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The Inn At Pelican Beach

Page 11

by Michele Gilcrest

  "I told her it wasn't for couples only, but what can you do?"

  "I don't know her story, but it's not easy being alone. Frank's been gone for over eight years now, and I still miss him like crazy."

  "That makes two of us," Cole said.

  "I'm sorry, Alice."

  "Thank you, Helen. Obviously I'm blessed to have Cole and Emmie to look after me. But when I'm by myself for too long, it can be a little difficult. Taking care of Emmie gives me something to look forward to."

  "That certainly makes sense. I believe Rebecca will meet the right one someday. She just has to stop comparing herself to her sisters and stop being so hard on herself. Not everyone is on the same time table."

  I let the mothers continue to talk while I joined the kids in the living room. Emmie was reading a book to Maggie and Aidan. I waited until she finished before striking up a conversation. "Emmie, you are an amazing reader."

  "Thank you. My teacher always tells me to read lots and lots of books. She says that books take you on adventures."

  "You're teacher sounds pretty smart. What kind of adventure were you reading about today?"

  "Oh, we were just reading Maggie's book about the Magic Treehouse. Have you heard of the Magic Treehouse before?"

  "Have I heard of the Magic Treehouse? Those books are amazing."

  "Do you have kids?"

  "No, I don't have kids of my own, but I spend quite a bit of time with these two little rascals." Emmie giggled as I playfully poked them in the tummy.

  “Payton, do you know what I think?" I stopped to listen.

  “I think we should all plan a beach day!” Then she turned to everyone and said, “If you like to build sandcastles, raise your hand."

  Everyone raised their hands, including Cole, who came and sat on the floor with the crew.

  "Emmie Miller, I would be very shocked if you didn’t become a teacher someday. You’re always asking everyone to raise their hands like they’re in class.” Cole laughed.

  “Aww, that’s sweet, Emmie. I love to build sandcastles. And if you ever did become a teacher, I think all the children in Pelican Beach would love to be in your class!”

  She did have a way with leading the group. I thought it was rather cute.

  As the evening came to an end, I walked the Millers out to their car. It sounds kind of silly, but I was sad to see them go.

  Alice reached out to give me a hug. “Payton, thank you again for such a lovely evening. I felt right at home with your family."

  "Aww, Alice, that makes my heart happy. Get ready because the Matthews are known for their parties."

  "I'll be there with bells on. You tell Rebecca we're sorry she didn't come, and we can't wait to meet her next time."

  "I will."

  Alice got in the car to give us a moment to say goodbye. Emmie squeezed my waist and then hopped in the back seat.

  “Bye, Payton.”

  “I’ll see you, Emmie.”

  I turned to Cole to say my goodbyes. “Cole, send me a quick message to let me know you guys make it home okay."

  "I'll do one better. How about I send you a text, and then once I get the little one to bed, I'll give you a call to plan our next date?"

  "I like the way you think. I'll be waiting."

  "Sounds good." He gave me a kiss on the cheek before getting in the car and leaving. And now for the difficult part… to make it back into the house without squealing out loud!


  On Monday, we hosted a brunch at the Inn to say our final farewells to the staff. We were stunned to see the outpouring of gifts to wish my parents a happy retirement.

  Shelby was first in line to wish them well.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, what are we going to do without you?"

  "Aww, Shelby, we feel the same way about all of you. This place has been our livelihood, and we wouldn't have made it without wonderful staff members such as yourself. Thank you for always greeting our guests and taking good care of them."

  Once everyone had an opportunity to dine and mingle, Mom tapped her glass to make a speech.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention."

  She motioned for Dad to join her.

  "It has been such an honor to work side by side with you as we served the guests of the Inn over the years. As many of you are aware, William and I have decided to retire. It's a bittersweet time for us, but just like the seasons of life don't last forever, we knew our time here wouldn't last forever. All of us have spent some of the best times of our lives here together. We've watched some of you get married, have children, and you've even watched us as we raised children of our own. Through it all, we've been a family."

  She then turned to Dad and asked if he'd like to say a few words.

  "I don't know that I can add much more to what Helen has said. She always puts her words together so eloquently. But please know from the bottom of our hearts…"

  Dad choked up and started to cry as he stood before everyone.

  "Please know that although we will no longer be here at the Inn with you, we will truly miss you. We can't thank you enough for your years of service and support. We wish you all the best."

  Not an eye in the room was dry. Helen then held up her glass and said, "To great health and many blessings upon your future endeavors. Cheers!"

  "Cheers." The staff clapped and celebrated the end of a lovely era with the Matthews family. I took several pictures to create an album as a keepsake for my parents. Tomorrow would be a difficult day as they would hand the keys over at closing, but for now, my parents made the most of their last few hours as owners of the Inn.

  Later that evening, once everyone was settled back at home, I accepted an invitation from Cole for a quiet date for two at his place. Emmie was at her grandmother’s for the weekend.

  "Cole, seriously? Are you really covering my eyes with blindfolds?"

  I stood with my car keys in hand, smiling in disbelief. This guy was always up to something. I can't lie, I loved it.

  "Yes, I am. I'm sorry, but you can't be trusted. And since I worked very hard on this surprise, I don't want you to ruin it.”

  He stood back and looked at my sundress before carrying on with his charade.

  "Come on, Pay. Be a good sport."

  "Alright, alright."

  He tied the blindfold from behind and led me towards the house.

  "Okay, we're going around back like we did last time. Follow me."

  "Haha, that's funny. I don't have any other choice."

  Instead of stopping at the back of his house, it felt like we were going closer to the water.

  "We seem to be going further than I remembered."

  "You're pretty good. That's because we are going a bit further. I'm going to stop for a minute because I need you to give me your sandals."

  "My sandals? Cole Miller, what are you up to?"

  "You trust me, don't you?"

  I sighed and lifted up one foot at a time as not to be difficult.

  "You know I don't like surprises."

  "I beg to differ. I think you love surprises, you just want to know what it is right away."

  "You might have a good point there."

  "We're making our way on to the sand and then just a few more steps, and we're there."

  The excitement was building up. I held his hand so tight, not knowing what to expect.

  "Let me get the blindfold for you. Should we do a count down or…"

  "I can't take it anymore."

  He removed the blindfold. A beautiful table was set before me. It was covered in white linen with candles that were lit for a centerpiece. White Christmas tree lights surrounded the trim of his deck and led all the way down to our table on the beach. It was a romantic dinner for two.

  "Oh… my… gosh. Cole, this is amazing. How in the world?"

  "I had to get a little creative. Do you like it?"

  "Do I like it? I love it! How special is this? And the lights trailing all the way f
rom the house. I'm speechless."

  "You deserve it. When is the last time someone went out of their way to express their love for you?"

  Did he just say his love for me?

  He pulled out a chair for me to sit. There were stainless steel dish covers over our plates and a bucket of wine.

  "Unbelievable. I thought we might throw a couple of burgers on the grill, but you really outdid yourself."

  "Only the best for you, Miss Matthews. Only the best."

  "You better be careful with how much you spoil me. A girl could get used to this kind of treatment."

  "I wouldn't do anything for you now that I don't plan on doing for the rest of my life."

  "Well, clearly, you can see that I can't stop smiling, so thank you. This means a lot to me."

  "Hold that thought. I want to pick up on what you just said in a minute, but I also don't want your food to get cold. Now, before I uncover the plates, I want you to promise not to laugh at me."

  "I promise."

  Lifting the covers from the plates he exposed a burger and fries from my favorite restaurant.

  "No wayyyy." I laughed so hard. I couldn't help it. Thankfully Cole lost it and laughed too.

  "Hey, you promised."

  "I know, I know… I'm not laughing at you!"

  "Let me guess. You're laughing with me?"

  "Something like it."

  "Hey, for me, this is fine cuisine." He teased.

  "It's mighty fine, alright. You almost had me fooled with the bottled wine and the stainless steel covers."

  "I know. It's kind of pathetic, I would have to agree. Now you know something else about me. I can't cook to save my life."

  "What? How do you feed Emmie?"

  "Luckily, Emmie is pretty easy going. She's used to my cooking. If I ever make something that's too horrible, then we opt for take out. I didn't want to subject you to my home-cooked meals just yet."

  "Aww, Cole. I think this is so cute and so thoughtful. Everything is wonderful. Even down to the burgers."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes, and I'm sorry for laughing. I just couldn't help it."

  "That's okay, I thought it was funny myself. As I was standing at the counter waiting for the food, I was thinking, 'man, you really need some cooking lessons’.”

  "Well, there's an idea. We should take lessons. All three of us. I'm sure Emmie would love it, and I could always stand to pick up a pointer or two."

  "Emmie would love that."

  In between eating fries, our feet brushed together under the table. There was definitely chemistry between us that couldn't be denied.

  "To pick up where we left off. It means a lot to me that you're here, sharing this moment with me. I remember the first time we met in the lobby at the Inn. I had no clue when I woke up that day that I would meet the woman who would later capture my heart."

  "Neither did I. You were so into your measurements; I don't know how you had time to even notice me."

  "Oh, I noticed you! By the time I was making my way back to your dad's office, I was thinking, wow. I don't know what it was. You had a little spice in you as you stood there with your arms folded, and you looked absolutely beautiful. I know you were probably standing there thinking, ‘what's this fool doing in the lobby’?”

  "Perhaps. But Mom set me straight really quick."

  "She did?"

  “Yep. She started going on and on about how you are one of the most respected renovators in town, and how you worked on the cottage. I'm just sorry you never had a chance to do the project at the Inn. I'm sure you would've really made that place look spectacular. "

  "You know, Payton. In hindsight, I wasn't sent there for the job."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I was probably sent there just to meet you."

  I thought that was such a sweet thing to say. If this was a dream, I felt like someone needed to wake me up soon before I fell in too deep.

  "Do you know what would be the perfect addition to this evening?"

  "I honestly don't know. The night is already perfect from where I sit."

  "I have one more teeny tiny surprise. It's nothing big. Just a small added touch to make the evening extra special."

  "Uh, oh."

  "No, uh oh's. I promise. Come here."

  He held his hand out to invite me to dance.

  "I can handle this kind of surprise, but there's no music. What are we dancing to?"

  Cole gently pulled me closer.

  "Close your eyes."

  At the click of a button, the music began to serenade us on his CD player.

  "You seemed to like the idea of a private dance party, so I thought I could arrange one for you."

  We swayed to the music and sang the lyrics together.

  "I can't sing very well, but I can kiss you under the light of a thousand stars." I gladly accepted his invitation.

  "I thought you would never ask."

  Placing his lips softly on mine, I returned a passionate kiss.

  For me, love was taking on a whole new meaning. Love brought me into this world, raised me as a little child, and nurtured me as a woman. But love didn't always come with its highs. Sometimes it brought tears and heartache. Thankfully, this time, love was giving me a second chance.

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  Also by Michele Gilcrest

  Sunsets At Pelican Beach- Pelican Beach Series Book 2

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  Ready to read Book 2 in the Pelican Beach series? Click HERE to pre-order today!

  Moving on from her divorce and finding love again was the best thing that happened to Payton in a long time. After all, who could resist the charm of the handsome and well respected Cole Miller?

  Unfortunately all it takes is one bad apple to spoil everything…

  In book two of the Pelican Beach series Payton’s new photography client proves that she can’t be trusted around Cole. Have you ever met someone who’s willing to do whatever it takes to have their way? Well, that describes the new competition, Lexi Donovan. Will Payton stand by her man and protect what’s hers or will she get fed up and walk away?

  In the midst of Payton balancing her love life there’s a family scare that sends everyone into a panic. The family would be absolutely devastated if the scare were to end in tragedy.

  Then there’s the three sisters… will Payton and her sisters thrive through all of the family drama or barely survive? Some unexpected news will push their relationship to the test!

  Pack your bags and enjoy beautiful sunsets at Pelican Beach! Just like anywhere you may visit there will be a little drama, and maybe even some unwanted competition. But the main dish being served in this book is sweet love!

  * * *

  Second Time Around- The Cortland Series Book 1

  A handsome military leader caught off guard by love. A beautiful teacher who steals his heart...

  You’ll love this contemporary Christian, friends-to-lovers romance. When you least expect it love may come knocking at your door.

  Tried and True - The Cortland Series Book 2

  You might also enjoy following up with Melissa and Shane in book 2 of The Cortland Series. Melissa is engaged to be married soon but something terrible alters her course. Will their love stand the ultimate test?

  Copyright © 2020 by Michele Gilcrest

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  The Inn At Pelican Beach




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