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Page 19

by Lisa Moreau

  Sydney tilted her head. “What’s funny?”

  “If I had told you what I want in a relationship when I first got to Ojai, it would have been a very different list.”

  “What changed?”

  “I don’t want to settle.” Emily took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and faced Sydney. “Being with you, getting to know you made me realize that Gretchen isn’t the one for me.”

  Sydney’s breath caught in her throat. Was Emily saying what Sydney thought she was saying?

  Emily moved closer, until their knees touched. “Tonight when I realized you were gone, I was terrified that I wouldn’t ever see you again. You’re the one I want to be with.”

  Sydney’s heart swelled. She wanted to whisk Emily into her arms, but something held her back. Could she really fit into Emily’s world? Would her rich parents accept their relationship? They obviously had their heart set on Emily marrying Gretchen. Not to mention the fact that Sydney was unemployed and broke.

  “Are you sure?” Sydney asked, sounding more skeptical than she’d intended.

  Emily’s expression dropped, and she averted her eyes. “You’re not interested in me. I thought maybe—”

  “That’s not it. It’s just that you’re from Beverly Hills and I’m from South Central. We come from different worlds.”

  Emily looked at Sydney, a glint of hopefulness in her eyes. “I don’t care about that.”

  “I’m sure your parents would.”

  Emily opened her mouth, like maybe she was about to deny that point, but then paused.

  “Aha!” Sydney said. “You agree.”

  “Nooo. I was just thinking about it. And besides, it doesn’t matter what my parents think. The only thing that matters is whether you want to be with me. So do you?” Emily suddenly looked fifteen years old, scared and unsure of herself.

  Sydney broke out in a smile. “Yes.” She was going to say more, but Emily jumped into her arms and pressed their lips together.

  Ahhh. So soft. So delicious.

  The desire to fiercely claim Emily’s mouth was strong, but she was someone to be cherished, adored. Sydney had never felt such tenderness for another person before. More than anything she wanted to tell Emily how much she cared for her, how important she was. Emily released a slight gasp when Sydney pulled away. Sydney lightly kissed Emily’s forehead, her right cheek, her left cheek, and then looked directly into her eyes.

  “You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, Emily Wellington. Beautiful, giving, supportive, caring, and the best kisser ever. I’d be honored to be with you.”

  It was official. Sydney had turned into the corniest person in the state of California. But she couldn’t help it. She’d meant what she said.

  Emily snaked a hand around Sydney’s neck and kissed her in a way that made Sydney glad she was sitting, considering her legs felt like overcooked noodles. After not nearly long enough, Emily stopped and rested their foreheads together. They were both breathing heavily, which was a relief to Sydney. At least she wasn’t the only one excited by just a few smooches.

  “Make love to me,” Emily whispered and looked at Sydney with such emotion that it took her breath away.

  Sydney laid Emily down on the blanket and hovered over her. She’d certainly been with other women before, but instinctively she knew this would be different. This would be making love whereas before it was just sex. Sydney unbuttoned Emily’s shirt, allowing it to fall open to display a lovely sight of plump breasts encased in a lacy bra. She leaned down, letting her mouth sink into the soft crevasse. Emily’s breathing increased when Sydney ran her tongue under the material’s edge, precariously close to her nipple. Sydney unhooked the front clasp of Emily’s bra and tossed it aside.

  “You’re gorgeous.” Sydney wasn’t surprised by her crackly voice, considering her throat was as dry as Death Valley.

  She lovingly cupped Emily’s breast and placed a light kiss on the hard tip. Emily pressed the back of Sydney’s head toward her, silently urging her on. Wanting to give Emily what she craved, Sydney encircled her lips and lightly sucked, which caused Emily to moan and run her fingers through Sydney’s hair. Emily reached down and tugged Sydney’s shirt up and over her head. All of a sudden clothes were flying everywhere. Out of the corner of her eye, Sydney saw her underwear soar into a nearby bush. She’d have to remember that later, but right now she could care less. It was probably some sort of record, but within seconds they were naked and intertwined in each other’s arms.

  Sydney was torn between wanting to caress every part of Emily’s body or lie back and enjoy the sensations of being touched. She couldn’t do both at the same time. The feel of Emily’s mouth, hands, and tongue on her heated body was enough to make her lose all her faculties. In fact, Sydney couldn’t even remember her own name when Emily nibbled on her earlobe. Since when were her ears an erotic zone? Apparently, every part of Sydney’s body was highly charged when Emily was involved.

  As though reading her mind, Emily guided Sydney onto her back and whispered in her ear, “Let me. Please.”

  Sydney went limp. She was totally at the mercy of this beautiful woman. Emily planted kisses down Sydney, leaving a trail of tingles everywhere she touched. When Emily reached her stomach, Sydney inched her legs apart.

  “Is that a hint?” Emily grinned.

  “Yes. And in case you didn’t pick up on it…” Sydney spread her legs even farther.

  Emily looked down, her eyes clouded with desire. She lightly ran a finger over Sydney’s slit, barely entering her. It wasn’t surprising that Emily’s finger was wet with Sydney’s arousal. In one hell of a sexy move, Emily slipped the finger between her lips and sucked.

  Sydney swallowed hard. The way her insides were pounding and on fire, if Emily didn’t touch her soon she’d possibly combust. She’d read once in Time Magazine about spontaneous human combustion. It’s when a person ignites for no apparent reason. And here they were nowhere near a fire extinguisher.

  Emily positioned herself between Sydney’s legs and kissed her inner thighs, edging closer to where Sydney needed her most.

  “Is this what you want?” Emily licked the full length of her.

  Sydney groaned. Yes. That was definitely a good start. But she wanted more. Much more. Sydney cleared her throat. “Deeper.” Not terribly informative, but hopefully she’d gotten the message across.

  Emily obliged and thrust her tongue inside, stroking in and out. Sydney’s legs immediately tensed. If she didn’t know any better she’d think she was about to come. She’d heard about women having vaginal orgasms without clit stimulation, but she’d never been one of them. Actually, she didn’t even think it was a real thing. But apparently it was, because when Emily entered her with two fingers, every nerve in Sydney’s body exploded.

  * * *

  Emily had thought she’d seen every beautiful expression on Sydney’s face, but watching her climax was the most exquisite of them all. She looked absolutely radiant with her head thrown back, eyes closed, and lips parted to release a sensual moan. If Emily wasn’t aroused before, she certainly was now. She kissed her way up Sydney’s luscious body and held her close as her orgasm subsided. Emily envied the way Sydney could let go like that. It was something she’d never been able to do with anyone. Would Sydney be disappointed if Emily didn’t climax? Would she think something was wrong with her?

  “Hey, are you okay?” Sydney tucked a strand of hair behind Emily’s ear. “You tensed up.”

  “Well, I believe you just did the same thing,” Emily said, trying to lighten the mood. Unfortunately, Sydney cocked her head and gave her an I’m-not-buying-it look.

  Emily propped herself on one elbow and chewed her lower lip. Finally she said, “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  Sydney looked surprised. “What are you talking about? You could never do that.”

  “It’s just that I’ve never had an orgasm with anyone before.” Her face heated.

  Sydney’s eyebrows
shot up. And why shouldn’t they? This was just plain bizarre. “Really? But you’ve had―”

  “Yes. I’ve had them alone but not while having sex with anyone. I know. I’m weird.” Emily covered her face.

  “You are not.” Sydney pulled her arm down. “That’s not why I want to be with you. It’s about making each other feel good and connecting in the deepest way possible.”

  “I agree, but there always seems to be so much pressure to, you know…” Emily motioned with her hands, which was somehow supposed to represent having an orgasm.

  “No pressure here.” Sydney stroked Emily’s cheek. “The only thing I want is for you to enjoy yourself.”

  “I’m already doing that.” Emily grinned wickedly.

  Sydney laid Emily back and kissed her long and hard. Within minutes Emily’s heart pounded and all of her senses heightened. The crickets sounded like they were playing a symphony just for them, and the scent of sweet roses filled her nostrils.

  Emily shivered when Sydney ran her fingernails down her back. Sydney reached for the blanket, probably thinking she was cold, but Emily pushed it away. She couldn’t have been any hotter.

  “I love the way you kiss,” Sydney whispered into Emily’s mouth.

  Emily wanted to tell Sydney she felt the same, but her mind went blank when Sydney’s soft, wet tongue touched hers. Emily could never tire of kissing this woman. It made her light-headed, intoxicated in the best way possible. Sydney pried their lips apart and gazed at Emily with arctic-blue eyes that gleamed with adoration. This moment really couldn’t have been any more perfect. Here she was with the woman of her dreams under the stars and the moon.

  Emily inhaled sharply when Sydney nibbled her breast and caressed between her legs. Considering the way her insides hammered, Emily had no doubt she was wetter than she’d ever been before. Sydney knew just how to touch her, how to excite her, like they’d been making love for years.

  “Do you like that?” Sydney asked in the sexiest voice ever as she fondled Emily’s slick lips.

  All Emily could do was nod.

  “How about this?” Sydney easily slipped a finger inside.

  “Yes,” Emily said in a rush of breath.

  “I want to taste you.”

  Emily’s eyes practically rolled back in her head. She wanted that, too—more than she’d ever wanted anything. Sydney caressed her way down Emily’s body. Luckily, Sydney didn’t make Emily wait for what she ached for the most when she licked up and down. Instinctively, Emily’s hips undulated when Sydney plunged two fingers inside and stroked.

  “You feel so good,” Sydney whispered. “So soft and wet.”

  Sydney reached deep inside and stayed there, barely moving, which caused Emily to squirm. Emily needed to be caressed. Faster. Harder. She pressed her thighs together and growled. If Sydney didn’t get the hint from that, she wasn’t beyond begging. Emily opened her mouth to speak but then snapped it shut when Sydney’s tongue flicked her throbbing clit. Tingles cascaded up and down her spine, which was weird since that’s what always happened right before she had an orgasm. The more Sydney concentrated on the small, hard bundle, the more Emily felt waves of pleasure flow from head to toe. One wave crested so high that when it came crashing down, Emily lost all control. A burst of white light flashed before her eyes, and she jerked all over in a never-ending spasm of bliss.

  Sydney rested her head on Emily’s stomach and hugged her tight as she slowly came down from the high. As Emily’s breathing slowed and her faculties returned, she was astonished that she’d actually let go. Not only had she had an orgasm, but it was the most powerful one she’d ever experienced.

  Chapter Twenty

  The L-Word

  Sydney awoke to a breathtaking sight. A bright golden sun peeked over mountains in the distance, painting the sky in reds and oranges. Even more beautiful than that, though, was the woman lying next to her. Memories of their time together last night on Meditation Mount came rushing back. She’d adored every second with Emily. Being with someone she was attracted to physically and emotionally left her feeling completely fulfilled.

  Not wanting Emily to miss the gorgeous sunrise, Sydney kissed her cheek and nuzzled her neck. “Wake up, beautiful.”

  Emily pulled the blanket under her chin and snuggled closer to Sydney. “No,” she said adamantly.

  Sydney chuckled and planted a kiss on her forehead. “You’re missing the sunrise. And besides, we should get going before the center opens. I don’t think they’d be too happy to find two naked lesbians on their property.”

  Emily bolted upright and turned her head every which way, appearing confused as to where she was. Within seconds a slow grin crossed her face, and she focused on Sydney with droopy eyes, her hair sticking up at odd angles.

  “What an amazing night,” Emily said, her smile not faltering.

  “The best.” Sydney leaned over and pressed their lips together. The effect one kiss had on Sydney was amazing, melting her into a puddle.

  When they pulled apart, Emily said, “Last night was a first for me in a couple of ways. I’ve never had sex outside…and well, that orgasm thing.” Emily looked embarrassed that she’d mentioned it again.

  Sydney slid an arm around Emily’s shoulders and held her close. “Why do you think you’ve never done that with anyone before? Aside from last night, of course.”

  “Definitely last night.” Emily grinned. “I had always blamed myself, but now I think it’s because I’ve never been with the right woman before. Until now.”

  Bubbles of happiness gurgled inside Sydney. Who’d have thought she’d be so excited about a relationship?

  “Aside from how much I love being with you and how incredible you make me feel,” Emily said, “it comes down to trust and understanding. You’re the only person who has ever supported my dream of having a bird magazine. You truly understand how important it is to me.”

  It was amazing how fast those happiness bubbles burst into nothingness. Sydney absolutely wanted The Tweet to succeed, but Emily had no idea she’d lied about Owen. Well, not that she’d lied, but she certainly hadn’t been honest. Not only had Sydney spied, but she’d also taken cash from Emily’s mortal enemy. She’d returned the money, but Sydney had a feeling that fact would get buried amongst everything else. They couldn’t start a relationship with a lie between them.

  Sydney cleared her throat. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  Emily sat up straight and peered at Sydney. “Sounds serious.”

  “You’re going to be really angry.” Not the best way to start, but if Emily expected the worst, maybe it’d help soften the blow.

  Suddenly Emily’s eyes grew huge. Geez. She was freaked out before Sydney even told her anything. What would she do when she found out?

  Emily grabbed Sydney’s arm. “Your audition! What time is it?”

  Sydney was about to ask what audition, when it dawned on her. She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten all about it. Sydney looked at her left arm, which was bare.

  “Crap. Where’s my watch?” She’d taken it off at some point during their interlude.

  They scrambled, looking under discarded pants, bras, anything they could find.

  “Maybe it’s in the blankets,” Emily said.

  They bolted upright and vigorously shook them out. Sydney’s watch flew into the air and plopped into a nearby pond.

  “Fuck!” Sydney raced to the water and saw the timepiece floating on the surface with about ten hungry-looking koi heading straight toward it. “No way, you guys.” She nabbed it, glad it was waterproof, and looked at it.

  “Phew. I can take a quick shower, change, and just make it. If we leave now.” Sydney pouted. She’d wanted to make love to Emily again and thought they’d have time before the center opened.

  “We can be together later,” Emily said, as though reading Sydney’s mind.

  Emily hugged Sydney close, which wasn’t a move that made her want to put her clothes on and le

  Sydney ran her hands up and down Emily’s bare back. “Maybe we have time for just a little more, you know…”

  In an unfortunate move, Emily pulled away and said, “Later, Casanova. Right now let’s get you to the most crucial meeting of your life.”

  Sydney wanted to tell Emily that nothing was more important than she was, even a PowerBar job, and she’d do just that when they had more time. After they got dressed, Sydney realized she hadn’t told Emily about Owen. She’d have to do that later. Hopefully, she’d understand.

  * * *

  Sydney had never seen so many tall, photoshopped-looking, fit models in her life. Well, they weren’t technically models, but they certainly all appeared to be. She stood in the corner of a packed room of women all waiting to audition to be PowerBar’s next star instructor. She didn’t have a chance in hell. All of these women looked like they’d just stepped out of a Beverly Hills boutique, and considering how they chatted they obviously all knew each other. Why would they want to hire an outsider like her?

  Sydney looked at her cell phone when it chimed, indicating an incoming text. She immediately smiled, and her stomach fluttered when she saw Emily’s name.

  Hey. How’s it going? I’m about to go crazy wondering.

  I’m still waiting…with about thirty buff women. I might as well leave now. Sydney was only halfway joking.

  No way! You’ll be a hundred times better than all of them. I’ve seen you in action, and you’re amazing.

  We are still talking about pole dancing, right?

  For now. When you get back to the cabin, well, that’s another story.

  Goose bumps appeared on Sydney’s arms as she thought about what would happen. She was pretty sure there’d be lots of kissing and caressing.

  I’ll text you later. They’re starting to call people in.

  Good luck!

  Sydney shook out her arms and rotated her neck several times, trying to loosen up. Emily was right. She was good. Damn good. She could beat out any of these women. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.


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