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The Nature of a Curse (Volume 2 of the Year of the Red Door)

Page 68

by William Timothy Murray

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  Gaiyelneth-- Chief handmaiden of Queen Serith Ellyn during the late Second Age. Gaiyelneth was known to be precocious, spirited, outspoken, and fiercely loyal to the Queen.*

  Galinot-- A tribe of Men, united under various warlords during the late Second Age. They claimed as their territory those lands in the Thunder Mountains west and northwest of Janhaven. They were bitter rivals of the Damar and constantly fought for control of the western passes. (See Map Coordinates H4)

  Gardask-- A land of grassy steppe, north of the Osterflo River. The inhabitants are somewhat nomadic herders, loosely banded together along clan and family lines. These people are fiercely independent and swear no allegiance to Duinnor, Vanara, or any other realm.

  Garend-- (Garend Bosk) Laird of Boskland, in County Barley, in the late Second Age.

  Garlan-- Soldier of the Seventh Guard of Vanara, the Queen's guard.

  Garmitor-- A mountain located in the Blue Mountains near the badlands south of Vanara. Mount Garmitor was the scene of a prolonged battle in the year 856 S.A.* (See Map Coordinates C5)

  Garond-- Kingsman, Sergeant of Engineering Company Five, of the Fourth Army of Duinnor. He was a master of the heavy ballista and was instrumental in winning the battle between the Kingsmen and the Wickerman monster during the Wickerman Rebellion of 870 S.A.

  Garvin-- Surname of a man and his wife who lived in Passdale during the late Second Age.

  Geever-- A Boskman who was wounded in a skirmish with marauders that rode into Barley County in the year 870 S.A..

  Gina-- (Gina Clingdon) A girl of County Barley, daughter of the blacksmith of Passdale during the late Second Age.

  Giyth-- A small town along the road from Formouth to Glareth by the Sea. A parchment producing village which during the late Second Age expanded into producing paper stock. (See Map Coordinates K3)

  Gladsten-- Farmer of County Barley who, with his wife, was expelled from the county.

  Glareth-- One of the Seven Realms, located in the northeastern coasts and borders the Old Eastlands Realm. Its chief city is Glareth by the Sea. Renown for its maritime trades, it is closely allied with Vanara and has strong trade ties to Duinnor. * (See Map Coordinates K2)

  Golden Mantle-- The mantle that completely covers the Unknown King of Duinnor, shining so brightly that one cannot look upon the King without the greatest discomfort, much less distinguish any features of the King.*

  Goodwin-- Farmer of Barley.

  Gorcastle-- Mythical place where all banished and vanquished monsters are chained and imprisoned. The first writings mentioning tales concerning the place date from the late First Age, sometime after the arrival of Men, and many think the Newcomers brought the legend with them. *

  Gory Gulch-- Properly called Peldown, it is a rugged ravine on the south face of the Blue Mountains. It was the site of a famous battle in the year 843 S.A.. There, surviving northern forces made up of mostly Kingsmen and Vanaran Fellfaere, were retreating from the Second Siege of the Green Citadel when they were trapped and encircled by a pursuing army of Dragonkind. * (See Map Coordinates D5)

  Grant-- (Grantham Farby, Grant Farby) Son of the Farby's of Duinnor, Blain Farby and his wife, Lady Elyna, born in the year 845 S.A. He would prove to be intelligent but somewhat peculiar, with a penchant for adventure. (See Grantham.)

  Grantham-- (Grantham Farby, Grant Farby) Son of the Farby's of Duinnor, Blain Farby and his wife, Lady Elyna, born in the year 845 S.A. He would prove to be intelligent but somewhat peculiar, with a penchant for adventure.*

  Gray Guard-- The elite household guard of Queen Serith Ellyn. They perform many duties pertaining to the Queen's protection as well as serving as Palace Guard. They report directly to the Queen's Chancellor and under him they perform a variety of tasks besides guarding the Queen. It is believed that some of their activities are clandestine in nature, perhaps involving spycraft or covert reconnaissance activities.*

  Graybark-- An estate in Vanara.

  Greardon-- Family of Passdale in the late Second Age that operated a flour mill. Alfred Greardon was instrumental in bringing a public school to Barley, and he later became the mayor of Passdale. He was killed in an accident that occurred at his family's mill.

  Great Bell-- A great iron bell made by Heneil and placed within a special chamber of Tulith Attis supposedly embued with magical qualities.*

  Great Stone-- A square block of marble some 120 feet in height, width, and length. It was quarried some time during the Time Before Time by Dragonkind King Kalzar. The Great Stone precipitated events that led to the Fall of the Faere.* (See Map Coordinates C5)

  Greendale-- (Marcus Greendale) The Librarian of Vanara, in charge of the great library located at the Ministers Hall in Linlally.

  Greenfar-- An isolated town on the outskirts of Forest Islindia, shielded from the world and under the protection of the King of the Wood (Islindia's father). (See Map Coordinates E4)

  Griferis-- "Place of Judgment," the legendary place where future kings and queens are supposedly judged for fitness to rule. * (See Map Coordinates B3)

  Grisland Island-- An almost barren island off the coast of Tracia. Between it and the mainland is the treacherous Grisland Strait. The island is sparsely treed and has very little fresh water.* (See Map Coordinates L5)

  Grisland Strait-- A strait off the coast of Tracia between the mainland and Grisland Island. It is generally avoided by larger vessels due to its narrow and somewhat shallow channel, susceptible to erratic and dangerous tidal currents, and its opposing shores are strewn with treacherous rocks. It was the site of a naval battle between remnants of the Tracian Royal Navy and the Redvest Navy of the Triumvirate.(See Grisland Strait, Battle of.) (See Map Coordinates L5)

  Grisland Strait, Battle of-- A naval engagement that took place in the Grisland Strait between the Tracian Royal Navy (loyal to Prince Lantos) and that of the Triumvirate in the year 856 S.A.. It followed only a few days after the rescue of Loyalist forces fleeing from their defeat at the Battle of the Marshlands.*

  Gurasa-- A Dragonkind deemed by some to be the greatest military mind since Kalzar the Great. Having a slight and unimposing stature and bearing, Gurasa nonetheless was a meticulous planner, cunning tactician, and insightful leader who inspired his followers to great feats of courage and endurance. He was also fearless in battle, often leading the spearhead of his armies when he could have guided things from the rear. In spite of the many wounds that he received, and after loosing his hand in combat, he continued to ride ahead. A brilliant tactician and logician, he was famous for his traps, surprising battlefield maneuvers, and imaginative use of terrain to gain the upper hand against generally stronger and more numerous opponents. He was also very learned, having traveled extensively in the Northlands and all throughout the Dragonlands as a youngster. It is said that he was fluent in the dialects of the Northmen, and that he was highly knowledgeable about the histories of the North and the Dragonlands.*

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  Halassir-- Vision King, the Altorian name given to the Unknown King of Duinnor. It stems from the way in which those who look directly upon the Unknown King of Duinnor are filled with disturbing visions.

  Halethiris-- The original forest realm of the Faere and center of Faerum, established during the Time Before Time, with its fabulous city of marvelous towers and glass-domed houses, many supported in the branches of the colossal trees that grew there (some over five hundred feet tall). After the Fall, the Elifaen eventually repopulated Halethiris, but had not the ability to create the structures that once stood there. Power slowly shifted west to Vanara, and many tragedies befell Halethiris until its destruction by Secundur and his followers. At the heart of the region is now an impenetrable forest, called Islindia, after the Faere Princess who once lived in those parts and who, it is said, still roams its blighted and melancholy ruins.* (See Map Coordinates E4)

  Halfis-- Tallest mountain in the Carthane mountain range located in the northwestern region of the Carthanes. Upon it is
one of the Seven Towers, named for the mountain it sits upon, which overlooks the Loringard Pass. Like each of the other Seven Towers, its origin, purpose, method of construction, and occupants (if any) are all mysteries. Each tower has a distinct colored glass dome framed in gold at its top, and the color of the Halfis glass is red, though the tower itself is white, as are the other six. (See Map Coordinates H3)

  Halgaeth-- A large freshwater lake or inland sea located in southern Glareth and bordering the old Eastlands Realm. On its northeastern shore is the Glarethian province of Connassa with the city of Formouth on Halgaeth's northern shores. While most of Lake Halgaeth is considered to be within the Eastlands Realm, its northern shores are traditionally considered Glarethian lands. However, since Glareth, through its Lakemen, controls the lake and its shores, Halgaeth itself has always been considered the domain of Glareth. * (See Map Coordinates J3)

  Hammer-- A term sometimes given to the legendary bell in Tulith Attis, "Tulith Hammer," also called the "great hammer" or the "Great Bell."

  Harbinger-- A term used in legends to describe the mysterious ringer of the bell at Tulith Attis. It may have come from the original intent of the bell, which was to forewarn the defenders of Tulith Attis to an attack into the fortress from the river entrance.

  Harmalway-- One of the two proprietors of Norogus and Harmalway, a lending house in Duinnor. They were one of the firms in Duinnor that handled leases and liens on Vanaran properties. One of its most notable patrons was Lord Banis, and Norogus and Harmalway were suspected of involvement in many nefarious activities under his protection.

  Haven Hill-- A name for Tulith Attis used mostly in the region of County Barley. (See Map of County Barley)

  Hazleton-- A village in the Eastlands.

  Hemlock-- (House of Hemlock) One of the Houses of the Faerekind. This house is most closely associated with the lineage of Alonair, the Elifaen sculptor, but fell into decline during the Second Age. It is said that the House of Hemlock was in some way involved in the murder of Cupeldain and that the lake nearby to its lands is where Cupeldain and his wife along with many others were drowned. However, many local accounts have it that the House of Hemlock was only one of the many houses involved in the feud that Cupeldain sought to resolve. Regardless, by the late Second Age, the House of Hemlock had lost its standing and was little known or regarded outside its lands.

  Heneil-- Legendary warrior, builder, son of Silmain (first king of the Elifaen), husband to Lyrium of the House of Fairfir. Twin brother of Pellen. Heneil assisted in the rebuilding of Linlally during the First and Second Ages. He also rebuilt and enhanced the fortress of Tulith Attis. He formed an alliance with Men and helped put down the Pinewood Uprising. He was killed at Tulith Attis when it was besieged by the Dragonkind during the Great Dragonkind Invasion.*

  Heneil's Wall-- In the Ancient Speech, te Lamath Heneileth. The dam built at Lake Halgaeth at Saerdulin Falls to stem the flow of water into the Saerdulin. This was done by Heneil as a means of preventing heavy war-boats from approaching Tulith Attis. As a result of this work, the lake spilled over in a different direction and essentially created the River Bentwide, which before had been a tributary stream of the Saerdulin. (See Map of County Barley)

  Herbert-- Also known as, Herbert the Blue, Elder of Nowhere, appointed as sheriff of that place.

  High Chamber-- The place where the Unknown Kings of Duinnor reside, located in the uppermost floor of the High Tower of the King's Palace in Duinnor City. Since its construction, the High Chamber has been the Unknown Kings' residence, by all accounts a modestly furnished place. There is only one door leading into the High Chamber, and the room is divided by a curtain so that any who enter cannot see to its far side. But some speculate that there are rooms beyond the curtain.*

  Highleaf-- A House of Men of Duinnor established in the middle Second Age. In the latter part of the Second Age, Lord Highleaf, who was made wealthy by his banking interests, purchased considerable acreage within Duinnor City, turning it into his new estate, called Wysteria Place. There, his son built the grand Starlight Hall, with its distinctive domed towers. He and his wife died of fever, and the estate was inherited by their daughters, Victoria and Elyna, who were both quite young. Collandoth, who was a friend of the family, took it upon himself to guard the girl's fortune from greedy relatives, and it was due to his work that enough of it was preserved so that the estate could be retained. *

  Hoard-- The Hoard of Tulith Attis. This refers to a great treasure that was part of the spoils taken from Tulith Attis. *

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  Iceking-- One of the stags of Uncle Solstice.

  Ilex-- King of Halethiris during the Time of Strife and the early part of the First Age. A Firstborn Elifaen, Ilex and the Faerekind of Forest Halethiris did not participate with those who warred upon the Dragonkind. However, when Aperion called away all the faithful, Ilex and most of his people refused to depart since they were too much attached to their woods and streams.*

  Iridelin-- The great river that flows from Vanara southward along the eastern slopes of the Tulivana Mountains to the sea. It is an important trade route between Vanara and Altoria. Its headwaters are at the Falls of Tiandari in Linlally, and it normally flows high enough for substantial traffic to move along it in the form of boats and barges. Many stretches have towing roads built along its banks so that teams of horses may draw boats upstream. There are a few places along it that are too swift or shallow for heavy boats, with shoals and rapids through narrow canyons, but these are flanked upstream and downstream with towns where boats disembark their cargos for transport overland the short distance to the next embarkation town. The river passes out of Vanara and into Altoria at Gander Falls and widens so that sailboats may make the upstream voyage. Near the coast, the river joins into a vast marshland called the Hinderlands, continuing past the Altorian city of Draymoor to empty into the Craggy Sea.* (See Map Coordinates E6)

  Ishtorgus-- A Melnari of the Second Age, sometimes called Ishtorgus the Mariner. He was an advisor of King Thalamir of Glareth, the last of the Sea Kings.*

  Islindia-- Also known as the Lady of the Wood, Queen of the Wood, and the Princess of Sorrows. Islindia was Princess of Halethiris during the Age of Strife and the early First Age. Through an enchantment intended by her father, King Ilex, to restore Halethiris to the glory of the Time Before Time, Islindia was inadvertently given the power to bring about the past for one day each month. This ability brought her to Secundur's attention, who became infatuated by her beauty. Secundur captured Islindia and tried to force her to become his concubine, but she resisted. In an effort to punish her, he murdered her lover which served to make her even more resolute in her refusals. Still, Secundur continued to entreat her to be his, but she despised him and rebuffed him. She was rescued by her kin, but Secundur destroyed Halethiris with a withering blight. Only she, her father, King Ilex, and her uncle, Solstice, survived the blight Secundur put upon the forest. It is said that Islindia and her father were cursed to remain in the ruins of that place until the world was remade, at which time their spirits could be free.* (See Map Coordinates E4)

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  Janhaven-- A trading town in the western parts of the Eastlands Realm in County Woodland at the foothills of the Thunder Mountains, situated along a route to Duinnor and also on the north-south trade route with Tallinvale. Its fortunes were increased when Seamus Furaman located a trading company there and steadily expanded his business operations throughout the region. In the late Second Age, when Triumvirate Redvests invaded the Eastlands and nearby County Barley, many refugees from the invaded lands fled to Janhaven. Although the Redvests made several attempts to take the town, they never succeeded against the coalition of fighters operating out of Janhaven. (See Map Coordinates J4)

  Jarn-- Councilman of Passdale.

  Jimbo-- A resident of Nowhere.

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  Kahryna-- Daughter of Cassandra and Dasler of the House of Fairoak. She became the wife of Danig Tallin, a Man
of the Eastlands. By him she bore two sons and a daughter, Dalvenpar, Aram, and Mirabella.*


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