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The Royal Beauty

Page 7

by V Vee

  They’d done so much together, and Helen had seen a completely different side to the man she’d once thought of as nothing more than arrogant playboy. It was intriguing. Fascinating.

  It was a huge turn-on.

  Which was why she currently stood in front of his door at one o’clock in the morning. She’d been unable to sleep, tossing and turning in her bed, her vagina slickening with desire and want. Helen couldn’t get Augustus out of her mind no matter how hard she’d tried. Unable to contain it any longer, she’d gotten up, threw on her terrycloth robe over her ankle-length, cotton nightgown and had gone to his suite which was right next door.

  When she hadn’t heard any noise for a while, she sighed. Helen wasn’t sure if it was from disappointment or relief, but either way, she felt… something about the fact Augustus hadn’t opened his door to her. Just as she turned away to walk away, she heard the door open, and as she made a move to turn around, she heard Augustus curse softly, before yanking her into his room.

  The door was shut firmly, and Helen pressed up against the wooden entrance, as she stared up into the blazing and darkening gaze of the very man who’d caused her such emotional distress. The man who’d been haunting her thoughts and dreams since the moment they’d met.

  The man she desperately wanted.

  “What are you doing here, Helen?” Augustus’s voice was deep and gravelly, sending delicious tendrils of pleasure over Helen’s skin. She could feel her nipples pebbling beneath the fabric of her nightgown and was thankful for only a moment that she was wearing a robe.

  Deciding to answer his question without words, Helen took a deep breath before dropping her robe to the floor. Augustus’s nostrils flared and his eyes showed how affected he was by the sight of her in nothing but her nightgown. He reached up a hand and placed it gently around her neck, tilting her chin up with his thumb.

  He shook his head and spoke softly, but firmly.

  “I’m going to need verbal consent here, Helen, if you want something from me,” he told her. “If you want me to give you what we both need, you have to tell me and ask me.”

  Helen nodded as best she could with his hand around her throat. She swallowed, her panties growing even wetter as Augustus’s gaze drank her in.

  “I-I w-want you to take me. To have sex with you,” she clarified when Augustus simply raised his eyebrows at her. “I want the two of us to have sex.”

  “You want me to fuck you, Helen?” he asked, stepping closer to her, his body pressing against her, his hand not moving from its position.

  Though Helen cringed at his use of profanity, she nodded quickly.

  “Please,” she whispered and with a low groan Augustus took her lips in a harsh, bruising kiss.

  August tried not to let the uncontrollable need he felt for Helen, to see her naked in his bed, to feel her wrapped around him, her body pressed against his, cause him to lose his head. He struggled to not give in to the animalistic nature that clawed and thrashed inside him. He kissed her softly at first, then deeper and more passionate.

  When Helen’s arms wrapped around his neck, and a soft mewl slipped free of her lips, Augustus felt his hands tighten around her hips. He dragged his lips from hers down to her chin. Her head fell back as he continued to kiss, nibble, and slide his lips down her throat to her collarbone.

  Testing the waters, Augustus travelled his hands from her breasts, down her sides, around to the full globes of her thick ass, sliding them into her surprisingly thin, silky panties. His fingers slid along her wet core from behind. When Helen gasped and shivered against him Augustus couldn’t stop the smirk of satisfaction from spreading across his lips. He lowered his head and captured one of the peaks of her tits in his mouth. He flicked his eyes up and saw her mouth fall open on a soundless moan.

  Slipping his fingers into Helen’s wet center, Augustus stroked her from behind. Though Augustus was positive Helen was untouched, he was shocked when she started to move her hips and rode his fingers hesitantly, then with more fervor. There was no rush on his part, Augustus was determined to take it slow and make sure Helen’s first time was amazing. He wanted to be inside her, his cock was throbbing, but her pleasure mattered more to him. He stroked her slit over and over, his thumb rubbing against her clit as his fingers slid in and out of her wet heat, until her slick walls tightened around his long, thick digits and gushed fluids on his fingers.

  The look in her eyes is one of wonder and passion, surprise and lust, yearning and… relief. Withdrawing his hand from her panties, Augustus caressed her skin. Now that he’d been given permission, he didn’t think he would ever be able to stop touching her warm, brown skin.

  “I never thought I’d be here,” she confessed as Augustus trailed his lips up her side to her lips. “I always thought I would wait until I got married, but I’ve been waiting for this moment. For this feeling. For you.” She smiled at him and Augustus felt his heart thud rapidly at the sight. “This just feels so right, so real.”

  Augustus smiled down at her, caressing her cheeks. “It is real. It’s right. This,” he gestured between the two of them. “This is right. It’s us. You and me.”

  Helen glanced away for a moment, her eyes filling with tears and Augustus felt fear coil in his belly. He turned her face back towards him and stared down into her eyes. “Helen? What is it?” he asked.

  She blinked and tears slid free, rolling down either side of her face to wet her hair and the pillow beneath her. “It can’t be. Not with what’s wrong with me.”

  Augustus leaned up to kneel between her legs and stared at her. “What is it? What’s wrong with you?”

  Helen swallowed nervously, biting her lower lip and Augustus’ cock twitched behind his sleep pants. Not the time, he chastised himself, pay attention.

  “I found out that I was adopted from some foreign country and that… apparently, I have… I have… HIV,” she whispered.

  The bottom fell out of Augustus’s stomach. He ran his palm down his face and shook his head. No. That was impossible. She couldn’t have. There was no way. Then, like the sun shining through the clouds, the full weight of her words pierced his brain.

  I was adopted from some foreign country… apparently, I have HIV.

  Remembering something Andreas had shared with them long ago about a civil war that broke out in a foreign country, a neighboring one, and how the children had all been split up and adopted out of the country, but falsely diagnosed as to hide their true identities, Augustus held his breath. It would be too much of a coincidence, he thought, then again, what were the chances that his brother, Algerone, would meet a woman in Spain, fall in love with her, marry her, and keep it secret for 14 years, only for Augustus to then turn around and fall for that woman’s best friend.

  Fall? He hadn’t fallen, he was falling. It was way too soon for him to be in love with Helen.

  Wasn’t it?

  Giving himself a mental shake, determined to think that through when he had a moment to himself, Augustus decided to tackle the unusual secret Helen had. “Do you know the name of the country you were adopted from?”

  Helen nodded and her face scrunched in concentration. She sat up on the bed, smoothing her hands down her exposed thighs. “Tep-Tap-Tepphraysi?” She shook her head. “Something like that.”

  “Tepprysi?” Augustus asked cautiously, his heart thundering.

  Helen’s eyes brightened for a moment. “Yes! Have you heard of it?”

  Augustus sighed in relief then cradled Helen’s face in his palms. “Oh honey, of course I have. Everyone around us has. Everyone in Malvidence, in the surrounding countries.” He shook his head. “About thirty-seven years or so ago, the country of Tepprysi broke out in a civil war. The people were tired of being ruled by the dictatorial regime they served.”

  Helen’s eyes widened as she listened to him and Augustus was happy to be able to share what he knew and to, hopefully, relieve her fears.

  “The king and queen were dragged through the stre
ets. Drawn and quartered by their own people.”

  Helen gasped and covered her mouth. “W-why are you telling me this?” she asked in a trembling voice.

  Augustus reached out and took her hand in his. “Because they had ten children. Six boys and four girls. One of their sons was a part of the mob that saw to the death of his parents, he was a half-brother to the rest of the royal children. The result of an affair between the mother—who was half Waldakan and half Tepprysian—and a man from Malvidence. Though the father was never named. The king forgave the queen and even claimed the boy as his own, but the son had resentment in his heart. Something fierce.” Augustus shook his head as he thought about what tragedy bitterness, rage, secrets, and the need for revenge caused for the innocent. “He was enflamed with revenge against the king and queen, and after they were both killed, he turned his sights—and that of the mob—on his siblings.”

  Helen’s eyes were even wider, and she was shaking her head, as if she were aware of what he was trying to get to, but was determined to deny it.

  “Andreas knows more than I do about all of this, but from what we were told by not only him, but our tutors and our father, is that the oldest son, the crowned prince, commanded that his siblings all be separated and adopted out of the country. He had them sent all over the globe, with guardians to see to their welfare. Each of them had their birth certificates and doctor records altered or forged in some way. Each of them was detailed and labeled with some sort of tragic or incurable disease, that way only truly compassionate families would adopt them. It was also so that he could track them and bring them back when there was peace.”

  “S-so w-what h-happened?” Helen stammered.

  Augustus shook his head. “The prince was killed a few months after all of his younger siblings ‘disappeared’” he said, using air quotes. “No one knows how or who, but after that, the country was tormented by a rogue group of Tepprysians who are determined to keep the rightful heirs, the royal children, from returning. It hasn’t been safe for them to come home, if they’re all still alive.”

  Helen shook her head, her hands trembling in his grip. “Wh-what does this have to do with me?”

  Augustus smiled softly at her. “We can get you checked out by the palace doctor, but after all these years, if you really had HIV, don’t you think one of your doctors would have told you? Wouldn’t you have had some sort of symptom?”

  Helen swallowed deeply and Augustus watched her face carefully. “Helen, Tepprysi is—or was—a country that believed in taking care of their own, especially their orphans. They didn’t really have orphans, or orphanages for that matter. Children who lost their parents were placed or welcomed into the homes and families of other Tepprysians. It was one big community years ago. Those royal children? The ones who had their birth certificates and medical records altered? They are the only children in the history of Tepprysi to ever have been adopted. No one was adopted out of the country before, or since.”

  Helen stared at him, her brown eyes flooded with tears.


  Augustus nodded. “Truly.”

  He expected her to be relieved. To be happy. But when she launched herself at him, her arms wrapped around his neck, her lips plastered to his, Augustus was surprised, but grateful he’d been able to ease her fears.

  He leaned away from her for a moment and smoothed her hair back. “We don’t need to do this if you don’t want to. Especially not out of some misplaced gratitude. I told you before, and I meant it then just as I do now… I will wait for you.”

  Helen shook her head. “I don’t want to wait any more. I want this. You simply removed the dark clouds from over my head. I want you.” She bit her bottom lip and glanced away for a moment. Augustus tilted her head up to look into her eyes.

  “We’ll still use condoms until you’ve met with the doctor and know for sure, okay?”

  Helen sighed and nodded.

  “Thank you, Augustus,” she whispered.

  “Anytime, Helen. I’d do anything for you.”

  “Will you make love to me?”

  Augustus grinned wolfishly down at her.

  “It would be my honor.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  There wasn’t a word spoken between them after that, but so much was felt, and expressed between them with looks, glances, touches, strokes, smiles, and kisses that any type of verbal communication would have done nothing but burst the cocoon of passion that Helen and Augustus found themselves in. Augustus held Helen’s eyes with his own as he slid her panties from her body completely.

  She blinked, taking in a shuddering breath, then smiled at him. Reaching up, she cupped his face to caress his beard-covered cheeks with her thumbs. His hands caressed her thighs, and once again Helen felt her skin pebble with goosebumps. He leaned in to bite gently at her bottom lip. After only a second Helen opened her mouth and allowed Augustus to slide his tongue into her mouth. The intensity of the kiss increased as he squeezed Helen’s thighs again. His lips travelled to her shoulder as his hands firmly grabbed her ass.

  Augustus slowly kissed his way down the center of her chest. Looking up through his lashes as he planted wet, sensual kisses against her belly. Her belly quivered as his tongue peeked out and dipped into her belly button.

  Helen began to panic when Augustus moved lower. She wasn’t sure she wanted him down there. She made a move to sit up, but he grasped her thighs, wrapping his strong hands around them and put his mouth on her before she could offer up a protest. Helen’s mouth opened in ecstasy. He nibbled on her lower lips, testing her limits, trying to get Helen to release her control as he devoured her. His eyes remain locked on hers the whole time he slurped up the wetness that seemed to be pouring out of her. Helen clenched the sheets she lay on. She started to swivel her hips with every motion he used to guide her. His tight hold on her thighs rocked her to him. Her hand flew down to grasp his hair when her climax began to peak. A living, breathing creature roaring through her veins. She hadn’t stopped coming apart before Augustus was crawling back up her body to take her lips.

  She startled at the move, stiff and unmoving as he shared her unique essence with her. She wasn’t sure what she expected when she tasted herself on his mouth, but the clenching of her slit, and the release of more juices was not it. Her world had been broadened and opened up to so much more than she’d ever dreamed of and she had Augustus to thank for it.

  Augustus turned over onto his back and lifted Helen over his erect shaft, knowing it would be much easier for her first time if she controlled how fast and how deep she took him. He bit down on her shoulder to distract her from the pain and pulled her down onto him, her back bowing and a soft cry leaving her lips. Her head fell back, as she took him for the first time, but certainly not the last.

  He held still, not moving and not allowing her to move, wanting, no needing her to become adjusted to him before they continued. When she finally lowered her head to look him in the eyes, he moved his gaze over her face. Tears were leaking from her eyes, not just from the pain, but from the smile on her face, also from the connection they shared. The love that was blooming between the two of them. So humbled by what he saw in her gaze, Augustus kissed her tears away, before placing sweet kisses to her lips.

  When his eyes locked with hers again, he started to guide her hips gently. His eyes fixed on hers. Speaking, but not speaking. Helen placed her hands on his shoulders. Her juices eased his way into her body. Filling her tight pussy so completely, stretching her to the brink. She shuddered as he dragged his cock through her tight, wet folds slowly. His breathing increasing as he slowly began to increase his thrusts. He gripped the cheeks of her ass tighter, smacking them gently, then with increasing force as she continued to grind and move atop him. His eyes rolled as her moans washed over him, joining his growls in a symphony only they could create.

  He was going to ensure that she came again and that it would be so much harder than any other she’d ever experienced. Hele
n bit her lip and let her head roll back. Augustus wanted none of that. He needed her eyes to remain on his. To keep their connection. To ensure that she was with him, agreeable, engaged, all the way until the end. He reached his hand out to her hair, gripping it and bringing her eyes back to his. His hips thrust up harder and quicker into Helen’s more tentative grinds and movements downward. When he sat up, she wrapped her legs around his waist as best as she could, her slit tightening around his engorged cock as her orgasm roared over her, neither of them losing sight of the other. Joining together. One soul. One spirit. One heart.

  Augustus wrapped her legs more firmly around him, as he moved her onto her back on the bed. Gently, he remained inside her, as he crawled further up the bed. He searched her eyes with his own, once again communicating so many things neither of them was brave enough to say in that moment. Helen grabbed the sheets the moment he started to rock into her. He shifted his thick, trunk-like thigh to wedge beneath her, as he thrust deeper and harder into her body.

  Augustus grabbed her hand, untangling it from the sheets, and laced their fingers together. His other hand going to her waist. She squeezed her legs around his waist, locking them at the ankles.

  For the first time, a word passed between them.

  “Fuck,” Augustus groaned, and Helen whimpered. The sound of her surrender caused his pace to quicken, but only slightly. He slid his hand from her waist down to the bed, in order to grab the sheets, then the pillow her head lay on. With a flash, his lips were on hers. He sipped from her mouth, trying his damndest to share her breath, to give her his. He gave to her because she was giving to him. Trusting him with something as precious as her virginity.


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