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The Lives of Bees

Page 27

by Thomas D Seeley

  300- meter distance with less precision than those of their sisters reared at

  the two higher temperatures. Subsequent work looked for temperature-

  induced effects on the worker bees’ brains, and found that the connections

  between neurons in the mushroom bodies—the centers of information

  integration in worker bees’ brains—were highest in bees that matured at

  the normal brood- nest temperature (34.5°C) and were significantly lower

  in bees raised at temperatures just 1°C (less than 2°F) above or below


  The temperature of any living system reflects the relative rates at which

  it gains heat and it loses heat, so to understand how a honey bee colony

  maintains a stable, and elevated, temperature in its brood nest, we must

  examine how it adjusts both its production of heat through metabolism and

  its loss of heat through various means, including nest ventilation and evapo-

  rative cooling. These processes are the same for managed colonies living in

  hives and wild colonies living in trees, but how hard the bees need to work

  to heat and cool their nests often differs greatly for the two types of colo-

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  32˚ C = 90˚ F


  24˚ C = 75˚ F

  16˚ C = 61˚ F



  7˚ C = 45˚ F

  –12˚ C = 10˚ F

  –18˚ C = 0˚ F




  10 cm

  Fig. 9.1. Isotherms of a winter cluster of honey bees living in Madison, Wis-

  consin. Data were collected at 1700 hours on 25 February 1951, from a colony

  housed in a Langstroth- type, movable- frame hive that consisted of three

  medium- depth hive bodies. The 7°C (45°F) isotherm marks the outer surface

  of the bees’ cluster. Note the pocket of relatively warm air in the upper half of

  the hive. It is this microenvironment around the cluster that is its direct ther-

  mal environment.

  nies. As we shall see, colony thermoregulation—in both summer and win-

  ter—is generally easier for wild colonies because the thick wooden walls

  of their tree- cavity homes provide better insulation than do the thin lum-

  ber walls of most hives, and because cracks in the walls of the wild colo-

  nies’ homes are filled with propolis, which makes them less drafty. These

  differences in insulation and draftiness are important because they strongly

  influence the microenvironment inside a colony’s nest cavity, and it is the

  temperature inside the nest cavity, not the temperature outside it, that is

  the direct thermal environment of a bee colony (Fig. 9.1). Increasing the

  insulation and decreasing the draftiness of a nest enclosure slows the heat

  flow between the microenvironment of the nest and the macroenviron-

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  218 Chapter 9

  ment of the world outside. This means that on a day when the air is cold,

  a wild colony living inside a well- insulated and well- sealed tree cavity

  needs to produce relatively little heat to keep its brood nest warmed to

  the ca. 35°C (95°F) set point, because the microenvironment around it is

  so well isolated from the cold macroenvironment outside. It also means

  that on an extremely hot day, when heat will tend to flow into a colony’s

  nest cavity, a wild colony living in a thick- walled tree hollow may need to

  do relatively little cooling to prevent its brood nest from overheating,

  because the microenvironment inside the nest cavity is so well isolated

  from the high temperatures outside.



  The ability of a honey colony to maintain a warm microclimate inside its

  nest is ultimately derived from the adaptions of honey bees for flight. Being

  insects, honey bees fly by flapping their wings—the most energetically

  demanding mode of animal locomotion—and the flight muscles of insects

  are among the most metabolically active of tissues. A worker bee in flight

  expends energy at a rate of about 500 watts/kilogram (230 watts/pound).

  In comparison, the maximum power output of an Olympic rower is only

  about 20 watts/kilogram (9 watts/pound). Therefore, whenever a bee is

  airborne, she not only consumes the energy in her fuel at a prodigious rate,

  she also generates a great deal of heat. The efficiency of a bee’s flight ap-

  paratus in converting metabolic fuel to mechanical power is about 10–20

  percent, so more than 80 percent of the energy expended in flight appears

  as heat in the muscles. The rate of heat loss from a worker bee’s hairy tho-

  rax is sufficiently low that during sustained flight her thorax temperature

  is typically 10°–15°C (18°–27°F) above the ambient temperature.

  We see, therefore, that in honey bees an elevated thorax temperature is

  an inevitable consequence of flight, but what is critical for understanding

  the origins of the colony thermoregulation abilities of honey bees is the

  fact that an elevated thorax temperature has become essential for their

  flight. Workers must maintain a thorax temperature above about 27°C

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  (81°F) to be able to fly. Flight muscles cooler than this simply cannot gen-

  erate the high wingbeat frequency and power output per stroke needed

  for takeoff and flight. This high minimum thorax temperature for flight

  reflects two “design” constraints on the bees’ flight- muscle enzymes: 1)

  they must withstand the high thoracic temperature produced by flight, but

  2) when built with sufficiently strong intramolecular bonds to resist deg-

  radation at high temperatures, they are too rigid to operate efficiently at

  low temperatures. So, when honey bees evolved flight muscles adapted to

  high temperatures, they also evolved the ability to conduct preflight warm-

  ups of these muscles, without which they would remain grounded at tem-

  peratures below 27°C (81°F). Bees warm up their flight muscles by simul-

  taneously activating the wing- levator and the wing- depressor muscles in

  the thorax. This causes these muscles to contract isometrically, which pro-

  duces much heat but few or no wing vibrations.

  This preflight warm- up behavior evidently set the stage for the evolu-

  tion of nest thermoregulation by honey bees, since they use the same

  mechanism of isometric muscle contractions for warming their flight

  muscles and for heating their brood combs. Recordings of the thorax tem-

  peratures of foragers preparing to leave on foraging flights and of nurse

  bees heating cells of capped brood show identical patterns of a 2°–3°C

  (4°–5°F) per minute rise in thorax temperature. And in both settings the

  wings of a bee warming herself remain motionless, folded over her abdo-

  men. Sometimes the bees that are heating brood stand perfectly still while

  pressing their thoraces onto the caps of cells containing pupae, but other

  times they enter empty cells amidst cel
ls of sealed brood and then remain

  in them for up to 30 minutes with their thoraces heated to 41°C (106°F),

  to warm the pupae in the adjacent cells (Fig. 9.2).

  The colony- level thermoregulation abilities of Apis mellifera evolved in

  tandem with the evolution of this bee’s social life. In part, honey bee colo-

  nies gained their sophisticated control of nest temperature when they

  evolved into large groups, simply because a group has a greater capacity

  for heat production than an individual. After all, a colony of 15,000 bees

  can generate heat some 15,000 times more powerfully than can a single

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  Fig. 9.2. Thermogram taken with an infrared camera of worker bees on a comb

  containing capped brood cells and empty cells. Capped cells appear gray with

  no outline; empty cells are recognized by the hexagonal shape of their rims.

  A: worker with hot (ca. 38°C/100°F) thorax that is about to enter an empty cell

  adjacent to three sealed brood cells. B: worker that has just left the warm (ca.

  37°C/98°F) open cell in the center of the image. C and D: workers not producing

  heat; each has a cool thorax. E and F: cells containing workers producing heat; in each, the cell interior glows around the dark silhouette of the cool abdomen of

  the heater bee within the cell.

  bee. A second advantage in thermoregulation enjoyed by groups relative

  to individuals is reduced heat loss per individual, especially when the

  group’s members crowd together into a tight cluster. The surface area of

  an isolated worker honey bee—a cylinder 14 millimeters (0.55 inch) long

  and 4 millimeters (0.16 inch) in diameter—is about 3.8 square centime-

  ters (0.6 square inches), but the surface area of 15,000 bees, when con-

  tracted into a dense cluster 18 centimeters (7 inches) in diameter, is only

  about 1,000 square centimeters (155 square inches). So, when a bee is

  huddling in a cluster, her effective surface area is reduced to only 0.067

  square centimeters (0.01 square inches), some 60 times smaller than when

  she is standing alone.

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  Honey bee colonies benefit greatly from being able to both cool and heat

  themselves. With thousands of bees crowded together inside a nest cavity

  that has only one rather small entrance opening, a strong colony faces a

  risk of disastrous overheating when the temperature outside the nest cav-

  ity rises above about 30°C (86°F) and stays there all day. Sustained tem-

  peratures over 37°C (99°F) inside a nest will disrupt larval metamorpho-

  sis. Also, if the temperature inside a nest rises above 40°C (104°F), then

  the beeswax combs can soften dangerously, and those laden with honey

  can collapse. Moreover, the adult bees can survive only a few hours at

  temperatures of 45°–50°C (113°–122°F), which is just 10°–15°C (18°–

  27°F) above their optimum temperature for full activity (35°C/95°F). In

  contrast, honey bees can survive indefinitely at 15°C (59°F). This shows

  that worker bees, like most organisms, possess a narrower range of heat

  tolerance above their optimum than below it. The low tolerance of high

  temperatures by honey bees reflects the fact that they have not evolved

  enzymes more stable than are normally necessary. This makes sense,

  because an enzyme that would be stable at temperatures far above this

  bee’s normal range would be too rigid to function efficiently at its usual


  The adaptive significance of avoiding nest overheating is obvious, but

  what selective forces favored the evolution of nest warming? The main ben-

  efit during the warm months is probably acceleration of brood develop-

  ment. Speedy brood development enables rapid colony growth, which is

  valuable whenever a colony’s population has dropped sharply, such as at the

  end of winter, after swarming, and following heavy mortality from preda-

  tion. Significant deceleration of brood development occurs when brood is

  cooled just slightly. Vern G. Milum found, for example, that brood located

  on the perimeter of a colony’s brood nest, where the temperature averaged

  about 31.5°C (89°F), required 22–24 days between egg laying and adult

  emergence, whereas brood in the nest center, where it was about 3°C

  (4.5°F) warmer, required only 20–22 days to complete development.

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  In addition to fostering rapid colony growth, the elevated temperature

  of a colony’s brood nest helps it cope with disease. Work done by Anna

  Maurizio, in the 1930s, showed that chalkbrood, a disease of honey bee

  larvae caused by the fungus Ascosphaera apis, is blocked if a colony keeps its

  larvae warm (at 35°C/95°F), but that letting the larvae cool to 30°C

  (86°F) for just a few hours is all that is needed for a successful infection of

  these larvae by this fungus. Recently, Phil Starks and colleagues have shown

  that honey bee colonies have a brood- comb fever response when exposed

  to chalkbrood spores. Specifically, colonies that were fed a 50 percent

  sugar solution containing ground sporulating chalkbrood mummies—

  dead larvae covered with the fruiting bodies of the fungus—raised their

  brood- comb temperatures by nearly 0.6°C (1.0°F) (Fig. 9.3). Given that

  the normal range of the brood- comb temperature is just 2°C, from 34°C

  to 36°C (93°F to 97°F), a 0.6°C increase is a sizable elevation, and it ap-

  pears to have been effective in preventing infection. None of the colonies

  that were fed the spores acquired the disease. Honey bee colonies also

  suffer from at least 15 viral and two bacterial diseases, but the effects of

  high brood- comb temperature on a colony’s vulnerability to viral and bac-

  terial infections remain unknown. Studies with other insect viruses have

  found that they do not cause infections when their hosts are reared at

  temperatures like those found in the brood nest of a honey bee colony, so

  the elevated temperatures found in honey bee colonies may provide resis-

  tance to viral diseases, too.

  Of course, another important benefit of the honey bee colony’s ability

  to create a warm microclimate within its nest is greater resistance to cold

  temperatures out in the general environment. Through its advanced tech-

  niques of social thermoregulation, Apis mellifera has greatly expanded its

  thermal niche, living today in geographic locations where colonies would

  otherwise perish over winter. As was discussed in chapter 6, the honey bee

  is basically a tropical insect that has expanded its range into cold- temperate

  regions through various adaptations, especially its ability to maintain a

  warm cluster throughout long, freezing winters.

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  ference (˚C)


  mperature dif –0.2








  Fig. 9.3. Differences between observed and expected temperatures in the center

  of the brood comb in three small colonies living in two- frame observation hives,

  on days when they were fed sugar syrup that was pure (Feed interval) or con-

  tained chalkbrood ( Ascosphaera apis) spores (Treatment interval), and on days

  before (Prefeed) and after (Post- treatment) the feeding. Brood- comb tempera-

  tures decreased during the Feed period, because some bees left the brood comb

  to collect the sugar syrup. Despite the cooling effect of feeding, the colonies had

  relatively high brood- comb temperatures when the sugar syrup was inoculated

  with chalkbrood spores.


  The primary problem in thermoregulation that is faced by a honey bee

  colony living in a place with long, cold winters is that of staying warmer

  than the surrounding environment. As mentioned already, the internal

  temperature that a colony strives to maintain varies depending on whether

  it is or is not rearing brood. If it is, then the brood- nest region is kept at

  34°–36°C (93°–97°F). If it is not rearing brood, then it turns down its

  thermostat and maintains its core temperature above about 18°C (64°F)

  and its mantle temperatures above about 8°C (46°F). These two tempera-

  tures are critical lower limits. Bees chilled below about 18°C (64°F) can-

  not generate the neuronal activity that is needed to activate their flight

  muscles to produce more heat, and bees cooled below about 8°C (46°F)

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  become immobilized and enter a sort of chill coma. Whether a bee sur-

  vives such hypothermia depends on its duration; chilling to 10°C (50°F)

  or colder kills most bees within 48 hours.

  A colony maintains a suitably warm microclimate inside the part of its

  nest that it occupies—the combs that it covers—by controlling the rates

  of heat production within and heat loss from this region. Figure 9.4 de-

  picts the ways that a colony in a winter cluster loses heat to the environ-


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