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Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2)

Page 5

by René Van Dalen

  “She’s fucking stunning.” Sin said with a grin. “I wouldn’t mind a woman like her on the back of my bike.”

  Kid laughed. “Stop talking shit, Sin. You don’t put bitches on the back of your bike and you won’t have her there either.”

  “Why? She just might be the one who changes my mind.” Sin grinned as he winked at Kid.

  “Hands off this one, brothers.” Hawk shot them all down. “She’s not fresh meat to be fucked and chucked. DC invited her and if you mess with River my old lady is going to be pissed. So let’s all take a step back and make sure she enjoys her day and goes home untouched tonight. Okay?”

  There were grunts and nods all around and Ice was one of the grunts. No way was he going to nod in agreement.

  “Ice, did you hear me?” Hawk asked with a frown.

  Ice looked at his president and his brothers, winked and gave an evil grin.


  “No! You can’t do that.” Sin complained.

  “I saw her first brother. I called dibs. She’s mine.” Ice shrugged.

  “What about…” Hawk tried but Ice silenced him.

  “Don’t. Don’t say that name. Not today.”

  Ice was done. He walked away making his way over to the bar where he got himself a beer then stood with his back against the big old oak and watched her as she talked and joked with the women around the table. She fit right in and there was some kind of a connection between her and DC. He wondered what that was about.

  As night fell the lights came on around the big back patio, in the trees and on the tables, and the smell of the meat on the braai filled the air. Ice had moved around during the afternoon, talking to friends, but he always made sure he had her in sight. She drank sparingly and was only on her second cider, drinking water in between. A careful drinker. He liked that.

  When Aunt Beryl rang the bell to tell them dinner was being served he made sure he was next to her. He nudged her aside as she was about to start dishing for herself and gave her his plate to hold.

  “Hold mine and I’ll dish for both of us. What would you like?”

  Her blue eyes flew up and went wide. “Uhm, I can do it myself.”

  “I know, but I want to do it for you, so let me.”

  With a slight smile and a nod she let him and they shuffled companionably down the line as he loaded their plates. She didn’t want a lot of meat, a small piece of steak, a pork sausage and a piece of boerewors, but the woman sure loaded up on the salads. After they got through the line she tried to hand him his plate but he just shook his head as he got them each a set of knives and forks wrapped in a serviette.

  “Would you like water with your dinner or can I get you another cider?” Ice asked softly.

  “Ah, water please. I don’t want to drink more tonight because I have to drive home.” She answered as softly.

  “Baby, don’t worry about it. Drink if you want to. We’ll get you home, no worries.” Ice said softly and ignored the confusion in her eyes.

  Ice picked up two bottles of water before leading her towards the small table where Hawk and DC were sitting. He set the stuff in his hands down then took the plates from her and set them on the table. Pulling her chair out he settled her at the table, went to the bar and got her another cider and beers for himself, Hawk and DC. Back at the table he settled his chair close to her and started eating, not saying a word.

  Across the way he could see his mum and dad watching him. His dad gave him a slight chin lift and Ice gave a slight nod. It was enough to let his dad know he was interested in this woman. More than he had been in anyone in a very long time.

  He was still looking at his dad when the conversation at the table pulled his attention back. DC was talking to River and what she said froze his gut.

  “Why didn’t you bring your little boy today?”

  River smiled such a sweet smile it unfroze the ice churning in his gut. She wasn’t Emma, nothing like Emma. He reassured himself.

  “It’s his uncle’s weekend to spend time with him and I didn’t want to mess with it. He was so looking forward to it. They’ve gone fishing and off-roading with some friends and their kids.”

  “It sounds like a lot of fun.” Hawk grinned. “Where did they go?”

  “They went to a friends’ farm near Rustenburg. He apparently has dams and off-roading trails on his farm and they’ve gone camping out there. And if I had to judge by all the stuff they loaded on to the back of the bakkies they are going to have a ball.” River grinned. “I don’t envy the guys, they took all the kids and they are going to drive them nuts.”

  “Are you saying they took little girls along on this weekend?” DC asked with an evil grin.

  River laughed outright. “Oh yes they did. They’ve never taken the girls out for an entire weekend before. Poor bastards. You should have seen the grins on the faces of the women when they watched them driving away. They were about a mile wide and so very evil.”

  “Shame on you, River. You should have warned them.” Ice teased.

  “Nope, they brought this on themselves. I hope they take photos. Lots of photos.” She said with a wide smile.

  But her smile faltered as she looked at the man approaching the table. Doc Michaels came striding towards the table as if he owned the fucking place. A smile curved his mouth as he stopped next to DC and dropped a kiss on her head.

  “You made it. I didn’t think you were coming, Dad.” DC said with a wide smile.

  “Sorry, DC, club shit got in the way. But now I’m glad I came.” He said as he turned to River.

  “River-girl, I haven’t seen you in ages, sweetheart. How are you?” He smiled as he pulled River up out of her chair and hugged her. And what do you know, she hugged him right back.

  “Hi Doc. It’s good to see you and I’m good.” She was still smiling as she stepped back from him.

  “Your dad and I had a beer last week and he told me how well your shop is doing. He was bragging about your boy and I couldn’t brag because my daughter hasn’t given me a grand baby yet. You need to bring your boy around these two so they’ll get broody and get busy making me some grand babies.” Doc teased.

  River laughed at the shocked look on DC’s face but Hawk just got a look in his eyes Ice knew very well. It said challenge accepted. Hawk was totally on board with knocking his old lady up. Ice felt like laughing on one hand but on the other he didn’t like that Doc knew River and had obviously known her when her old man had still been alive. And he was friendly with her father, friendly enough to have a beer with the man.

  It meant not only was she technically still a part of the Sinner’s Sons, she was also a friend of the Road Warriors. If he made a play for her and it went south he could end up making enemies in both clubs. He had to cool this down until he had the Emma situation sorted out and then when he was free and clear he could go all out to see where this went with her.

  Yes, that sounded like a good plan.

  “I didn’t know you knew my dad.” DC said, obviously surprised.

  “I met him a couple of times at the garage. He and my dad go out for a beer now again.” River said with a shrug. DC nodded as if it made sense.

  Hours and several whiskeys later he was leaning against the bar in the common room and laughing with Hawk as they watched the women dancing to some stupid song. Both of them were obviously no longer sober and were having a ton of fun as they hopped about like crazy chickens. When the song ended they came back giggling and Ice handed River a bottle of water she immediately opened and drank half down.

  Hawk turned as he lifted a laughing DC up into his arms. “We’re out. It was great meeting you River and we’ll talk soon about those bikes. Have fun and don’t worry about a ride home. Stay here, we’ve got plenty of space. Ice will take care of you, okay?”

  “Yes, stay over then we can have breakfast together in the morning. Please, River, say you’ll stay.” DC begged.

  “Stay, River. You’ll be safe, I promise.” Ice
said as heat started curling in his gut.

  She nodded slowly then faster. “Okay, yes, thanks, I’ll stay over because I definitely can’t drive home.”

  “Yay. See you for breakfast, tjommie.” (Friend) DC giggled as Hawk carted her off.

  Taking River’s hand Ice started leading her towards the stairs when Wrench popped up in front of them.

  “Hey Boss, if you’re ready to go home I’ll drive you.” He said as he threw a frown Ice’s way.

  River smiled at him. “DC invited me to breakfast so I’m going to stay over. Thank you for looking out for me, Wrench.”

  “You’re staying over?” He asked with a frown. “Where?”

  Ice suspected the prospect was pissed off because he knew about all the shit swirling around him with the bitch that would not be named. As he frowned at him Ice knew he had to cut this shit short.

  “I’m putting her in the guestroom upstairs, not going to let her sleep down here where I can’t keep an eye on her.”

  That calmed the prospect down. “That’s cool, VP.” He said with a short nod. “Sleep well, Boss. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  And then it was him and River. As he walked her up the stairs he felt the eyes on them but ignored it as he kept a hand on the small of her back. Her hair felt like silk between his fingers and he wanted to grab a fist full of the golden stuff and just hold on.

  He didn’t take her to the guestroom.

  Walking her into his room his brain was screaming at him to turn the fuck around and deposit this woman in the other room. But he didn’t. He closed and locked the door behind him, leant against it and watched her as she looked around his room.

  “This isn’t the guestroom.” She said softly.

  “No, no its not. It’s my room. I don’t want you in the guestroom. I want you here, with me.” He said as he levered himself away from the door and slowly walked to her. She stood and watched as he came to her. Her eyes large pools of clear blue that he fell into as he came close.

  “If you don’t want this, say so now because I don’t know if I can let you go once I get my hands on you.” His voice came out low and rough as he reached out and clasped his hands around her hips and pulled her close.

  “I want this.” She whispered.

  And those words were all it took for the want and lust to rage out of control.

  Clothes flew as they kissed, devouring each other’s mouths. Her moans spurred him on and Ice completely lost his head as he picked her up and threw her on his big bed. And the fantasy of her golden hair on his dark sheets came true.

  She was beautiful, all long and lean with thigh muscles that said she ran. And a slight little tummy he now knew came from having her son. A little tummy he was going to bite and nuzzle the shit out of. Little tummies like hers had always been a turn on for him. And even though she’d had a baby her smallish tits were still high and tight. The nipples a pale rose, calling for his mouth to turn them bright red as he sucked on them.

  Everything about her was pale and golden, even the strip of hair covering her pussy. The hair was the same pale gold as the hair spread out on his sheets and trimmed short. So short it was barely there. She was fucking beautiful, so damned beautiful. Everywhere.

  Stroking his heavy cock Ice stood at the bottom of the bed and stared at the woman laid out before him. Every time his hand hit his piercing it shot streaks of pleasure/pain through him. Tonight she was going to be his, only his.

  “Baby, spread for me. Show me what I want so fucking badly.”

  She smiled and slowly slid her legs apart and exposed herself to him. Ice sucked in a harsh breath and dived for her, his mouth slamming down on her glistening pussy. A pussy that glistened because she wanted him. Her smell and taste crashed into him as he licked and sucked and ate at the best pussy he had ever had.

  When her hands curved into his hair he grinned against her lips and licked hard, shoving his tongue into her and his golden woman shuddered under his mouth. She was so fucking tight it was going to be heaven to be inside her.

  “Oh, God, Ice, more, give me more of your beautiful tongue. Come on, baby, give it to me.”

  And he gave it to her, tongue fucking her until she was close to coming and he could no longer stand not being inside the writhing shuddering woman. Ripping his mouth away from her he lunged up over her and pushed inside.

  She moaned long and loud and stiffened under him and he felt every single muscle in him freeze. Her tight heat surrounded him, squeezed him and had him on the verge of coming but he held still because he knew his size had caused her to feel pain. Something he didn’t want for her.

  “You okay, blue eyes?” Ice forced out between clenched teeth.

  “Just, just hold still for a minute, baby. You’re big and I haven’t had sex in more than five years, so just give me a minute, okay?”

  For whatever reason her words made Ice feel like a fucking caveman and he growled as he slowly slid out a few inches and then back in. And the minute she arched up against him he let go of the tight reign he had on himself.

  He slid out and pushed back in faster and faster and she moaned and moved with him becoming wild underneath him. Her short nails felt so fucking good on his back as she held on to him. The warm, wet, slickness of her surrounded his cock and he felt himself start to leak inside her, his climax hurtling down on him like a runaway train.

  Until she went solid beneath him and gasped out.

  “Ice, Ice, baby, we need a condom.”

  Laughter shook him as he looked down in her laughing face, those amazing blue eyes sparkling up at him.

  “You didn’t just do that. You didn’t just pull a Vanilla Ice on me in the middle of the most amazing sex of my life.”

  She rocked with laughter making her pussy clench around him and Ice groaned as he forced himself to withdraw. His climax was way too close and he knew for a fact he’d started leaking semen there at the end.

  “You on birth control, Blue?”

  “Yes, I have an IUD but I don’t want to have unprotected sex, not yet anyway.”

  “No problems, angel.”

  Ice reached over to the bedside table drawer, pulled it open and started rummaging around for the box of condoms he knew he had in there somewhere. He groaned in relief when he found them and ripped the box open, extracted a condom, bit and tore it open then one handed rolled it onto his cock.

  And then he was right back where he belonged, deep inside the most amazing pussy he had ever been in. Her internal muscles clenched as she climaxed and pulled him in as if they didn’t want to let him go and he powered through them, slamming deep and coming like he had never done in his life.

  It felt as if all of him was centered at the tip of his cock and flooding into the condom and he hated it. He wanted to paint the inside of her with his come. Mark her as his.

  Ice froze at those thoughts and stared down at the woman beneath him. She was stunningly beautiful as the last of her climax flowed through her. Her pale skin was flushed a pale rose, her eyes closed and her bottom lip clenched between her teeth. Her pale golden hair surrounded her and was spread out over the dark blue sheets.

  Holding on to the condom Ice slowly started to withdraw and her eyes snapped open as she moaned. Dropping his head Ice kissed her softly.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  He got rid of the condom washed and dried himself then warmed a facecloth under the hot water, squeezed it out and walked back into his bedroom.

  She lay exactly as he had left her. Her eyes closed and her legs open, displaying her wet and swollen red pussy and his cock jerked. He ignored it as he crawled onto the bed next to her and gently cleaned her with the warm facecloth before throwing it back into the bathroom. She was asleep when he picked her up and slid her into his bed, sliding in behind her and drawing her into his arms. That’s when he noticed the tattoo on her forearm. A cross with the name Sparrow across the arms and a sparrow flying overhead with dates underneath. A memorial t
o her old man.

  She sighed as she settled against him and Ice lay there and wondered what the fuck he was doing. He had brought this beautiful woman to his room, something he never did and he had fucked her in his bed, another thing he never did.

  What the hell did it mean?

  And what about the shit with Emma? He still wasn’t sure about what he felt or didn’t feel for her. How could he draw this amazing woman into his shit? How could he expect her to understand that what had happened here between them could not happen again? At least not until his fucked up feelings for Emma had been sorted out.

  He had fucked up. But before he let her go he had to have her again, and again, and again.

  He spent the rest of the night fucking and making love to the most amazing woman he had ever met. And when he finally let her sleep she lay against his dark blue sheets like a golden well fucked goddess while he lay next to her, wide awake and burning with regret.

  And shame, a hell of a lot of shame.

  Regret had him kissing her softly against her temple as he gently moved her hair from her face. If he didn’t leave now he never would.

  Ice slowly slid out of the bed, pulled on his jeans and tee and silently walked out of the room and into the guestroom.

  He lay on the bed not sleeping until he heard his bedroom door open then he slipped off the bed and quickly opened the door.

  She stood there, dressed and when she saw him the warmth in her eyes disappeared and right in front of him she shut down. Turned into an ice queen.

  “Ah, I see.” She said with a small nod. “Tell DC thanks for the breakfast invite but something came up and I had to leave.”

  Then she walked away and disappeared down the stairs.

  Ice stood there watching her walk away from him and he knew, he knew somewhere deep inside he had just watched the best thing that had ever happened to him walk out of his life.

  And it was his fault.

  “Please tell me there’s a reason for the totally asshole move you just pulled. I need a very good reason not to hurt you right now.” An ice cold voice snarled behind him and as he swung around DC or rather the Crow stood behind him staring up at him with cold dead black eyes.


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