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Lights, Camera, Christmas!

Page 3

by J. D. Light

  I reached up and stuck a finger in my ear, giving it a little wiggle, because I was pretty sure I'd already been a part of this conversation. "You don't have time."

  "Ain't that what I just said?" She asked, holding up a snow globe and peering inside, much like her son had done less than five minutes before, and Blake chuckled.

  I crossed my arms, licking my teeth in annoyance. "I'm not giving you bail money if he goes to jail."

  "Pfft," she huffed, sending me a dry look before putting the globe back and grabbing another. "Like I ain't got that saved up."

  "Emma," I grumbled, letting my head fall back on my shoulders. I loved my sister, but sometimes she drove me insane. There was no reason I should be worried about my ten-year-old nephew running around town beating people with snow globes… or my sister, if the way she just bounced that one in her hand like she was testing its weight was any indication.

  "Listen, Deck," Emma said, turning to give me an irritated look. "If I ran around tryin' to keep that boy from maiming people, I wouldn't be able to do nothin' else. Now, I need one of your gay snow globes." She put the one she was holding down and picked up another, squinting into the glass. "This one should do it."

  I sighed, leaning forward to prop my head in my hands. "I'm not bailing you out of jail."

  She pursed her lips, giving me a sassy head tilt, and putting her hand on her hip. "I'm smarter than Jensen. I know how not to get caught."

  She sauntered out, taking my poor, innocent little snow globe with her, and I sighed. My family was about to change the meaning of the term "gay bashing" in one day.

  "So, peppermint margaritas?" Blake said, leaning down on the counter next to me, putting his face even closer that it had been earlier, and I swallowed hard, my chest swelling at the smile on his mouth and the laughter in his eyes.

  "That sounds… great," I said, making a face, and he laughed, his breath brushing over my face and making my lips tingle. I chuckled with him and then sighed. "But that was my evening help that may or may not have been about to beat someone with a gay snow globe, so I guess I'm here until eight, and then I have to go straight home and go to bed, so I can get up at three and start baking."

  He looked so fucking disappointed as he stood slowly, a frown on his face as he nodded. I bounced up quickly, reaching out for him as he stepped back away from the counter, feeling a little like I'd done something wrong, even though I'd been completely honest with him.

  "I think I know what I want," Mercy said, and I blinked over at her, having completely forgotten that she was even in the room.

  "Sorry," I said, glancing back at Blake who was already making his way to the door without even a goodbye.

  Shit. Sorry, Lord. I'd really fudged up, and I didn't even have a way to fix it. I honestly couldn't close up shop, Logan was out of town for the weekend, and there was no way I was talking Emma in to coming back in. Whatever task she was on, it was going to take actual handcuffs and possibly a taser to get her to stop until she accomplished it.

  Blake sent one last look over his shoulder, giving me a sad smile before pushing the door open.

  "Hey, Blake!" Mercy said, taking a step toward the door. "I thought you were going to…" It fell shut with Blake on the other side, his back to the glass. He seemed to take a long deep breath, and then he was moving down the street, his head hung low as he passed the window.

  Fudge, fudge, fudge. How was I ever going to fix that?

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turned back to Mercy, who was still frowning at the door. "What can I get you?" I asked when she finally turned in to look at me.

  Chapter Four

  I knew I probably wasn't being fair. Okay, I definitely wasn't being fair. Logan had left Friday night to go visit his mom… or maybe it was his grandma? Emma had been trying to put a new tray of muffins in the glass case when she was telling me about it the day before, and I'd actually been looking for Declan, so I hadn't really cared too much where Logan was. All I'd asked was where is everyone else, and she decided to tell me.

  It was just that, I'd wanted so badly to spend time with him, and I'd told myself I wasn't going to ask him out for a while, and just get to know him a little better, but then the perfect opportunity had popped up, and I'd jumped on it… only to be turned down again.

  I knew he hadn't had any other option, and contrary to the little fit I was throwing, I wasn't an asshole, I didn't want him staying out all night with me, only to have to get up super early in the morning to get started. I didn't want him tired, and possibly put himself in danger, but in my chest, it just felt like another rejection, and it fucking hurt… and I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to get a chance with him at all.

  I was so busy, pouting, I nearly plowed right through a tiny human, managing to reach out quickly and stand him upright before I sent him sprawling on the ground. "Oh, sorry!" I said, waiting until he was stable on his feet before stepping back, and blinking in surprise when I realized I knew him. "Oh, hi. You're Jensen, right? Declan's nephew?"

  "Uh huh," he said, blinking up at me, but I got the impression he wasn't really seeing me.

  "I'm Blake," I said, reaching out to shake his hand.

  "I know who you are," he said, raising his eyebrows at my hand before reaching out and taking it with his, giving it a pretty impressive, firm shake. "You're Blake Sunday. You're Uncle D's favorite actor. He has like a whole room with you all over." He glanced down at the object in his hand and then held it up for me to see. "Even this snow globe."

  I frowned, leaning in close to look at the picture inside of a gay couple, kissing sweetly in the middle of a frozen lake, the shorter one being held tightly by the taller while holding a tiny little pride flag behind his back. I wasn't sure what he'd meant by the globe being about me until I looked a little closer at the couple, noticing the taller one…

  "That does look like me," I whispered, my stomach flipping happily as I noticed the shorter man had an unmistakably bubbled bottom, and black curly hair was sticking out the bottom of his stocking cap. "He made this, right?"

  "Yep," Jensen said, pointing at the picture, though I couldn't really see exactly what he was pointing at. "That's him right there. I'm not supposed to have this one because my momma always makes fun of my uncle for it, so he's always trying to hide it from us, but I think he forgot he put it in that box and then stored it in the attic with all the other decorations, but I knew it was in there because I found it when I was looking for my knife sharpener this summer."

  Knife sharpener? Who the hell was this kid?

  "Do you mind if I'm the one that gives this back to your uncle?" I asked, not sure what to think of the fact that Declan had a room dedicated to me, and this snow globe that clearly depicted us kissing.

  On the one hand, he'd clearly put a lot of work into the thing, so that had to mean something, right? But on the other, he'd made it long enough ago, that the kid had run across it in the summer. That just meant that at some point he'd had a crush on me. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to have a crush on me anymore, if the fact that I couldn't get him to go do anything with me was any indication, which probably meant he'd had a crush on me… until he met me, and suddenly, I wasn't all that appealing anymore.

  "Nope," Jensen said, wandering off in the opposite direction from where he'd been. "He probably won't yell at you… probably."

  Chapter Five

  I'd just finished brushing my teeth and was checking doors and windows and turning out lights as I made way through the house when the doorbell rang, making me frown. Nobody really came around just for a house call, because they could all see me at the shop if they needed something, and my friends and family usually just walked right in the front door. I hadn't made it to that door to lock it yet, so it clearly wasn't the usual suspects.

  I tried to peek through the curtains, but whoever it was, they were standing a little too close to the door to get a clear picture of who it might be.

  "I don't understand," B
lake said as soon as I opened the door, practically falling inside.

  "Blake?" I reached out, helping Brent, one of Winston's best bartenders, to steady the man as sweet peppermint washed over my face, making me blink in surprise. "What's wrong?"

  I knew the guy was wasted, that much was clear, but he sounded off. Not his usual happy self.

  Brent shrugged, giving me a half smile that usually had all the boys and girls swooning. "I asked where he needed to go, but he just kept telling me to bring him to your house. Is this okay?"

  "Yes," I said, sliding up under Blake's other arm, and shuddering when the man in question turned his head, breathing against my temple. "Come on.

  "Am I not what you 'spected?" Blake asked, against my skin, sounding sad and resigned.

  "What?" I turned my head, trying to look up at him, but he was too close, and his whiskers grazed my skin. "Expected for what?"

  He didn't answer, just sighed, ruffling my wild hair that was sans hat at the moment. "Am I boring?"

  "What? No, of course not." I held him steady when we made it to the couch, using one foot to kick a throw pillow out of the way. "I suspect you're just drunk."

  "Peppermint margaritas are better'n you'd 'spect," he said, sounding surprised and making Brent chuckle.

  I smiled, and we lowered him to the couch. "How many peppermint margaritas did you have?"

  "All of 'em," he said, flopping backwards dramatically against the cushions, and I looked at Brent in question, chuckling softly when the man held up three fingers.

  I reached out and patted his leg, pulling my hand back quickly when I was a little too tempted to rub up and down the solid length of his quads. "I take it you aren't much of a drinker."

  "Nope," he said, rolling his head on the cushions, giving me a look that hurt my chest. "'Specially when I'm sad. It megs it worse."

  Damn! Sorry again, Jesus, but why'd you have to give him that face?

  "Okay," Brent said, after a couple of long moments where I did nothing but stare at Blake's sad face, wanting to kiss all the pain away. "He's safe. I need to get back to the bar. Are you sure you're good?"

  I blinked up at the sexy bad boy, not really seeing his chiseled good looks, or amazingly defined body covered in colorful ink, my mind too pre-occupied with the man beside me, to even give him a good ogle.

  "Thanks, Brent."

  Brent nodded, glancing over at Blake as he moved around the coffee table, and chuckling softly before turning and letting himself out, turning the lock on the knob before shutting the door. He really was a good guy, and I was beyond thankful that he'd made sure Blake was safe

  "You wouldn't go wit me," Blake whispered sadly, leaning toward me to bury his face in my neck.

  I gasped, freezing up for a moment before reaching up and putting my hand on his back, rubbing it gently. "I told you. By the time I got off tonight it would be pretty much time for me to go back to sleep. I was just about to go to bed."

  "Oh good," he said, sitting up quickly and smiling brightly, making me fall forward slightly as his weight was taken off of me. "I'll come."

  I tilted my head to the side, blinking in confusion, "Come where?"

  "To bed."

  I gasped and swallowed hard, trying not to immediately imagine him in my bed… naked. "You're going to sleep with me?"

  "I would love to… but I think you might be too drunk." He sat up straighter pushing his chest out. "Ima gennleman. We snuggle."

  He stood quickly, only stumbling slightly as he reached out a hand to assist me, and I frowned as I took it, wondering where all this energy was coming from when moments before he'd needed two full grown men to help him get around.

  "What is happening right now?" I whispered as he grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine, and stood there, patiently waiting for me to lead him… to my bed.

  What seemed like forever, but was still too soon, we entered my bedroom, and Blake let go of my hand, immediately going after his shirt, and I stood there completely stupid as he stripped the thing off over his head and threw it down on the ground before going after his jeans. I held my breath wondering if he wore underwear, and finding out very quickly that he did, and that they were tight and black and had come down slightly when he pushed his pants down and off, revealing a sexy tan line and the upper curve of his ass as well as a pretty decent amount of groomed pubic hair.

  I tried to swallow, but things didn't seem to be working correctly, and I ended up just sticking my tongue to the roof of my mouth in the back, making a smacking noise. Blake Sunday was fucking spectacular to look at, and he was standing in my bedroom, nearly naked, and watching me with a goofy smile on his face that felt adoring.

  I cleared my throat, finally figuring out that swallowing thing, and climbed in the bed, scooting all the way across the mattress while Blake slid in behind me. I was a far as I could go without falling out of bed, giving him as much space as possible in hopes that I would possibly keep my hands to myself in the middle of the night, but he reached out, dragging me into his arms and spinning me so that I was lying with my head on his shoulder and my hand on his chest.

  "Oh God," I whispered as my hard dick pressed into his hip without my permission, and he hummed softly, grabbing my hand off of his chest and bringing it up to his lips for a tiny peck before settling it back down, using his hand to flatten it out over his heart.

  "Mmm," he said quietly, pressing his hip into my erection momentarily before smiling softly and running his fingers over the back of my hand. "Ima gennleman."

  Chapter Six

  I ignored the throbbing in my head as I slowly ran my hand up under Declan's T-shirt, moaning at the feel of his soft skin against my palm, and the give of his flesh as I slid my hand up his soft belly and over one of his pecs, pinching a nipple between my fingers.

  He groaned, rocking his hips back and pressing his plush ass even harder against my dick, making me grunt into the back of his neck. I slid my hand back down, easily dipping my fingers into the band of his pajama bottoms and underwear, humming happily when the wet head of his dick dragged against the back of my hand.

  Repositioning my hand, I gripped him, and he let out a little yell, punching his dick through my cupped hand, and then grinding back against my front, groaning.

  He felt so perfect. I'd been dreaming of having him like this since the first time I met him, but even that fantasy I'd spun out so many times I'd worked through two and a half bottles of lube since I got to Hidden Springs, hadn't felt this amazing.

  The alarm blaring wasn't a very welcome sound to my already-throbbing head, and neither was the hard jerking that followed as Declan squeaked, yelling oh shit and lunged for the phone on the nightstand before falling out of bed.

  I gasped, trying to grab for him, but my reactions were slow, and he'd already hit the ground, and my head thrummed awfully as he scrambled to his feet, flicking on the lamp.

  "Oh damn," I groaned, grabbing my head and falling back to the pillows. "Why does it hurt so much?"

  When Declan didn't answer, I opened my eyes, finding a stunned but gorgeous man standing there, looking up and down my body while his dick strained against the front of his pajamas, painting them a little darker shade at the head.

  I looked down, noting that my dick looked much the same as it stood out pretty blatantly under my underwear with the same matching spot on the front. I wasn't really sure how much of all of this he could actually see since his glasses were sitting on the nightstand by the bed, but I thrust my hips up anyway, watching his face through slitted, hurting eyes, thoroughly enjoying the way his eyes widened before he reached over for his glasses and then slid them on, blinking down at my dick when he could finally see properly.

  I chuckled, and then reached up and rubbed my temples, groaning at the way something so small made them throb viciously.

  "Oh shit," he said, meeting my gaze. "Hold on Blake, I'll get you some water."

  He took off, his dick bobbing out in front of him, and
I moaned, reaching down to give mine a few good strokes over my underwear while closing my eyes to the light, and moaning slightly.

  There was a gasp at the door just a short moment later, and I glanced up, finding Declan standing there with two bottles of water and a bottle of pain reliever, his eyes wide as he watched me handle myself, and I groaned, wanting him to come back to bed, so I could finish what we started.

  I gave myself two more blatant strokes, watching him as I did it, and letting him see me watching him, and then I forced myself to stop, even though I was very, very tempted to pull myself out and work my dick until I came, watching him watch me the whole time, but my fucking head was pounding hard enough to be a distraction from the pleasure, even with my sweet, sexy Declan looking on with his dick still obviously hard, even when it was tucked into the waistband of his pants.

  I reached up, grabbing my head again, and closing my eyes as I groaned. I heard Declan clear his throat and then the sound of pills being shaken out of a bottle close by. I slowly opened my eyes, though not fully, peering over at him. He set the pill bottle down and grabbed a water, holding it out, along with two Ibuprofen lying in the palm of his hand.

  "Here take this," he whispered, probably knowing I'd start crying if he talked much louder, and I rolled up onto my elbow, taking the pills first and popping them into my mouth while he opened the bottle of water for me before handing it over, with a small smile. "Drink the whole thing, and then drink the other one too."

  I took a long swallow of the water, relieved to have the nasty flavor of what I could only assume was cow shit out of my mouth. "What did I lick?"

  Declan chuckled, smiling at me as I watched him while chugging the entire bottle like he ordered. "I have an extra toothbrush if you want it?"

  I sat the bottle on the nightstand, rising slowly into a sitting position, and spinning to hang my legs off the side of the bed. "Is it weird to propose with a hangover?" I asked, only half joking. "Should I wait?"


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