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A Selfless Sacrifice

Page 22

by Paul Cude

  Suddenly she was startled as a low, garbled grown rang out from between the frozen lips of the blue shaded prisoner.

  “Please... help me,” he whispered, what little breath he had left freezing in front of his face.

  “I’ve tried to break the chains, but it’s no good, I don’t have either the wizardry or the power to do such a thing without setting off alarms.”

  Raising his head, well... as much as he could, which wasn’t a great deal, he looked her straight in the eyes, recognition of their chance encounter taking a few moments.

  “You!” he ventured, more in fascination than hope.

  “I’m sorry for what happened,” she continued, her voice barely audible. “As you can see now, our bastard of a leader is a being not to be either trusted or trifled with.”

  Throat too sore to speak, all he could do was nod very slightly, conveying his understanding of what she’d said.

  With little else left to do and the first rays of the brilliant bright sun about to pierce the cold, dark square, time had most certainly run out for the both of them. Still though, she had one thing left to do, in return for what he’d done for her on that very first night.

  “You must go, they’ll spot you if you don’t,” he pleaded with what little strength he had left.

  He was right she knew, but this had to be done, and it had to be done NOW!

  Reaching up, she held one small, thin blue finger to his face, and using the ancient words that she’d been taught all that time ago, added as much of her mana as she could spare, putting all her willpower behind it. For a moment, there in the darkness, his cold, broken body glistened bright blue, before returning to its normal state. Favour returned, she leaned in and kissed him firmly on the cheek, thanked him for his bravery, before pulling the hood of her cloak back up and disappearing back into the shadows, exactly at the point that the sun’s rays burst across the square, almost following her in her tracks, the brave servant dragon always just one step ahead.

  As the sun bounced off the frozen cobbles of the square, temporarily blinding him, he tried in vain to wrap his mind around what the peppermint candy blue dragon from their original encounter had done to him. For certain, he felt different, but he couldn’t put his finger on just how, or why. Not stronger or more powerful magic wise, he just felt as though he had a future, but that defied any logic that he tried to apply to it, because given his situation and what they’d done to the rest of his group, he was most certainly a dead dragon walking, living on borrowed time. That proved to be his very last day.

  What became of him after that? His body was hung up in the square with every being told not to go near it on pain of death. Some twenty or so years later, on the day when Greger and his forces brought hope to the world, the two friends were finally reunited, and despite knowing for all those years that his friend had died, it was an emotionally charged one for not only the king, but for Orac who’d accompanied him in this one last storming of the northern capital. As the two of them nursed their dead friend’s corpse in the middle of the cobbled square, every dragon there looked on, sadness and grief running riot across the lot of them. After that, what remained of For’son was taken respectfully back to London so that he could be honoured for what he’d done and endured. A fitting end for one of the planet’s mightiest warriors you might think, but as some of you might already know, that’s not where his story ends. Because through a twist of fate and the magic applied by the peppermint candy servant dragon, a huge part of the courageous hero lived on to not only survive, but to thrive and be reunited, for a while, with his friend the king and of course the librarian Orac, who not only recorded his friend’s courage and bravery in written form for the library he loved so much, but went on to be bonded to the gorgeous Keesha and have many, many young dragonlings.


  Although the end of this particular tale, if you want to find out more about For’son and his fate and whether or not he’s able to help prevent the destruction of the earth some twenty thousand years later, why not check out ‘The White Dragon Saga’.

  About the Author

  Paul Cude is a husband, father, field hockey player and aspiring photographer. Lost without his hockey stick, he can often be found in between writing and chauffeuring children, reading anything from comics to sci-fi, fantasy to thrillers. Too often found chained to his computer, it would be little surprise to find him, in his free time, somewhere on the Dorset coastline, chasing over rocks and sand in an effort to capture his wonderful wife and lovely kids with his camera. Paul Cude is also the author of The White Dragon Saga.

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  Twitter: @paul_cude

  Facebook: Paul Cude

  Instagram: paulcude


  A Threat from the Past

  A Chilling Revelation

  A Twisted Prophecy

  Earth's Custodians

  A Fiery Farewell

  Frozen to the Core

  Christmas in Crisis

  The White Dragon Saga will continue.


  A Threat from the Past

  A Chilling Revelation

  A Twisted Prophecy

  Earth's Custodians

  A Fiery Farewell

  Frozen to the Core

  Christmas in Crisis

  The White Dragon Saga will continue.




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