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The Neighbor's Girl

Page 5

by JJ Argus


  "How many guys you fucked in the last week?"

  "Three,” she groaned, “but one of them twice."

  "That's not enough, you ignorant little twat! I want you to fuck ten guys this week."

  "But... but I'm getting a bad reputation - . "

  "As what? A whore? You are a fuckin' whore!” He slapped her bottom hard.

  “What the fuck else are you ever gonna be good for? If you had any brains in that air head of yours they'd rattle around!"

  As if to prove that he cuffed her on the side of the head.

  "You wanna be just a fifty dollar street hooker? Huh? Sucking cocks in alleyways?"

  He cuffed her again and she gasped in pain.

  "You want to work for me and my friend Lionel, you gotta be good. Real good!"

  He pulled his cock out of her bare little sex box then, and pushed it against her anus. She gasped and wriggled in alarm, but he put one big hand down against the back of her neck and shoved her face down against the carpet as he screwed his cock into her back hole.

  "This is what you get for being such a dumb little piece of shit!" he sneered, shoving his cock hard, forcing it down into her rectum as Ashley whined and whimpered, her face pressed hard against the rug.

  He jammed his cock balls deep into her little round hole, then grunted in pleasure as his balls pressed against the underside of her buttocks.

  Connie looked on with interest, again feeling divided. Now she wished it were her sodomizing Ashley while at the same time wished it were her being sodomised. If only Peter had this man’s sex drive, she thought forlornly.

  "You better learn to take it up the ass, kid. I like it that way sometimes and Lionel gives me free picks every weekend."

  He slowly pulled his cock back out of her hole, then bucked forward, driving it back inside.

  He started to fuck harder and faster, one hand still pressing down against the back of her neck, while the other one gripped her wrist, and for no reason Connie could tell, forced it up behind her back, making the little blonde cry out in pain.

  A minute later he came, dropping his wad down inside her anus. He pulled out then and shakily got to his feet.

  "Remember what I said, Ashley," he panted, "You got two choices, no, three choices in life. You can either be on welfare in a slum, work for some pimp who'll stick you on drugs and sell you thirty times a day to low class drunks and scumbags, or you can work for Lionel and me for a thousand bucks a night, drive a Porsche, and live in a penthouse."

  He tied her up and left the room then. Ashley stayed in the same position for a long minute, then slowly straightened and crawled to her feet. She held her arms tight over her belly, as though she had a stomach ache, then left the room as well.

  * * *

  Dawn returned home that night and Connie tried to turn the talk around to Ashley.

  "Is she dumb or something?"

  "Well, she's not exactly Einstein," Dawn sniffed. "She can hardly even read. I don’t know how she graduated from high school."

  "What do her parents think of that?"

  "They don't care. They're so busy with their work she hardly ever sees them anyway."


  "Oh just wondering. I let her use the pool a little this week and we talked a little."

  "I thought you didn't want her around."

  "Well, maybe I got lonely for you, sweetheart," she grinned.

  Dawn smirked back.

  "She's had a lot of... experience with boys, hasn't she?"

  Dawn made a face and shrugged.

  "Lately she has. She didn't used to be. For some reason she's been goin' nuts in the last couple of months.”

  "Actually I'm surprised Beaknose hasn't been on to her parents for weeks now."


  "Mr. Beacon," she said, making another face. "He has this incredibly long nose so we call him Beak Nose. He’s her psychiatrist. Her parents started sending her to him when she finished high school but didn’t know what she wanted to do. He’s a sort of mix of shrink and guidance councillor"

  Something clicked in Connie's brain.

  "Is he a big man, around thirty, with brown hair?"

  "Yeah. Why? You seen him?"

  "I think so?"

  "Not about me I hope?"

  "No. Just in passing. He was with a girl."

  "He's always with a girl," Dawn laughed. "He's a total perve."


  “Ashley used to talk about how he’d stare at her tits whenever she was seeing him, and try to get her to talk about sex stuff.

  Chapter Four

  The next day she kept watch on the Cooper's house. Ashley left early with Dawn for school, but returned only a couple of hours later with a young man on her arm. They went inside and Connie had no doubts about what they were doing.

  The guy left about half an hour later. Connie decided to give the girl a half hour so she wouldn't think she was being spied upon, but then spotted her leaving about ten minutes after the boy. She went to the door and called to her.

  Ashley looked back in surprise, then her face clouded over. She jammed her hands into the pockets of her tight jeans and slumped her way over to stand at the foot of the stairs.

  "You haven't been over to sunbathe," she said, awkwardly.


  "I hope you're not feeling upset about what happened?"

  "I ain't upset."

  "Why haven't you come around then?"

  "I don't have to come around every day, do I?" she demanded.

  "No. But you have until yesterday."

  "Well, I was busy yesterday. I got things to do, you know. You're the one that was asking me how come I never do anything?"

  "It wasn't a criticism, Ashley. Though I did see you with that boy just now."

  "You spying on me?" she glared.

  "No. But I thought you said you couldn't have boys over when your parents weren't home."

  "So go and tell them! I don't care."

  Connie glared at the girl. "Come inside, Ashley. I have to speak to you about something."

  "I gotta go."

  "This will only take a minute."

  "I ain't no dyke, okay."

  "Well, who said you were? I'm not gay either."

  "Then how come - . "

  "We can talk better inside."

  "Okay," the girl scowled, "but just talk. I don't want you touchin' me."

  Connie stood back and motioned her up the stairs, then followed her into the house and closed the door behind her.

  The girl stood against the wall, her arms folded across her chest defensively. She scowled up at Connie.

  "I saw that man yesterday too."

  "You are spying one me, you fuckin' fag!"

  "You watch your mouth, you little slut!"

  "Oh so I'm a slut, huh? What's that make you?"

  "Don't you use that snotty tone with me, Ashley!"

  "I can use any tone I want!"

  "You shouldn't be sleeping with men that age."

  "Just women that age, huh? You're as old as him!"

  "That's different."

  "How?" the girl demanded.

  "I'm not trying to take advantage of you."

  "Oh no! You just wanna fuck me! How's that different than him? If I wanna fuck guys I will! I told you I ain't a queer!"

  "I never thought you were a queer! You don't have to fuck half the men in the city to prove it!"

  The girl's face reddened angrily and she scowled at Connie. "I ain't fuckin' half the boys in the city! You're just a jealous old dyke bitch is all!"

  "I told you to watch your filthy mouth!"

  "Or what? Huh? Or what? Dyke! Dyke! Dyke!"

  Connie snarled angrily and grabbed for the girl, who twisted aside and tried to kick her. Connie grabbed her long hair and twisted her head back, bringing a scream of outraged pain from the blonde. She jammed her elbow back towards Connie's belly but the older woman twisted aside.

You spoiled little brat!" she snarled. "I know what you need!"

  She fell back into a straight, hard backed chair, dragging Ashley face down across her lap. The little blonde twisted and writhed but Connie was much stronger and bigger. She slid her left arm around the girl's waist, almost completely encircling it.

  Then she slashed her right hand down hard on the upturned bottom. Ashley yelped and cursed furiously, twisting harder in her efforts to escape. Connie brought her hand down again and again on the tight denim clad buttocks, using all her strength.

  Ashley yelped and cursed with each blow, the cursing and insults eased off but she continued to cry out in pain each time Connie's hand cracked down on her ass. Connie's hand was hurting probably more than the girl's bottom so she grabbed the belt out of the girl's loops and doubled it up.

  She reconsidered, tossing it down. She undid the now weeping girl's pants and jerked and pulled them down over her hips and buttocks. She wore no underwear and Connie could see the little blonde's red buttocks now as she pulled the jeans the rest of the way off.

  "Fucking d-d-ddyke!" the girl sniffled, trying to pull away again.

  Connie brought her hand down hard on the bare buttocks and the sound made a loud crack! in the narrow hallway. She watched the red palm print she left behind in the jiggling flesh, then brought her hand down again, then again.

  Soon Ashley was weeping and sobbing, only interrupting for brief cries of pain with each fresh blow. Her buttocks were a hot, fiery red. Connie gasped for breath, resting her red hand on the girl's bottom momentarily.

  "Someone... should... have done this... a long time ago," she said, panting.

  As if of its own volition her hand started slowly stroking the girl's red bottom, then slipped down between and onto her pussy. She rubbed it unconsciously, slipping a single finger into her tight hole as she stroked the blonde's clit.

  "You have to learn to behave... to act more mature," she sighed.

  Ashley's weeping continued, though it was softer than before.

  "You're probably a good kid, Ashley, but you have to have more consideration for people."

  The girl's sniffed and gulped, her groin pushing back against Connie's fingers.

  "There. You like that? Does that make it feel better?" Connie cooed, her voice dropping almost without realizing it, into a childish patter.

  "Poor Ashley... Poor little thing."

  She stroked the girls sex mound with nimble fingers, sliding two in and out of her pussy, thumbing her clit and pushing it down against her pumping fingers. Ashley groaned, her body trembling against Connie.

  Then she gave a gasp of pleasure and her hips began to jerk frenziedly back against Connie's pumping fingers. Connie pumped harder still, knowing the blonde was cumming and wanting to drive her higher into the realm of pleasure the orgasm brought.

  When Ashley had calmed somewhat, Connie pulled her up off her lap, holding her in front of the chair. She reached up and unbuttoned the girl's shirt, pulling it open. Ashley shrugged it off, her chest heaving as she looked down at Connie.

  Connie's arms slid around the girl's waist and brought her forward, nuzzling her lips against the girl's right nipple. She sucked it erect, then shifted to the other. Her hands fondled the blonde girl's hot buttocks as she kissed her way down her belly and onto her pubic mound.

  She slid her hands between Ashley's legs, sliding them up behind her to squeeze her buttocks and hold her mons firmly against her mouth. Then she started to tongue her slit, lapping carefully up and down the little pink crevice, paying special attention to her clit.

  Ashley sighed in happiness, grinding her hips a little. She closed her eyes and let her head roll, her hands going onto Connie's head to maintain her balance as she spread her legs. Connie tongued her into another orgasm, the blonde girl's legs wavering and her body humping forward excitedly.

  She practically sat on Connie's hands to keep from falling. Then when she came out of it and Connie stood up, sliding her own pants off, the blonde stepped back, scowling again suspiciously. "I ain't doin' you. I ain't no dyke," she sniffed.

  "You stupid little slut! I'm not a dyke! I'm married with a daughter! Just because you're with me doesn't mean you're gay!"

  "Fuck you, you dumb bitch dyke pussy face!" Ashley sneered.

  Connie stared down at her open mouthed. Then she snarled and grabbed the girl by the hair, dragging her over her lap again as she sat down. Strangely, Ashley didn't seem to fight her at all.

  Connie started smacking her ass again, turning the skin a fresh deep red again. When she eased off Ashley reached between her and pinched her pussy hard. Connie yelped and slapped the girl on the back of the head, grabbing both her hands and jerking them behind her back.

  She brought the belt up and wrapped it around the girl's wrists, jerking it tight and tying them together behind her back. Then she started smacking her bottom again, harder than before, ignoring the pain in her own hand. Just for good measure she smacked her hand right down over Ashley's pussy mound several times.

  Ashley howled and jerked when she did that, otherwise she merely grunted with each blow to her ass. Connie suspected the blonde was getting off on the spanking. She thrust her finger into Ashley's pussy and found it dripping wet. The girl humped back against her finger at once.

  "Oh no you don't!" Connie snarled.

  She dumped the girl on the floor, holding her by the hair and bringing her face in between her thighs as she spread her legs wide. "I've done you, now you do me. I want you to suck my pussy, and you better do it right!"

  She knotted the thick blonde hair at the side of Ashley's head and forced her face into her groin. Ashley moaned, her eyes bright and shining as she pushed her tongue against Connie's slit.

  A hot stab of fiery pleasure shot into Connie's brain as she felt the soft young tongue touch her slit. She slid down on the chair, opening her leg wide as Ashley began to lap at her pussy, imitating the way Connie had licked hers.

  Soon Connie was rocking and shaking on the chair, her hips bouncing up and down as she pulled Ashley's sweet face into her pussy. Ashley's tongue was slithering in and out of her pussy opening, lapping at her clit and even flickering around her anus.

  Connie came explosively, jerking Ashley's face down against her groin so hard the girl couldn't breath. She almost screamed in pleasure from the ripping, churning waves of sexual bliss roiling through her body.

  When she had recovered she looked down at Ashley. The little blonde was sitting back on her heels, gazing up at Connie with a look of satisfaction and lust on her sweet face. Her big breasts looked delectable and Connie thought she could suck on those hard little nipples all day.

  "Come upstairs, Ashley," she ordered, standing up.

  She pulled the girl to her feet and led her up to her bedroom, thinking of all the things she was going to teach the youngster, and thinking also about luring her away from that Beacon pervert.

  She pushed the girl onto the big brass bed she and Peter shared, then went to the closet and brought out two pairs of panty hose. Ashley looked at her uncomprehending as she tore both pair in half and returned to the bed. She turned the blonde girl around and undid the belt, then pushed her back on the bed.

  "I think you need discipline, Ashley," she said.

  She sat on Ashley's chest and pushed her arms back against the mattress, kneeling on both to hold them in place. She tied one leg of panty hose to the two top corner posts, then tied the other end of each leg to one of Ashley's wrists.

  The girl didn't resist, if anything, once she saw what Connie intended she spread her arms and kept them high and wide as Connie tightened the elastic hose around each wrist. With them bound she moved to the foot of the bed and repeated the act, tying the girl's ankles tightly to the opposite corners of the bed.

  Ashley flexed her muscles, pulling against the panty hose, obviously revelling in the tight bondage. She gazed up at Connie with a hot, yearning look. Connie returned it, then went to her closet,
going inside and fumbling at the very back corner.

  She came out with her little locked box of toys and brought it over to the bed. Ashley looked at it with anxious anticipation. Connie took the key from under her lingerie in one of the drawers and unlocked the box. Then she stripped off her sweater and bra to stand naked by the bed.

  She sat on the edge then and reached into the box, pulling out a long thick black metal object. She turned a little knob at it's base and it buzzed as it started shaking. She turned and started rolling it slowly along Ashley's belly.

  Ashley stared at it in astonished heat, her eyes shining as she watched and felt it moving in slow circles along her belly. Connie slid it down onto her abdomen, rolling it along her puffy little sex mound, then moved it back up her body and slid it between her breasts.

  She slowly circled each breast, barely grazing the sides, then moved it against Ashley's arm pits. After long minutes of sliding it up and down her sides and legs, and over her chest, she let it roll firmly into the thick, meaty mound of Ashley's right breast, pressing into the soft flesh as she moved it onto her nipple.

  She left it there on the nipple, buzzing and thrumming with motion as Ashley moaned and tried to arch her back to push her breast up harder against the big vibrator.

  She slid it down the big mound and up onto the other, again holding it over the nipple. Then she moved it back onto the other nipple and bent over, sliding her lips over the girl's right nipple and sucking lightly, then more heavily, enjoying the sweet taste and satisfaction of sucking on the big melon.

  Her hands squeezed the thick, resilient flesh as she tongued each nipple. Between her tongue and lips and teeth, and the buzzing vibrator, Ashley was soon begging her to stop. Her nipples were rock hard, harder than Connie had ever felt her own, or Ashley's before. They were like two little pebbles.

  Just to see if they really were that hard Connie took her right nipple between her teeth and bit down hard. The nipple was not as hard as rock, and Ashley screamed, partly in pain, but mostly in shocked response to the blast wave of shocking pleasure that tore into her chest.

  "OH! Oh God! God! GOD! Suck me! Suck me! Oh fucking Christ! OH!"


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