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Deep Hydra

Page 47

by Michael Formichelli

  Umbral Service?

  I’ll look it up later, Prospero said.

  Nero cleared his throat, then turned to the short, milk-skinned baroness standing against the wall.

  “Sophiathena Cronus, you’re under arrest for attempted enslavement of a biological sentient, conspiracy to commit treason, and treason.”

  “Treason? Cy, tell him I helped you!” she shouted.

  His eyes went to the Premier. The man turned his face to the floor.

  “You killed Lina,” he whispered.

  A low growl emitted from her throat. “You bastard. I will get you for this, Cy. No matter how long it takes. Mark my words. You will pay.”

  “Shut up.” Nero pointed two fingers at her and a pair of ‘Jumpers moved in, turning the baroness around and forcing her hands together to be cuffed behind her back.

  I’ll add that to the charges once we figure out who ‘Lina’ is, Prospero said.

  Nero nodded at Premier Keltan.

  Prospero identified Baron Hugo LeRoux, Enéas and Europa LeRoux, and Baroness Helena Revenant. He spared them each a look but moved up to the man of the hour. He couldn’t help the grin that came to his face.

  “Zalor Revenant.” Already taller, in the suit he towered over the little baron. “It is with great pleasure, that I place you under arrest for mass murder on Calemni and half a dozen other worlds, attempted mass murder, the murder of Baron Mitsugawa Yoji, destruction of Taiumikai, and I’m sure there’s a lot more if I get a moment to think about it.”

  Baron Revenant shrank back and licked his lips. “Doctor Rega? Suman?”

  When no answer came he turned and tried to bolt.

  Nero stopped him with a stiff arm to the neck. The baron, who was once the most powerful man in the spur, hit it full force. His legs continued forward out from under him. Nero was impressed. The baron caught some serious air-time before slamming back-first on the ground.

  It was immensely satisfying.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Palace of the Just, Ikuzlu City, Kosfanter


  The Grand Ballroom was filled, but the sound of music blaring from the chamber’s speaker system was little dulled by the press of the crowd within. Ichiro was reminded of another party on another blue planet an age ago.

  It felt familiar, but wrong at the same time, much like the hug Premier Keltan embraced him with and the sword in the white scabbard that now rested in the obi[10] of his cream-colored kimono.

  “Is this what you feel like all the time?” he asked Enéas. The twins stood around him, forming a kind of enclosure between themselves and the wall that shielded him from many of the curious who tried to approach. He couldn’t blame them, he was supposed to be dead—was dead—and yet here he stood.

  “Yes,” Enéas responded.

  “Sometimes,” Europa added.

  “How do you stand it?”

  “You will get used to it in time,” she said.

  He sensed something and looked up past them. A Cleebian in elaborate robes of gold and silver stared at them with one of his three, fist-sized yellow eyes. Ichiro’s system informed him it was Baron Xitar, a fugitive from justice until Cylus pardoned him as a reward for his aid in the battle. He was aware that Mitsugawa and Xitar were once close allies. It would probably be advantageous to renew that alliance.

  “I’m going to slip off for a bit.” He moved without waiting for their reply.

  He didn’t know exactly where he was going, but he knew he had to be away. Later he would return to the ballroom and responsibility, giri ruled his thoughts as much as it had his predecessor, but for now he just felt like he needed to be alone.

  His feet brought him into the palace corridors and upstairs. The halls were ancient and the artwork lining them quite exquisite, but they held his attention only briefly. His wandering brought him to the palace library, an echoing chamber filled with bookshelves and books illuminated in the morning light streaming through its Gothic windows.

  It wasn’t a surprise when he found Cylus staring out at the waves over the bay.

  “Shitsureishimasu[11], I’ll—”

  “Sable.” Premier Keltan turned to face him. “Wait—actually, I mean come here.”

  He approached.

  Cylus looked at him and made a fist, but his hand relaxed a moment later.

  “You look good, old friend.”

  Ichiro looked him over. He couldn’t say the same back. Cylus had dark circles under his eyes. He seemed to have aged several years since his last logged meeting with him. It was clear his recent trials carved deep groves into the man’s psyche.

  “I sent word to you for a while. I needed your help.”

  He scanned his memory. “Things were difficult.”

  “I know.” Cylus sighed. “Thank you for coming back. I don’t think we would’ve won without you.”

  “Do itashimashite[12], old friend.” It was a strange thing to say, considering. “It was an honor to fight in your name, Premier.”

  “Don’t start with that. You’re my oldest friend. You don’t get to call me that no matter what title I have.”

  He nodded his acquiescence.

  “I’m going to need you in the Barony,” Cylus said at length. “How are those LeRoux siblings?”

  His mind did a quick calculation. This was new behavior for his “old” friend, though it lined up with the other changes he noted. The old Cylus would never have started thinking strategically.

  “They will support you,” he stated.

  “Because they support you?”

  “Yes. They have an attachment to me.”

  “Then we better stay friends, huh?” Cylus looked back out over the waves.

  “You will retain my support,” he said.

  Cylus shot him a tense look before his shoulders slumped and he nodded. “What happened to us? What made us like this? What made Sophi into… Sophi.”

  He remained silent. Such speculation was a waste of energy. Things were as they were.

  “I guess the past is the past.”

  “That is the case, yes.”

  “And what about the future?”

  “It is my wish that you be a good Premier. Rebuilding the capital will not be easy, nor will returning the VoQuana to society. There are generations of distrust to overcome. It will have to be slow, and there will be incidents.”

  “Yeah… I’m sure.” He sighed, then looked up as though suddenly remembering something. “Your mother, you should tell her you’re alive. She’s on Stolchem with Hephestia.”

  He nodded. The necessity was obvious. What he hadn’t decided was whether or not he would tell her the truth.

  “And what of the rest of your future? After the trial, after all of this, will you stay at the capital?” Cylus held up his hand before Ichiro could answer. “You seem like the answer is going to be ‘no.’ I’m not sure why, but I think it will be.”

  “I have a promise to keep. I am going to return Valhalla Armstrong to her people on Elmorus should they have survived the Brogh occupation this long. I do not believe she wishes to stay in my employ anymore. I must also bring the cerberai to Savorcha. He was Setha’s, and her family deserves to have him unless he chooses to remain with Armstrong.”

  Cylus’ nodded but it was clear he had no idea what he was talking about.

  “After that I must stabilize the Shiragawa and my people.”

  “Of course. I’ll miss you.”

  “Perhaps,” Ichiro said.

  They fell into silence until he turned to leave and spotted the chess set sitting against the stone wall. A memory flashed through his mind and he raised an eyebrow.

  “Cy, would you care for a game?”

  Cylus’ eyes went from him to the table and a smile appeared on his face.

  “Don’t mind if I do. It’ll be like old times.”

  “Perhaps.” Ichiro moved to the table.

  The waves lapped at the shores of Xur’Quon Island casting a heavy
smell of brine into the air. It smelled this way the last time Nero stood on Kosfanter, but the background noise of a living, breathing city was missing.

  “It’s too quiet.” He pulled on the jacket of the stiff-shouldered black uniform he wore. Red stripes lined its seams. Shining on his breast, right below his captain’s bars, were the Solan letters C-S-A.

  “Goddess, I can’t believe it’s over,” he said after a long pause.

  We still have to testify…

  “Almost over,” he corrected himself rather than argue with Prospero.

  “It will end. At least you are free now,” Sorina said.


  “Of it.” She looked out across the palace battlements.

  A shiver ran down his back and he nodded. Daedalus was gone. It was still a shock to even think that the thing that so dominated his life and the lives of every Confederate citizen could just be gone. He didn’t want to talk about it, not even in whispers lest they be wrong, lest the thing came back.

  “We owe Cygni big time,” he said.

  “We owe her everything,” she added.

  A wind kicked up, putting white-caps on the waves.

  “There are some noises. The city is already recovering.” Sorina was dressed like him; her commanding officer promoted her the moment she was reinstated at the urging of Premier Keltan and they were now of equal rank.

  “It’ll be a while, and the scars will remain. You can’t lose 80% of your population and not have a lasting effect.” He sighed.

  “But it will recover.” Her long ears quivered in the breeze.

  A smile came to his face. She became quite the optimist since they arrested Revenant, LeRoux, and the rest of the conspirators. Those responsible were finally in jail and the evidence against them turned over to the CSA. Baroness Altair came quietly, but her lawyers were mounting a defense based on being coerced by Revenant. It might work, it might not.

  “When do you think they’ll try them?” he asked.

  Probably in about a year. The recovery and reconstruction efforts are taking priority, Prospero said.

  As usual, didn’t ask you, he grumbled back.

  “He is just trying to help,” Sorina smiled. Her amber eyes gleamed in the sunlight.

  “Yeah, I guess. So, we have about a year of light duty ‘well-side before they split us up.”

  “They cannot split us up.” Sorina stepped in and hugged him.

  “I meant work-wise.” He hugged her back. “Do you know of any Captain-Captain teams in the CSA?”

  “You are new here. You do not know anything.”

  He laughed. “Fair enough, but do you?”

  “Why do you think about such things? We are relaxing.” Her ears vibrated.

  “Just thinking ahead.”

  “Maybe we will be the first.”

  “Yeah, I think we could probably make that happen. We have some major connections after all.” He fingered the ring on his left hand and the eclipse on its face.

  She nodded.

  “Hey! Hey up there!”

  They shared a look. He released her with some reluctance and they moved to the inner battlements overlooking the garden. Meia waved up at them with a glass of some blue-green liquid in her hand. She was also dressed as they were, and like Nero wore the eclipse ring.

  “Don’t be such sticks in the ‘well. Get down here,” she shouted up. “You’re missing the party!”

  He looked at Sorina and shrugged.

  “She will just keep at it,” she said.

  “Be right down.”

  “Come.” Sorina pulled him by the hand. With reluctance he took a step toward the door but stopped when it swung open.

  Standing there in her full military regalia, Commodore Graves’ gray eyes swept over both of them in two quick motions.

  “Sorry, I thought you might be alone,” she said.

  “I will meet you downstairs,” Sorina let go of his hand and hurried into the stairway.

  “Not one for parties?” His sister came into conversation range. “She’s cute, by the way. Not that you need my approval, but—” she gave him a thumbs-up.

  I’ll run some maintenance here… Prospero said.

  Nero stared into eyes that were like his own, feeling an uncomfortable familiarity wash over him that was equal parts joy and pain. What should he say? He could only remember that one time on their rooftop. The rest of his memories were destroyed along with Deep Hydra. What did one say to someone who was blood, who one should know, but was a stranger just the same?

  “I don’t think so—I mean, about the parties. Yes, Sorina is cute.” He felt like an ass.

  “Me either, they force them on you when you make it big. Get used to it. I think you’re going to be quite famous some day.” She reached into her uniform and produced a flask. The cap made a grating sound as she unscrewed it.

  “Some day?” he said.

  “Probably.” She nodded with a twinkle in her eye.

  Dammit Nero, what the hell? Say you missed her, or something… But how could he miss someone he could barely remember?

  “Kae sent me up here, in case you’re wondering who to get revenge on.” She took a swig from her flask and offered it to him.

  “Thanks.” It was strong stuff, and bitter, but even a small mouthful seemed to help. “Kae’s always been one to get people together, I think. I mean, I feel like he was—”

  “Yeah, but I think that’s your fault.”

  “It is?” He cocked an eyebrow.

  “You started him on it on Savorcha when you got him with that hot young thing, ah, whatever his name was.”

  “Oh, um…” he shrugged.

  “Since then Kae’s been trying to play matchmaker, family mender, and anything he can. I also think it’s anxiety. The two of you were inseparable during that war.” She shrugged.

  He gave her a look.

  “Not in that way.” She laughed. It was a rich, full sound and sent a chill down his back. He knew he heard it before.

  “Ah, I’m sorry.”

  “Fuck me, for what?” She took another swig.

  He stammered, her overriding confidence and casual demeanor unnerved him. She remembered everything about him. To her, he wasn’t some familiar stranger but her real life brother come back from the dead. She was falling back into old patterns he couldn’t remember. He felt bad not being able to keep up.

  She shifted her weight.

  “Hey, I wanted to ask you about that Eagle, ah, Androdameia,” she said.

  “Who?” He cocked an eyebrow.

  “I believe she goes by Meia Starblood. Amazingly loyal drone that tags along with her, too. Snatched her right out of the void in a debris field and brought her to the Orion.”

  He nodded, remembering how the drone was protecting her in the Palace.

  “Her record’s a bit spotty, but I knew her father a little, and it seems she’s come around. The drone goes by ‘Iapetus,’ now that I think of it. Seems it’s the seed of the CSS Iapetus’ computer.”

  “Oh.” He shrugged, not knowing what she was talking about.

  “Well, yeah… I wanted to ask you what you thought of her.”

  “I only met her the one time. The drone struck me as remarkable, now that you mention it.”

  “She went after you, you know,” Yia said.

  “She did?”

  “As he relates it, she got the Fukuro-maru over and gave it to Kae to get you. Then she went over and took out Captain Solus and got the word about his distributing Siren to the crews. I think she’s the reason we had an easy time of the clean up. Half the remaining cruisers surrendered.”

  “Sounds like someone you don’t want to let slip away,” he said.

  “Sounds like it, yeah. I’ll talk to her about how she feels. Maybe she’ll want to give up this CSA thing and join me on the Orion.”

  He shrugged.

  “Oh, how’s the kid?”

  It took a minute, but his mind caught up to her. “R
une, you mean? Lucky to have his dad. I think he’s with Kae down below. It’s the strangest thing, actually…”

  “What is?” she asked.

  “I think I overheard palace computer referring to him as ‘heir,’ but I must be mistaken. Kae found him on Kiidinax, or Brogh, or something.” He sighed, relieved he hadn’t gotten Rune’s second dad killed. He was glad, with things calming down, that he wouldn’t have another chance to make more wrong decisions and deprive the kid further. He still felt bad about Ameluan, but he knew he could never tell either of them. Hopefully Kae and his son would move on after the trial.

  “Hey, what’s that look?” she asked.

  “I don’t… ah, I mean I can’t—”

  “Stowe that shit, soldier.”


  “I’ll either shove it down your goddess-damned throat or you’ll remember to be happy you have me back on your own. Got it?” She fixed him with an iron gaze.

  He stiffened and almost saluted until she gave him a side-long glance and laughed.

  “Yeah, I think you got it.” She smiled.

  A slow smile spread across his lips. For the first time since this all began, he started to feel like things were going to be all right.


  Xur’Quon Island


  20 hours before…

  “Rega! Activate it now!”

  Zalor’s voice came over the comm line as clear as crystal. Suman Rega smiled. This would be his crowning achievement. At last, after so many decades, he finally mastered control over the ancient Cephalon Sphere network. How fitting it was to launch the new age here, within the Cephalon temple beneath the Palace of the so-called Just. He was quite certain that no one who ever ruled from here did so in a just manner, and no one would. Certainly not that VoQuana tool, Cylus Keltan.

  With a grin he moved across the echoing chamber to where his portable bench was set up. In the glow of the holographic display, he reached forward for the control that would activate the Sphere.

  He paused, his fingers centimeters from the icon that would transport Zalor’s enemies into the sun.


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