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Wrath of the Iron Warlock

Page 6

by Patrick Cassidy

  “Hey Bruno, look”, the other werewolf called to his buddy. Talon pulled up and sat down. Keeping his eyes on the two werewolves. Already transformed and getting on their bikes slowly riding towards them.

  “Remember”, Mike told Crystal. “You do the talking, I’ll do the rest.” The two pulled up Talon was waiting for one of them to make one false move.

  “Easy”, Crystal said in a calm tone. “Howdy boys.”

  “Say isn’t that the witch Drexel Draco went after.”

  “Are you her?”

  “Yes, I’m the one Draco went after. Too bad he never caught me.”

  “You mind if I search your wagon. I want to see if you got that special potion made with rattlesnake juice.”

  “Help yourself”, Crystal said. “No charge.”

  “Clyde”, the one called Bruno sneered, but Clyde already stalked off toward the rear of the wagon.

  “Relax, it’s just going to be one vile.” He walked to the back while Crystal was in conversation with the other werewolf biker. The minute he opened the back of the wagon, Michael had clubbed him in the face with the head of his staff. The full force of the blow was enough to knock the thug out instantly.

  “What was that”, Bruno growled. His ears perked up as he heard his buddy go smack straight back into a tree.

  “Probably your blood thirsty friend looking to get some rattlesnake juice; either that or he got his claws on the wrong vile.”

  “Suppose we both have a look missy”, Bruno told her. “You mind if I take your wand and other weapons you might be carrying. You are still wanted out here you know.”

  “That’s too bad; because, your wanted in at least half of these fifty states”, Michael growled as he snuck up behind the other werewolf. Before Bruno could react. Michael whacked him over the head with his staff, and then hit him with a silver spell from his wand hand.

  “What you punks doing out there”, Crow called out.

  “It’s alright, we’re trying to help you”, Mike called out. The werewolf called Clyde was just regaining conciseness.

  “Michael lookout”, Crystal shouted as she got ready to draw her wand. Mike stopped Clyde’s advance and used the same spell on him like he did Bruno.” Crow hurled a curse at him from his staff through the open window of his house. Crystal blocked it just before they both got hit.

  “You idiot, didn’t you here what Mike said, we’re here to help you”, I shouted; failing to realize that I had just gave away my position. Not exactly wise on my part. Crow looked up and started hitting his own ceiling with spells. After I dodged a few that blew a couple of holes where I was standing he decided to repair the damage he did to his own place, but then I felt as if I was standing on a hot tin roof. “Turn the heat off you dummy we’re here to help you”, I shouted. Suddenly more Werewolves were moving in.

  “You go try to talk some sense into him, I’ll take care of them”, Mike told Crystal. Crystal made her way dodging and blocking spells. She came to the front door. It opened and Crow managed to yank her in by the arm while still making me dance on the roof.


  “Mr. Crow; please try to understand. It’s me Crystal. I was with Jonathan Two Feathers.”

  “And who you with now, you know I don’t trust strangers.”

  “These wizards can help you, but they’re not going to be able to if you keep fighting them and Archie’s Werewolves at the same time. Please, listen to them, trust them.”


  Meanwhile; Ben led his werewolves to a fountain that was filled with silver water. Like his brother, Ben knew how much werewolves hated silver. His two mindless pursuers charged for him when he stopped at the fountain’s base. Still as the fox, he jumped aside, and the two monsters landed in the water howling and wining.

  “That’s right”, Ben said as he changed back into himself. “Take a bath.” He then ran towards the front and saw his brother engaged in battle against the werewolves. He was being joined by Talon who managed to unhitch himself from the wagon, but it wasn’t enough to keep the group off. Ben then spied the Hippogriff paddock and saw that they wanted to help.

  “Defend crow’s nest”, Ben said as he blasted the lock on the paddock with his staff, and the hippogriffs came rushing out and taking to the sky with the one called Striker in the lead. They swooped down and joined in the fight against the Werewolves. He looked at the roof top.

  “Jim this is no time for dancing what are you doing?”

  “I’m on a hot tin roof”, I shouted. “This guy rather set his own house on fire then have me up here.”

  “I told you what to do, go down the chimney”, he called out. “I got to join Mike and help him fend off the rest of Archie’s gang that’s out here.” As quick as I could make it, I jumped down the chimney. Thank God the fire wasn’t lit, but Crow took his staff and was about ready to engulf me in flames, but Crystal had her own wand still in hand and together we not only knocked him off his feet, but we managed to get his staff away from him. He got up, but I took his staff and quickly knocked the old crow out. I hated to do it, but as Ben had already pointed out to me, it was by necessity. I told Crystal to tie him up and keep watch on him as he came to, while I went to help Ben and Mike. Between the three of us, the hippogriffs, and Talon, the ones that weren’t hit with anything silver, or knocked out started to run off. It was funny to see werewolf bikers driving off in such a wining state of fear.

  “Everyone alright”, Ben asked as we started back toward the house.

  “I feel as if I have two hot feet, but otherwise I’m alright”, I said.

  “What about the old man, and Crystal”, Mike asked.

  “Come see for yourself”, I said. We walked in and saw that for an old man Crow seemed to recover from getting knocked out fairly quickly.

  “I guess you’re going to turn me over to the Warlock now”, he sneered.

  “Didn’t you talk to him”, Ben asked Crystal.

  “He’s rather difficult to convince”, she said.

  “In my defense you were breaking into my house, and trespassing on my land. This is my land.”

  “You pumpkin head. In our defense”, Mike growled. “As I originally stated during that fiasco out there, we were trying to help you.”

  “How is trespassing on my property, killing off and unleashing my livestock, coming down my chimney, stealing my staff, knocking me out, and holding me captive with these spell binders helping me.”

  “Like she said”, I told him. “You made yourself difficult to convince.”

  “Let’s start this meeting over”, Ben said. “You already know Crystal, Drexel Draco had murdered her friend Jonathan Two Feathers.” The old man began to nod. With that in mind Ben slowly started to remove the spell binders. “Drexel Draco is dead.”

  “That’s the best news I heard all year, who got him”, Crow asked.

  “I did”, I told him. “With a little help from Crystal.”

  “We’ll tell you how later”, Ben said. “My friend and I run the Blue Wizard Detective Agency, my brother was a former affiliate now a neighbor of yours.”

  “Blue Wizard Detectives, don’t tell me your Joe Alatar’s boys”, he said with delight. “Then this really is a good day, get me out of these things will you. I’m very happy you got me out of this jam.”

  “I’m afraid the fight isn’t over yet. We only got half the battle won”, Ben said.

  “You knew our father”, Mike asked.

  “Joe, sure did. He and I go way back.” He went to one of the cabinets and took out a bottle. “How about a drink?” He poured out some glasses while he told Mike how he knew Joseph Alatar. Apparently it wasn’t that long ago when Joseph Alatar was hired by Crow to help find out who was killing off his prized hippogriffs, one of them being scheduled to win the Hippogriff Triple Crow
n. It turned out that he had a lot of dealings with the Order of Chaos who seemed to behind things then. It took me awhile to realize that the Order of Chaos was just as old as the Sorcerer’s of M. A. C. S. Then again I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised. Ben seemed interested in the story, but he didn’t want to waste time having the old man go down memory lane. Crow was finished with his story by the time he took a sip of the pumpkin cider.

  Chapter IX:

  The Warlock’s Mansion:

  “Yikes”, Ben said as he sampled the old man’s pumpkin cider. “That brew is not for the young.”

  “What’s the matter too strong for you”, Telly cackled out. He took a swig of the cider before he spoke again. “So are we going to spring my boy from jail, or what?”

  “We’re not going to just bust him out, unless if you want to get your nephew killed. We need something to bargain with.”

  “Not my deed, I worked to hard to get this property and make it what it is today.”

  “It’s; because, he thinks you have the lost treasure of Crisis sitting right underneath you”, I said.

  “If it’s under me, you need my permission to dig it up, and neither the Warlock nor you guys have my permission.”

  “We don’t have time for that anyway”, Mike said. “What my kid brother means is using the Warlock as our bargaining chip.”

  “You serious or you crazy”, Crow asked. “It’s not going to be easy to take him. Facing him is like going up against a one way tornado. If you’re lucky you won’t have to dig your own grave.”

  “It’s the only plan that makes sense. Think of it like a chess game. You make the right moves so that your opponent’s king has no possible moves. We need to put the Warlock into checkmate. The trick is to make sure we keep the element of surprise.”

  “Do you remember where his mansion is”, Crystal asked.

  “I was there when he built that inferno place. He’s got it built like a fort. You think coming in to see me was something. A mere cake walk compared to what he has out at his place.”

  “Well then we only got one question”, Ben said to him. “Are you coming with us?” Crow flashed a wicked smile.

  “You both really are Joe’s boys. I’m really sorry I tried to hurl curses at you. I thought you were on the side of those animals out there.” He put the cider into a canteen, got his hat and staff, and followed us out. He decided to ride Striker while Ben and Mike went to get Talon and hitch him back up to the wagon. I stuck with the carpet while Mike mounted up another hippogriff that Crow called Wing Biscuit.

  “Why did you call him that”, I asked.

  “He’s the fastest hippogriff I got”, Crow said. “I’m hoping once this business with the Warlock is over I can enter him into the Hippogriff Derbies, who knows. I might get a triple crown winner out of him.”

  “Don’t start counting the money now Old Man”, Ben said. “Let’s make sure we got an Ace in the hole before we slip a joker in the deck.” I don’t know where Ben gets most of these sayings of his. Another contrast between him and his brother. Mike rarely tried to coin a phrase, but Ben was on fire with them. He may have learned them from his father or his grandfather, but there was no way for me to find that out at the present time. I made a mental note to make sure I asked him as soon as this case was done.

  We were still under cover of darkness yet we could see the mansion coming into view. It reminded me of an island that I remember we had to take during the war. We landed and we told Cleo to stay back with Talon, Striker, Wing Biscuit, and the carpet. She was about to interject, but I told her it was part of the strategy as we went to move in on foot.

  “We need someone to cover our escape”, I said. “You’re the one for the job. Once we get the Warlock, we’re going to stuff him in your wagon until we work the trade.” I followed Ben, Mike and Crow further in. We hunkered down near a big rock, looking the place over. The lights were on, naturally that meant someone was home. A three headed dog was guarding the porch along with two chimera. Each one sitting on either side of the stone steps. Some of Archie’s Werewolves were patrolling the area. “Is that a twin headed giant guarding the gate”, I asked.

  “Yes, and it looks like he’s got a Cyclops around back”, Mike said. “I wouldn’t trust those gargoyles sitting up on the roof either. They see you, they will bust out from the stone, after that you’re pretty much done unless if you can fend a whole army of them off.”

  “Interesting security system”, I said.

  “Don’t forget some of the Warlock’s own group”, Crow said. “They’re twice as dangerous as Archie’s Werewolves, not to mention twice as mean.”

  “You ever see what our friend the Warlock looks like.”

  “No one sees him outside of that shell of an armor unless if he allows you to. I don’t think I have to mention that some are lucky if they lived to tell the tale. So what’s the plan?”

  “We’ll have to make a stealthily approach”, Ben said. “Each of us take a point around the mansion, but once you got your area clear, try to find away inside. We’ll also need to make sure the heavy weights are out of the way while we leave with the Warlock.”

  “Then we better take him alive”, Crow said.

  “In order to get Travis free, and force him to give up what he took from your town, I think it’s our only play.” He looked back at me. “Well Jim, what’s your pleasure?” He pointed with his staff at the mansion. I looked at all the creatures around the mansion. I wasn’t eager to tangle with the giant or the Cyclops, I wasn’t thrilled about my choice at the porch either, but I figured sneaking up on the three headed dog and the two chimera was going to be a little easier, plus I had a special trick to lull those animals to sleep.

  “I’ll take the porch”, I said.

  “I’ll cover you from here”, Mike said. “If those gargoyles come to life, I’ll bust them apart.”

  “Better idea”, Ben said. “Break the statues before they come alive. That would give us a mutual advantage. I’ll take the path up the left and trip up the werewolf patrols. Then I’ll go around back and take out the Cyclops.”

  “Leave one for me”, Crow said. “I’m part of this to you know.”

  “You think you can take care of that twin headed stooge guarding the gate”, Ben said with a smirk.”

  “I’ve faced many giants in my time, that two headed clown will be duck soup by the time I’m through with him.” He took out his canteen drunk down what was left of the cider and tossed it aside. Ben smacked him on the head with his staff.

  “You crazy old fool”, he hissed. “You want to give us away, why don’t you blow a horn next time.”

  “I go to face giants, I’m going to enjoy myself before and after the fact”, Crow whispered with a little laugh. He then spread his arms and turned into a crow and flew over towards the gate. Ben stalked off toward the left side of the mansion to set his trap for the werewolves. Mike found himself a position where he could hit the gargoyles, but just to be on the safe side he made himself invisible. I did the same as I snuck up toward the porch.


  Ben waited down by the base of a tree while two of the Werewolves came around and started talking to each other. He made himself invisible to make sure he wasn’t seen. He knew no one could see him while being invisible, but he also knew that werewolves will still chase one down if they already see someone or something. This time he wasn’t looking for a fight, only a distraction. One of the werewolves dismounted his bike.

  “This ought to keep them busy for a little while”, Ben said to himself as he pointed his staff toward one of the bikes. Instantly it sprung to life, and began to speed away on its own. All the Werewolves in the area got on their bikes and tore after it while the guy who lost his ride was left there to pace back and fourth on foot. Ben could hear him praying that Archie wouldn’t find out that he lost
his bike. “Don’t worry about that. Right now you have the right to remain unconscious”, Ben whispered as he snuck up and smacked the werewolf biker right on the top of his head with his staff. He went down like a sack of potatoes, but wasn’t knocked out.

  “Who did that”, he growled rubbing the top of his head. “Who dare sneaks up on me and smack me on the skull?”

  “Go climb a tree”, Ben said he gave him a good smack with his staff again. Using a levitation spell to send him up into an old oak tree. Then he tapped the tree with his staff, and the werewolf wound up being tied up in the branches. Ben also had the tree muzzle him to keep him quiet. “Just keep him up there for the time being”, Ben said to the tree. “And now for the Cyclops.”


  “I’m not happy about what I’m hearing Tyrell”, The Warlock said as one of his servants gave him a drink in his study. He was talking to Crix Tyrell through a magic mirror on the wall. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t come through the glass and ring your blasted neck.”

  “Easy Warlock, You need me to keep things in order here while we keep forcing out Crow. Archie and his boys have their orders, their out searching for the wizards who were out there aiding him. There is no one else on the property, so I also gave instructions to start looking around.”

  “I hope you’ve told them only to do so while it is dark. You still have Travis Tuskora in custody right.”

  “Don’t worry, he’s not going anywhere.”

  “Good, tell Archie I’ll have some more lunar amulets for him.”

  “You want us to hunt down that traveling circus incase if they’re part of all this.”

  “A circus is the least of our worries”, the Warlock told him. “My sources tell me that someone else is after the treasure. I have a feeling he is not allied with anyone at the moment, but I might consider meeting with him and offering him a share.”

  “Only 10%, nothing more nothing less.”

  “I’ll decided how much who gets and what Boy. If you want anything, make sure you do your part, and follow my orders.”


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