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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

Page 64

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 61 - Macmanite

  The ride from Nessun Cucchiaio was a quicker affair than usual, mainly because they didn’t leave until nearly three in the afternoon. The night’s sleep helped Massimaferro some, but he was still not much better than he was the day before. He spent most of the trip half in and out of sleep, while Medoferro did most of the waving at the crowds along the way.

  They started approaching the outskirts of Macmanite at around five in the afternoon and Medoferro figured he’d better find out what was going to have to happen next. He walked over to the enclosed area where Massimaferro was still resting, finding him inside with Ari Coblein.

  "What’s the word, Ari?" Medoferro asked him, "Any improvement?"

  "I can do the speech, Medo," Massimaferro said, "I’m getting better."

  "You don’t look it, Massy," Medoferro told him honestly, "Iggy told me that I was to countermand you if you tried the hero shit again. You know how little I like showing authority. Could you please avoid making me do it?"

  "We can’t show weakness right now," Massimaferro grunted, "I have to say something there or people will wonder."

  "You’re not well enough, Mullinix," Coblein protested, "You could do some additional damage."

  "It’s a simple stomach flu, Medico," Massimaferro grunted, "I am going to be fine."

  "Stomach flu doesn’t mess up your head and balance," Medoferro reminded him, "I saw you walking to the coach this morning. Your balance is messed up rather badly."

  "If I don’t do it you have to," Massimaferro reminded him, "You can do what you did yesterday can’t you?"

  "It may not help you for long," Medoferro said, "And it won’t do anyone any good if I go down with a reaction headache from propping you up."

  "Five minutes," Massimaferro said, "I speak really quick, apologize for having a stomach ache, then we go inside."

  "And you go back to bed," Coblein said, "Medoferro can handle the dinner with Colonel Ballfur. The last thing you need right now is rich food."

  "He’s right," Medoferro said, "I can handle Colonel Ballfur, from the reports he is the strongest Colonel you have in this area. You go straight back to bed once you get off that stage."

  "Very well," Massimaferro grunted, "Can you prop me up using your power, Medo?"

  "I can try," Medoferro told him, "That’s all I can promise. I need to keep my head clear so I can talk to Insegniferro afterwards."

  "It will have to do," Massimaferro said, "We’ll do a quick in and then go talk to Iggy, at which point I’ll go back to bed for a while."

  "You sure you want to face Iggy’s wrath right now?" Medoferro grinned, "He was livid that we didn’t cancel session entirely."

  "We can’t," Massimaferro said, "And I’m not that bad."

  "We’re five minutes from the stage," Suvorov said, "I’m taking some people and checking security."

  "Are you ready for this?" Medoferro asked him, "I can fix your balance for a short while, but I can’t stop the pain."

  "I’ll manage," Massimaferro told him, "I have to."

  Medoferro nodded and took a few minutes to do some mental preparations. He mentally prodded Massimaferro a little and found a point to push power. He touched Massimaferro’s shoulder and made contact, finding the connection a bit harder to make than it had been the day before.

  Massimaferro’s body was like a dry sponge, sucking the power it needed from Medoferro’s connection. Medoferro had to put more effort into tempering the connection than he did in actually pushing power in order to keep it from shoving him straight into a reaction headache or worse.

  "We’re here, Mullinix," Rav said, being formal to indicate that there were others nearby, "Are you ready, sir?"

  "I’m as ready as I’ll ever be," Massimaferro grumbled, "You ok, Medo?"

  "Yes," Medoferro nodded, "Let’s get this over with quick."

  They walked up onto the platform, both waving. Medoferro was having a harder time doing this than he did the day before, as he had to push more power to Massimaferro. They both walked slowly and stood next to each other at the podium. The cheering continued and they both acted as if they appreciated it.

  "Do this quick," Medoferro whispered to Massy, "You’re draining me quicker than I thought."

  "Greetings Citizens!" Massimaferro said loudly, "I’d like to thank you for this warm welcome to Macmanite!"

  Medoferro lost track of what Massy was doing as he held the power stream. To make it a bit easier he put his hand surreptitiously on Massimaferro’s back, making it a much more controllable physical connection. Massimaferro went into a quick anecdote about the last time he was in Macmanite, going longer than he should have. Medoferro was sweating profusely, as was Massimaferro by the time he finished. Medo pushed a quick shock of power into Massimaferro, telling him silently to finish up.

  "I do apologize for how short this entrance is," Massimaferro told them, "But I’m afraid that I have been stricken with a stomach virus and need to rest. I thank you for your attention and your warm welcome. Have a good night and we’ll see you for session tomorrow."

  "Walk quick," Medoferro grunted, "I’m about to have to let go of the connection."

  They walked off the stage together and went into the government house. As soon as they were inside the door Medoferro had to cut the connection, the backlash of which sent them both down to the floor. Medoferro groaned in pain as the reaction headache started. Massimaferro, without the propping up from Medoferro, almost passed out completely, but managed to stay conscious.

  "I told you to keep it short," Medoferro growled, "Now I’m going to have a headache for a while."

  "Sorry," Massimaferro said, breathing really heavy, "I didn’t know how much you were giving…"

  "Too much," Coblein said, "Do you want anything for the headache, Medo?"

  "No," Medo told him, "Headache teas make this type of reaction headache worse. Food is usually the best cure, at least that’s what the old man told me."

  "I’d normally welcome you to Macmanite," Colonel Ballfur said, walking up, "But you two don’t look like you’re in any condition for it. Would you like me to have your bed set up?"

  "We need a line to Insegniferro first," Massimaferro said, "Then I’ll go to bed."

  "When is dinner tonight?" Medoferro asked him.

  "Whenever you are ready," Colonel Ballfur told him, "It’s nice to meet you finally, Medoferro."

  "Wish the circumstances could be better," Medoferro said, pulling himself up and shaking hands, "Did Colonel Serim let you know the situation?"

  "He and I spoke after you left," Colonel Ballfur nodded, "I thought he was exaggerating. Is there anything I can do?"

  "Get us that line and quick so I can send this fool back to bed," Medoferro told him, "Where’s the room?"

  "This way," Colonel Ballfur nodded, "Do you need help?"

  "I’m ok," Medoferro said, "You can help Ari with Massimaferro though."

  Colonel Ballfur nodded and they all walked to the back room where the line operators were. This government house was not much different from the one back in Nessun Cucchaiao, the only difference really being in use of local materials and some local artwork on the walls.

  "Perhaps I should go in and attend to Massimaferro while you talk," Ari asked Medoferro.

  "I’m not an invalid yet," Massimaferro grunted, "I’ll be fine with Medoferro."

  Ari nodded at the rebuke and stood back. Medoferro and Colonel Ballfur helped Massimaferro into the room and the connection was made. Medoferro sat back in the chair and waited for the connection while the Colonel left the room.

  "Prepare for an ass chewing," Medoferro grinned, "One that you’ll rightfully deserve."

  "No doubt," Massimaferro nodded, "I’m sure I will."

  "You do," Insegniferro’s voice said, "What the hell were you thinking yesterday, Massy?"

  "I’m ok," Massimaferro protested weakly, going into a coughing fit and proving hi
mself wrong, "Really."

  "Bullshit," Insegniferro told him, "You’re as stubborn as ever. Unfortunately it looks like you did the right thing."

  "What do you mean by that?" Medoferro asked, "How was making me have to take over the right thing?"

  "I talked to Roland and Simon a few hours ago," Insegniferro explained, "They just got back to Skolnik. Those bastards in Siraq chose a really miserable time to become amicable. Your conference is in a bloody week."

  "You’re kidding me!" Medoferro said, "A week?"

  "They usually take longer than that to decide what to wear," Massimaferro said weakly, "Why the change?"

  "Roland is suspicious," Insegniferro said, "They might have gotten wind of you being sick too."

  "They would do something like that," Massimaferro grunted, "What do we do?"

  "Can we reschedule?" Medoferro wondered, "Do this later?"

  "They’ll insist on the time," Insegniferro told them, "We’ve got to keep going and hope he gets better."

  "That means he needs rest," Medoferro said, "No more of this heroics stuff."

  "He’s right, Massy," Insegniferro agreed, "You go to bed and don’t come out until you are better."

  "I do that and we’ll confirm that something is wrong," Massimaferro said, "We have to at least take session here tomorrow and make it to Polonion the day after that."

  "Traveling probably won’t interrupt your rest," Medoferro said, "I can handle session, especially if it is mostly simple stuff."

  "Send word ahead to Polonion to skip the opening ceremonies," Insegniferro told him, "If you’re feeling better, great. You can do session. If not let Medo handle the official crap and you can rest. I don’t like that he got a murder case so early, but the fact that he handled it this well means he can do the rest of it so long as the local Colonel is there."

  "Ballfur will play along," Massimaferro agreed, "I am pretty sure Spiketon in Polonion will too."

  "If he’s getting worse we can skip Skolnik completely," Medoferro said, "Did they tell you where it is being held?"

  "The border trade villages about 20 miles north of Skolnik," Insegniferro said, "They have a line we built for the last time and there is a defensible cottage complex right up near the border."

  "I know the area," Medoferro nodded, "That’s where Miranda is from. I’ve been there a few times as well."

  "Good," Insegniferro agreed over the line, "Then you may be of more use there."

  "I guess I’m out of the game for a bit," Massimaferro sighed, "Where’s the bed?"

  "I’m sure Ari and the Colonel can help you with that," Insegniferro told him, "I want to speak with Medoferro for a few minutes anyway."

  "All right," Massimaferro said and knocked on the wall, "Get me up to a bed."

  Ari Coblein and Colonel Ballfur came into the room and helped Massimaferro out. He tried to walk himself but was having more and more problems. Once the door was closed Insegniferro started to ask a few more pointed questions to the young Apprentice.

  "Ok Medo," Iggy said over the line, "How bad is it really?"

  "His mind is muddled to be sure," Medoferro said, "In order to get in I had to hook to him again. I spent more energy keeping him from sucking me dry than I did actually feeding him. There is something badly wrong."

  "Don’t let him make any decisions," Insegniferro told him, "You handle anything short of a war. If you need definitive information get on the line and we’ll confer."

  "You got it," Medoferro nodded, "Can I get away with countermanding him?"

  "If he looks half as bad as he sounds I doubt anyone will fight you," Insegniferro said, "Suvorov knows better anyway."

  "He’s quite a bit better off the sauce," Medoferro agreed, "I’ve been keeping him sober."

  "Good," Insegniferro said, "Massy was right about one thing though. We can’t let on how serious it is."

  "I’ll do session tomorrow going with the stomach flu story," Medoferro promised, "I just wish there were some books written on this subject."

  "There are a few," Insegniferro told him, "Most of them date back decades. We prefer you to learn to think for yourself, but in this case…"

  "I could use the help," Medoferro told him, "I can do tomorrow’s without a problem, but I’d like to see the book."

  "I’ll send you someone as soon as I can," Insegniferro promised, "I just have to find a carrier I can trust. All my people are off somewhere."

  "If you can’t get them here by morning then they can meet me and I’ll read on my way to Polonion," Medoferro promised, "Hopefully we’ll be able to keep session short here."

  "You got it," Iggy said, "I’ll figure out tonight who to send and have them leave early in the morning on horse for speed travel."

  "I’ll put off session as long as I can," Medoferro promised, "Is there anything else?"

  "Take it easy and keep that lummox off his feet," Insegniferro told him, "Call me if you need approval on anything."

  "I’ll give you a status update tomorrow night," Medoferro promised, "I’m also considering making Polonion a one day stop. Travel in the morning, have lunch with Colonel Spiketon and hold session that afternoon. I can use the conference as a reason."

  "Good idea," Iggy agreed, "Go ahead and do that anyway. Even if he gets better he doesn’t need to spend much time doing session."

  "And we can use the time to prepare," Medoferro agreed, "Get your people here with those books quickly."

  "As soon as I can," Iggy promised, "Take care of yourself."

  "Oh," Medoferro said, as he had almost forgot, "Anything new on Cirrus?"

  "Other than my ire, no," Iggy growled, "I’m still trying to get information. We’ll fight that in a few though. Take care of Massy and that conference first. I’ll handle Cirrus until he gets better."

  "Right," Medoferro agreed, not wanting to take on another problem he could do nothing about."

  "Good luck, Medo," Iggy told him, "I’m going to hunt down a courier."

  The line went dead and Medoferro was left sitting alone in that room again. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the solitude for a few moments before going out again. He just hoped that it got better.


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