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The Lives of Bees

Page 29

by Thomas D Seeley

  wing movements—adult bees can boost greatly their metabolic heat pro-

  duction, up to about 500 watts per kilogram (230 watts per pound)! It is,

  therefore, the adult worker bees’ metabolic rate that is varied to adjust a

  colony’s heat production. Workers engaged in heat production for the

  colony are almost indistinguishable from resting bees; both stand motion-

  less on the combs. However, one can sometimes observe a worker press

  her thorax firmly onto the cap of a cell containing a pupa and then stand

  motionless in this posture for several minutes. She is generating heat (with

  her flight muscles) to raise her thorax temperature to approximately 40°C

  (104°F). This will boost the temperature of the brood cell by a few de-

  grees. Also, measurements of single bees or small groups of bees confined

  in a controlled- temperature respirometer show clearly that worker bees

  will resist chilling by dramatically raising their metabolic rate. For exam-

  ple, whereas a group of 10 workers at 35°C (95°F) showed little elevation

  of thorax temperature (36°C/97°F) and had a low metabolic rate (29

  watts per kilogram/13 watts per pound), bees in a group held at 5°C

  (41°F) boosted their metabolic rate to 300 watts per kilogram (136 watts

  per pound) and so maintained a thorax temperature of 29°C (84°F), far

  above the ambient temperature.

  In nature, where each bee works together with thousands of fellow

  colony members in resisting cold, the process of the workers increasing

  their heat production operates together with the process of them reducing

  their heat loss by clustering. Figure 9.7 shows how the bees coordinate

  these two thermoregulatory mechanisms. Heat production increases as the

  ambient temperature drops from 30°C (86°F) to about 15°C (59°F) and

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  stable cluster


  no cluster




  Metabolic rate (watts per kilogram of bees)







  Temperature (˚C)

  Fig. 9.7. Metabolic rate of an overwintering colony in relation to ambient tem-

  perature. The colony was inside a controlled- temperature cabinet that served as

  a metabolic chamber. Each data point shows the minimum metabolic rate of the

  colony during a 24- hour run at a fixed temperature.

  does so again when it falls below about 10°C (50°F), but it decreases

  sharply when the ambient temperature declines from about 15°C to 10°C.

  As discussed above, this is the temperature range over which a colony

  coalesces into a well- insulated cluster and can resist deepening cold en-

  tirely by reducing its heat loss. Because clusters continue to shrink down

  until temperatures reach about −10°C (14°F), reducing heat loss continues

  to play a role in colony thermoregulation down to this temperature,

  though as we can see in Figure 9.7, it is accompanied by rising heat produc-

  tion. Presumably the reason colonies do not initiate their cluster formation

  at higher temperatures, and thereby reduce their nest- heating costs, is that

  coalescing into a tight cluster disrupts other colony operations, such as

  foraging and food storage.

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  234 Chapter 9


  A honey bee colony sometimes needs to cool its home to keep the tem-

  perature in the brood- nest region below about 36°C (97°F). Prolonged

  temperatures just 2°–3°C (about 3°–5°F) higher than this will disrupt the

  development of immature honey bees undergoing metamorphosis—that

  is, the transformation of a larva to an adult. Some of the danger of nest

  overheating arises from the colony’s inevitable production of metabolic

  heat. The resting- level heat production by brood and non- incubating adults

  is much lower than that of actively incubating bees; nevertheless, even

  non- incubating bees produce enough heat that, when the air temperature

  outside a colony’s nest rises above about 27°C (80°F), the colony can face

  a threat of its brood nest overheating. This danger is more common for

  managed colonies residing in thinly insulated hives fully exposed to direct

  sunlight than for wild colonies inhabiting well- insulated tree cavities

  shaded by neighboring trees. But whenever overheating of the brood nest

  arises, the bees deploy mechanisms for keeping their nests cool that are as

  effective as the ones they use to keep them warm. For example, when

  Martin Lindauer placed a colony of bees living in a thin- walled, wooden

  hive in full sunlight on a lava field near Salerno, in southern Italy, the

  colony’s maximum temperature inside its hive never exceeded 36°C

  (97°F), even though the temperature of the air at hive level outside rose

  to 60°C (140°F) and the temperature inside an unoccupied hive nearby

  rose to 41°C (106°F). To prevent nest overheating, colonies deploy a bat-

  tery of cooling mechanisms in a graded response. They start with the

  adults spreading out inside the nest and partially evacuating it (to reduce

  internal heat production and foster heat loss by convection), followed by

  fanning (to create forced convection), and finally spreading water on the

  combs (to turn on evaporative cooling).

  The dispersal of adult worker bees inside their nest cavity as its tem-

  perature rises is an extension of the cluster expansion that starts when

  the temperature inside the nest cavity rises above about −10°C (14°F).

  The air temperature outside the nest at which fanning behavior begins to

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  supplement this dispersal by the bees is variable and depends on such

  factors as the sun exposure of the nest structure (tree or hive), the insula-

  tion of the nest cavity’s walls, and the strength of the colony (which influ-

  ences its overall rate of heat production). What matters to the colony,

  ultimately, is keeping the internal nest temperature below 36°C (97°F),

  and many observers have reported bees initiating strong ventilation of

  their nest when its internal temperature approaches this critical limit for

  the brood- nest temperature. The fanning bees deploy themselves through-

  out the nest, aligning themselves in chains to drive the air along existing

  (unidirectional) currents. Additional fanning bees stand outside the en-

  trance opening with their abdomens pointing away from it, pulling air out

  of the nest.

  Recently, Jacob Peters and colleagues at Harvard University have mea-

  sured the velocity of airflow at the entrance and have reported that it can

  be as high as 3 meters per second (ca. 10 feet per second), hence 10.8

  kilometers (6.7 miles) per hour. This occurs when the temperature of the

  air that is being expelled is over 36°C (97°F), indicating that the colony’s

  brood- nest temperature is dangerously high. An earlier investigator, Engel

  H. Hazelhoff, working in the Netherlands,
measured the volume of airflow

  through a nest created by the fanning bees. He constructed a hive with two

  openings, one at the top, connected to an airspeed indicator (anemome-

  ter), and one at the bottom, serving as the hive’s entrance. With this hive,

  he could accurately measure the airflow through the hive produced by the

  fanning bees. Once, when there were 12 bees fanning steadily, all spaced

  evenly across the 25- centimeter- (10- inch- ) wide entrance of his hive,

  Hazelhoff measured the rate at which cool, fresh air flowed in through the

  top opening: up to 1.0–1.4 liters (0.26–0.37 gallons) per second!

  Hazelhoff also discovered that a high level of carbon dioxide in the air

  inside a nest, not just a high temperature, will stimulate strong fanning by

  bees for ventilation. This means that nest ventilation by honey bees func-

  tions not only in social thermoregulation but also in social respiration.

  Remarkably, the carbon dioxide content of the air inside a colony’s nest

  cavity when it is not being actively ventilated by the bees is 0.7%–1.0%,

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  236 Chapter 9

  which is 20–30 times above the normal percentage of carbon dioxide of

  atmospheric air (0.03%–0.04%). The ability of honey bee colonies to

  thrive under such “stuffy” conditions shows us how remarkably these social

  bees are adapted to living in large numbers inside tree cavities with small


  In chapter 5, we saw how the tree- cavity nests of wild colonies often

  have just one entrance opening and that often its size is quite small, only

  10–20 square centimeters (1.5–3.0 square inches). This raises the ques-

  tion of how the bees achieve sufficient airflow through just one small en-

  trance opening to prevent buildup of excess heat (and carbon dioxide) in

  the nest. The work of Jacob Peters and his colleagues shows us how the

  bees solve this problem. The fanning bees distribute themselves asym-

  metrically around the entrance opening so that air continuously enters

  and exits at different locations around its perimeter (Fig. 9.8). The clus-

  tering of the fanning bees also has the benefit of reducing the fluid friction

  of the air, which increases the ventilation efficiency. Evidently, the fanning

  bees achieve this efficient partitioning of the inflow and outflow air-

  streams by sensing the air temperature—which is highest where the air

  is shooting out—and aligning themselves with the direction of the airflow

  wherever the air is hottest. In other words, the fanning bees use the air-

  flow itself, not direct interactions with the other fanners, to efficiently

  partition the outflow of hot air and the inflow of cooler air through their

  nest’s entrance.

  When the bees cannot cool their nest adequately by means of worker

  dispersal and nest ventilation, they bring the power of evaporative cooling

  to the problem. Water absorbs a great deal of heat (energy) when passing

  from a liquid into a gas, so water evaporation is a wonderfully powerful

  means of cooling objects. We all know this from our experience in sweat-

  ing when our bodies are overheating. A vivid demonstration of the power

  of evaporative cooling in the context of beekeeping comes from a report

  of a catastrophe by P. C. Chadwick, a beekeeper in southern California.

  One day in June 1916, when the midday air temperature rose to 48°C

  (118°F), his bees brought large amounts of water into their nests and pre-

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  36 mperature (˚C)



  bee density

  air velocity




  air temperature


  locity (m/s) 0




  Density (fanners/cm)











  x (cm)

  Fig. 9.8. Top: Worker bees ventilating at the entrance of a hive, in a cluster on

  the left side of the entrance opening. Bottom: Air velocity (green), bee density

  (black), and air temperature (red) across the hive entrance. The outflow and

  inflow velocities are indicated by positive and negative values, respectively.

  vented the melting of their combs. By 9:00 p.m., the temperature had

  dropped to 29.5°C (85°F), but at midnight a hot breeze blowing in off the

  desert raised the air temperature back up to 38°C (100°F). The supplies

  of water in the colonies were soon exhausted, no more water could be

  collected until daylight, and the combs of many of Chadwick’s colonies

  softened and collapsed during the night.

  The details of the acquisition, handling, and storage of water in nests,

  and the regulation of its collection, have received close attention in recent

  years. For example, it is now clear that some of a colony’s workers that are

  old enough to work outside the hive will specialize in water collection,

  and that they can travel to water sources up to 2 kilometers (1.2 miles)

  away, even though they must make their return flights with their crops

  (fuel tanks) filled with water. That some of the workers in a honey bee

  colony are water- collector specialists makes sense, because colonies need

  water daily, sometimes for evaporative cooling, other times for diluting

  stored honey and producing glandular secretions to feed brood, and still

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  other times to humidify their nests to prevent desiccation of the brood.

  There are times, too, when the adult bees need water simply to relieve

  personal thirst—that is, to maintain osmotic homeostasis in their bodies.

  I witnessed bees in a broodless colony responding to powerful sensa-

  tions of personal thirst one January day in Ithaca, when deep snow covered

  the land but a strong sun had warmed the air enough that some of the bees

  living in the observation hive in my office were making flights outside. At

  first, I figured that these bees were simply conducting cleansing flights, but

  then I noticed several bees inside the hive performing extremely vigorous

  waggle dances for a site just outside the building. These were water collec-

  tors! They had found puddles of snowmelt in the parking lot, and upon

  entering the observation hive they were being mobbed by thirsty bees.

  One of these water collectors produced the most exuberant and persistent

  waggle dance that ever I have seen; it lasted for 339- plus dance circuits

  without a pause. I must write “339- plus,” because I did not see the start of

  her eye- catching performance.

  At the time, I thought that the extraordinary wintertime thirst of these

  bees was not natural. I figured it was an artifact of their living in an obser-

  vation hive located in a heated room, an arrangement that prevented their

  metabolic water from condensing on the walls of their
nest cavity (the

  observation hive). Since then, I have learned that even bees living outdoors

  in cold wooden hives can get extremely thirsty in winter. Ann Chilcott, a

  beekeeper in northern Scotland, has recorded bees collecting water in

  January and February, even under cloudy skies, as long as the air tempera-

  ture is above 4°C (39°F) (Fig. 9.9). In a related study, Helmut Kovac and

  colleagues at the University of Graz, in Austria, used an infrared camera

  to measure the thorax temperatures of wintertime water collectors while

  they were drinking from a water source near their hives. They discovered

  that when a wintertime water collector is at a water source, busily loading

  up on water, she activates her flight muscles (i.e., she shivers) to keep her

  thorax temperature always above 35°C (95°F), even when the air tempera-

  ture is as low as 3°C (37°F)! Evidently, this ensures that the water collector

  can complete a short flight home before her thorax temperature falls—

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  Fig. 9.9. Worker bee loading up at a moss- filled water source on a chilly January

  morning, near Inverness, in northern Scotland.

  from the wind chill during flight—below the critical 25°C (77°F) needed

  to produce a wingbeat frequency high enough for flight.

  These reports of bees desperately collecting water at low temperatures

  in winter make me wonder whether some condensation on the walls inside

  a hive or tree cavity might be beneficial to a colony during winter. Perhaps

  this helps explain why colonies in the wild avoid nest cavities with top

  entrances, which allow warm, moist air to escape. Derek Mitchell has

  explained that if a nesting cavity is well insulated and lacks a top vent hole,

  then overwintering bees will not have cold condensation dripping down

  on them, because the temperatures of the ceiling and walls above the bees

  will be above the dew point. There will be condensation on the cooler

  walls below the bees, but this may be beneficial, because it provides them

  with a ready source of fresh water. This may help explain, too, why bees

  living in natural nest cavities coat their walls with propolis: the condensed

  water is not lost to the bees by soaking into the wooden walls of their


  During the warm months, most honey bee colonies have ready access


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