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Kathie's Soldiers

Page 2

by Amanda M. Douglas



  "HURRAH!" exclaimed Robert Alston, swinging his hat in the air, as hecame up the path; "hurrah! there's going to be a draft at Brookside!Won't it be jolly?"

  The group assembled glanced up at him,--a fair, fresh, rosy boy, withoutany cowardly blood in his veins, as you could easily tell, but given, assuch natures often are, to underrating the silent bravery of others.

  "What will there be so jolly about it, Rob?" asked his uncle, with apeculiar light in his eye.

  "Why,--the whole thing,"--and Rob made a little pause to think, thoughit did not seem half so funny now as out on the street with a crowd ofboys, who had been singing at the top of their lungs, "John Brown'sBody," and "My Johnny has gone for a Soldier,"--"the surprise, UncleRobert, when some of the fellows who have been skulking back and afraidto go find themselves compelled."

  "So you think it rather funny to be forced to do what you would notchoose of your free-will?" and Uncle Robert gave a queer little smile.

  "But--" and Rob looked around considerably perplexed at not finding hisargument at hand, and overwhelming. "O, you know what I mean!" throwinghimself down upon the grass. "If men haven't patriotism enough tovolunteer when their country needs them, why, I think they ought--I justwish I was old enough! I'd go in a moment. I'd like the fun of 'marchingon'!"

  "There is something beside marching," said Kathie, in her soft voice,thinking in a vague way of General Mackenzie.

  "Well, I'd like all of it!"

  "The being drafted as well?"

  It was Uncle Robert who spoke.

  "No, I'd never be drafted!" and Rob's fair face flushed with a boy'simpulsive indignation; "I'd go at once,--at the first call."

  "But if you were a man and had a wife, as well as bairnies, three orfour, or half a dozen, and were compelled to leave them to poverty?"

  "There is the bounty, and the pay."

  "Neither of which would be as much as a man could earn in a year athome. And if he never came back--"

  "But, Uncle Robert, don't you think it right for a man to be patriotic?"asked his nephew, in a little amaze.

  "Yes. One can never approve of cowardice in any act of life. Still, Ifancy there may be a great many brave and good men who have notvolunteered, and who, if they are drafted, will do their country loyalservice. It may not look quite so heroic, but God, who can see all sidesof the question, will judge differently."

  "The soldiers don't feel so, Uncle Robert. It seems to me that the menwho volunteer _do_ deserve a good deal of credit."

  "A great many of them do; but still numbers go for the novelty, or, asyou say, the fun. They like a rambling, restless life, and care littlefor danger, little for death; but is it an intelligent courage,--thehighest and noblest kind? Does not the man who says, 'If my country inher sorest strait needs me, I will go and do my duty to the utmost,'deserve some credit, especially if he gives up what most men hold mostdear?"

  "I believe I didn't look at it in that light altogether. It seemed to methat it was only the cowards and the selfish men who waited to bedrafted."

  "Then you think I ought to volunteer?" said Uncle Robert, with a dry butgood-natured smile.

  There was a very general exclamation.

  "You!" exclaimed Rob, aghast at the unlooked-for application.

  "I have neither wife nor children. I am young, strong, in good health,and though I do not fancy a military life above all others, I stillthink I could endure the hardships like a good soldier, and if I stoodin the front ranks to face the enemy I do not believe that I should runaway."

  He rose as he said this, and, folding his arms across his chest, leanedagainst the vine-covered column of the porch, looking every inch asoldier without the uniform.

  It would break his mother's heart to have Uncle Robert go, and therewas Aunt Ruth, and Kathie, and Freddy; but--what a handsome soldier hewould make! Major Alston, or Colonel Alston,--how grand it would sound!So you see Rob was quite taken with military glory.

  Kathie came and slipped her hand within Uncle Robert's. "We could notspare you," she whispered, softly.

  "But if I were drafted?"

  "Well," exclaimed Rob, stubbornly clinging to his point, "the boys overin the village think it will make some fun. There's a queer littlerecruiting shanty on the green, and a fifer and a drummer. If our quotaisn't filled by next Wednesday,--and they all say it won't be,--thedraft is to commence. I'm glad I'm not going away until the first ofOctober. I only wish--"

  "I wish you were, if that will do you any good," answered Mr. Meredith,glancing up from his book which he had been pretending to read.

  "I'd rather enlist than go to school."

  "Maybe enlisting in the home-guard will prove a wise step for the firstone."

  "Home-guard?" and Rob looked a bit perplexed.

  "Yes. We all do considerable soldiering in our lives unconsciously; andif it comes hard to obey our captains here, I am not sure that we shouldalways find it so easy out on the field. There are some things that takemore courage than to march down to the valley of death as did the 'SixHundred.'"

  "O," said Rob, fired again with a boy's enthusiasm, "that's just thegrandest thing that ever was written! I don't like poetry as a generalthing, it always sounds so girlish to me; but Marco Bozzaris and thatare so fine, especially the lines,--

  'Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die.'"

  "After all, dying is not the grandest thing," said Aunt Ruth, quietly;"and the detached instances of heroism in one's life have not alwaysrequired the most courage."

  "No, indeed," answered Mr. Meredith, warmly. "I know men who haveacquitted themselves bravely under fire, who at home possessed so smallan amount of moral courage that they really could not resist temptationswhich were to their mental and physical detriment."

  "But it is the fighting that interests me," said Robert.

  "One may be a brave soldier with purely physical courage, but to be agood soldier one needs moral courage as well."

  Just then Ada Meredith came down on the porch. She was Kathie's littleNew York friend, and her uncle had brought her to Cedarwood for a fewdays. She was growing tall rapidly, and considered herself quite a younglady, especially as she had been to Saratoga with her mother.

  So this made a little break in the conversation. Rob somehow didn't geton very well with her; but then he admitted that he didn't like girlsanyhow, except Miss Jessie. He was rather glad, therefore, to see DickGrayson coming up the path, taking it for an excuse to get away.

  Ada looked after them with secret mortification. Dick was quite a youngman in her estimation, and only that morning he had been very gallant.She hated to have Rob take him off to the lake or any other haunt, soshe bethought herself of a little stratagem.

  "You promised me a game of croquet," she said to Kathie, with greatearnestness.

  Kathie glanced up in surprise. When she had proposed it that morning Adadeclared it stupid, and said she had grown tired of it. Uncle Robert,knowing nothing of this, answered for her. "Of course," he said; "thereare the boys. Rob, don't go away, you are wanted."

  Rob made an impatient gesture with his hand, as if he would wave themall out of sight. Uncle Robert walked down to the boys. "Ada would liketo play croquet," he remarked, pleasantly.

  "I'm just in the humor for a game myself," answered Dick; but Rob's browknit itself into a little frown.

  "Come, girls!"

  Mr. Meredith accompanied them. "We will be umpires," he declared.

  Ada chose Dick for a partner. Rob thought it wasn't much fun playingwith Kathie. He was rather careless, and in the first game they werebadly beaten, which made Rob altogether out of humor. Why couldn't thegirls have stayed on the balcony and talked?

  "I can't play!" he said, throwing down his mallet.

  Uncle Edward picked it up. "Now, Kathie, let us beat them all to ribbonsand fragments!" he exclaimed, gayly, taking her brother's place.

  Rob fell out of t
he ranks to where his uncle stood in the shade of agreat tulip-tree.

  "Soldiers!" he said, in a low, half-laughing tone.

  Rob colored. "I didn't want to play a bit! I wish girls--"

  "But a brave soldier goes off of the field after a defeat in good order.If he has done his best, that is all that is required of him."

  Rob knew that he had not done his best at all, although he was angrywith the mortification of losing the game.

  "Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die,"

  said Uncle Robert, using his quotation against him.

  "But that doesn't mean paltry little matters like this!"--with all aboy's disdain in his voice.

  "It means everything when one is right. As Mr. Meredith said a fewmoments ago, there is a good deal of soldiering in life which must beall voluntary. That ought to suit your ideas. And I think the greatCaptain is often very patient with us, Rob. He bought us all with aprice, you know, whether we serve him or not."

  "But it is so hard for me to be"--Rob made a great effort and said,frankly--"good-tempered."

  "I do not think that is it altogether."

  "What then?" and Rob looked up in a little astonishment.

  "We will put it on a military basis,--shirking one's duty because it isnot pleasant."

  "There was no particular duty about playing croquet!"--in the samesurprised tone.

  "Why did you do it at all then?"


  "Courtesy to a guest becomes a duty in a host."

  "But there was Kathie. Dick and I were going down to take a row."

  "I have a fancy Dick likes the croqueting as well as he would have likedthe rowing."

  Dick Grayson's pleasant laugh floated over to them as he said, "Not sobad a beat, after all, Mr. Meredith."

  "The life soldiering is not quite so arbitrary. A good deal of it isleft to conscience. But if a sentinel at some outpost followed his owndevices and let a spy pass the line--"

  "He would be shot, of course."

  "It seems hard, doesn't it, just for one little thing? Yet if one or twomen escaped punishment the army would soon be in a state ofinsubordination. Then when a captain came to lead them in battle eachman might consider his way and opinion best. Would it answer?"

  "No, it wouldn't," replied the boy. "But, Uncle Robert, if God had madeus--stronger."

  "He offers us his strength daily."

  "But it is so--I mean you never can think of it at the right moment."

  "That is the secret of our duty to him,--to think of his wishes at theright time. He means, in this life, that we shall not seek to pleaseourselves altogether; but there is no guard-house, no bread-and-waterrations, only a still, small voice to remind us."

  Rob was silent for some moments, watching the players, and wondering whyeverything fretted him so easily. Were all the rest of the world to havetheir own way and pleasures, and he never? "Uncle Robert," he began,presently, "don't you think it fair that I should follow out my ownwishes _sometimes_? Is it not unjust to ask me to give up always?"

  "Are you asked to give up always?"--and the elder smiled.

  "Well--" Rob grew rather red and confused.

  "Which would give you the most satisfaction,--to know that you had madetwo or three people happy, or to enjoy some pleasure alone by yourself?This is the chief thing the Captain asks of us voluntary soldiers; anddid not a wise man say that 'he who ruleth his own spirit is greaterthan he who taketh a city'?"

  "There is more in volunteering than I thought," Rob said, gravely, aftera long pause; "I am afraid, after all, that I am one of the kind waitingfor a draft."

  "And, if you wait for that, you may be left out altogether. Rob, it isnot very easy work to march and countermarch, to dig trenches, throw upearthworks, keep your eyes open and your senses keen through drearynight-watches and the many other duties that fill up a soldier's life.It is harder for some men to keep faithful to these than to go intobattle and die covered with glory. But on the other side there will be afew questions asked. What was the man's life? I often think of what theSaviour said,--not be faithful _in_ death, but be 'faithful _unto_death.' There, we have had quite a sermon. Next month you will be a newrecruit, you know."

  "Two games!" exclaimed Dick, as they advanced. "Each party has won one."

  "And I am tired," said Ada, languidly.

  "Just one more," pleaded Dick; "I know that I shall have better luck."

  "I can't," Ada replied.

  Rob's first impulse was to say, "I'll take her place"; but he felt thatwould leave Ada to her own resources again. He did not care anythingabout Ada's noticing him,--indeed, she rather ignored him when Dick wasaround; but he had a fancy that Dick was _his_ friend, and did notbelong so exclusively to the girls.

  "Rob, I'll try you," Mr. Meredith exclaimed, remarking the wistful face.

  So Ada and Dick had a ramble about the grounds, as Kathie, feeling shewas not very earnestly desired, lingered to watch the players. It was apretty sharp game, but Robert beat.

  "Though I do not think you played your best at the last," the boy said.

  Uncle Edward gave a queer little smile that set Rob to musing. What ifpeople sometimes acted a little differently, for the sake of sparing hisunlucky temper!

  "I shall have to fight giants," he confessed to himself, understanding,as he never had before, how serious a warfare life really is.

  Dick could not be persuaded to remain to supper, though Ada made herselfvery charming. But they passed a pleasant evening without him. Indeed,it seemed to Rob that there was some new element in their enjoyment. Wasit because Ada was more gracious than usual?

  Uncle Robert could have told the secret easily.

  "Don't you get dreadfully dull sometimes?" Ada asked as they were alonein their room, for Ada had chosen to share Kathie's.

  "Dull!" and Kathie gave her pleasant little laugh.

  "When there is no company? For it is not quite like the city, where onecan have calls and evening amusements."

  "I hardly ever think of it. You know I was not here last winter, and thesummer has been so very delightful!" Kathie's cheeks glowed at theremembrance.

  "But your brother will be away this coming winter."

  "Yes." It would make some difference, to be sure, but Kathie fanciedthat she should not be entirely miserable.

  "If I were you, I should want to go to boarding-school. Where there is acrowd of girls they always manage to have a nice time."

  "But I have nice times at home. I do not want to go away."

  "What a queer girl you are, Kathie!"

  It was not the first time she had been called queer. But she said,rather gayly, "In what respect?"

  "I shouldn't like to do as you have to. Why, there are five servants inour house, and only one in this great place! And we have only fourchildren, while your mother has three. It is hardly fair for you to becompelled to do so much work when there is no necessity."

  "Mamma thinks it best," Kathie answered.

  "If you expected to be very poor--or would have to do housework--"

  "I might," returned Kathie, pleasantly. "People are sick sometimes, andservants go away."

  "Isn't your uncle willing that you should have a chambermaid?"

  "I suppose he would be if mamma desired it."

  "So you have to keep your own room in order, and dust the parlor, and doall manner of little odds and ends. I believe I saw you wiping somedishes in the kitchen this morning."

  "And it did not injure me," returned Kathie, laughingly.

  "But all this work makes your hands hard and red. Mine are as soft assatin. I believe no money would tempt me to sweep a room!"

  Ada uttered this in a very lofty fashion.

  "Mamma thinks it best for me to learn to do everything. She was broughtup in a good deal of luxury, but met with reverses afterward."

  Kathie smiled inwardly at the picture she remembered of the little roomwhere her mother used to sit and sew, and how _she_ did errands, s
wept,washed dishes, and sometimes even scrubbed floors. Her hands were notlarge or coarse, for all the work they had done.

  "I think it would be hard enough if one was compelled to do it. I amthankful that I have no taste for such menial employments. I do notbelieve that I could even toast a piece of bread"; and Ada leaned backin the low rocker, the very picture of complacency.

  Kathie was silent, revolving several matters in her mind "all in ajumble," as she would have said. She knew it would be useless toundertake to explain to Ada the great difference between their lives.Mamma, Aunt Ruth, and Uncle Robert believed in the great responsibilityof existence. Weeks, months, and years were not given to be squanderedaway in frivolous amusement. To do for each other was one of the firstconditions, not merely the small family circle, but all the wide worldoutside who needed help or sympathy. And if one did not know how to doanything--

  "But when you go to school you cannot do so much," pursued Ada. "Therewill be all your lessons. I suppose you will study French and Italian.You cannot think how I was complimented on my singing while I was atSaratoga. Several gentlemen said my pronunciation was wonderful in oneso young. I hope I shall be able to come out next summer."

  "Come out!" repeated Kathie, bewildered.

  "Yes, be regularly introduced to society. I am past fifteen, and growingtall rapidly. I hope I shall have an elegant figure. I want to be abelle. Don't you suppose you shall ever go to Saratoga?"

  "I don't know,"--dubiously.

  "It would be a shame for you to grow up here where there is no society.You would surely be an old maid, like your Aunt Ruth."

  "She isn't so very old," returned Kathie, warmly.

  "But every woman over twenty-five is an old maid. I mean to be marriedwhen I am eighteen."

  Kathie brushed out her hair, hung up her clothes, and waited for Ada toget into bed so that she might say her prayers in peace. Ada hadoutgrown "Our Father which art in heaven," and "had no knack of makingup prayers," she said.

  But it seemed to Kathie that there were always so many things for whichto give thanks, so many fresh blessings to ask. She almost wondered alittle, sometimes, if God didn't get tired of listening.


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