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Page 11

by Brien Foerster

  Trilithon blocks with smaller ones below

  Also, they are the largest stones in the entire construction, and are larger than the stones below. The only other blocks of similar size in the area are two, which still lie in the quarry about a mile away from the trilithon area. One, estimated at about 1000 tons, was released from the bedrock and seemingly dropped down to the ground below, being partially buried at one end. There is also clear evidence that someone, perhaps the Romans, attempted to break it into smaller pieces, with limited success.

  1000 ton block in the Baalbek quarry

  The other is at the other side of the quarry - the famous ‘stone of the pregnant woman.’ Estimates of its size are between 1200 and 1500 tons, and it is still attached to the bedrock. There is a crack where the shaped stone area meets the bedrock base. Whether this was part of the quarrying technique or a natural fault is unknown. And next to it, recent excavations have exposed what is either an even more massive stone block under the Earth, or the bedrock itself. The author, upon personal inspection, believes that in this case, the stone was of a low quality, and thus attempts to shape it into a large block were abandoned.

  Stephen Mehler and the author in the quarry with the 'pregnant woman'

  There are also up to 300 rose granite pillars in various states of damage at the main Baalbek site, and massive limestone columns also largely damaged from hundreds if not thousands of years of conflict in the area. The limestone columns could clearly have come from the local quarry, and though some are up to 40 feet tall, they were made in sections. This would mean that the Roman stone masons, who presumably could have had iron and even steel tools, could have shaped the sections in the quarry and then rolled them the one mile to the Baalbek temple site.

  Limestone pillar sections

  As regards the rose granite columns, however, that is a completely different story. Granite of this type is not found naturally anywhere in the Baalbek area, or indeed the country of Lebanon. Our geologist expert Suzan Moore from Canada, who joined us with the Khemit School of Giza Egypt on our 2015 expedition to Lebanon, believed that this granite may in fact have come from Aswan, in the very south of Egypt. This is a distance of about 700 miles (1100 kilometers) and the Romans would unlikely have transported 300 of these granite columns such a distance. Also, the finish of the columns is astonishing. Even to this day, and after all of the damage to them, we saw and felt surfaces that could only have been done on a giant lathe.

  Rose granite column section of near perfection

  With estimates that some of these columns could have originally been 20 feet tall, and were of one solid piece, such a machine could not have existed during Roman, Greek, or dynastic Egyptian times.

  This leads one to speculate that they could have been made by an even older civilization, as in Peru, Bolivia, and Egypt, that had technology beyond that of the 20th century.

  As we saw in the cases of the other geographic areas we have covered, the presumed builders, such as the Inca and dynastic Egyptians, though talented people, could not have worked in hard stone well. We have seen that this is also the case in Lebanon, where the Romans, though quite adept at working marble and limestone, could not shape granite to such a fine tolerance as seen in the columns.

  One candidate for who could have been responsible for making the granite columns and cutting and moving the giant limestone blocks, if they came from the Aswan quarry in Egypt, is the mysterious Khemitians, discussed earlier. The level of technical quality and capability of megalithic works matches, or in some cases surpasses, that of the pre-dynastic monumental works in Egypt. Some would contend that it was in fact the Nephilim from the Bible. The Nephilim were a race that came to dominate the antediluvian (pre-flood) world, and are referred to in the Bible as the heroes of old, men of renown. They were reportedly the children born to the ‘Sons of God’ by the ‘daughters of men,’ and are described as giants. It is also most important to note that they are mentioned almost simultaneous to God's statement that He would destroy the Earth by flood, and it seems from this association that their effect upon mankind was one of the primary justifications that brought the destruction. (51)

  As the Bible, or at least the Old Testament, is not accurate as regards timeframes for the flood, and we are to guess that it could be describing ‘the flood’ as the great catastrophe of about 12,000 years ago, then this would make the mysterious works of Baalbek contemporary with the sites in Peru, Bolivia, and Egypt that we have explored.

  ‘Nephilim’ is rendered fallen, or possibly feller, a tyrant or bully. Several English translations such as the King James Version, rendered the word ‘giants.’ In the Greek Septuagint the word, ‘Nephilim,’ was also translated as ‘gigantes’ (gigantic). This translation is undoubtedly used because the Nephilim later became known as giants to the ancient Hebrews, as illustrated by the manner they were referenced when the Israelite spies were sent into Canaan (Numbers 13:33). (52) It is unclear what the Sons of God were, but they are distinguished from the daughters of men. The most obvious interpretation is that the Nephilim were a hybrid race between two distinct beings. There are at least three schools of thought regarding the Sons of God.

  The older view, held nearly unanimously by ancient writers prior to Augustine of Hippo, is that the Nephilim were a hybrid race between certain fallen angels, called the Benei Ha'Elohim (‘Sons of God’) or The Watchers in extra-Biblical traditions, and human women. While there has always been a minority of churchmen who followed this view, it has been promoted recently by popular writers such as Stephen Quayle. (53) The more recent view that has been the majority position in the church since St. Augustine in the 4th century is that the Sons of God refers to the god-fearing line of Seth, and the daughters of men refers to the daughters of the unbelieving line of Cain. Variations on this theme include the idea, proposed by Meredith Kline, that the Sons of God were kings or priests who took any woman they chose to be their wife.

  Still others hold that the Sons of God were other created men. It is argued that the Bible does not describe every person that was created, but only key individuals or situations are included within the text. Those holding to this position call into question the origin of Cain's wife or those whom he feared would kill him (Genesis 4:14-17). However, this view falls into conflict with Genesis, which states that Eve is the mother of all the living.

  Whether the Nephilim ever existed at all is a matter of conjecture. As no skeletal remains have presumably been on public display at least in recent times, there does not seem to be hard evidence that they were in fact living beings. Thus, the creators of Baalbek, or at least those that laid the foundation work that was done prior to Roman times, remain a mystery, as do those in Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, and other places where we find evidence of lost ancient high technology.

  The commonalities that we find at all of the above locations include: 1) works in stone beyond the scale and technical prowess of the historically presumed builders, such as the Inca; 2) signs of construction interruptions and/or cataclysmic damage; and 3) oral traditions speaking of much earlier civilizations with advanced technological capabilities.

  There are other places of interest pertaining to this subject, including Turkey, Greece, the western part of Italy, Angkor Wat, etc., but as the author has not been there in person, they will perhaps be the subject of another book. Also, widespread claims of massive pyramids and other structures having been built in such locations as Siberia, Antarctica and others have seemingly not been backed up by actual scientific evidence. Just because a hill or mountain appears to be pyramidal in shape does not make it an actual pyramid, and any cultural context is sadly lacking in most cases.

  6. Closing Thoughts

  It is hoped that from what you have read in this book, and the evidence presented, supports the argument that the history of humanity must be rewritten to include a period of history either ignored - or neglected - by most academics. By incorporating the scientific method, and the knowledge of geol
ogists, engineers, machinists, chemists, physicists, and other experts, as well as accepting that the oral traditions of indigenous people is their history, then our view of the past will radically change.

  Rather than humanity living as relatively sparsely spread-out hunter gathers for the vast majority of its existence, we can now see that there was a period of time, or perhaps periods, when the ancestors of this planet were in fact more highly developed than we are - technologically and perhaps spiritually as well. Thankfully, our own modern technologies, including the internet and the fact that most people carry the ability to record high definition photos and video on their phones, facilitate more people having the capability of collecting and sharing interesting data than ever before.

  The time is now gone for exploration and intellectual inquiry to be the sole domain of academics, who rarely share their results with the public. Anyone can be a researcher, and hopefully will broadcast whatever they learn to the global population so that we, as a human family, can see how profound our collective history is, and how amazing our future, together, can be.

  Brien Foerster

  Paracas Peru, 2016

  6. Bibliography

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