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The Hand of Pestilence

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by Charlie Richards

  Just a little Love Bite: When his brother offers him an opportunity at companionship, Pestilence must decide if he wants to take on the responsibility of repairing two broken souls.

  Aiden Rolston has loved Garrett Morrison from the moment he met the vampire. Unfortunately, Fate didn’t make him Garrett’s beloved—his soul mate. He knows that eventually, he’ll lose him—either to old age or to someone of Fate’s choosing. Aiden certainly didn’t think it would be to murder—his own.

  Garrett’s coven master always warned them not to get too attached to donors. That doesn’t stop him from losing his heart to sweet Aiden, and he’s the only human he’s fed from in almost three years. Garrett knows the man isn’t his beloved, but he just can’t bring himself to look at or to touch another. Then... he fails him.

  The Horseman of Pestilence finds the bonds his brothers—War and Death—created with their chosen ones fascinating. Their men make his brothers happy and give them companionship. Pestilence finds himself longing for the same thing, so he tells Death. When Death returns with an opportunity to create a bond with a dying human and a guilt-riddled vampire, he doesn’t have long to make a choice. Can Pestilence convince the broken pair to give a bond between them a chance?

  Reader Advisory: This is a M/M/M ménage.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The Hand of Pestilence

  Copyright © 2020 Charlie Richards

  ISBN: 978-1-4874-2985-0

  Cover art by Angela Waters

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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  The Hand of Pestilence

  A Loving Nip: Book Twenty-Two


  Charlie Richards


  The difference between your mind and your heart: Your mind tells you what is smart and your heart tells you what you’re going to do anyway.


  Chapter One

  “You back with me, sweetheart?”

  Humming in acknowledgment of the question, Aiden Rolston pried open his eyelids. He turned his head and smiled over his shoulder at Garrett Morrison. His body pinged deliciously with aftershocks.

  Gods, I love this vampire.

  Just as quickly, Aiden forced himself to remember another key fact.

  I’m not his beloved.

  But I’ll damn sure enjoy him for as long as I can.

  Garrett’s answering smile was full of love that caused an answering flutter in Aiden’s chest.

  “I’m here,” Aiden whispered, not wanting to break the moment.

  Rubbing his palm down Aiden’s torso with his right hand, Garrett nuzzled his neck with soft lips. “Good. Love seeing you blissed-out with pleasure.” His left arm was trapped under Aiden’s body, and the vampire used it to clutch him to his torso. “Your body feels so perfect against mine.”

  Aiden hummed as he flexed his chute muscles. “And the fact that you like to keep your semi-hard dick in me for several minutes has nothing to do with it?”

  “You love it, too,” Garrett countered with a roll of his hips, making his still swollen length massage Aiden’s inner walls. After a nip to Aiden’s shoulder and another slow rut, Garrett rumbled, “Admit it.”

  “Oh, gods, I do,” Aiden replied huskily. When Garrett rubbed his hand over his plump belly and down to his groin to tease his shaved flesh, he groaned. “St-Stop,” he whined, shivering in his lover’s hold. “I-I have to work.”

  As a donor in the Rutherford coven located on the outskirts of Philadelphia, Aiden worked part-time on the coven grounds, same as all the others. He pulled his weight in exchange for food, lodging, a decent wage, and the privilege of offering his blood to any vampire he wished. Of course, for almost the last three years, Aiden had only shared himself with Garrett.

  “I know, sweetheart,” Garrett replied, stilling his movements. “I didn’t mean to tease.”

  When Garrett cupped his jaw and urged him to turn his head, Aiden did so. He accepted a slow, thorough kiss while feeling the vampire ease his dick out of his ass. When Garrett broke away, he rolled Aiden to his back and leaned over him while threading his fingers through Aiden’s hair.

  “Have dinner with me this evening after you’re done,” Garrett murmured, his voice soft and intimate. “I have the evening shift at the guardhouse tonight. I start at eight, but I want to see you again first.” His brown eyes sparkled with renewed hunger as he stared at him. “Carino’s at five?”

  Aiden nodded eagerly. “Yeah.”

  After pecking another kiss to Aiden’s lips, Garrett grinned. “Good.” He slid off the bed. “Come on.” Holding out his hand, Garrett gave Aiden’s reclining form an appreciative once-over. “If you don’t get out of my bed right now”—he wiggled his fingers—”you’re going to be late.”

  As much as Aiden would love another round on Garrett’s thick rod, he knew he didn’t have time. He groaned as he took the vampire’s hand and pushed from the bed. Once on his own feet, Aiden released Garrett and took a step backward, lifting his hands to warn the bigger man away.

  “No, I’ll clean myself up,” Aiden declared when Garrett took a step toward him. “If you help, I’ll still be late.”

  Garrett rested his hands on his hips and growled softly. “Fine. I know you’re right.”

  For a few seconds, Aiden couldn’t help but stop and stare. Naked, his feet braced apart and his hands on his hips, Garrett was a thing of masculine perfection. His lean and toned runner’s build sported plenty of muscle definition in all the right places. Not one scar marred his sun-bronzed skin. Aiden loved burying his fingers in Garrett’s dark brown hair, which fell to his shoulder blades in thick waves. It framed his aristocratic features to perfection.

  Then Aiden’s gaze slipped to Garrett’s dick. Even half-soft, the appendage sported plenty of length and girth. Aiden knew from nearly three years of experience that once hard, his erection reached just over nine inches and stretched him almost to the point of pain.

  But, gods, it’s so worth it.

  Plus, Garrett was a kind and considerate lover. He always made certain Aiden’s body was ready—even when they were pressed for time and had to settle for a quickie. His vampire always sent him away with his body buzzing from pleasure.

  Not my vampire.

  At the thought, as always, a pang of regret surged through him.


  Blinking upon hearing his name, Aiden snapped his attention back to Garrett’s face. He spotted the worry in the vampire’s expression and forced a bright smile. “Sorry. You fried my brain.” Aiden took a step backward. “See you at Carino’s.”

  “No,” Garrett co
untered, shaking his head. “I’ll be at your room at four-forty-five, and I’ll drive us to Carino’s.”

  “Oh!” Aiden couldn’t help the surprise he felt at Garrett’s pronouncement. “O-Okay.”

  Garrett nodded, then winked. “Now get out of here.”

  Aiden grinned for real that time as he grabbed his clothes and yanked them on. It sounded an awful lot like a date.

  While Aiden had shared his body and blood only with Garrett for almost three years, they didn’t discuss what they were doing. Almost four years ago, he’d transferred to the Rutherford coven after a vampire in his old coven had gotten too rough with him. As restitution, Aiden had asked the vampire master to find him a new home.

  For the first year, Aiden had been with a number of different vampires, Garrett included. That had slowly changed. While some of the other donors thought he was a fool for getting attached to a vampire that wasn’t his beloved, Aiden couldn’t change what was in his heart.

  Aiden passed a few people in the halls. Second Dale smiled and winked at him. He’d been with the vampire a few times that first year, but the second didn’t bother approaching him anymore.

  Besides, the man had several favorites he bedded regularly.

  When Aiden passed fellow donor Colby, the man glared at him. He knew it was because the other guy missed being fucked by Garrett’s massive cock. Colby was a size queen, and according to rumors, while Garrett didn’t have the biggest dick in the coven, he was close.

  Being an amazing lover probably had something to do with it, too.

  Aiden ignored Colby.

  After reaching his suite of rooms, Aiden took a fast shower. He brushed his wet hair, letting it fall wherever. He would need another shower after his four-hour shift in the kitchens, anyway.

  No way do I want to go out to eat smelling of fry grease.

  Donors rotated through different menial positions in the estate, from helping the chef to laundry to cleaning. The schedule changed monthly, designed by Enforcer Maude.

  So far, Aiden had never seen her show favoritism to anyone, even donors she used herself. In the eyes of the ice queen, all donors were equal—food and labor. Aiden appreciated the fact that he was gay and had never had to service her.

  Aiden pushed thoughts of everything from his mind and headed to the kitchens.

  Opening the door at four-forty-five, Aiden grinned up at Garrett. His mouth watered as he took in the vampire’s six-foot-two frame encased in form-fitting black jeans and a navy green button-down. The glimmer of desire in Garrett’s eyes created a rush of need through Aiden.

  “Hi, Aiden,” Garrett greeted with a wide grin that showed off his fangs. “You look absolutely edible.”

  Then Garrett stepped forward, wrapped his arms around him, and pulled him flush to his bigger body.

  Aiden didn’t see it, but he appreciated that Garrett did. “Th-Thank you.” He couldn’t help how breathless he sounded. Garrett had always done that to him.

  “Love how you respond to me,” Garrett rumbled before sealing his mouth over Aiden’s.

  Aiden opened eagerly, greeting Garrett’s tongue with his own. He tasted of mint, telling him the vampire had recently brushed his teeth. Under that was Garrett’s natural masculine flavor that Aiden could never seem to get enough of.

  Just as Aiden thought about trying to drag Garrett in for a quickie before dinner, his lover drew the kiss to an end. He loosened his arms and grabbed Aiden’s fingers. With a grin on his face, Garrett swept his gaze over him again.

  While Aiden was wearing his nicest jeans and a polo shirt, he knew he didn’t hold a candle to Garrett.

  “Come on, gorgeous.” Garrett tugged him from the suite, allowing him to close the door behind him. “If I don’t get you out of here now, I’m going to talk you into skipping dinner.”

  Aiden laughed. “I’d be amenable.”

  Growling, Garrett rumbled, “You’re such a minx.” He bent and pecked a quick kiss to Aiden’s lips before continuing them forward. “One of many things I love about you.”

  Gasping, Aiden stumbled to a stop.

  Garrett paused and helped steady him. “Aiden? You okay?”

  “Y-You love me?” Aiden’s heart thundered in his chest.

  Sighing, Garrett nodded. “I hadn’t intended to tell you like this, but you scramble my brain but good at times.” He placed their threaded fingers on his chest and smiled down at Aiden. “Yeah, sweetheart. I love you.” His expression turned troubled. “I know you’re not my beloved, but I’m not looking for that person, either. You realize that. Right?”

  Aiden hesitated.

  That must have been answer enough, for Garrett sighed again. After pressing another kiss to Aiden’s lips, he once more started them forward. “Let’s talk over dinner,” he stated. “That’s when I’d intended to discuss my feelings anyway.”

  Nodding, Aiden walked beside Garrett in silence. Once they made it to the vampire’s SUV, he blurted out, “You might not be looking, but you never know when Fate will bring that person along.” Aiden reached over and gripped Garrett’s wrist. “I know what happens, Garrett. The taste of my blood will begin to sour. You’ll crave that other person.”

  Garrett growled under his breath.

  Squeezing Garrett’s wrist a little, Aiden admitted, “I love you, too, Garrett.” When the vampire whipped his head around and stared at him with shock in his eyes, he shrugged. “I’ll take you for however long Fate will let me have you. And when the time comes, yes, I’ll be broken-hearted, but I always went into this with my eyes wide open, Garrett.”

  Resting his free hand over where Aiden gripped his wrist, Garrett whispered hoarsely, “I don’t know why Fate didn’t choose you to be my beloved, Aiden.”

  Shrugging, Aiden had no response to that.

  With a sigh, Garrett released him and started the vehicle. As he drove, he commented, “So, we’re in agreement. Fate’s an idiot, we love each other, and we’re going to stay together for as long as we can.”

  Aiden chuckled, although he couldn’t keep some of his sadness out of the sound.

  “Move in with me,” Garrett demanded. “Into my suite.”

  “Wh-What?” Aiden squeaked.

  Garrett shrugged. “It’s unorthodox, sure, but I want to know you’re sleeping in my bed when I have an overnight shift.”

  His mind reeling, Aiden scrambled for a way to respond.


  “Um, will Master Condor even allow that?”

  “If he doesn’t, we’ll transfer to a coven that will.”

  Gaping, Aiden couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. “Really?”

  Garrett glanced at him before refocusing on the road. “As a heart attack.”

  “O-Okay.” Aiden’s heart swelled with excitement.

  Reaching over, Garrett took Aiden’s hand in his own and squeezed, a smile on his face.

  Fate, please be kind and give me another couple of decades before you give Garrett his beloved.

  Aiden knew it was a selfish thought, but he couldn’t help himself.

  After reaching the restaurant, while Aiden slid from the SUV’s seat, his bladder twinged. He took Garrett’s hand and grinned happily when the vampire opened the door for him. To his surprise, Garrett had made a reservation, and the hostess led them to a romantic location in the back.

  When Garrett held Aiden’s chair for him, he smiled and held up his hand. “I need a minute in the men’s room. Be right back.”

  Garrett’s dark eyes smoldered as he smiled back at him. “Need help?”

  Laughing, Aiden shook his head. If Garrett joined him in the bathroom, he knew exactly what would happen.

  “Maybe next time.”

  Smirking, Garrett winked. “I’ll order us a bottle of wine to celebrate.”

  After nodding, Aiden hurried down the hall. He stepped inside the space and hustled to a urinal. Relieving himself with a sigh, he barely acknowled
ged the door opening to allow another into the room.

  “Don’t bother doing those up,” a gruff voice stated.

  Whipping his head around, Aiden gaped at the stranger. His blood ran cold when he saw the way the blond man licked one of his pointed canines. He shivered as he watched the guy’s irises bleed red.

  Frozen to the spot, Aiden couldn’t move as the strange vampire stalked toward him.

  “If you can service that other vampire, you can damn well service me, donor.” Then he reached for his fly.

  Finally finding his voice, Aiden screamed Garrett’s name, but the vampire was already on him.

  Chapter Two

  “Master Pestilence.”

  Upon hearing his name called, Pestilence looked up from the scrolls he was studying. He’d received them from the Moirai that morning, and he’d been working out which demon to send where. Even with the study door closed, he’d still heard his minion.

  The call was followed by a soft tapping on the wood.

  “Enter,” Pestilence ordered, knowing who he would see on the other side. When the door opened, he greeted the male. “Kyros, what can I do for you?”

  Kyros was an old demon, coming up on his thousand-year mark. Pestilence figured he would be getting information from the Moirai about the demon’s amina soon. He looked forward to the added prestige another bonded demon would bring him.

  Pestilence and his brothers—the other Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War, Death, and Famine—might be getting along better these days, but he was still vain that way.

  After offering a slight bow, Kyros met his gaze and stated, “Master Death is here. Are you available to see him?”

  Arching one brow, Pestilence found surprise slithering through him. It wasn’t a sensation he felt often. He dipped his head in a single nod.

  “Show him in.”


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