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Rock the Band

Page 2

by Michelle A. Valentine

  Lane giggled, and I kissed her lips.

  “I heard that! Just so you know, I don’t get any complaints when it comes to how I lay the pipe,” Trip retorted.

  Riff nudged his boot into Trip’s back. “It doesn’t count when you pay them.”

  “Jesus! For the last time I didn’t know she was a fucking hooker until afterwards. I should’ve never told you guys.”

  Tyke snorted next to him. “We would’ve wondered where the love of your life ran off to eventually. You had to either tell us, or go broke in order to keep her around.”

  I laughed, grabbed Lane’s hand and led her off Big Bertha. Those guys were complete idiots, but I loved them. With my mom and dad out of the picture, they were the only real family I’d known for the past four years. We shared a bond that even I couldn’t really describe. A brotherhood was the closest thing I could come up with.

  The minute Lane and I stepped onto the concrete, I threaded my fingers through hers. I gazed down at her and smiled. She wrapped her free hand around my forearm and leaned into me as we walked toward Kyle, the new bodyguard I hired to replace Mike.

  Kyle seemed cool enough. He was a built dude, maybe even a little bigger than Mike, and he had this vibe about him, like he was ready at any moment to rip someone’s head off if the situation called for it. The female fans seemed to dig him, too. They all tried to touch his shoulder-length, brown hair, but he didn’t let their attention affect him too much. In the short time I’d known Kyle, one of the very first things I learned about him was the fact he was in a serious relationship with a girl named Emily—a girl who meant a lot to him. Immediately, I respected him.

  Kyle opened the door to the Escalade and took Lane’s bag from me. “You guys ready to get off that bus for a while?”

  Lane sighed next to me. “Yes. I can’t wait to see Noel’s house.”

  Kyle crunched his brow as he opened the back of the SUV and shoved the suitcase inside. “You’ve never been there before? I thought you guys have been together since high school?”

  I opened the door for Lane.

  “We were together all through high school, but then took a bit of a break. Technically, we just got back together,” Lane told him without a stutter before she hopped into the vehicle.

  Her delicate phrasing of our time apart was sweet. It was as if my past didn’t bother her, and that shocked me. She was so forgiving and understanding. Even though we weren’t together when I was fucking around with all those other women, I still felt guilty, like I wronged her by doing that in some way. She really was too good for me. I prayed to God that she never asked me how many women I slept with since her, because I really didn’t know.

  I dabbled in a little in drugs over the years until Riff forced my ass into rehab a few months back. My life during that time period was a complete fucking mess. Half of it I don’t remember, which is why it was so easy for Sophie to pin shit on me. I got clean just in time for Lane to walk back into my life. If I would’ve been strung out when we met back up, she would’ve never given me another shot.

  I slid in next to Lane and rested my left hand on the bare skin of her thigh. I loved it when she wore jean shorts like this. The tips of my fingers drifted onto her inner leg, and I quickly moved it as I felt my dick jerk in my pants. An hour ride with a boner would not be fun. I would be tearing her clothes off the minute we were alone if it stayed that way. I threaded my fingers through hers and thought about getting to my place and showing her the dock. I was excited for her to see it.

  I knew it was selfish and even demanding on my part, but I hoped once she saw it, she’d want to stay with me. That she would forget about her original plan to move to Texas with her mom and look for another marketing job. I needed her with me. I didn’t realize how much I needed her until I had her back and then lost her again.

  Kyle hopped into the driver’s seat and slammed the door. I rattled off my address as he tapped it into the GPS before he put the motor into drive.

  Butterflies thrashed around in my stomach. It was only a matter of time now until I had Lane all to myself, and I could start phase one of my plan to make her mine forever.

  “You going home for the week, Kyle?” Lane asked a few minutes into our trip.

  Kyle nodded. “Yeah, I have a flight scheduled in the morning. I miss my Emily like crazy. I can’t wait to get home and surprise her for a couple days. Being on the road away from her is harder than I thought.”

  I sighed. I knew after this week I was going to be feeling the exact same way. I gave Lane’s hand a little squeeze and she turned her face towards me. She bit her lip as I regarded the look in her eyes. The same thing was on her mind. I could tell because her eyes always gave her thoughts away. I reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear with my free hand. The tips of my fingers lingered on her face.

  Lane leaned in and kissed my lips before she whispered, “I love you.”

  I tipped my head and placed my forehead against hers. “Forever.”

  We made small talk with Kyle the rest of the way to my place. About thirty minutes into the drive, Lane and Kyle both kept commenting about how dark it was in the middle of the Kentucky woods. I admit it could be pretty unnerving until you grew accustomed to being in the country. The band’s agent hated that we lived out here. It was away from everything, including commonly used amenities. The best we could get was satellite internet and cable. And cell service, forget it, which was one of the major reasons I loved living out here. I could really get away from everything.

  “Around the curve on the left is my driveway. You’ll see the gate,” I instructed Kyle.

  We turned into the drive and Lane sat up straighter in her seat. “I can’t wait to see your house.”

  I gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. “And I can’t wait to show it to you.”

  Relief flooded me the minute my modest, log cabin with a lone porch light came into view. Everything still looked the same, but in the darkness, it was hard to tell. I was always taking a chance when I left the house unattended while I was on tour. Someone could rob me blind and I might not find out until months later when I came back. Everyone said I needed a security system, but way out here, I didn’t think I needed it.

  It was good to be home. This was the one place I could get away from my life—the one place where I felt normal. Before Lane came back to me, I felt like a piece of meat. Fans, especially the female variety, always wanted a piece of me, and they shamelessly used me for my fame.

  I had been looking for a love to replace Lane’s—to get her out of my head and heart, but I couldn’t find anyone that ever compared to her. The women never wanted me, not really. They wanted a rock star, and most of the time they could care less if it was Riff or me they ended up sleeping with. People always called men dogs, but in reality, women were just as bad.

  Kyle pulled up next to the house and cut the engine. “Wow, man. This place is secluded.”

  I chuckled as I opened the door. “Just the way I like it.”

  Kyle headed toward the trunk as I helped Lane out. “I could never live out here like this.”

  He stacked our luggage on the front porch. “After the crazy life I live most of the time, I love being away from it all.”

  Lane fixed her hands on her hips as she peered around her surroundings. “Well, I like it.”

  I raised my brow. “You do?”

  She nodded before she turned and threw her arms around my neck. “It’s peaceful and a nice change from the bus.”

  My hands slid around her waist, and I drew her into me. Her chest pushed against mine as I leaned down and kissed her sweet lips. “You mean you won’t miss living in cramped corners with a bunch of drunk assholes?”

  She giggled in my arms and shook her head. “They aren’t so bad, but I am looking forward to some alone time with you.”

  A grin spread across my face. “Be ready, babe. Right now starts an entire week of just you and me. Speaking of which…Kyle, we’re good here, man. You
can head back.”

  Kyle shut the doors on the Escalade and pulled the keys from his pocket. “All right, then. I’ll be back on Tuesday morning to pick you guys up.”

  Lane rested her cheek against my chest and placed her hand on my chest. “Be careful driving back.”

  Together we watched as Kyle drove away. The minute his taillights were out of sight, I scooped Lane into my arms.

  She tossed her head back and laughed as I carried her towards the front door. “Aren’t you Mr. Romance?”

  The warmth of her body against mine stirred every nerve within my body. I didn’t think I was ever going to get enough of this woman. After I stepped onto the porch, I tipped her up, and she planted both feet onto the ground. Lane wrapped her arms around herself and shook a little from the slight nip in the night air as I lifted the welcome mat to retrieve the key to let us inside.

  She twisted her lips. “Really? Who knew mega-famous rocker, Noel Falcon, keeps a hide-a-key.”

  I chuckled and unlocked the front door. “The hiding place stays between us.”

  Before she could quip with another smart-ass remark, I lifted her back into my arms and carried her through the door.

  She shook her head. “Noel, you’re such an idiot. This is a tradition for newlyweds.”

  I shrugged. “Practice makes perfect.”

  After a quick peck, I set her down again and flicked on the lights. Relief flooded me. The entire place was just as I had left it. Hardwood floors throughout the cabin gleamed against the glow of the recessed lighting. The great room was clean and orderly, with each of my pillows still perfectly placed on my black-leather sofa.

  Lane rubbed her hands together as he took in the layout of the room, and I closed us inside. “Do you have a housekeeper?”

  I bit my bottom lip as I pulled her into me again. It was nearly impossible to keep my hands to myself around her. “Nope.”

  She scrunched her nose, and it was so fucking cute. I stretched my finger up and tapped it.

  “You don’t think I’m capable of keeping a clean house?” Her hair trailed down her back and I caught a strand of it and wrapped it around my finger.

  She licked her lips and peered into my eyes. “I didn’t know that was one of your many skills.”

  Holy hell. A naughty glint twinkled in her eyes. She was going to kill me if we kept going at this pace. Not that I was complaining. Death by sex—it would be the best fucking way to die. But, three or four times a day would definitely have me addicted to making love to her. How would I ever get anything else done? I still needed to be a functioning human being.

  I grabbed the waistband of her jeans and yanked her flush against my body. “I’ve got enough skills to keep you surprised and satisfied for a lifetime.”

  She grabbed fistfuls of my hair and yanked my mouth down to hers. The warmth of her mouth sent a signal below my belt that it was time for action. Our tongues danced together while I slid my hand under her shirt. The silk of her bra was all that separated my hand from her perfect skin. I dipped my fingers inside the cup and shoved it underneath her breast. The nipple became rigid beneath my hand, and I squeezed it roughly, causing my cock to jerk hard inside my jeans.

  I shoved her tank top up and bent down to take one of those perfect nipples into my mouth. She moaned and ran her fingers through my hair. And damn, if that didn’t get me even more excited.

  Her skin blazed beneath my lips as I kissed a trail up her chest to her lips. All of my fingers found their way into her hair as I plunged my tongue into her mouth. The fabric of my red t-shirt strained against my skin as she yanked a handful in her fists. This side of Lane turned me on more than anything. The way it seemed she couldn’t get enough of me thrilled me because it mimicked the exact feeling I had for her.

  I walked her backwards towards my couch, and when the back of her knees hit it, I laid her down.

  I tore my shirt off my body, anxious to have the feel of her skin against every inch of me. Lane panted while peering up at me through sex-hazed eyes as I stood over her. There was nothing sexier than a woman in need of a good fucking, and right now, Lane was the sexiest fucking thing I’d ever seen.

  That was the last coherent thought that flowed through my brain before I made quick work of tearing off her clothes to give her just what she needed.

  Chapter 3

  A soft snore was the only sound bouncing around the four familiar walls of my loft bedroom. Lane’s head rested against my chest while she curled her fingers into a loose fist on my stomach. I played with a strand of her hair between my fingers as my eyes roamed over every inch of her exposed olive-toned skin. The fact she was comfortable enough to sleep practically right on top of me made me grin like an idiot. She was truly my soul mate. It was practically like we were the same person.

  I wasn’t sure how long I laid there and stared at her perfection, but it was long enough that the sun rose a little higher and struck my bed at the perfect angle to shine right on us.

  My God, she really looked like a fucking angel. I still had a hard time believing she came back to me. She’s really too good to be mine.

  Lane stirred a little in my arms, and I rubbed the bare skin of her shoulders with the pads of my fingers. “Good morning, sleepy-head. Do you want breakfast?”

  She snuggled tighter into me and giggled. “Mom’s not here to supervise your pancake flipping skills this time.”

  “Hey.” I nudged her a little. “I resent that. I’ll have you know I’ve mastered the perfect pancake now.”

  She sat up and pulled the quilt around her chest before swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

  The bed suddenly felt colder without her in it. “Where are you going? Come back.”

  She shook her head. “Oh, no. I have to see the master of pancake making in action.”

  I sat up in bed and pulled her back against my chest. I kissed the soft skin on her neck while I inhaled the scent of her fruity shampoo mixed with her perfume. “Are you sure you don’t want to come back to bed?”

  I continued to tease her and allowed my lips to linger at the pressure point just below her ear. She cocked her head to the side, giving me better access, while she squirmed against me. This newly found little area seemed to be the spot of her undoing. Every time I went for it, she went a little crazy, which in turn, excited me even more.

  “Please come back to bed?” I whispered roughly, as I ran my hands up her sides before reaching around and slipping her breast into my palms. “Please?”

  I knew it seemed crazy to crave someone so much, but I couldn’t help it. I was fucking addicted to her.

  “Noel…” The way she said my name made me bite the inside of my lower lip. It was rough and slightly breathless. I knew she wouldn’t be resisting me too much longer. She enjoyed sex just as much as I did. Hell, she liked it so much she forgot to eat half the time.

  “Come on. A morning quickie, then I promise to keep my hands to myself until tonight.”

  She whipped her head towards me and raised an eyebrow. “You? Keep your hands to yourself? Sounds like an easy bet I’d be able to win.”

  A grin tugged at my lips. She was right. I probably wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her completely, but I’d be damned if I let her see just how much of an effect she had on my self-control. Damn it. I needed to keep some fucking man cards here.

  “Careful, you’re opening yourself up to a dangerous situation. I don’t think you can go an entire day without touching me either,” I quipped right back at her.

  She turned to face me while still holding the blanket tight around her chest. “I think I can.”

  I tilted my chin and stared down at her. “You do, do you?”

  Lane nodded with a smug smile. “Absolutely.”

  The stubble along my jaw was rough as I ran my hand across it. “I say we make a bet.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Set your terms, Mr. Falcon.”

  This was getting interesting and could work to my advant
age. “If I win, you have to hold off on moving back to Texas and come back on the road with me.”

  Her gaze roamed over my face as she bit her bottom lip. I knew this look, too. It was her ‘weighing every option even though I really want to do it’ face, which meant she was considering it.

  After a couple long moments, she tilted her head to the side. “Deal. But if I win, you don’t get to complain about my job anymore, regardless of what it is.”

  Hmmm. I was not expecting that curve, but I had faith in myself that I would be the victorious winner in the situation and get my way. After all, I would do anything to keep her with me, even if it meant restraint on my addiction of touching her for one day. In trade I’d get another couple months of her constant companionship on the bus. The longer I kept her on the bus, meant the longer I had to work up the nerve to pop the question of marriage and let her get comfortable with the idea of becoming mine forever.

  “You better pack your bags, baby, because you’re heading for another extended stay on Big Bertha.” I waggled my eyebrows at her.

  Lane shook her head. “We’ll see,” she said in an almost sing-song voice.

  “Come here, you,” I growled as I pulled her back down for one last round of mind-blowing sex while I was still allowed to touch her.

  She squirmed and giggled beneath me as I traced her face with the tip of my index finger. Her green eyes stood out against her olive skin. They were beautiful. It was possible that I might be able to stare into them all day without moving.

  Jeesh. What was she doing to me? I was becoming a total pussy.

  She swallowed hard and then licked her lips. The mood between us shifted from playful to serious in nearly an instant. The rhythmic pace of her chest increased in speed and I bit my lip as I felt my cock harden against her body.

  Even though I couldn’t get enough of her body, this crazy chemistry I felt between us stemmed from more than just sex. We had something here.

  Love. And it was undeniable.

  Every time I thought it wasn’t possible to love her anymore, I found my heart swelling more each second I was around her. “I love you so much that sometimes it hurts.”


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