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Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7)

Page 27

by Caris Roane

  Renee continued, To the pack, Kryder was evil personified. At some point or other, he hurt every Meldorin member. She turned to Natalie and the slight movement sent the mist of her form sliding sideways for a moment then reforming. So, why didn’t he kill the bastard?

  At that Natalie laughed. Why do you think?

  I know. He wouldn’t unless forced to. But he should have. Kryder will return, probably with an army.

  The words sent a chill down Natalie’s spine. She would have asked Renee what she meant or more importantly, what she knew, but the woman vanished.

  Natalie’s first thought was to look into the future, but she refused, at least for now. Renee’s prophesy had diminished her joy, but it didn’t mean she had to disrupt what was a powerful moment between Grant and his pack.

  Besides, seeing Kryder up to no good in the future was more than Natalie wanted to endure right now. There would be time enough for that moving forward.

  For now, she chose to celebrate that a significant event had occurred, one that Kryder couldn’t disrupt, not unless he wanted an entire pack of wolves to attack him and tear him to shreds. Nothing less would happen if the former alpha returned anytime soon to take revenge.

  As Natalie surveyed the wolves and felt the bond strengthening with each passing minute, she knew in her heart these wolves would do everything they could to protect their new alpha and the safety of the Meldorin Pack.

  Chapter Twelve

  Over the past several years, Grant had envisioned this moment a thousand times, of finally displacing Kryder and getting rid of him forever. Yet, he’d never truly imagined what forging the alpha-bond with his wolves would be like, would feel like.

  He felt as though he’d become the sun to their orbit with a dynamic gravitational pull that was centered on his heart. He would die for each and every one of the wolves present. They were his pack, his tribe, his people.

  In one sense, he’d been their alpha almost from day one of his arrival in Five Bridges, certainly from the time Renee passed. He’d protected a large number of them over the years, especially the young females that Kryder targeted. He’d taken beatings for his disobedience to his alpha.

  He savored making the connection with each of the wolves, whether a pat on the shoulder, a touching of foreheads, or a hug. He also made sure that he had physical contact with every wolf and didn’t stop until the bond felt secure and complete.

  A soft howling followed with a linking of arms and a gentle swaying of bodies. A lot of wolf-sign followed, with fur appearing on hands, cheeks and throats. Nothing could have been more beautiful in his eyes. This was what he’d sought for six long years, what he’d longed for and now it was here. He was alpha of the Meldorin Pack and would be for as long as he lived.

  Several of the wolves demanded a barbecue celebration in honor of the new pack leader. Grant had only one response. “Let’s do it, out in the open with a dozen bonfires and enough howling to bring down the heavens. I want all of Savage, all of Five Bridges to know that the monster is gone.”

  A cheer went up and the pack began to exit the gallery. Those in charge of the kitchens all but ran out of the arena.

  This night had been on Grant’s mind a long time and he had a dozen plans ready to put in place. One of them, he instituted immediately. With Ryan and the net-team nearby, he turned to them. “I want guards stationed at all the compound entrance points. Now. Kryder will be back probably with a major force he’s built at The Sapphire Club. I want the armory opened and weapons distributed.”

  “What about the celebration?” One of the team asked.

  “Everyone will be included, but we’ll rotate in and out at twenty-minute intervals. How does that sound?”

  His wolves grinned. Ryan responded, “Like exactly what needs to be done on all fronts.”

  Grant and Ryan had been drilling and training a security force, without Kryder’s knowledge, for years, with three separate teams to be exact. Both men and women served on the teams, ran drills in the sandpit and made use of a secret firing range.

  Over the same period of time, Ryan had amassed an arsenal which was where he went now. The team leaders, each of which had been on the net-team, headed in different directions to begin dispersing orders for the protection of the compound.

  Grant was now alone in the arena except for one other person.


  She stood patiently in the upper corner of the gallery seats off to his right.

  He hadn’t thought of her once during the time he’d bonded with his pack. He hadn’t meant to ignore her and felt distressed since she’d been instrumental in taking Kryder down. He couldn’t have done it without her. Yet right now, she was on the outside of his life. It didn’t seem right, but she didn’t belong to his pack either.

  Regardless, he would honor her contribution.

  Come to me. If you hadn’t helped, hadn’t been with me, what happened here tonight couldn’t have taken place.

  She smiled as she left the top row of seats and began moving toward him. His feet were in motion before he’d formed the thought.

  He lifted into levitated flight then swooped toward her. He felt nothing but overwhelming gratitude. He caught her up in his arms and twirled her in a circle above the gallery seats.

  Thank you. He repeated the words three times or maybe a dozen.

  When he felt able, he lowered her to the cement walkway to stand in front of her. He held her gaze for a long moment and valued the tears that sprang to her hazel eyes.

  He kissed her because it seemed right. “Thank you. Words aren’t enough to express all I feel, but I will be forever grateful to you for what you’ve done tonight. You’ve changed everything for me and for the Meldorin Pack wolves. Again, thank you.”

  She chuckled and swiped at her eyes. “I’ve never experienced anything so moving as the bonding I just witnessed. You’ve been their true alpha for a long time, haven’t you? You’ve protected them and organized the compound. You saved them.”

  “They mean everything to me.” He smiled suddenly. “Your wolf was with me, racing in circles around me while I battled. It gave me confidence that I could see this through.”

  She tilted her head slightly. “Did you really need the net? There at the end I wasn’t so sure it was necessary.”

  “It was. Even though I’d taken his shoulder apart. Kryder would have found a way, done something. I have no doubt of it.”

  Her expression grew troubled, her eyes taking on a pinched look. “Renee was here. She says Kryder will be back.”

  Grant nodded slowly. “I’ve already organized security teams for each entrance.”

  “You have?” She smiled suddenly. “Well, of course you have. You’ve seen this day coming for six years.”

  “That’s pretty much it.”

  Ryan appeared at the far-right entrance to the gallery. He flew toward them quickly. “I brought you some clothes.” He thrust a stack of leathers, boots, socks and a tank into his hands. “And I’m here to report.”

  Grant quickly donned the clothes while Ryan spoke. “The barbecues are fired up and the bonfires are being lit. Chef is defrosting a mountain of steaks and someone just ordered a vat of potato salad from the supermarket. More importantly, the beer is being hauled out from the compound storage fridge as we speak.” He glanced at Natalie, “You’re staying, right?”

  Natalie glanced at Grant. “I’m not sure. I know this is a special time for the pack, so if it would be better for me to leave, trust me I have no problem taking off.” She shifted her gaze to Ryan then back to him.

  Grant caught her elbow. “Do you want to leave?”

  “No. In fact, I was hoping to share in the moment, but it’s totally up to you. Whatever the pack needs right now is what matters.”

  Grant turned to Ryan. “What do you think?”

  Ryan laughed as he addressed Natalie. “Get your ass to the bonfires, lady. You’re not going anywhere. We could not have gotten this far without you
and if you think we’ll let you leave, well let’s just say over my dead body.”

  Fully dressed, Grant breathed a sigh of relief then extended his arm to Natalie. She moved in close and relaxed against him. “In that case, I’d better come.”

  Ryan led the way, though he walked at a rather sedate pace. Grant suspected he had a reason, so he didn’t try to suggest they get a move on. Instead, he took Natalie’s hand and gave himself some time to adjust to his new role.

  A sense of euphoria surrounded him and of well-being as though the universe was back on its proper axis. He was glad the celebration would be out in the open. He’d be able to see a star or two in the dark night sky above Phoenix.

  At least the pack would be outside, and his security force would keep watch in steady rotations. The compound was secure, allowing everyone to participate in the celebration.

  The gallery opened onto a long hall that led to the third level lockers and storage areas. A few wolves were moving large, rolling carts filled with chairs and long tables toward the equipment elevators. Each dipped his or her head as he moved by.

  Grant smiled in response. He hoped it would be a long time before the joy of the moment wore off.

  All he knew was that he meant to make the most of the next few hours, to howl, to dance, to shift, whatever he felt like doing as a way of expressing his thrill that Kryder could no longer afflict the Meldorin Pack.

  He squeezed Natalie’s hand and leaned down to her. “Care to dance later?”

  “You dance?”

  “Hell, yeah. It’s a wolf thing. We like to move.”

  She reached up and caressed his face then kept walking. “I’m in.”

  He dipped down again and planted a kiss on her lips. For a split second, he wanted to stop, haul her into his arms and kiss her properly, but he didn’t dare risk it. His skyrocket chemistry with the woman would have him all over her in the time it took to strip off his tank.

  I want to kiss you.

  Better not, she responded. The way I’m feeling, we’d embarrass ourselves. I don’t think you want to start your new term as alpha by getting caught with your leathers down, literally.

  No, I wouldn’t, but the picture you’ve painted isn’t helping.

  She laughed but said nothing more. For that, he was grateful.

  By the time they reached the eastern end of the compound and was walking up the stairs to the large, outdoor patio, he could smell the fires and the meat on the grill.

  As his stomach rumbled, he lifted his nose to catch every varied scent of the charring meat and burning wood. He’d always enjoyed the outdoors, though in his previous life he’d had his telescope mounted in a meadow somewhere on the Plains. As an alter wolf, he had dreams of the White Mountains of Arizona, shifting and running free.

  He’d build a campfire and race around it as some of the wolves were doing now.

  “It’s beautiful,” Natalie murmured.

  He glanced at her to catch her sightline. She, too, was watching the wolves around the fire. The next second, he saw her iridescent wolf leave her body or her spirit or however it worked, to join in the fun.

  He doubted any of the other wolves could see Natalie’s wolf, but he could, and he loved it.

  He squeezed her hand for about the tenth time and she responded with an answering pressure. No one paid their hand-holding any attention. Pack life had few secrets when it came to who was sleeping with whom. By now, his romantic, even his sexual involvement with Natalie would be well known.

  Besides, even if he’d felt uncomfortable, he wasn’t sure he could have released her hand if he’d wanted to. Though he’d marked Natalie, there were far too many powerful beta wolves around, with a hungry eye, for him to do anything but keep Natalie pinned to his side.

  He had no real claim on her, not yet and maybe not for the long haul. But tonight, she was his.

  The second security shift headed out to relieve the first shift. They were cheered by the rest of the pack.

  Grant felt a measure of pride in seeing them go then in witnessing the others return to help themselves to steak, potato salad and beer.

  Somebody got up a howl and pretty soon the whole pack was crying into the night. He couldn’t help but join them and watched as Natalie’s wolf threw back her head and let loose as well.

  He released her hand only to slide his arm around her waist. She leaned her head against his chest. He swore nothing had ever felt better in his life than having her close to him as he howled at the stars.

  He made sure Natalie’s steak was cooked a little better than the blood-rare he preferred. A couple of new pack members waited on them. They brought cutlery and bottles of beer. Natalie ate quietly, but her right hand found his thigh often. She kept squeezing the inside of his leg and his leathers kept shrinking. He wanted her touch, her lips, her body.

  The need kept mounting like a call within his soul.

  After an hour had passed and his stomach was full, after he’d shifted twice and joined Natalie’s wolf by racing around the fire, after he’d howled about dozen more times, he coaxed Natalie away from the crowd.

  I have to be alone with you. Now.

  Thank God, she responded. I’m in agony.

  He led her down two flights to his room but found one of the female wolves blocking his way. She smiled, though. “We’ve moved you to a suite we’ve had prepared for you for the last two years. Kryder never knew about it.”

  He was stunned. “I had no idea and I thought I knew everything that went on around here.”

  “It was Ryan’s idea. Only a handful of us knew. He said we should keep it quiet, that it might be best. If you’ll follow me.”

  Grant had been all over the compound dozens of time. When he arrived at his new domicile, he understood and could only laugh.

  It was the door he’d wondered about earlier which had a sign on it that said ‘Supplies’.

  The wolf opened the door then stood aside. “We didn’t think you would want Kryder’s former quarters.”

  “No. I wouldn’t.” He felt his jaw stiffen. Kryder had tortured and raped women, as well as a few men, in his lavish suite of rooms. Grant wasn’t sure what he would do with the rooms though his first inclination was to brick up the entrance and never let anyone use it again. He wasn’t even certain that a witch’s spell could cleanse away the evil that had been done in there.

  He was grateful Ryan had had the foresight to set aside a completely different room for him.

  Natalie walked in and said, “It’s exactly what I thought your quarters would be.”

  As soon as he saw what the wolves had accomplished, in secret, he was completely bowled over. The original block walls had disappeared, and the space had been expanded to an enormous suite. The walls were now made of a variety of stones, from smooth river rock, to slabs of polished granite, to one section of massive boulders that formed a pillar around which a stone path had been laid. There was the usual furniture, couches, chairs, tables and lamps. Mostly, it was a wolf’s place.

  The female wolf entered behind him and directed him to an opening on the right. “We had an office set up in here along with a long conference table and a bathroom.” She smiled. “Ryan said the wolves would often get irritable because of the close quarters in your room.”

  He smiled. “We managed.” But he recalled the numerous arguments and unresolved conflicts because of the lack of space.

  She gestured the opposite direction. “Your bedroom is at the far end, with an en suite bathroom. We also set up a library for your astronomy books and telescope. Please let us know if you need any modifications. Also, if you would prefer to appropriate any of the rooms in the compound for your use, you know the wolves will happily give them up for you. We…” She swallowed hard. “Alpha, we would die for you. We…that is…I can’t thank you enough. It was your intervention that saved me.”

  He glanced at her, surprised. “When was this?” He had no recollection of it.

  Her laugh wa
s watery as she sniffed. “You’ve helped so many of us so many times I’m not surprised you don’t remember. But it was almost six years ago, not long after your wife passed. I was new to the pack and Kryder was after me. I’d heard the rumors. You arrived just as he was shoving me into his rooms. You pulled me out and told me to find Ryan. Alpha Grant, you almost died that night because of the beating he gave you.”

  He remembered now. He went to her and took her hand in his. “I would do it again.”

  Her smiled broadened though her eyes filled with new tears. “I know you would. These rooms were the least I, that is we, could do. There were a dozen of us that worked on the rooms over the years. We prayed as well that you would survive and that somehow, you’d be able to defeat Kryder. Tonight, you did. Again, this is the least we could do for you.”

  “Please tell your team thank you for this. I won’t forget it.”

  She nodded briskly then slapped her thighs. “There’s champagne in the fridge. Help yourself.” She went to the door and extended her hand to an intercom on the wall. “This leads directly to the kitchens. If you need anything, you have only to press the button.”

  She didn’t wait for him to respond. She disappeared through the door then closed it firmly behind her. Instinctively, he crossed to the same door and slid the deadbolt in place. Though Kryder was gone, it would be a long time before the pack would truly be safe.

  When he turned around, he saw that Natalie had crossed to the towering pile of boulders. She touched the nearest one and ran her hand over the rough surface. “Why do I love this as much as I do?”

  He joined her. “It’s fierce. Raw. What your wolf craves. Definitely, what mine does. This feels like a forest, something I long for and not just the pines in the center of Savage.”

  “This space is amazing. But what I’d really like to see is the bedroom.”

  He slid his arm around her waist. “I’ve been thinking of little else for the past hour.”


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