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Lycan Christmas

Page 11

by S. K. Yule

  She smiled as Rose sat next to her with a huge plate of food. Melony didn’t know how she stayed slim and trim, as she’d never seen such a fit woman eat as much as Rose did. Rose hadn’t let Knox change her yet, so it wasn’t due to her lycan metabolism. That was one thing mates could 90

  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  definitely look forward to: never having to watch what one ate again, because of an ultraspeedy metabolism.

  She couldn’t imagine being able to eat whatever she wanted whenever she wanted and not have to worry about gaining a pound.

  “It must be a bit overwhelming for you to have so many changes in your life in such a short time, and now Thanksgiving with all of us. Are you doing okay?” Rose forked some turkey into her mouth and chewed while she waited for Melony to answer.

  “Yes. It has been a little daunting at times, but as I’m sure you’ve noticed, I tend to look on the bright side of things and focus on the pros rather than the cons. Yes, my life has been uprooted, and I’ve learned about things I never thought could exist, but on the other hand, I have a family now and love my new home. How can I be unhappy with that?”

  Rose smiled. “I’m glad you are happy. It takes most people more time to adjust. I’m relieved to know you are adapting so well.”

  Melony felt like wiggling as Rose continued to watch her. She had a feeling Rose was contemplating asking her something, probably something that would make her uncomfortable. She tried to act as if she didn’t notice her aunt’s indecision, and continued to eat.

  “I was curious about something.” Rose set her fork down on the plate and leaned closer.

  Oh boy. Here it comes. Melony tried to figure out what Rose could possibly wonder about that seemed to make her hesitant to ask, but the only thing that came to mind was her mother’s accident. If that was it, she certainly didn’t want to think about it on Thanksgiving.

  “What is it, Aunt Rose?” Better to get it over with.

  “I could be wrong, and please forgive me if I am, but I get the feeling that there is some tension between you and Lorent.”

  Melony glanced over at Lorent where he stood by some of the other men, startled to find him watching her. She smiled, and he gave her a slight nod before turning his attention back to the group. She looked down at her plate when she remembered Rose was watching her. What was it she’d asked? Oh yeah, tension between her and Lorent. How was she supposed to 91

  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  answer that? “Tension” wasn’t exactly the word she’d use. “Smoldering,”

  “achy need to touch,” “hellfire hormones urging to slake every fantasy” were better descriptions of what she felt was between her and Lorent, but she wasn’t going to tell Rose that.

  “Um, I’m not really sure what you mean. We get along fine.”

  “Oh, yes. I didn’t mean that I thought you didn’t, but when I walked in on you two at the Learning Center, it seemed that maybe there was some, well, to be blunt, sexual tension between the two of you.”

  “Would that be a problem if there was?”

  Rose shook her head slowly. “Well, there are some potential problems that could arise, but not necessarily.”

  “You mean because I’m a destined mate?”

  “Something like that, although I have to say that I’ve never seen Lorent take interest in anyone like he has in you. I mean, good grief, have you seen the way Shannon comes on to him constantly? Her advances only seem to elicit discomfort from him, but you’re here one day, and he’s different with you. It’s just surprising.”

  “That he’d be interested in me?”

  “Oh, no, no. I didn’t mean that at all.” Rose reached out and squeezed one of Melony’s hands. “You are a beautiful young woman. Any single man who wasn’t interested in you would need his head checked. I simply meant that Lorent is different, and you seem to have a way with him.”

  “I’ll be honest. I am attracted to him, but I have reservations as well.”

  “Such as?” Rose asked before popping another bite of bread into her mouth.

  “What if I fall in love with him and his mate shows up? How am I supposed to let the man I love just walk away?”

  “Yes.” Rose chewed thoughtfully after taking another bite. “I can understand that,” she sighed.

  “Look, I think I’m the only one who has noticed that there is something between the two of you, and I understand your concerns, but I’m not sure you have anything to worry about where Lorent’s mate is concerned.”

  “What do you mean?” Melony frowned.


  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  Rose shrugged and smiled. “I don’t know. Woman’s intuition. I mean, if you two are into one another, I’m not sure it would do any harm to do some innocent exploration of those feelings. I’m not suggesting you two jump into anything like sex, but I think it might be good for both of you to at least become friends.”

  Before Melony could ask Rose to explain further what she was getting at, she patted her on the back and stood.

  “I need to go visit with my man for a while.” She bent and whispered in Melony’s ear, “I wouldn’t let any of the men know about your feelings for Lorent, not just yet anyway. In case you haven’t noticed, they tend to be a bit overprotective.”

  She watched Rose walk away in search of Knox and wondered exactly what she’d meant by the whole exploration thing, and why she didn’t seem concerned in the least about her and Lorent’s developing feelings for one another. She didn’t have time to consider it further because Shannon plopped down in the empty space beside her.

  “Hi, Melony. Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “Happy Thanksgiving.” Melony eyed Shannon, wondering why she was talking to her when she’d been avoiding her like the plague since the laundry ordeal. Maybe the holidays really were magical.

  “I have a favor to ask.”


  “What’s that?” Melony really didn’t want to ask, but was a firm believer in facing things head-on, especially potentially unpleasant things.

  “Well, I don’t know if you are aware, but I’m kind of into Lorent.”

  Melony barely stopped a snort from escaping, and bit her tongue to keep from telling Shannon that everyone at Sanctuary was aware. She was sure that Shannon didn’t want to talk about her feelings for Lorent, though. This wasn’t simply about a favor. This was an ambush of trying to find out information without looking snoopy, which might work on someone a bit less quick on the draw.



  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  “It’s just that you are taking lessons from him, and I was wondering if you could find out if he likes me or not?”

  Melony suddenly wanted to rip Shannon’s shiny hair out, which was just the reaction she thought Shannon was probably trying to goad from her.

  Instead she smiled, and took a calming breath, then frowned. Why the hell was she so defensive, even jealous, about Lorent? It wasn’t as if she owned him or had some kind of claim on him. Yet, the thought of him with Shannon made her want to do the girl serious bodily harm.

  “If you want to know if Lorent likes you or not, I think it would be best for you to ask him.” Melony took a bite of her turkey, but found she was quickly losing her appetite.

  “I don’t know. That seems a bit pushy.”

  “No. I think it seems grown-up. Having me ask him for you seems a bit pushy and high-schoolish, to be honest.”

  Shannon stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. Melony wanted to laugh.

  Did she not realize the pout had no effect on her? It might have worked in the past, maybe on men, probably on men, but she wasn’t moved by it in the least.

  Shannon raised her hands and huffed out an agitated breath. “Okay, okay. I’ll cut to the chase.”

  Melony almost choked on her food. “Oh. Please do, by all means.”

  “I want Lorent for myself, and I don’t like you hanging with him.”

  Was she serious? Was she ten? Melony put down her fork and turned to Shannon. “Look, Shannon. I’d really like it if we could become friends at some point in the future, but I’m going to be blunt because that’s just how I am. I really do not care if you like me hanging with Lorent or not. And I’m not hanging with him anyway. He’s teaching me self-defense and about the lycan race. Also, I have to tell you that if Lorent is as into you as you are him, not I, nor anyone else, could change his feelings for you.”

  “Don’t mess with me, Melony. I always get what I want.”

  Melony had had enough. She stood. “Good for you, but it’s time to play grown-up now. We aren’t children any longer. If you wish to have something with a man, it’s pretty essential that he feels something for you, and if he 94

  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  does, I can’t see that there would be anything that could stand between you two. Games and manipulation are not the way to get a man—maybe a way to entrap one. A relationship gained from deceit and lies will never last.”

  “Stay away from him.” Shannon smiled, and kept her voice calm and low.

  Melony wondered if Shannon would have remained so collected had they been alone. She figured her composure had more to do with not wanting to draw attention than from actual manners.

  “If Lorent wishes me to, I will. But until I hear it from him?” She shrugged. “Sorry. I really hope you have a happy Thanksgiving, Shannon.

  And I really hope that we can put all of this behind us one day and become friends.”

  Melony left before she said something she’d regret. She scraped her plate, set it in the sink, and vowed to go back for dessert after she cooled off.

  While she couldn’t pretend to like Shannon all that much, she did truly wish they could become friends. They were closest in age at Sanctuary, and Melony had always wanted a sister. She guessed if she viewed it from another perspective, she could understand how Shannon might see her as a threat. If Shannon had liked Lorent before Melony had come to Sanctuary, she could understand how the girl might be a bit jealous.

  Yet, if Shannon and Lorent had something serious, she didn’t understand why Shannon would feel jealous or threatened. If Melony ever fell in love, it would be with a man she trusted, and if she couldn’t trust her man to be around another attractive female, then he wasn’t the man for her.

  Adultery was not acceptable to her. She would never cheat on someone she’d pledged her heart to, and she expected no less in return.

  Still, how could Shannon be even a bit jealous of her? The girl had legs up to her neck, and was built like a supermodel. She shrugged as she walked over to the glass doors to look out the back. She couldn’t resist a peek outside and slipped through the door and out onto the deck, where the cold air instantly made her shiver. The storm was still in full swing, although at the moment the snow was falling slower. She wished she’d gotten her coat, but the beauty of the view was enough to make her brave the cold for a while longer. She could very easily envision living the rest of her life in this area.


  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  Lost in thought, she didn’t hear the door open behind her, and jumped when a warm throw dropped around her shoulders. She gasped and spun to find Lorent standing behind her.

  “Oh! You startled me.” She smiled, happy that her dark mood lightened considerably at the mere sight of him.

  “I’m sorry.” He looked out over the deck at the thickly treed land as she had been doing moments before.

  “It’s beautiful here.”

  “Yes, it is.” His low voice warmed her nearly as much as the throw he’d brought her.

  “Are you having a good time?” She watched him, not missing the way he flinched ever so slightly at the question.

  But just as quickly, his discomfort disappeared, and he grinned. Holy heck, the man was sinfully gorgeous. His white, even teeth stood out in the soft glow of the lights strung along the railing, and his black hair was tousled to perfection as usual. He was seriously a breathtaking man, and she longed for him to kiss her again.

  “I am. Are you?”

  “Yes. Well, I am now.”


  “I mean, I was before, but then not so much, but I am again.” She nibbled her lip as usual in awkward moments and then giggled. “I guess that didn’t make much sense.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No. Not really. I don’t want to think about it anymore actually.”

  “If you want to talk about it, I’m here.” He shrugged.

  “Thank you, but I think I’ll pass for now. I might take you up later on the offer, though.”


  “I wanted to ask you something, actually two somethings.” She pulled the throw tighter around her.

  “Okay.” He frowned, probably thinking she was going to ask him something personal.


  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  “I was wondering if you had decided to let me cut your hair? I could even come to your place if you prefer.”

  He stood still for several moments as if he was waging a silent war with himself before finally answering. “I could stand a trimming once a month.”

  He pushed his fingers through his hair.

  “I wasn’t implying that you needed a haircut. I like the tousled do you have, but everyone needs a trim here and there.”

  “I usually trim my own, but as you can see, I’m not very good at it.

  Fortunately, the bedhead look doesn’t require a straight cut anywhere.”

  “It looks fine, Lorent. You do a good job, but I’d be happy to do it for you so you didn’t have to mess with it yourself.” Not to mention the thought of getting her fingers on and in his hair was extremely appealing.

  He nodded. “You said you had somethings to ask me?”

  “Oh yeah. I was wondering if I could take you up on your offer to show me how to cook a few dishes? Maybe I could even trade my hair services for cooking lessons?”


  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  Chapter Thirteen

  What the hell had he gotten himself into? He had been dying to talk to Melony all night, but had kept his distance, worried about his ability to keep his hands off her. He’d followed her to the deck after he’d seen the exchange between her and Shannon. Shannon was starting to get on his nerves. He thought he’d made it plain that he wasn’t interested in anything other than friendship with her, but he guessed he’d have to start being a bit more assertive where she was concerned. He didn’t doubt for a moment that Shannon had said something snarky to Melony, and probably about him no less.

  Now he’d gone from keeping his distance and hands off her to agreeing to let her cut his hair and help her cook in two seconds flat. The thought of her running her fingers through his hair, over his scalp was enticing, to say the least. He could already imagine what it would be like when she washed his hair. Her hands would be like magic on him, would soothe him and make him burn at the same time.

  He’d go to her place for the cuts and cooking because he wasn’t sure he could handle the scent of her in his cabin. The smell of her in his home would more than likely drive him crazy. He couldn’t deny the thought of her at his place thrilled him to no end. He wanted her there, wanted her to feel comfortable there, wanted her to feel comfortable with him, but he doubted the depth of his control to keep his hands off her if she was in his cabin.

  Most of all he wanted her to want to be with him there, and he craved to have her in his bed. He couldn’t imagine what joy he’d feel waking up with her in his arms every morning, kissing her awake, making love to her slow and long or hard and fast, then showering and eating breakfast together at the start of each day. He’d even let that damn cat move in if it meant he could have Melony. Hell, he�
�d let her bring ten cats. In fact, he didn’t think there was much he wouldn’t let her do if she’d agree to be his, if she’d only love him.

  It still didn’t change that he was selfish for wanting such things from her when he wasn’t sure he’d be able to love her in return. But damned if he 98

  Lycan Christmas

  S. K. Yule

  could quit yearning for her, the one thing he should leave alone, the one person he should never risk hurting. She was beautiful inside and out, and he didn’t want to disappoint her.

  And even knowing all of that, right at this very moment, all he wanted to do was hold her, kiss her again. What he wouldn’t give to see her eyes shining with love only for him. His skin tingled, and his wolf clawed at the surface, howled to be freed to take its mate, but he couldn’t allow that. She wasn’t for him. Hell, she’d probably be appalled if she knew all the things he wanted from her already. She said she wanted to take things slow, and what he had in mind was not slow.


  “Yes. I’ll show you some dishes if you’d like, but you don’t have to do anything in return.”

  He couldn’t refuse after offering to help her, now could he? What would he say? Sorry, I can’t help you now because I don’t know if I can keep from throwing you to the floor, taking you from behind, and claiming you as my mate. Yeah, that’d go over well. Not.

  He was digging this hole deeper and deeper. The problem? He wasn’t for sure he wanted a way out any longer. He was losing the battle between the right thing, the thing he should do, and what he wanted to do. Wrong was quickly defeating him in the battle with right. Suddenly he had flashbacks from his days as a rogue. He’d chosen what was wrong every time whether by action or inaction. He’d been a failure. He was a grown man now, and he was going to do the decent thing, even if it killed him.

  “Where’d you go, Lorent?”

  Her soft voice brought him out of his thoughts and crashing back to reality. “Sorry. I guess I was daydreaming.”


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