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What Hurts The Most

Page 20

by Cheyenne Barnett

  Chapter Nineteen

  A few days later, I was feeling much, much better and I was no longer running a fever. I had gotten a call from Andrea the day before, saying that the title went through and I was to meet her and the previous owner at the bank this morning, to officially sign all the documents.

  After signing my name about a hundred times, I was finally handed the keys. My excitement was indescribable! I had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like forever! I had called the furniture store earlier and they were going to deliver all my things around 1PM. So, Logan and I still had some time to kill before I could really do anything with the house.

  “What do you want to do?” Logan asks as we sit down in my car.

  “I don’t know… Wait, we could go find you a car? I mean, how are you going to visit me if you have nothing to drive?” I smirk.

  “Well, then let’s go.” I put the car in drive and head down the street to the dealership.

  “Is the bet still on?” I ask.

  “What bet?”

  “You know, we have to ask one of the employees if they think a Camaro beats a Mustang. But now, we’re going to have to change the stakes since I’ve already been on a date with you.”

  “True, alright, how about if you win, then I have to do whatever you say for an entire day, but if I win, then you have to do whatever I say for an entire day.”

  “Deal.” I agree as I pull into the car lot. I stop as soon as I see a red Camaro.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Logan says as we exit the car.

  He walks around the Camaro a minute before an employee comes over. They talk about mileage and all that jazz and then Logan takes it for a test drive. When he comes back, he’s smiling ear to ear. He loves it.

  “I’ll take it.” Logan quickly agrees.

  “I have a quick question for you,” I look to his name tag, “David.”

  “Of course.” He smiles.

  “So, I would really like your personal opinion here. You see that Mustang over there?” I ask, pointing across the lot.

  He nods. “Yeah.”

  “That’s my car. Now, do you think a Camaro beats a Mustang? I mean come on, look at that beauty.”

  He shakes his head. “No way, Mustang stomps Camaro any day.” He adds as Logan sighs in defeat.

  “Yes! I win!”

  “Let’s go sign those papers…” Logan adds as he and David disappear into the office.

  I continue laughing as I walk over to Phoenix.

  “We won the bet!” I squeal and get into the car. I pull over to the Camaro and wait for Logan. About a half an hour later, he walks out of the office, keys in hand. I roll down my window and smile as he starts to get into his car.

  “So, what’s his name?” I ask.

  “Caroline, I’m not a weirdo like you. I’m not naming my car.”

  “Whatever you say…” I add and look over my shoulder. No traffic in site… “Race you to my house!” I add and stomp on the gas as I skid onto the highway. I watch in my rearview mirror as he tries to catch up but I’m long gone.

  I pull into my garage and wait for Logan. “That was so not fair, you got a head start!” He whines.

  “Aw, poor baby. Now, since I won the bet, do you want to pay up today or tomorrow?”

  He rolls his eyes. “I might as well get it over with,”

  I smirk as he shakes his head. “Here, go unlock the front door for the furniture guys,” I add and throw him the keys.

  “As you wish, Princess.” He laughs and walks out of the garage.

  “Don’t call me that.”


  “It sounds too girly for me.”

  “Well, I like it. It suits you.”

  “How so?” I ask, catching up to him.

  “I don’t know… But you are my Princess.”

  I smile. “That’s cute but I sound like a little girl.”

  “Well, I would call you a Queen but you aren’t married yet.”

  “Yet?” I ask, curiously.

  “You heard me.” He says and unlocks the door just as the furniture truck pulls up.

  “Right on time.” He smiles and walks away from me.

  Was that some kind of hint or something? Nah, we’ve only been officially dating a few days…

  Several guys exit the truck as the back hatch rises, revealing all the furniture I had purchased. Did I really get all of that? Gez… This is going to be a long day…

  And a long day it was. “Thanks, guys!” I yell and shut the front door. I turn around and take a look at my newly furnished house. I have to say, I did a pretty good job decorating. Everything matches and it just feels like home.

  I open the glass sliding doors and walk out onto the deck, overlooking acres and acres of Virginian scenery. It may be dark, but it’s still just as beautiful as it is in the daytime. This is my life now… I can picture myself getting up early, getting my morning coffee, and just sitting out here, watching the sun come up.

  “What are you doing?” Logan asks, coming up behind me.

  “Nothing… Shouldn’t you be getting home, it’s late.”

  “Trying to get rid of me already?” He laughs.

  “No, it’s just that you have work tomorrow and I wouldn’t want you to oversleep because I’m not there.”

  “Caroline, I can get myself up for work, I’ve done that for many years now.”

  “I know…” I add and follow him back into the house and into the garage. I turn on the light so he can see where he’s going. He stands beside me for a minute.

  “Is it just me or does this seem a little more uncomfortable than we thought?” He asks.


  “Well, I’m leaving and you’re staying… I’m going home to an empty house and you’re living in one.” He was right, it would be weird for a little while.

  “Logan, it’s going to feel odd at first but that’s kind of because we’ve spent every waking moment together for the past like four months.”

  He nods. “Yeah, but-I don’t know… Weird feeling, I guess…” He shrugs. “I’ll see you tomorrow after work.” He gives me what was supposed to be a quick goodbye kiss, but it quickly escalates as he deepens the kiss.

  I enjoy it for a minute then pull away. “Go home,” I add.

  He laughs, “I just thought I’d make it a little harder for you.” He smiles and walks over to his car.

  “Oh, by the way, since you were being so stubborn this morning, I named your car for you,” I add.

  He groans. “Caroline, I told you, I don’t-”

  I cut him off, “His name is Crimson.”

  He pauses. “Crimson?”

  “Yes, don’t you like it? I thought that Crimson and Phoenix go well together.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I guess I can deal with it.”

  “Good.” I push the button on the wall next to me, as the garage door opens. “Night, Logan.”

  “Night, Princess.” I frown at the nickname as he smirks and pulls out of the garage. He looks back once more just as the door closes. Why on earth was that so hard? The base is only five minutes away, it’s not that big of a deal, but I can’t help but feel empty…

  I make sure all the doors are locked before going to bed. I change into my PJ’s and put my phone on charge on the nightstand. I get comfortable and try to go to sleep but I just can’t. I either think about Logan or I hear random noises.

  Oh, good gracious, Caroline, you’re just paranoid.

  This is my very first night alone since we moved here. It’s kind of an eerie feeling…

  When Nick died, I felt lonely and I just needed someone to be there for me, now I really am alone and I’ll be honest, I’m not exactly liking it… I always had Logan nearby, I always had someone to protect me.

  Now, I’m living alone, in this huge house, with no Logan…

  I wonder what he’s doing…

  Logan’s Point of View

  I unlock the doo
r and kick my shoes off. I look around the room, expecting to see Caroline, but then reality sets in. She’s not here, she’s at home…

  I can be the first one to tell you, you never truly miss someone until they're gone. Even if they’re only a few blocks away, they still aren’t with you and that my friend, is probably the worst feeling I’ve felt since Julie died.

  I head to my room but stop by Caroline’s doorway. The bed is made, everything is neat and tidy, but all of her things are gone, it doesn’t even smell like her anymore… I turn away and go into my room.

  Before I head off to bed, I send her a quick text.

  Home. Thinking of you. Night, sweet Caroline.


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