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The Hand of Pestilence

Page 3

by Charlie Richards

  “I know I have no right to ask it of you,” Garrett began, unable to help himself. “But will you make certain Aiden doesn’t wake up alone?”

  “Who are you talking to?” Enforcer Rizer snapped, scowling.

  Death chuckled. “Only you can hear me. Make up whatever story you wish.” He squeezed Garrett’s upper arm, perhaps in sympathy. “Your Aiden will be well taken care of from now on.”

  Garrett nodded once, then stepped forward. “I’ll go quietly.” Upon spotting Rizer’s suspicious look, he added, “And I was discussing options with the invisible devil on my shoulder, but the angel on the other one won out.”

  Even as Rizer sneered, clearly not believing him—although what he said was true from a certain point of view, and Garrett’s scent didn’t give off the odor of deceit—Death laughed from behind him.

  “Good thing,” Enforcer Caine stated with a snort. He rested his hand on Garrett’s upper arm. “Let’s get this over with.”

  As Garrett headed out of the room, he didn’t fight Caine’s hold. Reaching the hall, the head enforcer released him and fell into step to his right. Rizer and Whitney followed behind them.

  Upon reaching the parking lot, Garrett pulled out his keys. When Whitney held up her palm, he handed them to her. He pointed, indicating the direction where he’d parked, since Caine was leading him another way.

  Garrett felt unease churn through his gut for a new reason when Enforcer Rizer slid into the back seat beside him. Peering out the window, he wondered what he’d done to create such animosity in the vampire. While he and Rizer had never been friendly, he found the enforcer’s blatant distaste for him a little odd.

  “Enforcer Caine,” Garrett began slowly, trying to sort his thoughts. “Did Master Condor say why he ordered me back to the estate as opposed to going to the hospital?”

  When Garrett had first heard the order, he’d thought it was for no other reason than Master Condor wanted his report first hand. He’d dismissed it and gone to the hospital, instead. Garrett had figured he could just beg forgiveness later, once he’d been assured that Aiden would be okay.

  Unfortunately, that hadn’t been the case, and the staff had immediately begun prepping Aiden for surgery. He’d used his vampiric trancing ability to allow him to stay in the same room as his lover. If he’d been human, he knew he would have been sent to a waiting room.

  “I’m sorry, Garrett,” Caine replied. “I don’t know.”

  “Second Dale spotted Garrett returning to his room.” Rizer’s voice held a definite sneer to his tone. “Still using the same donor, Garrett?” He curled his lip. “Such a disgrace, falling for a damn donor. Especially that one.”

  Garrett barely repressed his growl. The vampire was an enforcer for the coven, after all. He was much higher on the totem pole than him.

  “Who I choose to feed from is no one’s business but my own,” Garrett stated, frowning out the window. “And what do you mean by especially that one?”

  “He’s fat and plain,” Rizer snapped with a scoff. “No wonder Fate didn’t make Aiden your beloved. He’s not worthy of bonding with a vampire.”

  That time, Garrett wasn’t able to bite back his snarl. Snapping his attention to Rizer, he glared at the other vampire. “Aiden is sweet and kind and funny. His body is perfect, and I would have been honored if Fate had gifted me with him as my beloved.”

  While Fate hadn’t granted him the human, Garrett realized that Pestilence had given him the greatest gift possible.

  I’ll be bound to him always.

  Garrett found himself grinning.

  “What are you so happy about?” Rizer snapped. His eyes narrowed. “I think you talkin’ back is a punishable offense. I’m gonna tell Master Condor that—”

  “Rizer,” Enforcer Caine barked. “That’s enough.”

  “But, Caine,” Rizer began, his expression turning petulant. “He countered me. I’m an enforcer, and he’s just a guard. He—”

  Enforcer Caine frowned over his shoulder at Rizer, causing the other enforcer to shut his trap. “We just forced Garrett to leave his lover in the hospital while having surgery,” he pointed out. “His emotions were high, to begin with. Besides, all he was doing was defending his injured lover.”

  Garrett sighed deeply, calming down. At least the head enforcer understood. To his relief, everyone fell silent after that. Although, to Garrett, Rizer appeared to be pouting.

  Why did Master Condor make this asshole an enforcer?

  Then another thought struck him.

  Now I won’t have to deal with him anymore.

  To Garrett’s surprise, he didn’t feel a bit of sadness at the fact that he would have to leave the Rutherford coven. He’d been there for nearly forty years, so it was high time he thought about moving on anyway. Of course, it had been easy to ignore the need since he’d rarely had to leave the place because he had Aiden as a regular donor. Garrett hadn’t needed to go into town to get blood from a stranger when he hadn’t been interested in other donors, as he had prior to Aiden’s arrival.

  Caine driving through the front gate of their coven’s estate pulled Garrett out of his thoughts. He spotted Enforcer Maude waiting on the front steps, and a fresh wave of uncertainty flooded him. The fact that Master Condor intended to have three enforcers attend him was... concerning.

  “Wow,” Enforcer Caine muttered, obviously noting the significance, too. He glanced in the mirror as he parked and met Garrett’s gaze before shrugging his shoulders.

  Fighting back a sigh, Garrett opened his door and slipped out. He closed his door at the same time Caine did, and they headed around the hood together. With his hands shoved into his jacket’s pockets, he tried to keep himself relaxed.

  Enforcer Maude beckoned, her expression blandly cool. The woman always seemed to appear bored, as if whatever duty she was performing was beneath her. At least she didn’t appear upset.

  I’ve seen that once, and never want her rage directed my way.

  “Enforcer Caine,” Maude greeted with a slight dip of her head. She was the second enforcer, so she ignored Rizer.

  “Enforcer Maude,” Caine replied back. “Is Master Condor waiting?”

  Maude nodded. “Yeah.” She trained her focus on Garrett. “You kinda screwed up on this one,” she commented mildly as she turned and headed up the stairs, leading the way. “The master was already annoyed with you. Bad time to disobey him.”

  Garrett couldn’t help but ask, “Why was he annoyed with me?”

  Scoffing, Maude side-eyed him. “Uh, you monopolized a donor. Aiden hasn’t allowed any vampire but you to take his blood... for a couple of years now.” Her tone made it sound as if Garrett was dumb for asking. “We pay for his food and keep a roof over his head. He’s supposed to be a donor, but you’re the only one using him.”

  Oh fuck.

  “He was going to be let go, anyway, if he didn’t start accepting others.”

  Maude dropped that bombshell as if it was nothing.

  Biting back a groan, Garrett realized he hadn’t considered how his leaders would perceive their relationship.

  “Then you go and ignore the master’s order to be with Aiden.” Maude rolled her eyes. “Not smart, man.”

  Garrett couldn’t remember ever hearing Maude offer so much information. “I love Aiden,” he admitted on a whisper. “We didn’t mean for that to happen. We just—”

  “Love him?” Rizer cut in, sounding scandalized. “That fat fuck? Seriously?”

  To Garrett’s relief, Caine cuffed Rizer up the backside of his head. “Stop being a superficial prat,” he grumbled.

  Maude acted as if she hadn’t heard either of their comments. She waved her hand in the air. “Anyway. Just agree with whatever the master orders, and you’ll be fine.”

  “Yes, Enforcer,” Garrett murmured, pulling one hand from his pocket to rub the back of his neck. “Thank you for explaining.”

  Grunting softl
y, Maude paused before Master Condor’s closed office door. She knocked twice. After hearing the master’s order for them to enter, she opened the door and led the way inside.

  Master Condor stood near his window, his back to them. The broad-shouldered blond vampire had his hands clasped behind him and peered outside. For a moment, he didn’t acknowledge them.

  Garrett had been standing there for a good two minutes, sweat beading on his temples, before the vampire turned and pinned his blue-eyed gaze on him.

  “I have warned those under my care time and time again,” Master Condor began, his voice deep and firm. “Do not get attached to donors.” His eyes narrowed as he pinned him with a disappointed look. “Should Aiden Rolston live, he will no longer be employed here. His mind will be wiped, and he will be set up in another city. You will leave him to his life.”

  “No.” The whispered word was out of Garrett’s mouth before he could censure himself.

  Master Condor’s lips pinched. “I thought that might be your response.” He snapped his fingers, and Rizer grabbed his upper arms. “Take him to the cells.”

  His blood running cold, Garrett struggled.

  Pain exploded through the back of his head, and darkness took him.

  Chapter Four

  “Where’s Garrett?”

  Pestilence swept his gaze around the room as if taking a second look would make his missing vampire appear. Just as before, only Death waited.

  Death rose from the chair he’d been lounging in. “Several vampire enforcers showed up to get him. They claimed he had gone against his coven master’s order by coming to the hospital,” his brother explained, shaking his head and frowning. “I offered to send them on their way without him, since he no longer has to answer to them.” Death grimaced, crossing his arms over his chest. “Garrett turned me down and went with them. Just asked me to make certain Aiden didn’t wake up alone.”

  Heaving a sigh, Pestilence growled under his breath. “Very well. I’ll go get him.”

  Nodding, Death pointed out, “When War started his bond with his chosen vampire, he was able to communicate telepathically right away. Perhaps you should try him that way? See if he’s ready to leave?”

  Pestilence hummed. “Even before fucking and biting him?”

  “Yes,” Death confirmed. “Just from him taking War’s blood.”

  Closing his eyes, Pestilence tipped his head back. He mentally scanned his being, searching... and found the faint bonds that had already formed. Feeling along them, Pestilence quickly figured out which went to Aiden and which led to Garrett.

  Doing his best to push into Garrett’s mind, Pestilence called to him.

  Garrett? Can you hear me?

  After a moment without a response, Pestilence tried again.

  Garrett, my chosen. Can you hear me?

  Pestilence waited another minute, then opened his eyes and shook his head. “Either it hasn’t formed, or I’m doing it wrong. I’m not getting a response.”

  “Or he’s asleep,” Death pointed out.

  Scoffing, Pestilence shook his head. “No way is Garrett at the estate sleeping while Aiden is here coming out of surgery.”

  “Ah. Of course,” Death said, conceding the point. “So you’re going to get him.”

  “Yes,” Pestilence confirmed. “I’m certain he’d prefer to be here, and it’ll give me a chance to inform Condor that Garrett no longer answers to him.”

  Tugging along a different mental thread, Pestilence sent a summons to one of his demons.

  “Garrett asked that someone stay here for Aiden,” Death reminded him. “One of us needs to stay, and I really should return to my duties.”

  Pestilence chuckled as he smirked at his brother. “You mean return to Daren and Eric,” he teased, referring to Death’s two chosen companions. “And I won’t leave Aiden unattended. I’ve summoned Kyros. I’m certain he’ll be here directly.”

  Death grinned, his red eyes dancing with mirth. “Yes, I do miss my humans.” Heading toward the door, he waved his good-bye as he called, “I wish you all the best with your men, Pestilence.”

  “Thank you, brother.”

  Pausing, Death peered at him over his shoulder. “Should you need assistance...”

  His brother left the sentence unfinished, but Pestilence understood. “Again, thank you.” He dipped his head in appreciation.

  Then Death was gone, and Pestilence found himself alone in a hospital for the first time in... ever. He heaved a sigh and settled in the chair to wait. Then he thought better of it.

  Knowing his demon would be able to track him within the hospital regardless of his location, Pestilence returned to Aiden’s side. He remained invisible to human eyes as he strode back to where his human was having surgery performed on him. His chosen was just being sewn up after they’d repaired his ruptured spleen.

  Pestilence watched the humans get to work on Aiden’s broken leg next. As much as he wished he could whisk the man out of the hospital and heal him immediately, he bided his time. After Aiden was released—which would be sooner rather than later—he would take his pretty human to his home and heal everything.

  Just thinking of laying Aiden out before the dancing purple flames of his bedroom’s massive fireplace caused a stirring in Pestilence’s loins. He reached down and cupped himself, absently rubbing his growing erection. It had been a while—maybe centuries—since he’d bothered jacking off, and now he couldn’t wait to explore Aiden’s body.

  And Garrett’s, too.

  That meant Pestilence needed to collect his vampire.

  Just as Pestilence began to grow impatient, Kyros jogged into the room. None of the humans reacted to his arrival, telling him his demon remained as invisible as he. The tall, pale-skinned male wore only a pair of jeans as he peered around with interest, his white wings billowing behind him.

  “Master Pestilence,” Kyros greeted with a dip of his head. “How may I assist you?”

  “This is Aiden Rolston,” Pestilence told him, pointing at the sandy-blond-haired human on the operating table. “I have chosen to bond with him and a vampire named Garrett Morrison.”

  “Really?” Kyros’s silver-colored eyes shown with interest as he stared at Aiden. “Congratulations, Master.”

  “Thank you.” Pestilence grinned, pleasure filling him at Kyros’s instant acceptance. “Garrett was pulled away by some enforcers. I’m going to get him.”

  Kyros tilted his head, his attention returning to Pestilence. “Do you require me to accompany you? Do you fear there will be trouble?”

  Pestilence hadn’t considered the possibility of trouble. Even if there was, there was nothing a vampire could throw at him that he couldn’t handle. Between his power as a Horseman of the Apocalypse and his magick, Pestilence could probably wipe out the entire coven without breaking a sweat.

  Of course, Fate would probably be pissed if I did.

  With that thought tripping through his mind, Pestilence felt his lips twitch with mirth. “No, Kyros. I don’t want Aiden to possibly awake alone while I’m gone collecting my other chosen,” he explained to his demon. “Put on a non-threatening form and remain by his side. Do whatever it takes to remain in his room.”

  Kyros bowed deeply. “I’m honored to assist.”

  As Kyros straightened, his wings eased into his back. His facial features altered, his sharp teeth disappearing and his ears losing their pointedness. The claws on his hands retracted, tan cowboy boots appeared on his feet, and a flannel shirt covered his bare chest.

  “Stay invisible until Aiden is taken to a room,” Pestilence instructed. “I’ll be back as swiftly as possible.”

  “Yes, Master,” Kyros replied with another dip of his head. “I’ll be here.”

  Pestilence strode from the room, eager to collect his other chosen. After leaving the hospital, he swung aboard his motorcycle and brought it roaring to life. Steering his bike out of the lot, Pestilence smiled in a
nticipation of seeing his vampire again.

  Even rough from grief, Garrett’s handsomeness was apparent. He couldn’t wait to slide his palms all over his toned, lean body. As he thought about massaging his muscled thighs and spreading them, his prick throbbed behind his fly. He’d been hard even while giving orders to his demon, and he looked forward to putting his erection to good use.


  While Pestilence could have used a lei line to pop into the Rutherford coven estate, he chose to drive instead and announce himself at the gate. If Garrett had enough loyalty to return when summoned even if he no longer needed to, he figured his vampire wanted to remain on good terms with his prior coven. Pestilence knew that War’s vampire still worked with his coven, so perhaps Garrett felt the same desire.

  Reaching the gate, Pestilence pressed the button on the call box.

  “Who is it?” A female voice came through the speaker.

  Holding down the button, Pestilence stated, “I am the Horseman of Pestilence, here to see Master Condor.”

  After a couple of heartbeats, the woman stuttered, “Wh-Who?”

  “I am Pestilence, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” Pestilence smirked. “Open the gate, Karlita.”

  “How do you—How do you know who I am?” There was a definite note of fear there.

  Fighting back his urge to roll his eyes, Pestilence told her, “I am a horseman. I know the names of everyone.” All his brothers did. Knowing names was required to fulfill their duties.

  “Um, I have a guard headed your way to verify your identity and escort you,” Karlita stated, clearly uneasy. “I’ll let the master know you’re here.”

  “Thank you, Karlita.”

  Straddling his bike, Pestilence waited impatiently. He spotted a blond-haired vampire appear from the left. Immediately, Pestilence’s nature supplied a name.

  Spade Sanchez.

  “You’re a Horseman of the Apocalypse?” The man grinned crookedly at him through the gate. His expression screamed his disbelief. “Where’s your horse?”

  Pestilence arched his left brow as he glanced around the area. Seeing no one else around, he snapped his fingers. Instantly, he no longer rode a Harley, his horse returning to her true form.


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