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Enduring Act (The Survivor's duet Book 2)

Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Yes.” He nodded again. “Before you start worrying or over thinking this any more than you already are… I’m not losing here. I’m ok with this. It was my choice. A bruised cheek isn’t keeping me from anything, but those papers are. I really like hanging out with you, Brooke, and I want you to want to hang out with me more. I know that won’t happen as long as he’s still part of your life. If letting him get off easy helps you, then I’ll do it.”

  “You need to think about what you’re giving up. You could send him to jail.” I gasped.

  “There’s no thinking about it. I’m doing this so you can have your freedom. I want you and Ava to have a fresh start. I’d like to be a part of it too, but I’m ok if I’m not.” He smiled as he reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

  “I didn’t know men like you still existed.” I sniffed. My emotions were overwhelming me and I needed air. “Can we start walking back? Ava will be up soon.”

  “Sure.” He stood, slipped into his coat, and then helped me with mine. “Are we ok?” He glanced at me as he held the door open for us. I still wasn’t used to his chivalrous ways.

  “What do you mean?” I furrowed my brow.

  “I mean, are things ok with us? Are you gonna push me away, or are we still friends?” He was gesturing with his hands as we walked and seemed to be getting slightly frustrated. I couldn’t understand why either.

  “I guess.” I tipped my head to the side and looked up at him. His brow creased as his lips thinned. He sighed heavily and then kinda shook his head.

  “You’re doing it again,” I muttered as I too shook my head in frustration.

  “Doing what?” He came to a halt and stepped closer to the building we were currently walking by.

  “Acting weird. You did it when I moved out, and then again at the coffee shop when I ran into Cal. What am I doing that’s upsetting you?” I crossed my arms and shivered against the cold.

  “You’re cold. Let’s just get back.” He motioned toward the house. We were still two blocks away.

  “No.” I stared up at him. “Warren did this all the time. He’d get mad at me, and then he wouldn’t tell me why. I can’t fix the problem if I don’t know what the problem is.” I rolled my eyes. “So, what am I doing wrong?”

  We stood there staring at each other, neither giving in. Finally, he broke. “You’re not doing anything wrong. I’m the one who’s wrong,” he growled.

  “You?” I was confused.

  “Yeah. I don’t like thinking about you with someone else. You and my brother. You and that asshole of an ex. You with anyone.” His eyes flared.

  “But I’m not with anyone.” I shivered again.

  “I know that, but I think you should be. You should be with someone who treats you like a queen. You need a man to cook for you; to rub your feet after a long day; to help with Ava; to tell you how beautiful you are when you first wake up and then again before you fall asleep. You need a man who will love you the way a man is supposed to love a woman. You deserve it, and I just want you to know that.” He stepped around me, putting himself between me and the street. Without even asking, he reached down and took my hand in his. He started walking, and I followed without question. I don’t know why, but I always feel safe with Blake.

  “What does all that mean?” I panted slightly. I was out of breath from the pace he was keeping. “What you said back there. What does that mean?”

  We reached the front lawn of the house and stopped. I yanked lightly on his hand until he looked at me. I lifted my chin, silently telling him to answer me. His lips pressed together fighting to hold back the words, but I don’t think he could have no matter how hard he tried. “It means, I know you need friends right now. I know that you’re not ready, but when you are… I’m here. I want to be that man, Brooke. I wanna cook for you. I wanna snuggle on the couch in front of a fire with snow outside. I want to help with Ava. I’ve been holding it in for weeks because I’m afraid of what telling you all this is going to do to us, but I’m ready to take a chance. If I can ask you to take a leap of faith with me, then I should be able to do the same.” He stepped back and smiled a boyish smile. “I want you to think about all of this. Take as long as you need, and when you’re ready for it, I’ll be there. In the meantime, we’re gonna keep getting coffee and talking.”

  Just as I was about to say something, the door opened. “Ava just woke up,” Lauren blurted out and then slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized she’d interrupted. “Sorry,” she murmured.

  “It’s ok.” Blake smiled as he started to walk backwards. “I have to get to work anyway. Think about what I said.” He waved and then turned and left.

  I stood there for a few moments, just watching his back as he grew smaller and smaller. I’d never met a man like him. Every time we’ve met up, he’s given me a little piece of myself back. He’s taught me that I am worthy of attention and affection. I just needed to decide if I was ready.

  Chapter 14


  Blake has kept his word. He’s come by a few times over the last week for coffee outings. I can’t call them dates because we’re just friends, but I honestly don’t know how a date with him would be different. He holds doors for me, pulls out my chair, and always pays. I’ve thought about what he said on the front lawn several thousand times over these last few days, but today I’ve been too busy.

  Today is Thanksgiving, and Donna has had us all up preparing for our feast since a little after sunrise. I woke to her humming in the kitchen as she prepped the turkey. Amy has been cleaning and straightening the house, and Lauren already had stuffing made, and was starting on the cranberries last I checked.

  “Can you help me get this box down?” Amy motioned to a large box on the top shelf in the hall closet. “I think the good napkins and tablecloth are in there.”

  “Sure.” I smiled as I met her at the door. Amy was petite, and this was a tall shelf. I could barely reach it when I stood on my tiptoes. “You’d think we were expecting the queen.” I laughed as the box slowly slid into my hands. “All this for just us.” I shrugged. Three of the other girls at the house had to work, so there was just going to be the four of us for lunch. Becky, Carol, and Megan would have to reheat plates when they got home.

  “Donna didn’t tell you?” Amy smirked. “We have guests coming today. She invited some friends from the hospital.” Amy’s voice said she wasn’t telling me the entire truth. She grinned as she took the box from me and scurried down the hallway.

  “Wait, what?” I skipped off after her. “Who from the hospital?” Just as Amy set the box on the table, Ava let out a yelp. She’d been napping for a while, so I knew it was bound to happen.

  “Saved by the baby.” Amy giggled as I sighed and turned to head toward my room.

  “I’ll be back,” I warned before slipping away to check on my daughter.


  The morning went by rather quickly. It was a beautiful fall day. Cold, but sunny with a bright blue sky. It was a welcome sight after all the gray gloomy days we’d had earlier in the week.

  I was sitting on the couch talking to Ava when there was a knock at the door. “I’ll be right back.” I smiled at her as I placed her in her bouncy chair on the floor. I clicked a few buttons to turn on the music, and then got up to answer the door. “Who is it?” I called.

  “It’s Veronica.” Roni’s voice sounded from the other side. I opened the door happily. I hadn’t seen or heard from Roni in over a week. “Happy Thanksgiving.” She smiled.

  “Same to you. Are you here to eat with us?” I glanced around. I wasn’t sure who would be coming by after what Amy said.

  “No. I still have a few briefs to get together before the next week. I usually go to my parents’ place late and eat leftovers.” She smiled as she thrust a manila envelope in my direction. “I thought I’d give you a little holiday treat early.” She grinned even wider. “Open it.”

  My fingers fumbled with the clasp as I
slowly backed up and glanced at Ava. I pulled the papers from the envelope and read the words typed at the top of the first page. “The dissolution of marriage between Brooke Ellis and Warren Ellis. Is this real?” I gasped.

  “No, silly. I’m giving you fake divorce papers.” Roni rolled her eyes before she started laughing. “Of course, they’re real.”

  “He signed? I’m free?” I stumbled farther into the house. It was as if a giant weight had been taken off my shoulders. My heart felt lighter as tears leaked from my eyes. Roni grabbed my elbow as I started to crumple to the floor. She carefully walked me over to the couch, and closed the door.

  “It’s over.” She smiled. “You’re free.” She held my hands in hers. We both laughed as I cried. It was a feeling that I wasn’t expecting, freedom. It had been so long since I’d had it, I wasn’t sure I’d know what to do. “The order of protection is still good. It doesn’t expire until the end of the year. If you don’t feel safe by then, then we can file to renew it.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you.” I cried.

  “You don’t need to thank me. I’m happy I could help you. Just promise me you’ll be happy. That’s all I ask of you.” She started to stand.

  “I will.” I nodded as I clutched the papers in my hands. “I’ll be happy and I’ll always remember this.” I glanced at Ava and then back at Roni. “Thank you. Thank you from me and from her. She doesn’t know it yet, but you’re her hero.” I sobbed. Roni nodded as she pressed her lips together. I could tell she was getting emotional too. “Emily would be proud,” I added just as she reached the door. She nodded again, before disappearing out the door.



  Do you think this is ok?” I held up a sweater in front of my webcam. I was trying to get advice from my brother, but he was sucking at it.

  “Sure.” He shrugged. “The last five you showed me looked fine too.”

  “You’re no help,” I grumbled as I tossed yet another sweater onto my bed.

  “You’re acting like a girl. Who cares what you wear? She’d probably like it better if you didn’t wear clothes.”

  “I’m not there yet.” I sighed. I’d been thinking about it every time I talked to her. I see her hips sway as she walks down the steps at the house and my dick twitches. It was dying to know what she looked like under all the clothes.

  “And why not?” Cal smirked.

  “Because she’s still married. I’m not into going after married women. I don’t care how crappy their husbands are. I’m not going to do it,” I growled as I pulled out a blue shirt. “What about this?”

  “Sure.” Cal shrugged again.

  “You said that about the last one,” I huffed.

  “Dude. You wanna know what I’m wearing?” He chuckled and then stood up. “This.” He pointed at the t-shirt he was wearing. It had a Captain America symbol on it. “I got jeans on the bottom half.”

  “It’s Thanksgiving.” My forehead crinkled. “You can’t pick something nicer?”

  “Ok, Mom.” His head tipped to the side as he stared at me through the screen. “I wear dress pants and a button down to work almost every day. I like to be comfortable when I’m off duty.” He lifted his hands in the air as if to say ‘can you blame me’.

  “Fine,” I grumbled. “I’ll see you at two.”

  “Later.” He gave a finger wave as he laughed before the connection broke and my screen went black. Maybe Cal had a point. Maybe I was trying too hard. Maybe I should just go casual.

  I rummaged through my closet until I found my Eastside University Crew team shirt. It was a favorite, and that was obvious by the amount of wear it had seen. The yellow lettering on the maroon fabric was faded and the cotton was super soft from all the washes it had endured. I grabbed a pair of jeans, combed my hair, and slapped a little cologne on. I didn’t want to look like a total slob, but I did want to be comfortable. Brooke saw me in dress clothes every time we hung out. Maybe if I looked a little more approachable, I might get her to relax a little around me.


  “Glad to see you were finally able to make a choice,” Cal shouted as he jogged down the steps of his apartment building. He had a hoodie on with the hood pulled up.

  “If we weren’t on our way right now, I’d give you something to laugh about,” I grumbled as I stuffed my hands into my pockets. It was cold out today.

  “I’m parked over here.” Cal motioned as he started walking around the corner. We entered the lot for residents of his building and slipped into his Mustang. “You know, maybe if you bought a car like this, she’d notice you a little more.”

  “I like my Audi just fine, and why would I want a woman who only likes me for my clothes and car?” I shook my head as Cal took a corner a little too fast and my shoulder bumped the door. “Slow down.” I gave him a side eye.

  “Stop being such a girl today.” Cal rolled his eyes.

  “It’s called being responsible. You know… that thing I have to do all the time. Being the big brother isn’t as easy as you think. I was always covering for you growing up,” I muttered just as Cal parked in front of Emily’s House.

  “I wasn’t that bad.” He chuckled as he flung his door open and climbed out.

  “Sure. Sure, you weren’t!” I yelled at his back, but he was already up the stairs and knocking on the door.



  We’d just finished setting the food out when there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” Lauren called as she left the dining room. In a matter of seconds, she was back with Cal and Blake. “Our dinner guests have arrived.”

  “Glad you guys could make it.” Donna smiled. “Take a seat.” Cal grabbed a seat on the end, but Blake continued to stand awkwardly in the doorway.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” I set the baby monitor by a plate and slowly sat. Ava had fallen asleep just a little bit ago, and I wanted to be able to get up easily if I needed to.

  “Of course. I was waiting for everyone else to sit.” He smiled as he took the seat right beside me. There were six of us, and we were sitting around a table made for four, so it was a tight fit. Blake was wearing jeans, and when he sat beside me his thigh was pressed right up against mine. I could feel the rough denim through the cotton of my leggings and it put my body on high alert.

  Blake made me feel like a schoolgirl, and the last few times I’ve seen him, I wondered if he still meant everything he’d told me that day walking home from the coffee shop.

  “Is this ok?” he murmured into my ear.

  “Is what ok?” I whispered back.

  “Me being here.” He reached for a dish of beans the same time I did, and our hands brushed.

  “Yes.” It came out sounding breathless. My heart was racing, and it felt like every hair on my body was standing on end.

  “You don’t seem ok.” He drew his hand back and turned slightly, causing our knees to bump.

  I swallowed and closed my eyes. “I’m fine. Just been a busy day.”

  “I can see that.” Blake motioned to the table full of food.

  “No, not that. I got my divorce papers today. It’s a lot to take in, that’s all. Not you.” I nodded as I scooped beans onto my plate.

  “I see.” His right hand slowly lifted and moved toward me. His eyes flared slightly as he settled his hand on my thigh painstakingly slow. I could feel how tense he was as a ragged breath escaped him. “Still ok?”

  “Yes.” I relaxed slightly and so did he. This was Blake, and even though we seemed to be moving into unchartered waters, I felt like I could do it with him. There was something about him that made me feel safe and wanted. He didn’t know it then, but he was giving me something I’d never had…trust in a man.

  Chapter 15


  Dinner seemed to go by in a blur. I don’t really remember much about what was going on around me except for the fact that Blake’s palm stayed right where he’d put it. Conversation buzzed
about the room, but I wasn’t listening. All my senses were tuned into Blake and what he was doing.

  Just as Donna brought out the pumpkin pie, Ava woke up. She wasn’t really crying, but more like whimpering and fussing. “Excuse me.” I slowly stood, causing Blake to shift in his chair. “I’ll be right back.” I scurried out of the room, and rushed down the hall to my room.

  Ava was waving her hands and feet in the air, and demanding food. “Hey, sweetie.” I peered over the edge of her crib. “Let’s get you changed, and then I’ll feed you.” I lifted her in the air, and smiled as she continued to kick her feet. Her sleeper made me laugh. It read ‘Baby’s first Thanksgiving’ and had little pumpkins and turkeys all over it.

  I laid her on my bed, and changed her diaper before making my way to the kitchen to mix a bottle. As I stood at the counter pouring water into a bottle, one handed I might add, I could hear the dinner conversation still going. Cal was cracking a joke, and everyone was laughing. I scooped some formula into the bottle, twisted the lid on, and shook it to mix. “One second.” I glanced at Ava as I shifted her in my arms. She spotted the bottle, and her little arms flailed to get it. Her mouth opened, and as soon as I touched the nipple to her lips, she gave a hearty suck. Her eyes stared at me for a moment before she closed them to enjoy the bliss of being fed.

  I shifted her in my arms one more time as I left the kitchen and headed back to the dining room. When I approached the table, Blake stood and pulled out my chair. I sat, and then he sat back down.

  “I served you a piece of pie.” He grimaced as he noticed that my hands were quite full at the moment.

  “Thanks.” I sighed.

  “Can I feed her?” He motioned to where Ava was happily sucking away on the bottle.

  “Sure.” I shrugged. “She’s going to scream when I take this away.” I motioned to the now half empty bottle.

  “That’s ok. I can handle it.” He laughed lightly as he leaned closer. I held her out toward him and as the nipple slipped from her lips, her eyes flew open and she let out a hearty scream. “Shhhh.” Blake jiggled her lightly in his arms as he adjusted his grip. Ava blinked at him a few times as she settled down. I watched as Blake leaned back in his chair, and placed the bottle back in her mouth. He seemed so natural for not having any kids of his own. “Eat.” He nodded toward the untouched pie still sitting in front of me.


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