The Lives of Bees
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(Fig. 2.14), it has left behind not only a busted- up bait hive lying on the
ground but also a bunch of conspicuous calling cards: claw marks in the
bark of the tree in which I had mounted the bait hive (Fig. 10.9, bottom).
Because I have never found claw marks in the bark of the 17 other bee trees
that I keep monitoring, I am convinced that the bears have never discov-
ered the colonies in these trees. Why haven’t they? My reference book on
the mammals of the eastern United States tells me that black bears have
acute senses of smell and hearing but “only adequate vision.” Adequate for
some things, but evidently not for spotting small bees coming and going
from dark knotholes and slender cracks high up in trees.
We have seen already in chapter 5 that wild honey bee colonies living in
tree cavities collect antimicrobial plant resins and use them to coat the
ceilings, walls, and floors of their nest cavities, to create propolis envelopes
around their nests. It is, therefore, quite telling that honey bee colonies do
not form thick coatings of propolis on the inner surfaces of manufactured
hives, though they will fill with propolis the crevices between the frames
as well as any cracks around a hive’s lid. Evidently, the stimuli that elicit
propolis deposition are small cracks and crevices (see Fig. 5.4). Surfaces
that are rough and porous are ideal for bacterial growth, for they give
bacteria abundant substrates to cling to as well as a supply of nutrients and
moisture. And if left alone, bacteria living in these places will build bio-
films that can protect them from being dislodged. It is not at all surprising,
therefore, that honey bees work hard to coat the rough and porous surfaces
of their nest cavities with plant resins.
Many laboratory- based studies have tested the effectiveness of propolis
against the growth of the causative agents of two brood diseases of honey
bees: American foulbrood (a bacterial disease caused by Paenibacillus larvae)
and chalkbrood (a fungal disease caused by Ascosphaera apis). All these stud-
ies report strong inhibitory effects of propolis on these pathogens. It is not
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274 Chapter 10
entirely clear, however, how the findings from these in vitro studies con-
ducted in laboratories relate to disease control in colonies, especially be-
cause it is not clear that honey bees consume propolis and incorporate its
compounds in the food they feed to their brood.
Marla Spivak and her colleagues at the University of Minnesota have
assessed the health benefits to honey bees of living in a nest that is sur-
rounded by a propolis envelope by listening to the bees themselves. One
of their experiments involved comparing the transcription levels of
immune- related genes in worker bees living in two types of hives. The
hives in the experimental group had their inside surfaces coated with etha-
nol extracts of propolis, while those in the control group had their inside
surfaces coated with straight ethanol. After seven days, individual bees
living in the propolis- enriched hives, relative to bees in the control hives,
showed lower bacterial loads and lower levels of activity of genes involved
in insect immune responses. Evidently, coating the insides of hives with
propolis extracts lowered the levels of the immune elicitors (i.e., the lev-
els of bacteria and fungi) in the treatment hives, relative to the control
Another experiment performed by the Minnesota group shows even
more strongly the benefits of a propolis envelope to the health of a honey
bee colony. This time, the researchers compared colonies with and without
true propolis envelopes, and they ran their study for two years. Each year
they measured multiple indicators of health in 24 colonies, 12 with and 12
without propolis envelopes. They stimulated half the colonies to construct
propolis envelopes by fixing sheets of plastic “propolis trap” material to the
smooth inner walls of their hives, and the bees responded by coating these
plastic sheets with propolis (Fig. 10.10). They left the inner walls of the
hives of the other 12 colonies bare, and these colonies did not construct
propolis envelopes.
The experiment yielded two main findings. First, during the summer
and autumn months, the expression (activity) levels of several genes in-
volved in insect immunity were consistently lower and steadier in the
worker bees living in hives with a propolis envelope, compared to workers
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Colony Defense 275
Fig. 10.10. View of propolis deposited on the inner walls of a hive after the re-
moval (at end of experiment) of the sheets of plastic propolis- trap material that
investigators had stapled to the walls inside the hive. Left behind are the blobs of
brown propolis that filled the slots in the propolis- trap sheets.
in hives without a propolis envelope. This difference in level of immune
gene expression is functionally significant, because when a bee’s immune
system is working hard to fight infections, it can be the costliest part of
her physiology. Lowering immune system activity, therefore, enables bees
to allocate more energy to other tasks, such as brood rearing, wax produc-
tion/comb building, and foraging. The second main finding is even more
telling: colonies with propolis envelopes had better survival in one of the
two years (Fig. 10.11), more brood in May in both years, and better nutri-
tional status of its young workers in both years. The nutritional status of the
young worker bees was assessed by measuring their levels of activity of the
gene Vg. This is the gene that young worker bees activate to produce vitel-
logenin, their primary storage protein. Indeed, in healthy young nurse
bees, vitellogenin constitutes approximately 40 percent of the protein in
their body fluids, for it is what these bees draw upon to produce protein-
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276 Chapter 10
April 2012
May 2013
% colonies aliv
with propolis envelope
without propolis envelope
April 2013
May 2014
Time (days)
Fig. 10.11. Survivorship records of colonies with a propolis envelope ( blue line)
and without a propolis envelope ( magenta line), in two trials of the experiment.
In each trial, there were 12 colonies in each treatment group. There was a signifi-
cant difference in colony survivorship at the end of the first trial but not the
second trial.
rich royal jelly for feeding young larvae. Healthy, well- nourished nurse
bees are the foundation of a colony’s brood production and growth, so
what this ingenious experiment has revealed is that when a colony builds
itself a propolis envelope, it is making a far- reaching investment in its fu-
ture growth and ultimate success.
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Beekeeping today is still as it has always been: the exploitation
of colonies of a wild insect; the best beekeeping is the
ability to exploit them and at the same time to interfere
as little as possible with their natural propensities.
—Leslie Bailey, Honey Bee Pathology, 1981
In the first 10 chapters of this book we have reviewed the interwoven top-
ics of annual cycle, colony reproduction, nest building, food collection,
thermoregulation, and colony defense that form the natural history of the
honey bee, Apis mellifera. We have also examined the cultural history of
beekeeping and the ways in which this unique form of animal husbandry
is built upon, but also disrupts, the natural lives of these marvelous insects.
This final chapter aims to integrate these two general themes, by applying
what we have learned in recent decades about how honey bees live in the
wild, to revise some of our beekeeping practices in ways that are mutually
beneficial for bees and beekeepers. Our goal is to respect the natural lives
of honey bees but also to enjoy the benefits of their hard work as honey
makers and crop pollinators. We will work toward this goal in two stages.
First, we will review the most important differences in living conditions
between wild colonies and managed colonies, an exercise that will high-
light the many ways in which standard beekeeping practices alter the lives
of honey bees and often put these insects under stress. Second, we will
look at ways in which beekeepers can revise their practices to make the
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278 Chapter 11
lives of their six- legged partners less stressful and therefore more health-
ful. We will see that the essence of doing this is to manage colonies of
honey bees in ways that enable them to live, as much as possible, under
conditions like those in which they evolved and thus to which they are
adapted. We will also see that this often requires putting the needs of the
bees before those of the beekeeper.
Again and again, throughout this book, we have seen that there are stark
differences between the original environment that shaped the biology of
wild honey bee colonies—their environment of evolutionary adaptation
(EEA)—and the current living conditions of managed colonies. Wild and
managed colonies live under different conditions because beekeepers, like
all farmers, modify the environments of their livestock in order to boost
their productivity. Unfortunately, these changes in the living conditions of
agricultural animals often make them more prone to parasites and patho-
gens. Table 11.1 lists 21 differences between the living conditions in which
wild colonies have lived (and often still live) and the living conditions in
which managed colonies of honey bees now live.
Difference 1: Colonies are genetically adapted vs. are not genetically adapted
to location.
The process of adaptation by natural selection produced the differences
in worker- bee color, morphology, and behavior that distinguish the 30
subspecies of Apis mellifera that live within the species’ original range of
Europe, western Asia, and Africa. The colonies in each subspecies are well
adapted to the climate, seasons, flora, predators, and diseases in their na-
tive region of the world. Moreover, within the geographic range of each
subspecies, natural selection has produced ecotypes—populations that are
fine- tuned to their local conditions. Perhaps the best- documented exam-
ple of this geographical adaptation is the ecotype of A. m. mellifera (the dark
European honey bee) that is adapted for living in the Landes region of
southwestern France. The rhythm of its annual cycle of colony growth is
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Darwinian Beekeeping 279
Table 11.1. Comparison of the environments in which honey bee colonies have lived as wild
colonies and those in which they live currently as managed colonies
Environment of evolutionary adaptation
Current circumstances
1. Colonies are genetically adapted to their
Colonies are not genetically adapted to their
2. Colonies live widely spaced in the landscape
Colonies live crowded in apiaries
3. Colonies occupy small nest cavities
Colonies occupy large hives
4. Nest cavity walls have a propolis coating
Hive walls have no propolis coating
5. Nest cavity walls are thick
Hive walls are thin
6. Nest entrance is high and small
Nest entrance is low and large
7. Nest has 10%– 25% drone comb
Nest has little (< 5%) drone comb
8. Nest organization is stable
Nest organization is often altered
9. Nest- site relocations are rare
Hive relocations can be frequent
10. Colonies are rarely disturbed
Colonies are frequently disturbed
11. Colonies deal with familiar diseases
Colonies deal with novel diseases
12. Colonies have diverse pollen sources
Colonies have homogeneous pollen sources
13. Colonies have natural diets
Colonies sometimes have artificial diets
14. Colonies are not exposed to novel toxins
Colonies exposed to insecticides and fungicides
15. Colonies are not treated for diseases
Colonies are treated for diseases
16. Honey not taken, pollen not harvested
Honey taken, pollen sometimes harvested
17. Combs not moved between colonies
Combs often moved between colonies
18. Honey cappings are recycled by bees
Honey cappings are harvested by beekeepers
19. Bees choose larvae for queen rearing
Beekeepers choose larvae for queen rearing
20. Drones compete fiercely for mating
Queen breeder may select drones for mating
21. Drone brood not removed for mite control
Drone brood sometimes removed and frozen
attuned to the massive bloom of ling heather ( Calluna vulgaris) in August
and September. Colonies of honey bees that are native to this region have
an unusual, second strong peak of brood rearing in August. This gives them
a second burst of colony population growth that helps them exploit this
late summer heather bloom. Colony transplant experiments have been
performed in which colonies from the region around Paris (which lacks a
heather bloom) and from the Landes region were moved to each other’s
location and then their brood- rearing patterns were recorded. These ex-
periments show that the difference in annual brood cycle between these
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280 Chapter 11
two ecotypes has a genetic basis. This example shows us that shipping
mated queens, and trucking whole
colonies, to places hundreds or thou-
sands of miles away—for instance, from Hawaii to Maine or Italy to Swe-
den—is likely to force colonies to live in environments to which they are
ill suited.
Difference 2: Colonies live widely spaced in the landscape vs. crowded in
This shift makes beekeeping practical, but it also creates a fundamental
change in the ecology of honey bees. Crowded colonies experience greater
competition for forage, greater risks of being robbed, and greater prob-
lems in reproduction: swarms combining when leaving their hives, and
queens entering the wrong hive when returning from their mating flights.
Probably the most harmful consequence of crowding colonies, though, is
boosting pathogen and parasite transmission between colonies. This facili-
tation of disease transmission boosts the incidence of disease among colo-
nies and favors the virulent strains of the bees’ pathogens and parasites.
Difference 3: Colonies occupy small nest cavities vs. large hives.
This modification also profoundly changes the ecology of honey bees.
Colonies in large hives have the space to store huge honey crops, but they
also swarm less often because they are not as space- limited. This weakens
natural selection for strong, healthy colonies, since fewer colonies repro-
duce. A more immediate problem of keeping colonies in large hives is that
colonies suffer greater problems with brood parasites, such as Varroa, be-
cause large, non- swarming colonies provide these parasites with a vast and
steady population of their hosts: the larvae and pupae of honey bees.
Difference 4: Colonies live with vs. without a nest envelope of antimicrobial
plant resins.
Living without a propolis envelope increases the physiological costs of
colony defense against pathogens. It is now known, for example, that
workers in colonies without a propolis envelope invest more in costly
immune- system activity—such as synthesis of antimicrobial peptides—
relative to workers in colonies with a propolis envelope.
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Darwinian Beekeeping 281
Difference 5: Colonies have thick vs. thin nest- cavity walls.
This amounts to a difference in nest insulation, which strongly affects
the energetic cost of colony thermoregulation. This effect is especially
strong when the colony is rearing brood and so is heating or cooling the