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Christmas In Delight: Delight Book Four

Page 15

by Jennae Vale

  “I doona wish to embarrass ye,” he stammered. He was not a dancer. She gave him her hand and encouraged him up from his seat.

  “You won’t.” She placed his hands on her hips and then her own around his neck. “Just sway to the music.”

  The band was playing a slow Celtic ballad. The music was new to him, but familiar just the same. He let the movement of Avery’s body guide him around the dance floor.

  “It’s nice dancing with you.” Avery’s soft voice whispered in his ear. “And you’re doing fine.”

  He smiled as he nuzzled his nose into her hair. “Ye smell delicious.”

  “Thank you. It’s my perfume. I’m glad you like it.”

  “I do. Verra much.”

  “Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve. I hope you’ll stay and enjoy it with me.”

  “’Tis one thing I’ve noticed about this place. Ye are always enjoying yerselves.”

  “We’re one big, happy family.”

  “A clan.”

  “I guess you could say that.” She moved her hips closer as he pulled her in.

  Lord save him, holding this woman in his arms was such sweet torture.

  “So, will you stay? It’s just another day.”

  “Aye. I’ll stay.” He feared Avery would be his undoing.

  “Look at your brother.” Amy directed Gavin’s attention to Conall. “If the two of them get any closer, they’ll be one person.”

  “She must have some magical spell she’s placed on him. I doona remember Conall ever being so taken with any woman.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?” Amy had her fingers and toes crossed that Conall would stay.

  “Verra.” Gavin assured her with a wink.

  He twirled her around and around as the music changed from a slow ballad to a faster more modern number.

  “Whoa. You’re making me dizzy.” Amy was loving this. Her very own dance partner. What more could a girl want? Lots more, really, and she was getting it from the new man in her life. He was kind, caring, loving, helpful and a true partner. Yes, he was gorgeous and at first that was all she could see, but spending time with him and getting to know him had been the real test. One he’d passed with flying colors.

  Gavin twirled her one more time before bringing her back into his arms. “How much longer are we to stay here?” His voice was low and heated as he spoke.

  “I hear you, but it’s rude to leave before the bride and groom.”

  “Then I must go out into the cold night air before I burst.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at his complaining. “Okay. I’m going to visit with Avery.”

  “Conall, come outside with me.” Gavin motioned toward the doors with his arm.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep her company,” Amy said.

  He gazed at Avery with a questioning look.

  “Go on. I’ll be fine.”

  They watched the men as they walked away and when they were out of earshot, Amy asked, “What is going on with you two tonight? I could practically see the steam rising while you were dancing.”

  Avery appeared suitably embarrassed. She was more reserved than Amy, but that had never stopped Amy from saying whatever was on her mind.

  “I don’t know what you mean. We were just dancing.” Avery was doing her best, it seemed, to be unfazed by Amy’s comments.

  Amy giggled. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s perfectly normal for two consenting adults to get a little hot on the dance floor.”


  “I’m sorry. I’m putting you on the spot. Are you making any progress with him?”

  “I don’t know. I asked him to stay through Christmas Eve and he said he would. I guess I could just ask him every day to stay a day longer and hope that eventually I wouldn’t have to ask anymore.”

  “Not the best idea, but I’m glad he’ll stay at least until Christmas Day.”

  “Me, too. Are you having fun?”

  “Of course! How could I not be? Have you seen the man I’ve been dancing with? Avery, he’s so easy to be with and he’s always checking in with me. Making sure I’m okay. He’s funny, interesting, and he loves the outdoors, just like me. He wants to learn how to ski.”

  Avery chuckled at this.

  “I’ve got a good feeling about everything right now. Even you and Conall.” After seeing them on the dance floor, she was optimistic that he’d change his mind.

  The men returned with flutes of champagne for Amy and Avery as well as for themselves.

  “To us,” Amy said. They clinked glasses and drank. “Yum… This is good bubbly.”

  Conall sat with Avery, placing an arm around her shoulders. How could a man so obviously in love even think about not spending the rest of his life with the woman who held his heart? Amy shook her head in disbelief.

  The cake had been cut and Rose, Walt, Cassie and Ross were delivering slices to each table.

  “Rose, the cake was beautiful. You outdid yourself once again.” Amy took a plate from her and handed it to Gavin before accepting one for herself.

  Gavin took a bite and placed more on his fork. “’Tis verra good.”

  “Why thank you, Gavin. I’m happy you like it.” Rose checked to see where Walt had gone off to. “Payton and Crystal are a match made in heaven, don’t you think?”

  They all looked at the happy couple who were now dancing in the middle of the floor.

  “I’m happy for him. He had a hard time of it when his wife passed.” Conall held his hand out to Avery. “Shall we join them?”

  “You want to dance again?”

  “I enjoyed it verra much the first time.”

  She put her hand in his and, staying close to the table, they moved to the music.

  “Gavin, you need to talk to him. Look at them. They’re perfect for each other.” She poked him in the side and nodded toward Avery.

  “I’ve tried. ’Tis no’ an easy decision for him. He wants to save our clan and nothing I’ve said has changed his mind. When he makes up his mind to do what he feels is right, it’s impossible to change it.”

  Amy arched an eyebrow. “Well, try harder then.”

  “If it makes ye happy, I’ll do anything ye ask.”

  “I’ll have to remember that.” She already knew that to be true. He’d been proving it to her every day since they’d met.

  Walking to Amy’s Jeep, Avery felt a contentment that had been absent for some time. Having Conall at her side felt effortless and right. Once in the car, she rested her head on his shoulder, as she thought of all the what-ifs she wished were more certain.

  “Are ye warm enough?” Conall asked, his mouth tickling the top of her head as he spoke.

  “Mmhmm.” She tucked her hand inside of his jacket.

  “Yer hand is cold,” he noted.

  “I’m sorry.” Avery began to take her hand away, but Conall held it in place.

  “The cold does no’ bother me. Leave yer hand, I like it there.”

  “Are you sure?” She raised her head from his shoulder to look up at him.

  “I would no’ say it if I did no’ mean it.”

  “I know that about you.” He might not have a lot to say, but when he spoke his words, typically they had been carefully thought out. He was definitely one of those people who said what they meant and meant what they said. She liked that.

  The drive back into town was faster than she would have liked. She was enjoying the sensation of warmth and closeness she was having with this man who’d come to mean so much to her in such a short time. She’d been alone for so long she’d forgotten how nice it was to have someone and was surprised by how quickly she’d gotten used to him being there. She didn’t want to think about going back to being alone. Instead, she wanted to believe that he would realize he couldn’t leave her and she’d have the happily-ever-after she hadn’t seen coming.

  Chapter 18

  “The wedding was beautiful.” Avery stared into the flames of the fireplace. This had always been her
favorite time of year since she was a little girl. The lights on the tree, the warmth of family and friends, and the quiet times at the end of the day just enjoying all the love and good feelings brought out by the season. She wished it could last the whole year through.

  Amy had dropped them off at the inn, staying for a short time to have some warm cider with them before heading home with Gavin. It was amazing how life could change in only a few days’ time. Her friend, who had worried she might never find her person, was now part of a couple. Elle, Hamish and the band left straight from the wedding to head home, leaving the inn empty of guests for the night. Avery and Conall were alone, just the two of them.

  Avery looked up at Conall who hadn’t said much since they’d returned to the inn. He seemed deep in thought as they snuggled together on the settee. “I’ve really got to get a larger sofa for this room. I’m realizing now that it’s not all that comfortable for lounging on.”

  Conall’s lips grazed her forehead with a tender kiss. “’Tis fine as long as I have ye in me arms.”

  There he goes melting my heart again. She wanted more than anything to share her bed with him tonight. It might be her last chance to be with him like this and she wanted to have that memory to look back on. It could never be as good as having him here with her, but if it was all she could have, then it was what she wanted. “I was wondering if we might be more comfortable in my room. I’ve got a fireplace in there, a small tree and some lights. It’s a mini version of this room.” She hadn’t ever been the forward type, so this was her attempt at making the first move.

  “Are ye sure?” He seemed to know exactly what she meant.

  “Yes, very sure.” She disentangled herself from his arms and knelt beside him, gazing down at the face she knew she would never be able to forget.

  Conall caressed her cheek, his eyes saying so much to her with one simple look. Their lips met in soft sweet kisses that echoed through her body, leaving her with a longing for more. He stood and helped her to her feet.

  Avery placed a hand on his chest and her head on his shoulder as he wrapped her in his protective embrace. There was no hurry as they walked down the hall to her room. She knew the value of taking your time. Every moment they had together mattered. Every kiss, every caress, every word of love had so much meaning because this would be the first time and the last time they would embark on this journey together.

  “We’re out of firewood. It’ll be freezing in here by morning.” Amy relied on her wood stove to heat the A-frame. It did the job, if she remembered to restock the wood.

  “I’ll get it.” Gavin hopped up from their bed, threw on his pants and hurried downstairs.

  Amy followed along behind him. “You might want to put a sweater on or something.”

  “I won’t be long.”

  “I don’t want you getting sick,” she protested, but it was too late; he was already out the door. “Okay. You’re not going to listen to me.” From the sounds coming from outside, he’d found the axe and the wood pile. She thought about going back up to the loft and crawling into her nice warm bed, but what kind of girlfriend would she be deserting her man while he worked so hard for her? She put the teakettle on in the kitchen, thinking it might be nice to make a couple of hot toddies for them both. He’d likely need it when he came in. She went to the living room to check on him and stood by the window watching as Gavin chopped wood for the fireplace. His back muscles rippled as he worked. Despite the fact that it was December and there was snow on the ground, he was shirtless, but sweating. Steam rose around him from the heat of his body. It also rose in Amy, causing a pleasant sensation to spread through her from head to toe.

  “Gavin,” she opened the door and called to him. “That’s enough. You can cut more tomorrow.”

  He filled his arms with as much wood as he could carry and trudged up the stairs into the house. Once inside, Amy closed and locked the door while he stacked the wood by the stove. Blankets from her sofa would keep them warm while the fire got going. She grabbed some pillows for comfort.

  “You must be freezing.” She threw one of the blankets around his shoulders.

  “I’m fine.” He loaded the stove and picked up the lighter she’d taught him to use.

  “Yes, you are,” she teased, even though he had no idea what she meant. “We’ll be warm in no time.” The fire was already blazing and emitting heat to the surrounding area. It would take a little while for it to heat the whole place, but if they kept it going, the house would be toasty until morning.

  “Shall we return to bed?” he asked with an impish grin.

  “Not yet. I made us a little something.” She hopped up to retrieve the hot toddies she’d made, handing him one and then sitting down beside him. She readjusted her blanket and took a sip.

  “Ye doona have a Christmas tree.” Gavin stared into the empty corner where she definitely needed one.

  “I don’t usually decorate.” She took another sip of her drink. The heat of the liquid slid down her throat to her belly, warming her from the inside out. Being alone at Christmas was worse than being alone on Valentine’s Day! She’d rather ignore it than deal with the disappointment of spending the day alone. “I’m at work most of the time and since I’m usually alone, I’d rather enjoy the holidays with my friends.”

  “Yer not alone anymore.” Gavin leaned her way and planted a kiss on her temple. Otto burrowed his way under Gavin’s blanket and right onto his lap. “He’s cold, poor lad.”

  “You know, you’re right about the tree. We can get one in the morning and spend the day decorating. We’ll listen to Christmas carols and drink hot chocolate.” She cozied up next to him. “It’ll be the most perfect Christmas ever.” She felt guilty knowing it wouldn’t be the same for Avery.

  Avery awoke feeling renewed and hopeful. Maybe she shouldn’t, but the sight of the man lying next to her in bed made her heart sing. She was probably in denial, but she was happy and she hoped that happiness lasted all day and long into the night. She rolled over into his arms and kissed him good morning.

  A slow smile spread on his lips. “I like being awakened this way.”

  “We can stay in bed longer if you like.” Avery nuzzled her nose into his neck, peppering him with kisses.

  “I would like that.”

  A loud pounding at the inn door surprised them both. “I wonder who that could be?” Avery glanced at the clock on her end table. It was ten a.m. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.” She grabbed her robe and headed for the front door.

  She peeked through the glass panel in the door. “Amy!” The bolt slid open and so did the door.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you. I forgot my key.” Amy entered with Gavin on her heels. “You’re all alone.”

  “No. Conall is still here.”

  “Oh, good.”

  “What are you up to?”

  “Nothing. I’ve got to open the shop for any last-minute shoppers and then once Missy gets there, Gavin and I are going to get a tree. Can you believe I don’t have one?”

  Avery’s quizzical look must have reminded Amy why she was really there. “I wanted you to know that Ross is on his way over.”


  “Yes. Remember he said he’d talk to Conall, but wanted to wait until after the wedding.”

  “Oh. That’s right. I’d forgotten.”

  “I thought I’d warn you in case…you know.”

  Avery couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, I do know and thank you. I’ll go get dressed.”

  “We might come back later. You call and let me know if that’s okay.” She backed toward the door.

  “I will, but why wouldn’t it be?”

  “You know.” Amy made a point of looking down the hall toward Avery’s room.

  Avery chuckled and shook her head. “I’ll see you later. Bye, Gavin.” She headed back to her room, where Conall was waiting for her.

  “We’re going to have company soon.”

; “New guests?”

  “No. Ross.”

  Conall’s brows scrunched together.

  “I think he wanted to talk to you about something.” She peeked at him as she gathered clothes from her bureau.

  The bedding was tossed aside as Conall rose and retrieved his clothing. “I’ll have to thank him for ruining our morning.”

  “I’m sure he won’t stay long.”

  Conall noticed the gift she’d bought for him on her dresser. “What’s this?” He lifted the package and turned it in his palm.

  Avery grabbed it away from him. “It’s a Christmas present for you.”

  “I’ve one for ye. ’Tis upstairs.”

  “Let’s put them under the tree. We can open them later before you…” She didn’t want to finish that sentence. It was what she’d promised herself she wouldn’t think about today.

  “Avery!” Ross’s voice called to her from the foyer.

  “I’ll be right there.” Avery hurriedly put her clothes on and brushed her hair. “Are you ready?”

  Conall was searching for his sweater on the floor. Avery could see it plain as day, but she wasn’t in a hurry to tell him where it was. She was too busy enjoying the sight of his naked chest.

  After getting her fill, she finally took pity on him. Besides, Ross was waiting. “It’s on the chair.”

  He pulled it over his head and led the way to the lobby.

  “Good morn to ye, Ross.” Conall clasped hands with him.

  Ross looked to Avery. “I hope I’m no’ disturbing ye. I told ye I’d come by today…after the wedding.”

  “You did and you’re a man of your word.” Avery looked from him to Conall.

  “I was wondering if I might have a moment alone with Conall.”

  “Oh, sure. I’ll go down to the bakery. Do you want anything? Coffee? Muffins?”

  “No. Thank ye. Cassie fed me a good, big breakfast this morning.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back, Conall.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips before putting on her boots, grabbing her coat and placing her wallet in the pocket. Avery was concerned about what might be said and that Conall would think she was tricking him into staying as he’d thought once before. She cast a worried glance at Ross.


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