Forever Friend Zoned

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Forever Friend Zoned Page 23

by C. Morgan

  “Enough of that,” Bunny said. “Let’s talk about what you can do now. You need to fix this.”

  “I’ve tried. I tried over and over. She wants nothing to do with me. I don’t think she plans on ever speaking to me again.”

  “Make her talk to you,” Bunny said. “Get in her face and don’t leave her alone until she does.”

  “Oh, that’s sure to work. No wonder you two get along so well. You give out the worst advice I have ever heard.”

  “You are not a quitter, Jeff,” Bunny said as she switched into trainer mode. “If you want it, you have to fight for it. You have to push through the pain and earn it.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  ERock stepped forward. “Alora is a smart girl with a huge heart. She feels like shit because she didn’t know who you were. Tell her you’re okay with it. Assuage her guilt and then tell her you love her.”

  “I have tried to do all of that. It got me nowhere.”

  “Make her listen. I know if you tell her how you really feel, she will listen. She’s upset because she thinks you lied to her. She feels betrayed. Apologize and kiss her ass until she takes you back.”

  “I don’t think you know her very well at all. Trust me. Alora is a stubborn woman. I pushed her too far. I can’t get her to take my calls. She’s been hiding out at her father’s estate. I can’t even get past the gate.”

  Bunny nodded, looking very thoughtful. “You need to do something that makes her want to talk to you.”

  “Great idea,” I muttered. “I wish I would have thought of that.”

  She ignored my comment. “You need to make a grand gesture. Something romantic. The kind of thing she can’t resist.”

  “Like flowers?” I asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “You send her flowers and I’ll beat your ass for her. No, not flowers. Bigger. Use your imagination. You know her better than any of us. What would really make her day?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  She slapped my desk. “Are you a quitter?”


  She slapped it again. “Then get up and give me—” She stopped. “Sorry, I fell into drill sergeant mode.”

  “Guys, I appreciate your efforts, but I really don’t think this is what she wants. I am not going to push her into something she doesn’t want. It will only lead to heartbreak later. She said her piece and I have to be okay with that.”

  Bunny rolled her eyes before turning to ERock. “Do something! Life-coach him. Do whatever it is you say you do.”

  He frowned at her before looking at me. “You know you love this woman and I am pretty certain she loves you. This secret you kept from her is really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Right now, it looks like it is a mountain sitting in the middle of your path to happiness, but it’s just a little bump in the road. It is a misunderstanding that can very easily be explained away.”

  “Uh, if it was so easy, it would have been done already. That’s the problem. She doesn’t think it’s a little bump. She sees it as a mountain.”

  “Then change her perspective. Show her what is on the other side if she chooses to go over that mountain.”

  “Which is?”

  “You, dumbass! You are on the other side. You and a strong, loving relationship in which she will be cherished.”

  Bunny was nodding along. “That’s right. There you go. That’s what I’m talking about. Way to step up.”

  ERock looked mighty pleased with himself. “Thanks.”

  I thought about what I could do that was intimate and special to just her and me. That was the definition of romantic. It couldn’t be anything overused. It had to be just for her. “I think I know what I’m going to do,” I said.

  They both looked at me. “Really?” they said in unison.

  I nodded. “Yep. I need to work out the details.”

  “We’ll leave you to it,” Bunny said. She stepped up to ERock and touched his arm. “Someone deserves a treat for doing such a great job.”

  ERock grinned. “I do, don’t I? A really good treat.”

  I didn’t want to know. They left my office and I put on my proverbial thinking cap. I knew what I wanted to do, but I couldn’t do it alone. I was going to need some help. I needed to be able to get Alora to my grand gesture. There was no way she would be willing to talk to Bunny. She’d be suspicious.

  I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts. It was risky, but it was my only chance. “Sue, don’t hang up,” I blurted out as soon as she answered.

  “What do you want?” she snapped.

  “I need your help.”

  “Why in the world would I help you?”

  “Because it would be helping your friend.”

  She snorted. “I doubt that.”

  “Please, hear me out.”

  “You broke her heart. I’m not inclined to give a shit about what you have to say.”

  “I want to mend her heart but I can’t do that if she won’t talk to me.”

  Another rude snort. “You can’t fix what you broke. It goes much deeper than what you think.”

  “I know it does. I know I resurrected some old fears. I get it. I want to make it right. I want to try and explain what happened. I just need five minutes with her.”

  “You know how easy it would have been to avoid all of this?” she asked.

  “Yes, I do and hindsight is twenty-twenty, but I can’t dwell on that. I’m trying to look forward to the future. A future I want to have with her. I love her. I love her more than I will ever love anyone else. I just need a chance to show her and prove it to her.”

  Sue was quiet for several seconds. “I don’t know,” she hesitated.

  “Please, I swear I will not do anything to hurt her. I just want a chance to explain why I didn’t tell her.”

  “It isn’t so much you didn’t tell her, but you didn’t tell her something important, and that has made her question everything. You know she is fragile. You know she has serious trust issues. You exploited those issues.”

  “I’m not perfect. I know I screwed up but the crime does not deserve the punishment.”

  “That’s what you think.”

  “Will you do it or not?” I asked. I was growing frustrated for being raked over the coals for what was a relatively minor crime.

  She blew out a loud breath. “Fine, but I swear if you screw this up, I will personally run you out of town. You will never show your face in Arizona again.”

  “I won’t screw it up.”


  I went over the details with her before hanging up. Now I was excited. I had a new goal. I had something to work toward. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out the door. I had some supplies I needed to pick up. This was my one shot to make things right. I wasn’t going to screw it up.

  I was almost down the hall when Fran stepped out of her office. “You’re still here?”

  “I was just on my way out.”

  “You know we don’t pay overtime.”

  “I am aware of that. I wasn’t trying to claim it.”

  She looked me up and down. “Is this entrapment?”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Are you here after hours in an attempt to get me to say or do something? Are you wearing a wire? Is there a camera somewhere?”

  “You’re nuts. I don’t want to trap you. I want you to leave me alone.”

  “I have.”

  I looked at her and noticed she was acting a little squirrely. “What are you doing here so late?”

  My eyes drifted to the open door of her office. The blinds were closed over the window and I knew the door had been closed. I thought she was gone for the day. “I was getting some work done.”

  “Is there someone in there?” I asked her.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  I shook my head. “You are walking a dangerous line, Fran. The gym is not your personal playground. You are
supposed to be a professional. Maybe you should try acting like it.”

  “You don’t know what you are talking about. There isn’t anyone in there.”

  “Now, anyway,” I said and walked around her.

  I didn’t know what she was up to and I didn’t care as long as it didn’t involve me. I was done playing her games.

  Chapter 38


  I took a look in the mirror and added one more coat of mascara. I didn’t know why I was going through the trouble. Sue insisted I get dressed up. She said it would make me feel better. All it did was remind me of the progress I had made in the past few months and was now jeopardizing with my recent decision to avoid the gym at all costs. I went downstairs to wait for her and found my parents sitting in the living room and watching a house-flipping show.

  “You look nice,” my father said. “Do you have a date?”

  “With Sue,” I said with a laugh. “She’s always a safe bet.”

  “Are you going dancing?” my mother asked.

  “No, just dinner. She wants to celebrate her new job.”

  “It will do you good to get out of the house and have some fun,” my mother said.

  “I hope so.”

  “I love that dress on you,” she said.

  “Thanks for going shopping with me.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “My credit card did not find it pleasurable,” my father complained.

  My mother swatted his leg. “Stop it. We deserved a shopping spree. It was a long time coming.”

  “I’m kidding. You look very nice, Alora. Have a good time.”

  I heard the gate beep, letting us know she used her code to get in. “I’ll see you guys later,” I said and went out to meet Sue.

  I got into her car and noticed she wasn’t dressed up. “What the hell?” I growled. “You said to dress up.”

  “Did I?”

  “Sue, what are you up to?”

  “Nothing. You look good. You have to admit you feel better, right?”

  “I like my new dress but now I’m going to feel like an idiot. I’m dressed up and you aren’t.”

  “I didn’t have time to change after class. I’m business casual.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Great. I suppose we’re going to some casual taco bar and I’m going to stand out like a sore thumb.”

  “That dress does not look the least bit sore. You look really good. I love that color.”

  “It’s black, Sue. What’s wrong with you? You are acting strange. Did one of the kids give you a brownie again? You know you aren’t allowed to eat any more homecooked goods after last time.”

  “I did not eat a brownie. I’m fine.”

  She drove into town but didn’t stop at any of our usual places. “Where are we going?”

  “To a new spot I found. You’re going to love it.” She turned off the beaten path.

  “Sue, if you were a man, I would be ripping those keys out of the ignition and stabbing you with them. You’re freaking me out. Did you get abducted by pod people?”

  She parked the car at the park. “We’re here.”

  “You want to have a picnic? In the dark? With me wearing a dress that’s short enough to put my vajayjay in perilous danger of being seen?”

  “You should wear panties and then there would be no danger.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course, that’s the only part of my statement you paid attention to.”

  “Get out.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Get out. Your destiny awaits.”

  I grabbed my phone. “Do you know what day it is?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m calling nine-one-one. I think you’ve overdosed on something.”

  She snatched my phone. “Stop it. Look!” She pointed toward the center of the park.

  I noticed the gazebo was covered in Christmas lights. “What’s that?”

  “Your destiny. Go.”

  I slowly shook my head. “I’m still not convinced you’re not ill.”

  “Someone is waiting for you. Go.”

  I looked back toward the gazebo. “No,” I breathed. “I don’t want to talk to him.”

  “Give him a chance.”

  “Sue, I’m not ready to see him.”

  “I know you’ve been hurt bad in the past. Todd was a fool. He was a selfish prick that didn’t love you. Jeff is different.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just do. Go. Give him a chance.”

  “I hate you for doing this.”

  “You’ll thank me later. Good luck.”

  “You’re really going to make me do this.”

  She smiled. “I absolutely am.”

  I threw open her car door only to have it bounce back and hit my head. “Dammit.”

  “That’s what you deserve for manhandling my car with your little fit. Go on.”

  I got out of the car and walked across the grass in my heels. Jeff was standing under the lights with his hands folded in front of him. He was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. He looked dashing, like a young Bond. I slowly took the steps up the gazebo.

  “What is this about?” I asked him.

  “When I was fourteen, I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the world. I loved you and hoped to be with you for the rest of my days. I asked you to a dance and you said no. I always dreamed about what if. What if that girl said yes? Would I get to have one really special dance? I don’t want to wonder anymore. I want to have at least one dance with you.”

  He reached over and pushed a button on his phone. Love Story by Taylor Swift came on. I smiled at the memories the song brought back. “This is kind of a girly song,” I teased.

  He wrapped one arm around my waist and took my hand in the other. “It was the love story I dreamed about.”

  We started to dance. Memories flooded my brain. I remembered hanging out in my room with him and listening to this song. I always had Todd as my Prince Charming. I realized now he had me as his princess. I understood that feeling of dreaming of a future with someone you were crushing on. “You bought me this CD,” I said.

  “I did.”

  “I remember some of the guys giving you a lot of shit about you listening to Taylor Swift.”

  He grinned. “They sure as hell did.”

  “And Twilight!” I gasped. “You stood in line to get tickets to that stupid movie just for me!”

  He held me close. “I did and I would do it all over again.”

  I grabbed his face with my hands. “You did all of that for me because you loved me.”

  “I did. I do. I would do anything for you.”

  I released his face and wrapped my arms around him. “I’m sorry I didn’t see those gestures for what they were.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was. I was so afraid that once you remembered the dorky kid that followed you all over, you would reject me again.”

  “You are not a dorky kid now and you weren’t then either. I was shallow. I was caught up in my own world and I didn’t see you for who you really were. I was so lucky to have you as a friend.”

  “Alora, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of eternity with you. I used to fantasize we were Edward and Bella and we were going to live forever together. Ever since you sat down next to me in seventh grade, I’ve had it in my head you were my one and only. I loved you then and I love you even more now. I know I made a mistake. I’m asking you for a another chance.”

  My heart felt so full. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. “You have got to be the most patient man on this planet. How did I get so lucky to have you want me?”

  “Because you are special. I promise there are no more secrets and there never will be. I want you more than words can say. I love you. There will never be another woman in my life. No one can ever make me feel the way you do.”

  I leaned back just enough to look into his eyes. “You are so sp
ecial to me, Jeff. I love you. I will show you how much I love you from this day forward.”

  He kissed me, holding me close and slowly moving in time with the music. A new song came on and I immediately recognized it from the soundtrack of that vampire movie that had captured my attention back in the day. He’d gone through a lot of trouble to make this night special.

  “You want to get out of here?” he whispered next to my ear.

  “I do.”

  “We’ll leave this for some other couple,” he said and took my hand.

  I looked up at the stars and counted myself very lucky to have him in my life.

  When we got back to his place, there were candles all around the living room and his bedroom. He spent several minutes lighting every last one of them before coming to stand in front of me.

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  He slowly began to undress me, taking his sweet time as he unzipped my dress. He kissed a trail down my spine before gently laying me on his bed. He climbed over me, kissing over my belly and breasts until his mouth was on mine once again. I relished his gentle touch. It was different than it usually was for us.

  I wanted to cherish his body like he cherished mine. I gently pushed him onto his back and kissed him before trailing my mouth down his jaw and over his neck. I kissed between his defined pecs before following the happy trail over his washboard stomach. His body deserved to be worshipped.

  He ran a hand over my hair. “You don’t have to,” he whispered.

  “I want to,” I answered before taking his cock into my mouth.

  I heard him suck in a breath. He didn’t grab my head or demand anything from me. He let me set the pace. I lapped at his length, exploring every inch of the steel rod that brought me so much pleasure. I was thoroughly enjoying my exploration. I felt no pressure to do anything. This was what it was like to be loved.

  I brought him to completion, swallowing him deep into my throat despite him attempting to pull away from me. I slowly crawled up his body, kissing my way back to him.

  “You’re an amazing woman,” he said.

  “You’re a pretty amazing guy.”

  He pushed me onto my back and began to shower me with kisses. He was slow and thorough, making sure every inch of me was touched by his lips. When he moved between my legs and began to love me with his mouth, I was certain I would never be with any other man. He was it for me. Only he would know how I tasted. Only he would know just where to lick and exactly where to nibble to bring me the greatest pleasure.


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