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Hail Mary: A Quick Snap Novella

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by Loni Ree

  Hail Mary

  A Quick Snap Novella

  Loni Ree




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Epilogue 2

  Quick Snap: Championship Edition Novellas

  Also by Loni Ree

  About the Author


  A Quick Snap Novella

  By Loni Ree




  Copyright © 2020 by LONI REE

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect are appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Design: Kari March Designs

  Published by: Lady Boss Press, Inc.

  Edited By: Kendra's Editing and Book Services



  As the shock briefly registers in her bright blue eyes, my greatest regret tears through my soul. Ten years of loneliness has been my penance.

  “Molly. What a surprise,” I somehow manage to croak past the lump in my throat. I planned to stop by the grocery store to grab a few items for dinner and instead ran right into my past. She’s more beautiful than she was at eighteen. Long blonde hair frames her perfect, heart-shaped face. She isn’t wearing any make-up to hide the freckles covering her nose and cheeks. Her juicy lips call to me, and I barely suppress my groan.

  Memories slash through me as she bites her lip and blinks up at me. Our relationship was brief, but I learned to read her expressive eyes. At this moment, she’s searching for a way to escape this uncomfortable encounter. Knowing this is my one shot to change the course of our past, I pray the play I’m about to make doesn’t end in a fumble. This Hail Mary is the most important play of my entire life.

  “I guess Seattle isn’t that big.” She shrugs and attempts to scoot past me, but I block her path.

  Before she can argue, I smile down into her narrowed eyes. “This is the best surprise I’ve had in a long time.” I look over my shoulder and point to the small coffee shop tucked into the front of the store. “May I buy you a coffee and we can catch up?”

  She shakes her head and sighs. “No. We have nothing to talk about.” My heart squeezes painfully in my chest as she steps back away from me. “We said everything ten years ago.” Molly glares at me for a second before turning to storm out of the store while disappointment slams through me. Well, that fucking went great.

  After my run-in with Molly, I lose interest in shopping. I grab a few necessary groceries and head home. I’m pulling into my garage when it hits me how lonely my life has become. Most of my family lives thousands of miles away in Florida, and I’ve lost touch with countless friends over time. I allowed the game to consume my entire existence for the last ten years hoping to erase the pain of losing the only girl who ever mattered. Seeing her tonight drove home the nagging guilt I’ve carried around all this time.

  Yesterday, I mourned the early demise of my football career. Today, I’m looking forward to rekindling the romance I never should have let slip through my fingers in the first place. But it’s going to take a miracle play.

  Chapter 1


  10 years earlier

  “What if they card me?” My cousin Stacy rolls her eyes as I worry for the hundredth time tonight. “My mom and dad will murder me if they have to fly home from Hawaii to bail me out of jail.” I can’t believe my father, a homicide detective, allowed me to stay with my cousin. He must’ve needed this vacation badly.

  “Oh my God,” Stacey hisses in my ear. “Barney’s never checks my ID. I have a special relationship with the Monday night bouncer.” She raises her eyebrows and I shudder internally. I don’t want to think about what’s involved in her “special relationship.”

  “Just follow me and stop sweating all over my new dress.” She rolls her eyes and pulls me along. Swallowing down my fear, I stumble along behind my older cousin and try to keep up with her much longer legs. After stuffing me into a dress two sizes too small, she forced me to slip on four-inch heels, so I’m liable to break a leg. I pray the dress’s seams are strong enough to withstand the pressure when I sit down, or we could have an unplanned strip show tonight at Barney’s Bar & Grill.

  To my relief, we breeze through the front door without any trouble. The bouncer smiles down at my beautiful older cousin and winks. “Hope you ladies have fun.”

  “You know it. Call me later.” Stacy rubs his arm and pulls me past him. “See. I told you.” Grabbing my hand, she tugs me through the mass of bodies blocking the main bar. I barely resist cringing at the feeling of all the sweaty bodies rubbing against me as we make our way past. Ick. I’m a homebody, a nerd. This isn’t my scene at all.

  After dropping onto a barstool next to my cousin, I turn to check out the crowded room. “I can’t believe this place is this packed on a Monday night.” Loud music blares from speakers scattered throughout the room and suspended from the ceiling, and I feel my eyelids bouncing from the beat.

  She shrugs and mouths, “Every night.”

  Doubts hit me as I watch her lean over the bar to order us drinks. I’m an eighteen-year-old high school senior. My parents would kill me if they had any idea I’m spending my spring break barhopping in Seattle while they vacation in Hawaii.

  “You’re killing the fun,” Stacy snaps, and I sigh. My party-loving older cousin has made it clear since I arrived that she regrets agreeing to this arrangement. Evidently, an eighteen-year-old high school senior hanging around spoils all her fun.

  I’m slowly starting to mellow after a couple of drinks when a hand brushes my shoulder. I spin around and find a tall, skinny guy grinning down at me. “Hi. I haven’t seen you here before.” His leer causes discomfort to flow through me.

  “Beat it or I’ll get Ryan to kick your ass again,” Stacy leans over me and screams. He glares at my cousin for a second before stepping away from the bar and stomping off. “I ordered you another strawberry daiquiri,” she mouths and pushes the pink slushy concoction across the bar. “You need to loosen up.” Then she reaches over and tugs the front of my dress down, causing my ample boobs to come dangerously close to spilling over. When she turns around, I pull the dress back into place and pray no one got a show from us.

  Feeling like a child in need of babysitting, I sip my drink and quietly look around while Stacy flirts with the two men sitting on the other side of her. “I’d rather not be here either.” His voice sends shivers down my spine, and I glance over my shoulder to find the hottest man I’ve ever seen smirking at me. Wow. I’ve had way too much to drink because I suddenly feel lightheaded. His piercing eyes hold mine as he leans over to breathe next to my sensitive ear. “If my friends hadn’t forced me out tonight, I’d be back at my apartment studying.” His nose brushes mine, and I feel my heart beat out of control. As he leans down to talk to me, a dark piece of hair falls over his forehead, and I’m tempted to push it back into place. His bright blue eyes twinkle with amusement, and I wonder what he finds funny. The alcohol burns in
my veins, and I realize his condescending smirk is getting on my nerves while I fight the urge to kiss his lips. I’m losing my mind.

  After taking a huge gulp of my drink for courage, I blurt out, “Are you entertained by my misery?”

  He holds his hand out in front of me and winks. “I’m Barrett and I’m smiling at my good fortune.” I blink several times as he explains, “Meeting you has definitely made my day.”

  The stress and alcohol combined with his overwhelming presence have me confused. Good manners force me to introduce myself. “Molly.” As our palms meet, electricity flows through every cell of my body. My breath catches in my throat and the room suddenly feels too warm. Little beads of sweat are running down between my boobs, and I nearly groan out loud when I think about the borrowed dress I’m wearing. Stacey is going to kill me. There’s a ringing in my ears, and I wonder if the bartender slipped some drug in my drink.

  “Hi, Barrett. I see you’ve met my cousin,” Stacy interrupts and tries to step between us, but the hottie moves closer to me, blocking her. I take the opportunity to gather my scattered thoughts. It’s not easy, though, because Barrett places his hand on the bar behind my back, caging me in. My cousin glances out the side of her eye at his gesture and gives me a little frown. I’m in way over my head with this whole situation.

  “I was just introducing myself.” His finger slowly rubs circles along the sensitive skin of my arm, and I lose track of the conversation going on around me. Before I realize what’s happening, his friends have come over, and we’re leaving the bar in a group.

  “Molly can ride with me.” Barrett takes my hand and leads me past my shocked cousin and the others. “We’ll meet up at our apartment.” For a second, I debate leaving alone with a stranger, but curiosity and alcohol lower my resistance. I follow him to his car. “Don’t worry. I’m not the big bad wolf,” he teases as we pull away from the bar.

  “I don’t usually get into cars with strangers,” I admit. Where has every shred of my self-preservation gone?

  He reaches for my hand and brings it to his mouth to place a soft kiss on the back of my knuckles. “I’m happy to hear that.” He glances out the side of his eye. “I plan on getting to know you well.”

  I’m not sure if it’s a warning or a promise, but I smile and let him lead the way.


  I grip the steering wheel a little tighter to hide the slight tremble running through my hand. When Jake pointed out Stacy’s cousin earlier, the floor shifted beneath my feet. Corny but true. I looked over at this girl and lost control of my heart. Now, I’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine. After pulling up in front of my apartment, I open the passenger door and help Molly out. “Come on.” As she glances around the vacant parking lot, her body stiffens and she looks a little nervous. “Don’t worry. The others probably just stopped to grab alcohol.”

  She bites her lip, and I fear she’s going to refuse to come in, but Molly slips her soft hand in mine and smiles. “Then show me your place.”

  I lead her up the stairs and chuckle as I open the door. “It’s not much to show. The three of us are hardly ever here.”

  Molly walks in and looks around the living room while I scramble to clean off the messy sofa. Graham and Jake need to learn a few housekeeping skills.

  The others walk in a few minutes later, and fucking Stacey keeps trying to wiggle between me and Molly. Stacey and her friend Jessica chase anything with a dick. One look at my girl, and I realized she is nothing like her cousin. Graham notices my frustration and calls to Stacey, “Hey, why don’t we go get some pizza for everyone?”

  I’m sure she’s about to refuse, so I step in and force her hand. “Yeah. That’s a great idea.” I smile at Stacey and watch as she sighs. Hopefully, my friends will keep her occupied and give me some time to get to know Molly.

  While the others are gone, I fall under this girl’s spell. She’s shy and funny, and before long, I know I’m crazy about her.

  As I cover her lips with mine, she sighs and melts into me. Pulling back, she looks up into my eyes and bites her full bottom lip. “I don’t usually act like this.” I glance down in confusion and she swallows. “I mean going to some stranger’s apartment on the first night we meet is crazy.”

  “I’m happy you made an exception for me.” I smile down at her. I’m kissing her soft lips when the apartment door bangs open, and my friends and Stacey come filing in. Our time alone is over. To my disappointment, Stacey continues to force herself between me and Molly. I’m frustrated and pissed by the interruption.

  Pulling Graham aside, I grumble, “What the fuck?”

  “Man, we tried to get her to stay out, but she refused.”

  We turn back to the girls, and they’re laughing at Jake as he makes a jackass out of himself. When Stacey and Molly get up to leave, I offer to drive them to Stacey’s apartment, and they agree.

  Before Molly gets out of the car, I take her hand and smile. “I need your number. I have a busy day tomorrow, but I’ll call when I’m done.” Stacey glares and taps her foot impatiently while her cousin gives me her information.

  The next day, my concentration is shit. Thinking about Molly takes over my brain, and I barely make it through the day. After rushing through my apartment door, I throw my shit into my room and dial her number. Molly answers on the first ring, and we arrange to meet up. Part of me is terrified at how much Molly already means to me while another part is telling me to stop being a pussy and go after my girl. There’s no doubt in my mind which side is going to win.

  I stick my head into Graham’s room to get his attention. “Hey, I need your help.”

  He occupies Stacey for the rest of the night, and I take Molly out. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know she’s different from the other girls I’ve dated. My cock is begging me to make a move on her, but my brain warns me to take things slow or I’ll scare her off.


  Every second I spend with Barrett, I fall deeper under his spell. The week is flying by, and I still haven't revealed to him my huge secret. Stacey keeps warning me that those jocks use girls like us and toss us aside, but I think my cousin is just jealous. The only cloud darkening my gorgeous blue sky is the lie I’ve been telling. I fear Barrett’s reaction when he realizes I’m a high school senior. Every time we’re together, the truth eats away at me, but I ignore the guilt and fall deeper for him.

  Last night, after kissing for hours on his sofa, Barrett leaned his forehead against mine and whispered, “I’ve never felt like this before.”

  The truth stuck to the back of my throat as I looked into his serious eyes. Instead of admitting my deception and begging for forgiveness, I smiled and kissed the dimple in his chin. “Me neither.” My silence will cost me dearly.

  I’m waiting for Barrett on the sidewalk outside his last class. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Stacey and Jessica walking my way. Something about the way she’s storming directly for me sends a chill down my spine. For the last several days, I’ve barely seen my cousin at all. Between Stacey having classes during the day and me spending every waking moment with Barrett in the evenings, we’ve only run into each other early in the morning as she gets ready to rush out the door.

  “I’m done,” my cousin snarls, and I see a satisfied smirk cross Jessica’s face. That girl has tried her best to drive a wedge between me and Stacey since last summer, and I have no idea why. “You’re a little lying slut.”

  My mouth drops open as I notice several people stopping to watch the show.


  My cousin’s frustration comes pouring out. “For the past four years, I’ve been totally invisible to these guys, and then you come along, Ms. High School Senior, and somehow you manage to snag the freaking quarterback.” Stacey throws up her hands and growls, “How?”

  Jessica snickers and mutters something that sounds like, “Jailbait pussy,” under her breath. My heart breaks as my house of cards collapses around me. My cousin’s be
trayal cuts deep. Right this second, I regret this entire trip.

  “High school senior?” is snarled behind me, and I spin around. Barrett, Graham, and Jake all stand there with varying expressions of shock splashed across their faces. “You’re in fucking high school?” As he swallows, a look of pure disdain fills his gaze, and I realize I’ve waited too late to reveal my secret.

  I hold up my hand and plead, “I wanted to tell you.” Stacey snorts behind me, and I flinch as her betrayal pierces my soul. “I didn’t know how.”

  “Hey, Barrett. I’m fucking jailbait. That’s how,” he roars, and I shake my head.

  “No. I’m eighteen.” I attempt to grab his arm, but he pushes me off and steps back. This whole situation is exploding before my eyes, and there’s no way for me to contain the damage.

  Graham mumbles something to Barrett, and I watch his nose flare for a second. He glances at his friend while shaking his head. The three men turn and walk away as tears flow from my eyes. Our relationship is over before it really even started, and I have no one to blame but myself.

  “You shouldn’t have fucked with him. He’s way out of your league.” My cousin sighs behind me, and I close my eyes. Needing to gain control before I completely wreck our family relationship, too, I walk away without responding.

  After sitting in the coffee shop for hours, I tell myself that Barrett deserves an explanation. He’s ignored all my texts and phone calls. I take an Uber over to his apartment and stand outside the door for a while before I finally knock.


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