Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2)

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Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2) Page 32

by René Van Dalen

  He didn’t give a fuck about their family ties. They betrayed the club. They betrayed his brothers. They tried to kill his old lady and his babies.

  They were going to die.

  Ice leant back in his chair listening as Hawk laid the latest developments out for their brothers. There was a long silence and then Wolf stood up. It seemed that the brother was becoming someone they could count on during hot situations. Ice was glad Wolf had been voted in as a lieutenant. They needed men like him.

  “When we voted not to become the mercenaries’ executioners my ‘no’ vote was one of the first. We are brothers, and we share a bond that those men will never have. I knew that we eventually would have to make a decision on those traitorous sluts. Not only did they try to kill our president’s old lady but they have been supplying our enemies with information on the daily business of the club. Unfortunately their absence has been noted by their families and their employers, so killing them out right isn’t going to be a good idea. I suggest we fire the bitches that work at the strip club and drop the whole lot of them on the ED’s doorstep. I’m sure Snake and his boys will have a use for them.”

  “Jesus. That’s fucking cold, Wolf.” Beast growled angrily. “The ED’s aren’t known for taking care of their women. And none of them last very long either.”

  Wolf glared at him. “No, it’s not, it’s justice. I’ve never fucked those sluts so I don’t give a shit what happens to them. It’s the rest of you pussies who has to get with the program. You were used. Every single one of you who stuck a dick in those filthy bitches were used. And sorry Prez, that includes you. We need to be more careful about who we invite to share our clubhouse with us. Yes, we need club girls, that’s a given, but we don’t need whores who will turn around and sell us out. We need more girls like Chris. She’s loyal and a nice girl.”

  Having said what he wanted to say Wolf sat back down and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Wolf is right.” Ziggy said softly. “We need to get rid of them. If we don’t DC is never going to settle in here. She spends more time with Ice and River than she does here. She doesn’t trust us to have her back and I don’t blame her. We chose pussy over our president’s old lady.”

  Spider tapped his rings on the table and the mumbles stopped instantly. “I second Wolf’s suggestion. Give them to Snake.”

  Hawk looked around the room, drew in a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s vote.”

  Ice was shocked. No one voted against the suggestion or abstained.

  And just like that the sluts were gone. That left the brothers who hadn’t protected DC during the attack.

  “Wolf, as this is essentially your plan, you’re in charge of the delivery. I’ll call Snake and set it up. If we’re lucky they will be gone by tonight.” Hawk said and smiled with what seemed like relief.

  Ice looked at Wolf and gave a small chin lift when he met his eyes. Thanking him silently.

  Ice tapped his rings on the table and silence fell.

  “We have one more issue to discuss. There are brothers in this room who let our president’s old lady down. They stood back and allowed the whores to attack her and if that’s not enough they continue their shit by disrespecting her at every turn. I, as the VP of this club, call a blood debt on all of them.”

  Stunned murmurs and rustling as everyone shifted in their seats.

  “You will face your president or his proxy in the ring. Today. And you will pay your blood debt to your president. If you refuse you will be given the option to put your kutte on the table or transfer out.” Ice coldly looked around the room. “If Beast calls out your name I want your decision, right the fuck now.”

  Ice crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

  Next to him Hawk sat stoically, his face blank and cold. But his eyes were alive with rage.



  Leaning back in his chair Hawk watched as his VP laid it out for the bastards. He watched them, saw the furtive looks they threw him. Murmurs continued as Beast called out the names, but now those murmurs were no longer shocked they were pissed off. Seems like some of the brothers hadn’t been aware of what was going on right under their noses. Just like him.

  If not for Ziggy’s cameras the bastards would have walked free from punishment.

  Hawk smacked the hand down. “There will be no excuses, no second chances. This is it. You climb in the ring or you walk. What will it be?”

  Hawk looked at the five who now stood at the far end of the table. Two were transfers from the Bloemfontein chapter and there hadn’t been a hint of scandal attached to them. It was why they had accepted their application to transfer in. The other three were fairly new patches who had been patched in around the same time the other two transferred in. It could be that they had stuck together as the new guys at the chapter or that the sluts had filled their heads with a load of crap.

  “We accept our punishment, prez. We were stupid and blinded by pussy, and let a fucking whore influence us against our presidents’ old lady. Won’t ever happen again.” Buzz, one of the new transfers stepped forward and spoke for all five of them.

  “I’ll see all of you in the ring. If one of you disrespect my old lady ever again I will fucking end you. Do you get me?” Hawk snarled angrily.

  There were nods all around, even from the brothers watching this shit.

  The fights were short and brutal. Hawk didn’t pull his punches at all and none of the brothers who stepped into the ring with him lasted very long. He didn’t tag Beast who was his proxy. He wanted their blood on his own hands. Now that their punishment had been meted out it was over and done with and time to move on.

  “You five, I’ll see you at the bar.” Hawk ordered the five men and they nodded as they shuffled out. They were going to be hurting for a few days.

  An hour later the five were laughing and drinking with Hawk as if nothing had happened and when DC walked in after work he greeted her along with five very remorseful brothers. They each apologised to her in front of their brothers.

  And the way DC handled the men wasn’t missed by anyone in the common room. She met the eyes of each of the men and they were the first to look away, none of them could hold her eyes.

  He was so damned proud of his old lady. She was perfect for him and perfect for his club.

  Hawk saw his cousin silently walk out the front door and let it go. They would have time to talk before the party tomorrow.



  Swallowing nervously I glanced up at Ice as we walked into the clubhouse. I had no idea why I was so nervous, I just was. The common room was filled with laughing and smiling people. And the minute we were spotted a loud cheer went up.

  Hawk and DC came walking towards us, both smiling broadly. For the first time in all the time I’ve known her DC was wearing her property kutte, declaring her the property of Hawk, president of the Iron Dogz MC. That was a huge step for my friend.

  Silence fell as they reached us and Hawk smiled down at me. Damn the man was hot. Hey, I might be engaged to be married but I wasn’t blind.

  “River, congratulations on your engagement to my VP. We’re looking forward to the wedding which Ice tells me will be soon.”

  I smiled. “Thank you, Hawk.”

  Before I could say more DC enfolded me in a hard hug. “Congratulations and welcome to the crazy zone, Rivvie.”

  “Thanks, DC, glad to be here. Do I need to be scared of the crazies?” I joked.

  There wasn’t a shred of humour in DC’s eyes when she answered. “You don’t have to be scared of anyone or anything, Rivvie. I’ve got your back.”

  Wow. Then Ice’s next words had the nerves back in full force.

  “I know you were introduced to people at the braai but there are some people here you haven’t met.” Ice grinned. “Come meet my family, baby.”

  Ice had kept everyone away while I was recuperating and I had yet to meet his parents face to face. Th
e hurried introduction at the braai did not count. And then it was too late to panic.

  “Blue, I’d like you to meet my mum and dad, Bulldog and Suzy Walker.” He smiled. “Mum, Dad, this is my woman and future wife, River Anderson.”

  His hand was warm on the small of my back and then it was gone as his mum pulled me into her arms and hugged me tight while rocking from side to side.

  “I’m so very happy to meet you, River. I have waited years and years for this moment. Welcome to our family.”

  I was pulled from her arms and enfolded in big arms and held against a wide chest. “Welcome to our family, River. We love your boykie already and have been looking forward to meeting you. You did a fine job with that young man.” Bulldog rumbled against my hair.

  I was pulled back against Ice’s chest and I smiled at his parents. “Thank you very much for the warm welcome and for being so wonderful to my boykie. Without you he would have been a little bit lost over the last week or so.”

  His sisters came next and I grinned at Genna when she winked and whispered. “Fucking glad you’re part of the sisterhood here at the club. Welcome to our crazy family.”

  Gail and Johan were more subdued but sweet with their welcome hugs and wishes. And I finally relaxed only to hear Ice swear softly and threaten someone.

  “You fucking behave or you’re a dead man.”

  That someone was a tall, wide shouldered, gorgeous, long haired and bearded blonde with laughing green eyes and a wide naughty smile. He had his arms opened wide as he approached me.

  “Little sister, I’m Spider, the long suffering brother of the asshole you so unwisely chose as your man. You should have held out for the sexier and way more fun brother.” He introduced himself.

  He gently enfolded me in his arms and the hug was equally gentle. Beside me I could hear Ice mumbling all sorts of threats and I started laughing and looked up at Spider.

  “Hi, big brother. I think you and I are going to be best friends. I like the way you operate.” I winked and he burst out laughing.

  “At last, someone who gets me!” He shouted to the laughing crowd.

  The music came back on and around us people went back to having a good time. Ice introduced me to so many people I lost count and the names started to blur together. As we made our way around the room I noticed there weren’t any club girls at the party. That was out of the ordinary for a club and I would be asking DC about it later. Ice would just gloss it over, not wanting to get into the entertainment his brothers enjoyed.

  I was sitting on Ice’s lap chatting to Krissie, Mari and Genna when a bell was rung and the room fell silent. Twisting to see over Ice’s shoulder I saw Hawk and DC standing in the middle of the room, everyone else had moved back to give them space. DC held a flat white box in her hands. The two of them were looking at us and smiling.

  “Ice, my brother, bring your woman over here. We have some business to conclude.” Hawk called out.

  Howls broke out from the men and I looked around in confusion. All the men had formed a big circle around Hawk and DC. What the hell was going on?

  Ice immediately stood, and carrying me in his arms he walked to his president. Whistles and cat calls sounded in the room along with laughter as his brothers opened the circle to let us through.

  Hawk grinned. “You can put her down, brother. We can’t do our business while you’re holding her.”

  “I hear you, prez.” Ice slowly set me on my feet and we faced Hawk and DC. She winked at me and smiled, her dark eyes twinkling.

  Total silence fell as Hawk started speaking.

  “We are here today to celebrate the engagement of our brother to the woman who stole his heart. This is a very happy occasion for our club but it is an especially happy occasion for the Walker family. Not only are we welcoming Ice’s woman into our family but her boy Duncan as well, and as you can see our brother didn’t let any grass grow under his feet before knocking his woman up. We will have two more Walkers joining the Iron Dogz family in January.”

  There were howls and whistles from the men and screams from the women until Hawk lifted a hand and it died down.

  “But before our brother Ice marries his woman there is something he needs to do. Something very important.” He turned to Ice. “Brother, come forward.”

  Ice joined them and I stood in front of them and suddenly I knew. I knew what was going to happen next and tears filled my eyes. We hadn’t talked about this. I hadn’t expected it to happen so soon. It had happened very quickly with Sparrow but I had thought Ice would need some time.

  I watched as Ice took the box from DC and took a step towards me and gave me the box. I held it in front of me as I looked up at him and he held my eyes as he began to speak.

  “Blue, you wear my ring and have my sons growing inside you and soon you and Duncan will be joining the Walker family. Today I want to make you a part of my other family, my Iron Dogz family. Open the box, baby.”

  I carefully lifted the lid and dropped it to the floor next to me. I could smell the leather the minute the lid came off. Beneath the white tissue paper part of my future lay waiting.

  Ice didn’t hesitate, he lifted the kutte out, pulled the box from my nerveless fingers and dropped it on the floor. Then he very gently slipped the kutte on me. I stood frozen as he bent and place a soft kiss on my lips. Turning me so my back was to his president and his old lady he lifted my hair out of the way. I glanced over my shoulder at them as Hawk threw his head back and howled like a wolf. Total silence fell around us.

  “As President of the Iron Dogz it is my pleasure to welcome River, old lady of Ice, Vice President of the Iron Dogz, to our family. Welcome, River.”

  Ice turned me in a slow circle to show the brothers who surrounded us. Howls erupted as his brothers celebrated for him.

  Drawing me into his chest Ice dropped his head and very thoroughly kissed me as the club went wild around us.

  “I love you, Blue.” He said as he lifted his head.

  Sweet baby Jesus, this man of mine was something else.

  “Love you too, Ice.” I whispered with my arms clasped tight around his waist, while on my back my new status as property of Ice was displayed proudly.

  Our families surrounded us and more hugging ensued. My parents left shortly after as they were picking up Duncan from Bulldogs’ house and spending the night at the pool house. Lake wasn’t at the party as he had to return to Europe for a race. He still wasn’t too sure about my engagement but had accepted it and wished me well.

  When night fell the party kicked off to a higher and wilder level. The later it became the more scantily clad women appeared. Entertainment for the brothers. Shit was going down in the dark corners of the room that I did not want to see and the dancing was becoming totally pornographic. Pretty soon clothes were going to start coming off.

  DC and I were playing pool and she wasn’t drinking in support of my dry status. She was the best. My other besties were partying hard with Genna and some of the brothers, they were definitely going to be hung over come morning. We were just about to start a new game when we noticed our men were no longer in the room. What the hell? And how long had they been gone?

  “Where do you think they are?” I asked softly.

  DC looked around the room and frowned. “All the officers are gone. I think something came up and they are having one of those damned meetings of theirs. And they won’t tell us what’s going on either, the asses. We’ll give them ten minutes and if they aren’t back then we’ll go looking.” DC said as she racked the balls.

  But before we could finish the game they were back and Ice and Hawk came straight towards us. Whatever had happened they both weren’t very happy about it. We had finished our game when I became aware of the live pornos going on around us. Ice pulled me close to his chest when he saw my wide eyes.

  “Taking you to our room, little bird.” Hawk growled as he dragged DC away from the table.

  She winked at me and tipped her head
towards something on the dance floor and when I looked over I found it hard to look away again.

  “Baby, it’s time for us to leave. I don’t want you around this shit.” Ice said in my ear as I stared at two of the brothers dancing with a topless woman. They had her sandwiched between the two of them and one had his hands on her boobs while the other had a hand up her skirt. They were totally oblivious to the world around them.

  “Let’s go up to my room. I want to fuck you in my bed, Blue. The same bed where we made our babies.” He whispered in my ear and my hidden parts quivered.

  I nodded, oh yes, I could totally get on board with that.

  We left the party and followed Hawk and DC up the stairs. Hawk scooped DC up and ran with her to their room the door slamming closed behind them. I looked up at Ice and grinned when he just shook his head and unlocked his door.

  Ice closed and locked the door behind him and shut out the noise of the party. I sighed with relief. I hadn’t realised how loud it had become.

  “I want to fuck you wearing only my kutte, baby. Get rid of the clothes. Now.” Ice ordered as he untied his boots and kicked them off.

  I quickly got rid of my clothes then pulled my kutte back on. The leather was warm from my body and the lining stroked across my hard, tight nipples. I breathed erratically as I watched my man slowly taking off his clothes.

  I loved watching him undress. The slow tease as his body was revealed did it for me every time. From the top of his broad shoulders my eyes stroked down over his pecs and sculpted abs past his navel to those two indentations that pointed the way down to his heavy cock. I knew exactly how sensitive those two valleys were. One stroke of my tongue would have him straining and so very ready for me.

  “Like what you see, baby?”

  “Always. You are so very beautiful, Ice.”

  “No, baby, I’m not the beautiful one, you are. Looking at you standing there wearing only my kutte and with your belly swelling with my children I’m so fucking hard and leaking for you.” His hand curled around his cock and he started stroking it slowly. My eyes were riveted on his hand.


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