it hadn’t been a wild fantasy. Angelo DeMarchis was in her bed.

  After she glanced at her alarm clock, she snuggled back against him. The heat from his body and the comfort of being near him left her reluctant to get out of bed. She had twenty minutes before she had to get up for work, but the cats would be clawing at the door any minute, begging for food. Usually, they slept in the room with her, but she’d closed the door last night to avoid any little furry interruptions. For several minutes, she savored the sensation, noting each area where their bodies touched.

  Had that really been her last night? She’d crawled out of her comfort zone for their one night together. In the past, when a lover would ask her to climb on top, she’d felt awkward and self-conscious. Yet what had she done last night? Volunteered. She couldn’t bear to walk away from him with any regrets this time. Damn, that climax had made it all worth it. She’d never lost herself in passion like that before and would gladly sign up for a night like that again.

  She doubted it would be the same with a different partner. The primary reason for such excitement last night wasn’t the how but the who. With Angelo, every position was likely just as exhilarating.

  She’d told herself it was for one night, but it couldn’t be over already, could it?

  Angelo stirred behind her, stretching his limbs. He pressed his body against hers, leaving no doubt that he was erect. She wiggled her ass against him, signaling she was awake and ready to play. After last night, she’d volunteer for a repeat round.

  And another…

  “You’re awake,” he murmured.

  “I am. And you seem to be as well.”

  He chuckled. “Some parts more than others.” He caressed her side and kissed the back of her neck. “I’m sure I can find a way to wake the rest of me. And have you leave this bed with a smile.”

  He trailed his fingers up to her breasts and fondled them, coaxing her nipples into tight peaks.

  She let out a breathy sigh. “I think I still have one on my face from last night.”

  He nibbled her shoulder. “How much time do I have with you this morning?”

  She resisted groaning as the reality of a workday intruded. “I need to get up for work in about fifteen minutes.”

  Moving his hand in between her legs, he stroked her. “Enough time to make you come.”

  Her morning routine typically consisted of a Sudoku puzzle while she waited for coffee to brew. Starting the day with the soothing consistency of numbers.

  “Ooh.” The familiar desire from last night returned as her body tingled. She reached back and ran her fingers along the length of his erection. “I can’t think of a better way to start a Monday.”


  After a morning quickie and then a quicker breakfast, Angelo walked with Cate outside her place. She’d put on her black-framed glasses and dressed conservatively in gray slacks and a white button-down blouse with a yellow scarf. Her armor was back in place, shielding the woman who’d softened in his arms last night. He pictured running his fingers over the tiny white buttons later and unbuttoning them.

  Restraining himself from acting on it now, he gave her a kiss goodbye on her lips. “I’ll give you a call.”

  “Hope so.” She smiled and climbed into her dark green Prius. As she drove away, she waved. He watched until she was out of sight and then turned to stroll through her complex. He’d called Vince to ask for a ride back to Newport and he was on the way.

  The brick townhouses were built on two levels, attached on each side. A gate near the front office led to a courtyard in the middle of the residences. The SEAL in him noted how secure it was. The gate appeared to be unlocked. Hmm, he didn’t like that. Anyone could stroll in there. It had a lock, though. Perhaps they locked it at night.

  He turned, and his gaze shifted up to her bedroom window. What a delicious turn of events. He grinned as he thought of last night.

  And this morning.

  Her breathy sighs. Her delicious scent. The taste of her. And the way she wrapped herself so tightly around him. Hell, he wouldn’t forget it anytime soon.

  Something about being with her was different from a quick hookup. It was Cate. If she wanted him as a sex toy while he was around, he’d be the genie to grant her wish.

  Damn it, he should have offered to take her out to dinner tonight.

  No. It was better to keep things casual.

  * * *

  “Come on, come on. We’re going to hit rush hour traffic!”

  Angelo followed the direction of his brother’s voice. Vince had pulled into the parking lot in their father’s SUV. Vince circled his hand for emphasis in a perfect gruff imitation of their father.

  Angelo walked down the walkway toward the car. “Do you have his knack for outwitting traffic too?”

  Their dad often took twists and turns off the main roads, ending up lost in neighborhoods, as he tried to find a way to avoid being stuck at red lights.

  “No, a better one.” Vince raised his smartphone, displaying a navigation app. “Technology.”

  Angelo climbed into the car. “Thanks for picking me up.”

  “Matty told me to leave your sorry ass here.”


  One side of Vince’s mouth curl
ed into a smile. “Since you were the only one who got any ass.”

  Angelo grunted. “I’m not telling you shit.” He fastened the seatbelt.

  Vince glanced at Cate’s townhouse before he drove. “Looks like she’s doing good for herself.”


  Vince arched his brows. “Nice bedroom?”

  Angelo shook his head. “Will you get your head out of your ass and drive home?”

  “Oh, I know why you’re keeping it to yourself.” Vince said in a knowing tone and nodded. “You like her.”

  “What are you, twelve?” Angelo scoffed. “Of course I like her.”

  “No, I mean like her.”

  Angelo leaned back, revealing nothing.

  Vince said, “I don’t need the schoolgirl jabber anyway.” He turned up the volume. “I was listening to a podcast.”

  “On what?”

  “Geek stuff. They talk about video games, sci-fi, shit I like.”

  Angelo leaned back in the seat while Vince drove, grateful that he’d dropped it. Angelo listened for a few minutes as two guys yammered on about their love of a new video game. Vince nodded or made sounds of acknowledgment like he was part of the discussion. Angelo grinned and then let his thoughts drift to Cate.

  The last two nights had been amazing—and confusing. Buried feelings had trickled to the surface, bringing him back to a time when he was younger and more naïve. Gung-ho about heading into the military. Before he’d had his ass handed to him a dozen times before breakfast. Before multiple deployments and having to cope with death and dismemberment…

  Liked her? Yes, that was one way of putting it.

  They passed over the bridge above Narragansett Bay, leading to Aquidneck Island. Vince drove through Newport and turned onto a side street with modest homes where many families stationed at the naval base lived. Angelo spotted his parents’ white Cape with black shutters and an American flag.

  Once they entered the house, Matty looked up from his phone. “Took you long enough.”

  “I was in Providence,” Angelo said.

  “We’re off to a late start,” his father called from the kitchen. “But I made lunch.” He raised a bagged sandwich and smiled in triumph. “Roast beef grinders with fresh meat from the deli.”

  “Nice.” Angelo stepped into the kitchen.

  His father had taught Angelo to cook, and he loved it. He couldn’t often do so while on deployments, but when he had the opportunity, he enjoyed the art of creating a home-cooked meal.

  His mother handed him a cooler. “Make sure you eat the fruit. Oh, and don’t forget to drink water. You’ll be under the sun and need to stay hydrated.”

  His father kissed her before leaving. “We’ll be back before dinner.”

  Funny, despite his father’s usual gruff manner, he sometimes showed a more tender side when it came to his mother.

  An hour later, his father sliced through the waves on his beloved sailboat, the sea winds rippling the sail. Vince reached into the cooler and handed out cans of cold beer.

  His father steered at the helm. “Nothing like it, is there?”

  Matty popped the top and raised his beer. “Better than the damn desert, or some cold ass training location, that’s for sure.”

  Vince clinked the can with his own. “Agreed.”

  Angelo grunted in acknowledgment and took a gulp of the cold beer. While they chattered about sailing, he stared out to the horizon. Seagulls flew in a flock, seemingly without a care. This was how he’d planned to spend leave—low-key R&R with the sea wind on his face and the salty mist spraying his skin. The sea scent wrapped around him like a shawl and he tasted it on his tongue.

  Running into Cate had changed things. He wanted to see her again. How could he not after last night?

  “You’re quiet, Doc,” Matty interrupted.

  Angelo faced Matty, snapping out of his thoughts. “Just thinking.”

  “About Cate?” Vince said.

  Did Angelo have some sappy expression on his face or something? “Why do you think that?”

  His brothers exchanged a glance. Matty faced Angelo. “You gonna spill about what happened last night, or what?”

  His night with Cate was off-limits. “Or what.” He grinned and took another sip.

  “Oh, man. You’re not going to turn into one of those bonehead stories about a military dude on leave, are you? Falling for someone hard, and then doing something stupid like running off to Vegas to get married?”

  Angelo scoffed. “Please, Matty. You know I have zero plans for a relationship while I’m in. What woman would put up with the bullshit of me being deployed more than I’m at home?”

  “A great one,” his father barked from the helm. “Like your mother.”

  “And it was tough on her.” Tough on them all. Angelo uttered the words before he could hold them back. As the eldest, he knew first-hand how much. She’d faced numerous difficulties raising three sons. It wasn’t fair to put someone through that.

  Some of his father’s responsibilities had fallen on Angelo. The long separations were tough on their family. The physical separation turned into a marital one. Angelo had feared his parents would divorce.

  “I know.” His father glanced back over his shoulder from the helm. “She’s my anchor. I couldn’t have made it all these years without her.”

  Appreciation slipped into his father’s voice. Somehow, they had made their marriage work. After their trial separation, things had changed. They argued less and seemed happier. Maybe because despite the challenges, they’d committed to each other and making it work.

  Was that how the guys who had a wife and family did it? They had someone to return to, someone to calm them. Someone who meant home.

  With all the uncertainties in Angelo’s future, was he being a fool to push away the idea of an anchor?


  Catherine basked in the glow of her night with Angelo. She smiled and waved as she passed coworkers on campus. The sun shone bright over the ivy-covered brick buildings, green grass, and colorful summer gardens filed with annuals. She picked up a coffee at the small café on the lower level of the building where her office was housed and then climbed up the stairs to the third floor.

  She spotted her co-workers in the neuroscience department reminding her what she had to take care of this morning. After brief exchanges about the weekend, she slipped in her question, trying not to sound spooked.

  “Were any of you contacted on social media this weekend by that guy Trent, the one who wrote about his memory problems?”

  They hadn’t.

  “He contacted you?” her supervisor asked. “What did he say?”

  She shrugged, trying to shake off the discomfited feeling. “More of the same. Seeing if I’d read the letter and that he was waiting for my reply.”

  “Don’t do it,” he reiterated. “And try not to take it personally. People will find some way to complain about your work. But you should report it to Security.”

  “Right.” She tried to sound confident and not like a nervous newbie.

  She returned to Frank’s office and reported what had happened. He asked her to email screenshots and a link to the profile Trent used to communicate with her.

  Catherine returned to her office and took care of that, and then turned to work. Focused on work, she put the incident out of her mind. Flashes of her night with Angelo returned many times throughout the morning. What was he doing? He said he’d be spending the day with his family. Would she cross his mind at all? Or was she simply another woman in his carousel?

  With her lab work, supervising her interns on medical technology and brain scans, and then attending meetings with colleagues, the day rushed by. With it being summer, she wasn’t teaching any classes and could spend more time on her research projects and read up on the latest findings on brain studies. That was what she loved about her job, no two days were alike. It had the structure that appealed to her yet enough variety to keep her interes
ted and engaged.

  After work, she skipped her usual spin class and instead tried a Latin dance one, feeling like trying something a little sexier than her norm. It took her a few minutes to loosen up, but she soon got into the flow. While she moved her body to the rhythm, she couldn’t help but think about how Angelo had touched her.

  On the drive home, she stopped at a red light. She rubbed her fingers over her lips, remembering how they’d kissed.

  The person behind her honked, snapping her out of her memory. The light had turned green. Shit. She gunned forward with more acceleration than she’d meant.

  He said he’d call. And she damn well hoped he did. But she wasn’t going to sit around, staring at her phone, waiting for that to happen.

  Back at her place, she fed the kittens and rinsed off quickly in the shower. She made herself a quick stir fry for dinner and folded laundry while watching a Ted Talk. The wild and exciting life of Catherine Boudreaux.

  Two hours later, her phone flashed Angelo’s name. She stared, fully confused. What about the three-day rule and all that exhausting nonsense?

  Perhaps a SEAL on a short leave didn’t play those foolish games.

  Her heart pounded. Stop staring and pick up the phone!

  “Hi, Angelo.” Yikes, her voice came out with breathless excitement.

  “Hey, Cate. Did I catch you on the run?”

  “I was—uh—never mind. How are you?”

  “Good. Thinking about you.”

  Her heart somersaulted. “Oh.” Really, that’s all she was going to respond? She shook her head. “What did you do today?”

  “Went sailing with the family. Ate a huge meal with them. Exactly how I hoped to spend leave.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “Are you free for dinner tomorrow?”

  Delightful shivers ran through her. Of course, she would be available for it. Tomorrow was Tuesday. Hardly different from Monday, just a different gym class to spice up her Monday through Thursday routine–campus gym, dinner, clean up to a podcast, and then reading or watching a crime show before bed. Dinner with Angelo with the possibility of hot sex following it added some spice to her bland calendar.


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