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Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC

Page 11

by Wilder, L.

  “I’m glad you think so.” During our tour, Viper had mentioned he and the boys needed to meet with Braylon and his team. Actually, he brought it up on more than one occasion—usually right after he grimaced over something he’d seen or heard. Knowing he was eager to talk to him, I motioned my hand in the direction of the office and smiled. “Braylon is waiting for you inside.”

  “Good.” Before heading inside, he said, “This shouldn’t take long. Once I’m done, I’ll be heading back.”

  “Take your time. Country can show Lynch to their living quarters when you’re done.” I knew I should go to the meeting but just didn’t have it in me. I desperately needed to change my clothes and possibly take a nap, so I told him, “I’m going over to my place and freshen up a bit.”

  “Good deal. You take care, and I’ll be in touch soon.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Once they headed inside, I walked straight to my place, put on a pot of coffee, and staggered into my room. I changed into a pair of sweats, then dragged myself back into the kitchen for some coffee. As soon as I’d made a cup, I grabbed a box of crackers and carried them back into the bedroom, then put them both on the bedside table and crawled under the covers. I’d barely rested my head on the pillow, and I was out. I woke up later to the sound of someone clanking around in my kitchen. “Hello?”

  “Hey, babe, it’s only me.” Grayson peeked his head in the doorway and asked, “How ya feeling?”

  “Better.” I ran my hand over my face, trying my best to clear the fog. “How long have I been sleeping?”

  “About an hour.”

  “Ugh, that’s not long enough.” I dropped my head back down on the pillow with a groan. “I think I could sleep for three days.”

  “That hangover is really kicking your ass, huh?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “I got something that might help.” He headed back to the kitchen, then returned a few minutes later with a sandwich and a bowl of soup. “Grilled cheese and chicken noodle. The best thing for a hangover.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Mm-hmm. A trick I learned from my grandmother.”

  “I’m willing to try anything right now.” I sat up as he offered me the bowl of soup. I took a small sip, then asked, “So, how did the meeting with Braylon go?”

  “Better than I expected.” Grayson placed my sandwich on the night table then sat down on the bed next to me. “I think Viper was actually kind of impressed with Braylon and what y’all have done here.”

  “Well, how about that!”

  “Don’t get too excited, babe. Nothing’s really changed. Viper still wants us to keep watch week to week, and he wants extra cameras put around the perimeter of the property.”

  “Braylon’s been saying the same thing for months.” I took another sip of my soup. “I guess I should’ve listened. I was just being stubborn.”

  “Who? You? Surely not.”

  I gave him my best pouty look as I whined, “Hey, be nice. I’m suffering enough over here.”

  “Ah, bless your heart,” he teased with an exaggerated southern drawl. “Guess you’ll be thinking twice before you down a bunch of shots again.”

  “I most definitely will. With the way I’m feeling, I might never drink again.” I lifted my bowl of soup and smiled. “But for now, the soup is helping.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He stood, then leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, I think I’m good.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back when I can.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I’m gonna give Lynch and Braylon a hand installing those cameras I told you about.”

  “Oh, do you need me to help?”

  “We got it covered. You rest, and I’ll stop by when we’re done.”

  I nodded, then watched as he disappeared out of my bedroom. After hearing the door shut, I got out of bed and carried my lunch into the living room. I turned on the TV and found something to watch, then finished the soup and sandwich Grayson had made me. I felt a little guilty lying around while he and the guys were out putting cameras up, but considering my current state, I would’ve just been in their way.

  I decided to use the time to do my rounds and then study for a test I had the following morning. I still felt pretty crummy as I pulled on my sneakers and headed over to the old school. When I walked in, I was pleased to see Mia and Reagan had already taken care of everything. They’d even brought some of the larger plants out to the gym like I’d requested. Since there wasn’t anything left for me to do, I headed back to my place to study.

  Once I was back at home, I grabbed my laptop and made a spot on the sofa. After tossing a blanket over my legs, I nestled in and started reading through my notes. Unfortunately, even after a nap, I couldn’t maintain my focus on studying, and it wasn’t long before I gave it up. I closed my laptop and started watching whatever was on the TV.

  One movie rolled into the next, and it wasn’t long before it was dark outside. Grayson said he would stop back by once they were done with the cameras, so I made a snack and curled up on the sofa again. I had every intention of getting back to my studies, but sadly, that didn’t happen. Instead, I fell asleep and didn’t wake until I felt myself being lifted from the sofa. I opened my eyes long enough to see Grayson carrying me to bed.

  The next morning, I woke up with Grayson sleeping in the bed next to me. As I curled up alongside him, I was thankful that my pounding headache was gone, and I was feeling much better. His eyes were still closed when he muttered, “Morning, babe.”

  “Good morning.”

  My fingers started trailing along the lines of his tattoo when they got a mind of their own and slowly drifted down his abdomen. As they reached his boxers, Grayson looked down at me and said, “Careful there, or you might find yourself in trouble.”

  “I think I could handle a little trouble this morning.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Mm-hmm. Bring it on.”

  My fingers had barely grazed his thickening erection when he rolled on top of me. He hovered over me, and his eyes met mine with an intensity that sent a wave of heat surging through my body. Without saying a word, his hands dropped down to the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. His eyes drifted over my bare breasts, and that was all it took. Moments later, our clothes were at our feet, and he was reaching down to remove a condom from his jeans. I immediately shook my head and whispered, “No, Grayson, you don’t need it. I’m on the pill.”

  With a massive smile on his face, he dropped the condom down on the floor, then settled himself between my legs. I gasped when he reached for my thighs and pulled me closer. His hand drifted down between my legs, cupping my heat as his fingers raked across my center. “You’re so fucking wet.”

  Grayson’s breath was strained as he looked down at me with hunger in his eyes, and I knew he wanted me just as badly as I wanted him. He brushed his thickness against me, teasing me as he ground his hips against mine until I wrapped my legs around his ass and pulled him deep inside. My entire body was consumed with need and focused on nothing but the touch of his hands on my body, the soft whisper of his kiss, and the tingling sensation that surged through me whenever he shifted deeper within me.

  His eyes locked on mine, watching my expression as he started to increase his pace. God, I loved the way Grayson looked at me—as if I was someone precious to him, someone he’d give his life to protect—and I couldn’t deny that I felt the same way about him. I knew it was crazy. It was too soon, but I felt it just the same. His dark eyes grew even more intense as he growled, “Need to feel you come undone for me.”

  His pace continued to increase, faster and harder, setting my entire body on fire. “Yes! Oh God, yes.”

  He pulled back and crashed into me again and again, driving me wild with every deep thrust. My fingers dug into the comforter, twisting and pulling, as my back arched off the bed. A deep growl vibrated through
his chest as my legs tightened around him, and my hips jolted forward, meeting his and taking him even deeper. I inhaled a labored breath while my body trembled and convulsed beneath him as my orgasm took hold. He continued his relentless rhythm, each time more demanding than the last as he came closer to the edge. I was still floating on the high of my own release when I felt his body grow rigid. A deep groan echoed through the room as he buried himself deep inside me, holding still as he found his release.

  My body fell limp as my legs dropped to the mattress and let out an exaggerated breath. A sexy little smirk crossed his face as he looked down at me. “Now, that’s my kind of wake-up call.”

  “Mine, too. I’m glad I thought of it.”

  He chuckled as he lowered himself onto the bed and pulled me to his side. I rested my head on his shoulder and listened to the rapid beat of his heart. Grayson’s arm curled around me, pulling me closer. “You got a big day ahead?”

  “Oh, my God.” Panic shot through me as I tossed the covers back. “What time is it?”

  “Almost eight.”

  “What! You’ve gotta be kidding me!” I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. “I can’t believe I forgot!”

  “Forgot what?”

  Without answering, I turned on the shower and got in without giving the water a chance to warm up. I quickly rinsed my body, then rushed to dry off and get dressed. I was pulling on my jeans when Grayson asked, “Where’s the fire?”

  “I have class in less than an hour, and I haven’t finished studying for my test.”

  “Need me to do anything?”

  “Nothing you can do.” I raced back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After I pulled up my hair, I darted to the living room, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door as I shouted, “I’ll be back in few hours!”

  Without waiting for his response, I bolted towards my car and raced to campus. Thankfully, I made it to class before most everyone else and grabbed my usual spot. Once I was settled, I had just enough time to go over my notes and study before the rest of the other students started streaming into the room. Doing my best to ignore their mindless chattering, I continued to cram for my test and was so focused that I never noticed Drake coming into the classroom or that he was sitting right next to me. “Heyyy, Kiersten. How’s it going?”

  “What?” I glanced over to the desk next to me and found him giving me one of his creepy smiles. “Oh, hey, Drake.”

  “You ready for the big test?”

  “Not as ready as I’d hoped to be, but I’ll be okay.” As much as I wanted to use this last bit of time to study, I didn’t have that luxury. I cleared my throat before asking him, “I was told that you were looking for me the other day.”

  “Yeah, I, uh ... I came out to see if you wanted to grab some pizza and do a little studying together. You know, to get ready for this test and all.”

  “Oh, well, you could’ve asked me about that in class.”

  “I know. I—I,” he stammered. “I just didn’t get the chance, so I came out to your place to ask you.”

  “But how did you know where I lived?”

  “I kind of followed you out of class.” He shifted nervously in his seat. “And then I followed you out to your car. I was trying to catch you before you left, but I didn’t get there in time.”

  “So, you followed me all the way to my house?”

  “Yeah, but then I felt stupid about it and left.” He shrugged. “I waited a couple of days, and when I finally got the nerve to ask, you weren’t even home.”

  While his story was a little odd, it seemed like a reasonable excuse, especially considering it was Drake. He’d been creepy from day one, and I didn’t have any reason not to believe him. But that didn’t change the fact that I had an unsettling feeling about the guy. It was time for me to put an end to this thing with him once and for all. “Look, Drake. I don’t know any other way to say this, so I’m just going to say it. It’s not okay for you to follow me out of class. It’s not okay for you to follow me to my car, much less to my house. I need you to hear me when I say I don’t want to go out with you or eat pizza and study with you, okay? I’m seeing someone, and I want you to leave me alone.”

  “Fine. Have it your way.” He started gathering his things and stood. “But one day, you’re gonna regret not giving me a chance.”

  I was too relieved watching him move to a different spot in the classroom to even think about his warning—not that I would’ve ever given it much thought. Drake wasn’t like Grayson and his brothers. He was a science nerd and not even remotely intimidating. Once he was seated across the room, I turned my focus back to my notes and studied until the professor started passing out our tests. As soon as I got mine, I immediately started and was pleased to find that I knew all the material covered in the assessment. When I finished, I grabbed my things and stood. I was on my way up to the professor’s desk when I noticed Drake had already left. Relieved that I wouldn’t have to face him again, I turned in my work and headed out to the parking lot.

  Once I got to my car, I pulled out my phone and sent Grayson a message.


  I’m going to be a little later than I planned.


  Everything okay?


  Yes. I just have a couple of errands to run.

  How’s everything there?


  Good. Lynch just met Mia.


  Tell Lynch to behave.


  Not sure he has it in him to behave, babe.


  It must be a Sinner thing.



  Get home, and we’ll find out if you’re right.



  There was nothing better than waking up with Kiersten in the bed next to me. She was so warm and smelled fucking incredible. It was impossible to keep my hands off her. On this particular morning, I woke to find her sprawled across the bed in nothing but a short t-shirt and a pair of lace panties. The minute I laid eyes on her, I had to have her. I felt a little guilty for waking her when she was sleeping so soundly, but I simply couldn’t help myself. I eased up on all fours, and her eyes remained closed as I hovered over her for a moment appraising her gorgeous body as her beautiful, full lips curved into a smile.

  I immediately slid my hands underneath her and reached for her lace panties, easing them down her long, sexy legs. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She kept her eyes closed and mumbled, “Good morning, handsome.”

  I lowered my head between her legs, and with my mouth just inches from her, I asked, “Did you sleep well?”


  I brushed my tongue across her center and watched with a sense of satisfaction as her back arched off of the bed. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  Her eyes barely peeked opened as she looked down at me and shook her head. I eased my fingers deep inside her, massaging the spot that drove her wild. “I can’t get you out of my head. With every breath I take, you’re right there with me.”

  A sexy moan vibrated through her chest as I started to move my fingers faster, and her breath quickened as I covered her with my mouth. The sound of her soft whimpers filled the room as I placed my hands on her thighs and held them in place while I continued to work her over with my mouth. Her taste had my cock throbbing with an uncontrollable need to be inside her, and when I couldn’t wait any longer, I quickly removed my boxers and settled myself between her legs. I placed my mouth close to her ear and whispered, “You’re mine, Kiersten... every inch of you.”

  Without saying a word, she pressed her lips to mine and kissed me with everything she had. We spent the better part of the morning in bed making love and talking, and we would’ve stayed longer if I didn’t need to get to the office and help out Braylon. After forcing myself out of bed, I took a shower, got dressed, and went on my way.

  I had my doubts about
spending weeks at a time at Langford Manor. Not only because of my involvement with Kiersten, but because I would be spending so much time away from the club. I quickly realized I had nothing to worry about. We were less than thirty minutes away from the clubhouse, close enough to get back for church and any other gatherings that might arise. And things with Kiersten were good—even better than I thought they could be.

  Over the past few days, Kiersten and I had fallen into a bit of a routine. She’d spend her days working on getting her product ready for distribution or doing schoolwork, while Lynch and I worked with Braylon to keep an eye on things. When the day was done, we’d meet up and spend our nights together.

  Lynch and I spent most of our mornings walking the perimeter of the Manor, making sure nothing seemed out of sorts. Once we were done, we’d head in to check in with Braylon. Most days, everything ran like clockwork, but on one particular afternoon, Braylon and I noticed one of the cameras on the outer perimeter was flaking out. Braylon pointed to the screen and said, “Looks like it might have a short in it. I’ll go check it out.”

  “I’ll do it.” Growing tired of being cooped up in the office, I would use just about any excuse to get out of there for a while. “Text me the coordinates, and I’ll see what’s going on.”

  “Okay, good idea.” He reached into his desk and grabbed a set of keys. As he tossed them over to me, he said, “Take the side-by-side. It’s out in the barn.”

  “Will do.”

  I took the keys and headed outside. Once I got to the barn, I opened the doors and made my way over to the side-by-side. I was just about to climb inside when I heard Kiersten ask, “You trying to escape?”


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