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Enduring Act (The Survivor's duet Book 2)

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by Heather D'Agostino

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” he growled as he tugged at the material. “I have an early morning tomorrow, and you’ve kept me waiting long enough.” The material slipped down my body as he rudely jerked it off.

  “Can we not do this tonight? I’m really tired,” I begged.

  “Why are you tired? You’re here all day laying around.” His lips thinned as he glared at me. This was the Warren I was used to.

  “I’m pregnant.” I sighed. “The baby makes me tired.” I whispered the words so quietly that I didn’t think he heard them at first.

  “The baby,” he said like a statement before raising his voice. “The baby!” he bellowed. “This is the exact reason why I didn’t want this thing!” He grabbed me by my shoulder and shoved me against the bed.

  “Please!” I begged.

  “Please what?” he screamed. “Don’t fuck you?” I swear I saw fire shoot from his ears. “You’re my wife. I’ll do with you as I please!” He stormed closer, raising his fist.

  It came at me with brute force, but I rolled to the side and lifted my arms for protection. The doctor had warned me that another blow to my head could cause permanent brain damage.

  “When I feel like fucking you, I will!” he shouted as he grabbed my legs and attempted to pin me down. I don’t know where it came from, but part of me snapped. I’ve never fought back. I’ve always just tried to convince him to stop while protecting myself. Tonight was different though. That part of you that comes alive when you become a parent came alive tonight.

  “No!” I shouted back as I kicked my feet at him.

  He looked at me with disbelief before jumping back into action. He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled me upright. My scalp stung as he forced me to walk around the room, heading straight for the door. My hands flew in front of my face on instinct; Warren’s thrown me against the door before.

  When we walked into the hallway, I began clawing at his grip. I needed him to let go, but he had no intention of doing so. He forced me over to the top of the stairwell, and paused. “This is your fault, you stupid whore. I never wanted this kid, and I intend to get rid of it.”

  Fear seized me as I twisted in his arms. His words felt like a thousand knives hitting me all at once. It was finally happening. He was gonna kill me. One hand moved from my hair to my back, and then in one fluid motion, he shoved me down the stairs.

  I remember pain as I bounced against the wood. My arms instinctively went to my belly to protect my baby, leaving my head and back to take the brunt of the fall. I hit a few spindles on the way down before coming to rest on the tile floor of the hallway. His maniacal laugh sounded from above before my world went black once again.

  Chapter 5


  My night had started out like every other night. I was the on-call neurologist for the ER. It had been slow, so I’d gone outside to the ambulance bay to take a break. The air was crisp, and it felt like winter wasn’t too far away.

  When I heard the sirens in the distance, I knew the night was getting ready to get busy for someone, but I didn’t expect it to be me. The lights flashed as the rig came to a halt a few feet away. “Dr. Douglas.” The EMT nodded as he jumped out to race around to the back.

  “What’d we got?” Dr. Evans, the Chief of Emergency Medicine, rushed past me to the stretcher being lowered from the rig.

  “Female, twenty-eight, multiple contusions, possible skull fracture, twenty-eight weeks pregnant, BP one ten over seventy, heart rate seventy-four.” The EMT rambled off the details as he and his partner rushed through the doors, and followed Dr. Evans into a room.

  “I’m gonna need you on this!” Dr. Evans shouted in my direction. I jumped from where I was leaning against the wall, and rushed after them.

  The ER had morphed right before my eyes. There was a lull before, but now it was bustling with medical staff. Nurses were running in and out of the room Dr. Evans had just gone into, and it took me a second to get my bearings.

  “It’s Brooke Ellis,” Donna, one of my nurses, came rushing out. “She told me he did this, and I didn’t believe her.” Her voice was laced with fear and regret.

  I nodded as instinct took over and feelings were pushed aside. “What’d we got?” I rounded the gurney and began checking her eyes. “Pupils are reactive. I need a head CT.” I gave my orders to the nurse.

  “We’re waiting on OB. The baby’s heart rate is falling,” another nurse stated as she checked the fetal heart rate a second time. “This baby needs to come out if it’s gonna survive; I’m paging Dr. McGee again.” She rushed out of the room, and that’s when Brooke’s eyes fluttered open.

  “Help me,” she mumbled. “Please.”

  “We’re gonna help,” I reassured her. “We need to check on the baby.”

  “Save her.” She reached for me as I stepped back to allow Dr. McGee in with the ultrasound. “Please save her.”

  “We’re gonna do everything we can, Brooke.” Dr. McGee was all business. She placed the wand of the ultrasound on Brooke’s belly. “Brooke.” She handed the wand over as she lifted the railing to the gurney. “We’re going to take you upstairs now. We need to get the baby out. Your placenta has a tear in it, and it’s slowly getting worse.”

  “But she’s too young.” She started to cry.

  “She’s a fighter, Brooke. Just like you.” Dr. McGee started pushing the gurney as nurses unhooked monitors and draped the cords over the rails.

  “As soon as we get her out of surgery, you’ll get your CT.” Dr. McGee left, leaving me there with my head spinning.

  “Any word on how this happened?” I turned to the EMTs who were packing up to head back out.

  “We found her in her underwear at the bottom of the stairs. Her husband said she fell. If you ask me, I think he pushed her.” One of them shrugged.

  “Why do you say that?” I gripped the back of my neck. I shouldn’t be this invested, but I couldn’t help it. There was something about her, that made me care more than I should.

  “He didn’t even want to come with us. He didn’t seem worried at all that she might die, or that the baby might not survive. Who does that?” The other EMT’s eyes widened.


  I stood there staring at the scan of Brooke’s brain. There was swelling on the right side that would have to be monitored, but she was conscious. As long as the pressure didn’t increase, the injury could be treated without surgery. I sighed as I headed to her room to give her the news.

  “Mrs. Ellis.” I knocked on the door as I slowly pushed it open.

  “Mmm.” Her head lolled to the side as her eyes fluttered.

  “Your scan shows some swelling, but I think we can treat it with medication as long as things don’t worsen.”

  “My baby,” she mumbled. “Where’s my baby?”

  “I can check on that for you.” I patted her hand before leaning out of the door and looking for a nurse. I saw Donna rounding the corner, and stopped her. “She’s asking about the baby. Do we know anything yet?”

  “Brooke. Your daughter’s doing well for a twenty-eight weeker.” She smiled as she brushed past me and into the room. “She’s in the NICU. They’re helping her breathe, but she’s a fighter.” She lowered herself onto the bed, and I knew I needed to give them some time.



  Everything hurt. My head, my side, my stomach, but most of all my heart. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Warren did this with every intent of killing our daughter. How could someone who was supposed to love me be so callous? Did he ever love me? I’d been asking myself that a lot lately, but I was having a hard time believing that the answer might be ‘no’.

  “Your daughter wasn’t oxygenating enough, so she’s on a ventilator. She’s a fighter though, just like her mama.” The nurse, Donna, smiled softly before glancing away at something. “Brooke? Did he do this to you?”

  I nodded, and it hurt. “Yes.” I grimaced. “He want
ed to have sex, and I didn’t, so he pushed me down the steps.” A single tear slipped from my eyes. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “He’s never gonna hurt you again. I’m going to help you. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you the last time.” Donna squeezed my hand. “Do you want to see your daughter?”

  “It hurts to move.” I gasped as I attempted to sit up.

  “If we can get you in a wheelchair, I’ll take you to the NICU.” She motioned to the door, and then pressed a few buttons on the bed to cause it to rise. After placing a pillow in my lap, she turned me where my legs hung off the side of the bed. “Hold the pillow against your stomach for support and lean on me.” She braced my back as I stood, and slowly helped me sit in the chair. My head spun for a moment, but then the ache in my side came back.

  “You’ve got a couple of cracked ribs, and C-sections hurt, but it’s nothing that won’t heal.” She patted my shoulder and then turned to push me into the hallway. “Hey, Dr. Blake?” she called out as we passed the nurse’s station. The doctor from before turned and forced a smile on his face.

  “Yes, Donna.” He placed a pen in his pocket and leaned against the counter.

  “Can you call your brother for me? Brooke here, needs to talk to him.” She began moving as he nodded and we rounded the corner.

  “Who’s his brother? A doctor for the baby?” I scrunched my brow and it caused my head to throb.

  “His younger brother is a cop. He can get the paperwork started to get you away from your husband.” She said it so matter of factly as we entered a room with gowns stacked by the door. “I’m gonna drape this over you. It’s to keep everything sanitized in the NICU.”

  She wheeled me through the next set of doors, and I was faced with rows of incubators. There were beeps of all different speeds; some bassinets had signs, some didn’t. Three nurses moved around with precision, checking each baby, and making notes. A young woman sat in a rocking chair in the corner, cuddling a baby to her chest. She was humming quietly as a man stood behind her. He looked so scared, but you could tell he was trying to hide it.

  “Morning, Maggie.” Donna waved. “We’re here to see baby Ellis.”

  “She’s right over here.” She led the way to an incubator in the far corner. “She’s been doing well so far, no apnea.”

  I stared at my daughter through the glass. She was covered in tubes and wires. She was so tiny, barely two pounds. Her little arms twitched every few seconds like she was searching for something. The cap on her head barely fit. There were these little fabric sunglasses covering her eyes, and the diaper was as big as she was.

  “It looks worse than it is at the moment. She’s a fighter.” Maggie smiled softly as she opened one of the little portals. “Would you like to touch her?”

  I needed this. I wanted to hold her, but we weren’t there yet. I slowly lifted my arm. It felt like a lead weight was holding it down as I stretched it out and reached inside. I carefully touched her arm. She flinched, but then settled as I started talking to her.

  “She knows your voice,” Maggie encouraged.

  My daughter settled as I told her I loved her, and then she wrapped her tiny fingers around mine. “She’s holding on.” I started to cry.

  “She’s your purpose,” Donna whispered from behind me. It was like déjà vu. My world paused before starting to spin once again. I’d heard this before, but it wasn’t here.

  “You told me that the last time.” I glanced at Donna. “That she was my purpose.”

  “She is,” Donna reaffirmed. She didn’t tell me I was wrong or question what I was talking about. She let me be right in this moment. “What’s her name?”

  “Ava,” I whispered back. I let my thumb slide lightly over Ava’s hand. “I love you.” I sniffed as I leaned impossibly closer. “I’m gonna protect you, and you’re going to have a great life.” Her fingers twitched again, and I knew she understood me.

  It was that moment that changed it all. I wasn’t going to live in fear ever again. I was going to flourish on my own. I had a purpose, a reason to leave, and that purpose was her. I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I will. Today was the beginning, the beginning of a new life, a life away from pain and fear.

  Chapter 6


  My days have been spent going from my room to the NICU. I spend as much time as I can with Ava, but I’m still healing myself. It’s been three days since I arrived at the emergency room. Dr. Douglas, or Dr. Blake as the nurses call him, has been by every day to check my head. I’ve had several scans, and he says I’m healing well. I can’t help but feel attached. He looks just like Officer Blake, but he doesn’t act like him.

  I’ve been able to sort more out in my head and determine what was real, and what wasn’t. I still can’t remember how I ended up in the hospital the first time, but Dr. Blake says it takes time to remember sometimes. Warren’s been by once, but security stopped him. I decided to press charges, so a police officer is supposed to be coming by later to take my statement. Donna says it’s a long process, but she’ll stay with me as long as I want.

  “Mrs. Ellis?” I looked up to see a man in a suit knocking on the doorway to my room. “I’m Detective Douglas. I’m here to take your statement.” He smiled softly and I could see the family resemblance.

  “You’re Dr. Blake’s brother.” I smiled back. It was the first time I’d smiled in a long time.

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “I hope he hasn’t been talking about me too much. Mind if I come in?”

  “Sure.” I pushed a few buttons to make the bed sit up a little straighter. I was still pretty sore, but I’d been getting up and walking since last night.

  “You can call me Cal.” He held out his hand for me to shake.

  “Ok, Cal.” I nodded as I shifted on the bed. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. “What’s next?”

  “Well, the first thing we’re going to do is press charges for battery. We can’t really prove that he was trying to kill you, but he was trying to hurt you. The most important thing that you need to remember is, we’re on your side. He may try to intimidate you once we move forward, but you need to stay your ground. We’re going to use this as evidence when we file the order of protection. The fact that this fall caused you to have to deliver early, and the baby was premature is going to work in our favor. I’ve got reports from your doctor, the emergency room staff, and the nurses in the NICU. I have a good feeling that you’ll be granted the order.”

  “How am I going to keep him away?” I twisted the sheets in my hand.

  “Once the order is granted, he’ll be served. If he doesn’t comply, he can be arrested. If he breaks the order, you call the police.” Cal jotted a few things down on a piece of paper before looking back over at me. “Do you have a place to go when you’re discharged? A family member or friend’s house?”

  “No. Warren made sure I didn’t have any friends, and my parents died years ago. I’m an only child.” I shook my head as I looked away. “He picked me because of that, didn’t he? I’m weak,” I growled.

  “You’re not weak. He is.” Cal’s eyes were sad as he watched me. “Men like him are the weak ones, that’s why they beat women. It makes them feel powerful.”

  “I should have left a long time ago.” I punched the mattress beside me.

  “You’re leaving now. That’s what matters. Here,” he handed me a card, “this is the number for a local women’s shelter. They take women and children. They’ll help you get back on your feet until you find a place to live on your own.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you.” I took the paper and squeezed it in my hand.

  “Survive. That’s thanks enough.” He smiled. “I’m going to get a few more things from your doctors and then I’m going to head over to drop it all off with the DA. You should have that protection order by tomorrow night.”

  “Thanks, Cal.” I waved as he left. It was the first time I ever felt like someone was really on my side. He believed me, an
d offered me support. I hadn’t had that in a man since I was little and my dad helped me.


  I spent most of the afternoon and all of that night in the NICU. Ava was still doing well, but I missed being with her. I was going to be discharged the next day, but Ava had to stay. She’d be here for at least four more weeks. She had to gain weight, and start eating before she could leave.

  “You wanna hold her?” Maggie smiled as she opened the door on the side of the incubator.

  “Can I?” I was hopeful. I’d been bonding with my daughter solely on touches and talking.

  “She’s been breathing on her own; you just need to be careful with supporting her head. Skin to skin contact helps preemies.” I watched as Maggie lifted Ava from the incubator. She turned in my direction, and I sat in a nearby rocker. I tugged my gown out the way, and Maggie placed Ava against my chest. “Just support her head,” she whispered as she removed her hands.

  I leaned back in the rocker as my tiny daughter stayed cuddled against my chest. She was so little, barely the size of a small doll. The breathing tube had been replaced by a smaller oxygen tube. She still had some wires monitoring her heart rate and other bodily functions, but for the most part we were almost normal. She’d gained a few ounces over the last week, and I was hopeful she’d be moved out of the NICU in the next week.

  “We’ve been offering her bottles, but she gets too tired to suck. I don’t think it’ll be long though.” Maggie wrote some things down on Ava’s chart and then started to walk away. “Let me know when you’re ready to put her back, and I’ll come help you.”

  “Thanks.” I gently caressed Ava’s head. “It’ll be a while I’m sure.” I’d hold my daughter all the time if I could. The fear of falling asleep and dropping her was ever present though.



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