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The Isle of Ilkchild (The King of Three Bloods Book 4)

Page 14

by Russ L. Howard

  As soon as she entered the mess hall she smelled blueberry buckwheat cakes and bacon cooking. Her bride-sisters as well as the brides of Pyrsyrus had already assembled for their morning prayer around the altar. As she took her place between Swan Ray and Paloma, she noticed that Swan Ray looked particularly full of cheer.

  “I am so sorry, once again, that I am late. My mother and sister dropped in for a visit and I loss track of time.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ve been through this with Shining Moon. It’ll come to you in time.”

  As all the brides joined hands, with their backs to the altar, Redith knelt in the center of the circle at the altar and began to pray. “Oh, holy Elf Mother, queen of heaven and earth. By the power of thy holy ur fyr, we pray watch over our loved ones in their ventures, keep us safe from the Pitter menace, and further the cause of holiness in the ea-urth as it is in Elfdom. Protect Lord Sur Spear in his efforts to govern all the Herewardi realms and kingdoms. Protect Lord Pyrsyrus in his efforts to build up the Pyringean pirates into a mighty naval force. Protect our Lord and husband Sur Sceaf and open the bounties of the great deep unto him. Reward our faith in thee by smiting off the Pitter arm. Bless us this day that we may all labor for the cause of holiness and the common good of all. So mote it be.”

  The bride-sisters answered, “So mote it be.”

  Paloma helped the Matriarch Redith to her feet.

  Redith exclaimed, “Let us eat, before the children are all up and demanding our attention.”

  As the fifteen ladies sat about the large round table chatting amiably, Swan Ray tapped her cup with her spoon. When all eyes were directed her way, she smiled. “With your permission, Lady Redith, I have something to share with all of my sisters.”

  Taneshewa noticed that Redith did not appear surprised, in fact seemed pleased. “Of course, my dear, please, share.”

  Bending down, Swan Ray reached down into the carpet bag that she had carried everywhere with her of late. After carefully unfolding the bundle, she held it up for all to see.

  Swan Ray smiled big. “I have finished my tapestry.”

  Two white swans faced each other with a large white magnolia blossom in the center between their arched necks. The image was set off in a rich aubergine background framed by golden hawthorn blossoms fashioned into Herewardi knots.

  She passed it to her left for all to examine her handiwork. When it came her way, Taneshewa felt its silken threads, and marveled at the artful positioning of the swans’ necks. The white magnolia with its golden boss was done so realistically that it appeared to stand out from the dark background.

  “I have never seen workmanship of this perfection.” Ahy marveled aloud. “It appears to have been woven on Elven looms.”

  Donya exclaimed, “Swan Ray this is so marvelous!” As she passed it to Shining Moon, she asked, “Does this mean you will now enter the Veil in the Secret Place with the Lord Pyrsyrus?”

  “Donya!” Swan Ray exclaimed in a voice that expressed shock, “This long have I been with you, and you still do not know me. When I started it, I felt my way blindly through my grief not knowing why, but knowing I had to do it. With each stitch I became more and more convinced that Ilker was still alive. As I put the last stitch in, I felt his presence enter the Herewardi Lands. And last night I saw him in a dream looking strong and happy, clothed as our gentry, telling me he is very near. Perhaps, even at the door. So I know he’s coming for me. Though I have great respect and admiration for Lord Pyrsyrus and will always be humbled by the love he extended to me, my heart still clings to Ilker. This tapestry is for my man. I have woven him home to me.” Her face glowed with happiness. “This is for Ilker, my one and only true love.”

  Taneshewa looked around the table, at the faces of her bride-sisters. Many appeared frustrated at her obstinate denial of Ilker’s death. Others appeared either sympathetic or pitying. Redith, on the other hand, appeared to be as elated as Swan Ray was. Ahy was reminded of Sagwi, who always seemed to know a little in advance of coming events.

  Faechild sighed as she passed the tapestry back to Swan Ray. “Swan Ray, I loved my father, Ilker, with all my heart. He was the greatest father anyone could have ever hoped for. His death and the death of my mother left me bereft. By the gods, you cannot know what comfort your scrying gave me in the beginning. So much, that I hoped for several years that your scrying was correct. But time has hit me with the sober reality that four years is long enough for anyone to grieve. I have let my father go into his journey of the Other World. I cannot believe we shall see him again until we pass through the veil of death ourselves. As for me, I choose to live life rather than grieve any longer. I hope you may soon give up your dark grief for all of our sakes. It hurts me every time you bring him up.”

  There was a lengthy and tense silence, before Paloma offered, “Swan Ray, my dear sister, it is indeed a lovely tapestry and I’m sure that all of us hope that your vision will soon come to fruition.”

  Swan Ray carefully folded the tapestry and returned it to her carpet bag. “I see some of you still do not believe me, and I hold no ill-will toward those who think me a ghost chaser, but my heart tells me to rejoice. He is near.”

  Paloma noticed the kitchen helpers bringing in the food. “Please, sisters,” she announced, “let’s eat and plan our day out before we get mobbed by the children.”

  As Taneshewa placed her napkin on her lap, her heart was breaking for Swan Ray. If anything ever happened to Surrey, I’d never want to take another man either. May the Great Spirit help her find the comfort she so desperately needs. When she is disappointed by her ghost chase, I pray Great Spirit help her weather the blow.

  The food was served and Taneshewa realized she was hungrier than usual. After pouring honey over her blueberry buckwheat cakes, she placed a fork full onto her tongue and felt them melt in her mouth with their rich nutty flavor and tart blueberries. Of all the things the Herewardi did well, to her their cooking was the best.

  She had only been married a short while and had only cooked Surrey a few meals. While he was gone they tended to eat as a group separate from the children. She found it an excellent opportunity to learn the strange Herewardi ways of preparing a meal.

  “I still cringe at the pancakes I made for Surrey the last day he was with me. They were gluey and the blueberries were too dry to impart much flavor.”

  Lana waved a bite at the end of her fork. “But thou has gotten so much better, my dear. Chust keep trying. Besides, methinks our Lord did not choose thee for thy cooking.”

  The sisters chuckled.

  Ahy smiled. “I appreciate the help you’ve all given to me. Especially the recipes you’ve shared.”

  Paloma winked. “I suspect wherever Surrey is camped, he’d be far more thrilled to be eating your pancakes right now than whatever meager seafare he has.”

  As her bride-sisters voiced their agreement, a messenger’s pipe was heard at the door. Dina the Arap, who had been serving, answered the door and admitted a silver harrier bearing the device of Sur Spear on his livery.

  The Lady Paloma stood. “What is it, Wili?” she asked with an unusual anxiousness in her voice.

  “My lady, the high lord summons the wives of Lord Sur Sceaf to his writing chamber, so forth. Likewise, he summons the wives of Lord Pyrsyrus to be in attendance. He bids me say that the matter is of utmost urgency. Three coaches await you all, my lady.” He bowed from the waist and backed out of their presence.

  * * *

  Taneshewa rode with Redith, Paloma, Shining Moon, and Faechild.

  Faechild said, “I fear this is bad news. Anytime a messenger does not deliver the message, it usually means there is a death or some other catastrophe.”

  Paloma declared, “That’s not always true, Fae. Sometimes the portent of the message just demands secrecy.”

  As soon as they arrived at Shepherd Hall, they were escorted immediately into Sur Spear’s writing chamber with Paloma and Redith in the lead. Sur Spear stood up from
behind the desk and welcomed them. The steward indicated they should be seated around the large oval walnut table. Once the steward retreated and closed the door behind him, Sur Spear took his seat in the high backed chair at one end. Taneshewa’s heart began beating with dread. There was an equal anxiety among the bride-sisters.

  After clearing his throat, Sur Spear announced in his deep voice. “My ladies, I apologize for interrupting your morning meeting, but I have just received an unbelievable message from Queen Va-Eyra and feel the need to convey it without delay.”

  The queen? Taneshewa could not even guess what news could possibly be coming out of the high desert that would warrant such urgency.

  As Sur Spear glanced around the table, he bore a happy twinkle in his eyes much like Surrey would get whenever he had good news to impart. Ahy felt some of her fear releasing its clutches, but still held a smidgen of foreboding.

  When the king remained silent, Paloma said, “We await your news with halted expectation, my lord. Please don’t keep us waiting.”

  Sur Spear grinned like a school boy with some momentous secret he was trying to conceal for effect.

  How much younger it made him seem, Tawneshewa thought.

  “This day will mark in Herewardi history a landmark of the Norn Sisters benevolent plan of mercy and grace for our people. They have returned to us one of their most valiant sons.”

  “Ilker!” Swan Ray cried as she leapt to her feet.

  Sur Spear’s grin broadened even more. “Indeed, my dear Lady Swan Ray, we have word that Lord Ilker is not dead and at this very moment is on his way to Witan Jewell in a Hickoryean train. The message I received said to expect him to arrive in a little over a week.”

  “I knew it! I knew it!” She cried.

  Donya looked utterly befuddled. The other bride-sisters sprang up, screamed, and jumped for joy.

  Swan Ray sank back into her seat, bent her head and began to weep.

  Donya wept too. “Praise the gods. I never had the belief that my husband lived. I apologize, my dear sister, Swan Ray. I could not maintain the bond that you held tight to.”

  Faewylf said, “I think I speak for all of my bride-sisters. We were cruel to devalue your scrying. We will never doubt you again. How can we ever make it right?”

  Swan Ray declared, “My grandmother told me it is the burden of a seeress. Your disbelief is all part of a dark background. From here on out, I hold no one guilty of any transgression.” Tears of joy ran down her face as her sisters surrounded her in admiration.

  Sur Spear declared. “I will site your minds that Swan Ray is indeed a great seeress, as attested to by her prophecy of the Pitter legions entering our lands where we were able to stop them at the Battle of Raw Top, but no one can doubt now that she is a true seeress.”

  The king relished the impact of his announcement and showed no sign of wanting them to leave.

  Taneshewa dared to ask, “My lord, forgive me for asking. Whatever does all this mean? Do Swan Ray and Donya have two husbands now?”

  He gave her a warm and understanding look. “An excellent question, Lady Taneshewa, I could see how our customs would be confusing to you. Through no fault of their own, Swan Ray and Donya have two husbands. According to Herewardi custom they will now go before the Royal High Swannery, which you may not yet know is a body of seven priestesses appointed by the Council of Women, who have authority over all domestic affairs such as marriage, divorce, and familial disputes. In this case, their function is to determine that the choice the wife makes is free of duress from either of the husbands.”

  Paloma laughed, “I think we all know what Swan’s choice will be. It will be a very quick meeting.”

  Swan Ray smiled at Taneshewa before turning to Sur Spear and said, “My lord, with all due respect we have never been parted by anything, but space and time. I am Ilker’s and he is mine. I thank the gods that Pyrsyrus showed me so much kindness, patience, and gave me a wonderful home and board. But even the most comfortable home is a strangling cocoon without your true love. I do love Pyrsyrus, but as a dear and loving friend. My heart is and has always been, Ilker’s and you all know that I have never made any bones about it.”

  Sur Spear said, “Lady Donya, I realize that this must come as a shock to you and if you need time to decide, and although it is required under law to have the hearing as soon as possible, we can postpone the hearing for you.”

  “My lord, even though I must confess my intent before the Royal High Swannery in this matter, I do not require additional time, though I sincerely thank ju for your kind consideration. I truly did love Ilker, I confess my love for Pyrsyrus is grown even greater. I shall never stop loving Ilker, he was a good husband and a good father to our two children, but Pyrsyrus has reached even deeper into my soul. My children can make their choice over time as to which household they wish to make their own according to their will.”

  Sur Spear declared. “So mote it be. I shall send messengers out to Ilker’s remaining wives and they shall likewise make their choices before the Royal High Swannery. We will send for Faebee, Ilker’s seventh wife. I believe she and her children reside in her brother’s house in Mount Shasta, as I’m told she chose not to re-marry.”

  Taneshewa had never seen Swan Ray’s eyes sparkle so much. Although she had always had a pretty face, at this moment she was radiantly beautiful and every tint of former sadness was wiped away.

  “My lord,” Swan Ray implored, “I was so overwhelmed I did not hear when he will be arriving?”

  “In approximately a week, my dear.”

  “Swan Ray,” Redith said, “our blessings go with you and Ilker. We must arrange a grand welcome. Won’t we, my lord Sur Spear?”

  The king smiled. “I shall declare it throughout all Seven Kingdoms to be a national feast day to be called the Feast of Swan Ray and Ilker from this day henceforth and forevermore. For this is a tale all Herewardi may find strength in. So mote it be.”

  All the bride-sisters chorused, “So mote it be.”

  Chapter 10 : The Mysterious Island

  In the arching cavern by the sea, Muryh with the help of Yellow Horse had constructed an altar of unhewn stones in the traditional manner. It was as high as the length of a man’s leg, with a large flat stone placed atop it. After their breakfast was concluded, Sur Sceaf called the council fire to order and asked Sunchild and Fairchild to see that the council was properly guarded, as was customary during any official meeting.

  Since Sur Sceaf as a prince of the Herewardi, Redfox as shaman of the Sharaka, and Elijah as high priest of the Quailor all served pretty much the same spiritual function, Sur Sceaf bade Elijah as the senior of the three, to open the Council with a prayer.

  At the conclusion of the prayer, Sur Sceaf asked for an inventory of their supplies. One by one the crewmen reported what supplies they had personally salvaged.

  “So it appears we have lost one crate of tools, but gratefully Muryh’s tools had been carefully secured and are still intact. I must thank the gods, that Yellow Horse, and Xelph were diligent in stowing away our belongings and attaching so many floats to our cargo. Because of them very few of the commodities and implements were lost.”

  The crew gave them a round of applause as Elf Beard shouted, “Hear! Hear!”

  “Don’t forget that harpoon that Old Nick took as a souvenir to the deep.” Ilkchild called out.

  Sur Sceaf grinned, “Duly noted.”

  He recapped, “So, we have enough food for a fortnight, plenty of water, and a dry place to shelter. Since we may be here for a great deal longer than that, we should explore the isle to see what resources are available and make good use of them. I’m sure Raven’s Tongue will be trying to locate us, as well. So the first thing is for Red Fox and Crooked Jack to build a fire on the beach out of damp wood that smolders, so that Raven’s Tongue can spot the smoke from a great distance off, then fashion a totem of sorts out of driftwood.”

  “What about the boat,” Fromer asked. Is it possible
to repair?”

  “We don’t know until Muryh assesses the damage. But right now, I am feeling the urgency of exploring this isle and feel our energies could better be served by exploration than by returning to Ur Ford.”

  “Does anyone else have anything to be brought up for the benefit of the crew or the welfare of the people in general?”

  Xelph brightened, “I agree, my lord. If you will excuse me, I will commence the exploration, while you hammer out a plan in the meeting.”

  Sur Sceaf laughed. “Xelph, we all know your nature too well. We know you have no tolerance for tedium. Be about your exploring. Return by midday and we’ll all go exploring up on top together.”

  “I’d be taking my weapons with me boy,” Elf Beard warned. “Never know what you might find in unexplored lands.”

  Sunchild laughed. “Yes, I saw a couple crabs and a jellyfish out there that looked pretty fierce.”

  Xelph made a rude gesture, but Sur Sceaf noticed he took scramasax and pick with him all the same.

  When the good natured insults died down, Sur Sceaf continued, “It is the custom among the Herewardi that whenever we embark on a new course we first consult the oracles.”

  Sur Sceaf pulled out the pouch that contained his amber and black seer stones and shook them out into one hand. After taking one stone in each hand, he held them out before him, palms up. As he looked deeply into the stones a mist formed and an image took shape until it became crystal clear in his mind’s eye. He saw beautiful panoramic images which he took to be of the isle.

  “I am seeing this island teeming with wildlife and great flocks of animals, huge rivers and small streams, great forests and mountains.”

  When he finished speaking, the image dissolved into the mists and another began to take shape. “I am seeing a great temple rising up on a faery mound.” Once again the image swiftly faded and another took its place. “I see an image of a mighty fortress surrounding a gleaming marble palace. In the distance are endless savannahs and forests, and yet another image of a marbled city in a magnificent landscape of lush jungle.” Sur Sceaf shook his head, “That is strange.”


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