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Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7)

Page 31

by Caris Roane

  Salty tears burned Grant’s eyes then ran down his cheeks. Every word spoke to the deepest place of his heart, the place he’d shut down for six long years. His chest rose and fell. Still, he couldn’t respond. He wouldn’t risk it.

  Grant, I know Kryder has you and that you’re chained up. Please let me help. Together, we can do this. Without each other, isn’t it possible we both die?

  Her words disrupted his thinking like a poker to a burned-down fire. Flames of new thought erupted. If he didn’t make it out of this dungeon, what would happen to Natalie?

  The answer was simple: Kryder would find some way to get to her, even if she never left Agnes’s compound. He’d wanted her from the beginning. He’d already stated his purpose of one day, no matter what it took, possessing her.

  A nearby scream intruded. A woman was being hurt in the next room. He heard the woman say, “I’ve lost him. I can’t see him. You have to believe me, Alpha Kryder.”

  “You need another boost of sapphire flame.” Muffled orders followed.

  “No, please don’t. I’ll try without it. I will. I’ll try hard.”

  “Too late.”

  A moan followed. Grant suspected the woman in the next room was the fae Kryder used to keep tabs on him and on Natalie in the future.

  If Natalie was here, he knew exactly what she’d say. She’d move heaven and earth to get the woman out of Kryder’s hellhole.

  Though his lips were torn and bleeding, a smile began to form. He didn’t give a shit about the pain. Joy had started flooding his heart and sending streams of feel-good everywhere.

  His woman was game, courageous and big-hearted. She would never say die, never give up, never stop until her fae sister was safe in Kiara’s refuge. She shared his mind, how he viewed his role in their world, what he believed should be done to set things right in Five Bridges.

  She was the woman for him.

  Grant reached out to Natalie and felt a rush of relief flowing toward him. Hey, beautiful. I’m here. I was a fool to let you go as I did. I pretended I was worried for your safety. But the truth was I was scared out of my mind of loving you with the strong possibility I could lose you.

  But I do love you, with all my heart, with every ripped up, torn up, uneven part of my being. Will you have me, my beautiful fae? Will you marry me?

  He heard a telepathic gasp, then a chuckle. Hell, yeah, I will. Now how about you build a dreamglide and get your ass over to my studio.

  He glanced down at the cuts, bruises and seeping wounds. I look like hell.

  Just come because I’ve got a plan.

  Of course, you do. His smile broadened.

  Just get over here and don’t worry how you look because I suspect I’ll need to get used to it.

  As Grant continued to smile, he tasted a whole lot of blood but didn’t give a damn. He closed his eyes and focused on putting a dreamglide together.

  Given what he felt for Natalie, it took less than ten seconds. The only problem was, he was still strung up in chains in both places. He’d wondered if it would be different in the dreamglide. Apparently not, when it came to a whole lot of iron links slung over a fat hook.

  Despite that he was bound, he made a mental picture of Natalie’s Revel studio and put the dreamglide in motion. He found her seated in her winged chair, very relaxed, and hovered several feet above her.

  I can sense you’ve arrived, she said.

  I am, he said. Brace yourself because I’m still bound.

  I’m ready.

  With his mind, he focused on her and an instant later, she was in front of him.

  “Hey,” she said. Her eyes shone with a warm light that pierced his heart. He saw her love for him and it ignited his own.

  “I want to hold you.”

  She drew close but didn’t embrace him. “I don’t want to hurt you otherwise I’d sling my arms around your neck and never let go. But let me see what I can do.” She saw the cuts on his lips, the bruises on his face, the gash on his jaw.

  She put her finger next to his nose. “Does that hurt?”

  “Not a bit.”

  “Good.” She leaned up and gently placed her lips on the uninjured spot and kissed him.

  Nothing had ever felt so good in his entire life.

  When she drew back, she smiled, but it was mischievous. “I have one word for you. Sand.”


  “Yes. Take me back to that beach because I think I now how to get you out of Kryder’s dungeon.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Natalie watched Grant raise his brows. She could see he was in pain, but just like that, the dreamglide began to move and swept in a large arc to head in a northwesterly direction. It moved faster and faster until she was sure they were approaching light speed.

  She laughed when he overshot the beach by at least ten miles and had to swing back to the place where they’d made love.

  He was still hanging in manacles and chains when they arrived. But as they touched down, she quickly took her shoes off to the feel the sand between her toes.

  “So, what do you have in mind?”

  He was frowning but at least most of his wounds had stopped oozing.

  “Feel the sand?” He wore only his leathers, and these were torn to shreds.

  “Yes. I can.”

  “Grant, I know this may sound crazy, but I think you can bring us here, our corporeal bodies. We are real in both places.”

  He stared at her for a long moment. “You mean, I would no longer be hanging on a hook in Kryder’s basement.”

  “And I wouldn’t be in my studio. We would be here. In the sand.”

  “Illegally.” He looked around. “As alters, if we’re caught…”

  “Really? That bothers you? Right now?”

  He chuckled then moaned and turned his head to the side. “That hurt. Don’t make me laugh.”

  “I won’t make any such promise. Just give it a shot. Bring us both here. Now.”

  “Do you know how much I like you?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Get on with it before Kryder comes back and we lose our dreamglide.”

  He shifted his gaze away from her and began to focus. She remained standing in front of him in case she was needed, though for what or in what way, she couldn’t imagine. Dreamglides were his specialty.

  For a moment, as he concentrated, she felt an interesting vibration, then nothing.

  When he met her gaze again, he said, “I have no idea if I can do this. Or how.” He jerked his head suddenly. “Kryder’s coming back. The fae is sobbing.”

  “What fae?”

  “I’ll tell you later. Does your wolf have any ideas? We’re running out of time.”

  Right. Her wolf.

  She released her wolf quickly and it began racing in circles around them both. She could feel the wolf’s panic which caused Natalie’s heartrate to shoot through the top of her head. “My wolf’s saying, ‘hurry up’.”

  “Fuck.” He drew a deep breath and closed his eyes.

  Her own thoughts went heavenward as the seconds ticked along. Renee, if you can help, I’d sure appreciate it. But there was no response.

  She had no heart to reach into the future.

  Grant’s voice broke into her mind. Grab my waist. I think we have to do this together.

  She didn’t hesitate as she gripped the sides of his waist avoiding the deep gashes where Kryder’s fangs had torn into him. Tell me what to do.

  Just hold on.

  I can do that.

  The vibration she’d felt before began to rumble. A new wound appeared on Grant’s shoulder. Kryder was hurting him. Hold on, Grant. You can do this. Hold on. Bring us here. Do it now.

  He gritted his teeth and suddenly it was as though a wind blew them hard from the east. She fell over and he landed on top of her.

  He pushed up with his hands at his sides then rolled onto his back. “Jesus. I’m too late.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant at first, until she saw the nature
of his wound. It was deep in his shoulder and pulsing hard.

  She took off her shirt and shifted to kneel beside him. She planted the shirt against the wound putting pressure on with both hands.

  “Grant, look at me.” He was very pale and sweating.

  He shifted his head. “Too late. I love you.”

  She growled at him. “Like hell you’re leaving me now. Build another damn dreamglide and get us the hell back to the Revel refuge. Now, dammit!”

  He jerked his head and within seconds they were rising into the air.

  “You’re doing great. Keep this thing moving. I’ve got your shoulder. I’ve stopped the bleeding.” The last bit was a lie, but she’d staunched it just enough. “I’m contacting the refuge to let them know we’re coming.”

  He nodded. He was breathing hard. “I’ll get you there. I will.”

  The dreamglide sped through the night, not nearly as fast as the trip out.

  Natalie kept tapping on telepathic frequencies at the refuge until she found one powerful enough to talk mind-to-mind. She let them know the danger Grant was in and that they would need to be waiting by the doors if he was to have a chance.

  The doctor will be outside. We’ll have a gurney ready.

  Thank you.

  When the dreamglide began to falter, she shouted, “Come back here and fly this thing right!”

  “Shit.” Grant jerked his head around and the dreamglide began to soar again.

  She spoke in a loud voice. “Look at me. Let’s talk. What do you think Kryder’s doing right now?”

  Sweat poured down his pale face. His lips moved but he couldn’t talk. She said, “I’ll bet he’s shitting his leathers trying to figure out where you went.”

  His chest jerked like he was laughing.

  She glanced down. “I see the Colorado River.” She met his gaze once more. “Keep us upright. We’re almost home.”

  He nodded. Was there anything else she could do.

  “Did you know I sing? I’m a great singer.” She started a rendition of America, the Beautiful and croaked her way through it.

  He had an odd light in his eye as she sang, but she saw his ferocity of concentration, that quality he had in abundance.

  “We’re crossing the White Tank Mountains. Almost home. About ten more seconds. Hold on, Grant.”

  His chin shook. The shirt balled up beneath her hands was soaked through. “We’re almost there.”

  She knew he had the picture of the refuge in his mind, since he was flat on his back. But his navigation was spot on.

  She talked him through the last few hundred yards. “I can see the emergency room. Slow down. That’s it. Ease us down. You got it. That’s it. Straight down now.”

  She felt his body touch the asphalt, but they were still in the dreamglide.

  “Grant, release the dreamglide.”

  The dreamglide disappeared, they became visible and the ER team rushed toward them, including Emma.

  Grant had passed out and was white as Renee’s mist.

  Tears flowed down her cheeks as she followed the gurney and crew into the ER. One of the nurses brought her a fresh shirt, which she donned quickly.

  “I haven’t got a pulse.”

  “Let’s move it people.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Grant floated toward the Milky Way. It was different this time. The stars remained fixed and his body was in a quiet place of nothingness. He’d never felt so peaceful.

  I like your woman, Grant.

  He turned his head and saw that his wife was with him. She had mist for a body, but she was in full color with her long blond hair and large, striking blue eyes.

  He smiled at her. I remember now why I fell in love with you. You were beautiful, yes, but there was always this look in your eye like you could conquer the world.

  She smiled. And I fell in love with you because you loved the stars.

  He shifted his gaze back to the Milky Way. Is there anything more extraordinary in this world? We’re looking at the edge of the galaxy. Imagine that.

  I know something more incredible.

  He shifted once more to look at her. What? He would have chuckled, but his body didn’t seem to have that capacity.

  The way you and Natalie work together. In three nights, you’ve become a well-oiled machine. Don’t you think you should go back to her?

  When had he left her? He would have frowned if he could have. Why was he out here floating in space? Right.

  I died.

  You did, but they’re working on you at the ER. Looks like you have a choice to make.

  Grant had never been faced with a decision like this before. He loved the sensation of peace he felt, like it was a deep call on his soul to return home, his spiritual home, his truest origin.

  I don’t want to go back.

  This time, Renee smiled. None of us do.

  Wait, did you have a choice?

  She shook her head and the mist moved oddly distorting her face, then reforming. No. I was too far gone. But you’re not.

  No word from On High?

  You mean as in direct orders for you to return?


  Once more she shook her head. Sorry, this one is completely on you. There’s no judgment either. Trust me in that. There’s no right or wrong answer here.

  Grant shifted his gaze once more to the Milky Way. He thought about Natalie and about the Meldorin Pack. Had he done his job? Was he finished?

  Maybe those weren’t the right questions. He thought of better ones. Why should he return to Savage? Would it be so that he could make a difference?

  Grant if you can hear me, please come back. Natalie’s voice this time. To Renee, he said, Natalie just called to me.

  Renee whistled, or pretended to. The mist swirled around her lips then settled back down. Your woman has power. But don’t worry, she’ll be fine if you leave her. She’s very strong. She’s changed, too. She’s going to be interesting to watch and I hope I get to. Her gaze shifted as though she was looking down. Well, would you look at that.

  Grant shifted his position to match Renee’s so that he stood beside her. Now he was looking down at himself on the ER bed. Natalie was standing over him. You sonofabitch, get your ass back here. I’m not half-done making love with you and we still have Kryder to take care of. My guess is he’s beating the shit out of his fae-slave. We need to go get her then we need to fry Kryder’s ass and no messing around or playing nice this time.

  Natalie had her hands on his face and was shouting at him telepathically.

  His face was fully white, he had an IV in each arm, but no one was working on him. No CPR, no oxygen, nothing. Even Emma stood back. The witch had tears flowing down her cheeks.

  Grant, this is a warning. If you don’t come back, the second I die, I’m coming for you with both barrels blazing. I need you here, dammit. All of you. I want a life with you for years and years. But I want it fully bonded with your damn teeth holding the back of my neck.

  His teeth in her neck. Something inside him shuddered with intense longing.

  He made the decision without one more thought and practically dove within his body.

  ~ ~ ~

  Natalie heard the machine blip a heartbeat at the same time she felt Grant return to his body. His lungs filled with sudden air.

  Murmurs flowed around the room and Emma resumed her healing magic with her hands on top of his head.

  Because Natalie was still holding his face, she felt all of these things, including the waves of healing. Still, she didn’t let go. She wouldn’t, not until she saw the gold-green of his eyes.

  A minute passed, then another.

  Finally, his eyelids began to shift about.

  Love surged. More tears scalded her cheeks.

  When at last he opened his eyes, she saw that same otherworldly look he’d had just before they landed outside the emergency room. I saw the Milky Way. It was so beautiful. Peaceful. Then I saw Renee.

  Natalie gasped
. You did?

  She told me I had a choice.

  Guilt suddenly struck her hard. I called you back, but maybe I shouldn’t have. You could have stayed on the other side.

  He blinked several times but didn’t respond right away. His wounds had begun closing up fast now.

  Take my hand, he said.

  She finally slid her palms from his face and shifted to take his hand in hers. I wanted you safe.

  Slowly, and with what to her seemed like tremendous effort, he lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed each one.

  He pressed their joined hands to his chest. “I love you, Natalie.” Several heartfelt sighs traveled the group. “In the end, there was no real decision. I would have moved heaven and earth to get back to you. It just took me a while to realize what was going on.”

  Despite his words and that color was returning to his cheeks, she gripped his hand hard afraid that he would leave again. There was so much she wanted to say, but not right now, not in front of so many people.

  The doctor called out. “Let’s give them some privacy. Emma, please stay and keep doing what you’re doing.”

  Natalie hadn’t realized just how many of the staff had gathered in the small space. By now, everyone knew Kryder had abducted and tortured him.

  When only the three of them remained in the bay, she spoke aloud, “Do you want me to contact Ryan and let him know what’s going on?”

  “I can do that.” He squeezed her fingers. “Give me a minute.”

  He closed his eyes but kept her hand in his.

  The conversation lasted several minutes, during which time the pressure of his fingers on hers, sometimes taut, sometimes more relaxed no doubt reflected the flow of the conversation.

  When he was done, he sighed then opened his eyes once more. “Ryan is in shock both by the fact Kryder had gotten into the compound unseen and by how you got me out of his dungeon.”

  “You did the heavy-lifting.”

  “I suppose I did. But Natalie, thank you for getting us back here and for once again saving my life. When I was talking to Renee, I know she wanted me to return to you, but made it clear it was my choice and there would be no judgment, whether I remained in the afterlife or returned. I’m meant to be here and to be with you. That’s what I know for sure.”


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